Thursday, September 5, 2013

Join the consciousness revolution and never look back

Join the consciousness revolution and never look back – Natural News Tracker

The real revolution means honest food and food freedom. The real revolution means independent media and personal liberty. The natural news revolution means being aware that consciousness is real. The dolphins and the whales are conscious. The children are marching at anti-GMO rallies. The bloggers are blogging and the word is spreading about organic living and being a part of the worthy cause – humanity, health, ethics and morals, giving, caring about the environment, and empathy for others in need. Drop your ego and see how much you can get done. Try it for a day. Don’t expect things to “come your way” or “go your way.” Just go. Go out and think about perfect beings, who exist in a state of absolute consciousness, eating perfect food, thinking pure thoughts, and helping people around them do the same. Wake up and read natural news for inspiration. You can create your own blog site via Natural News and be heard by thousands instantly. Did you know just writing a few lines about the truth can change your whole day? If you have a favorite ‘montra’ you can apply it to something new that will help others and that’s how you help yourself. Change the way you go about your day, right from the point that you sit up in bed to the time your head hits that pillow. Here’s where you start:
END THE W.I.I.F.M. (What’s in it for me) ATTITUDE
If you walk into every situation with the predisposition that something is either going to go wrong or right for YOU, then you have an ego problem. Too many people worry about “their own” so much that they don’t help anyone around them, and then they have bad luck (karma) and just can’t ever seem to “get what they want.” It’s very simple, but people make it too complicated. Lately, Natural News ( has been so much more enlightening that the readers may have doubled or tripled in just the last 6 months. Millions of people are waking up to share vital information about evolution and the mind, body, spirit and intelligence we should be enjoying more, every day, every hour, every minute. Here are some of my favorite articles by Mike Adams and just read the comments at the bottom* afterwards and you will see how much positivity is pouring out. This is like waves of energy rippling out in the ocean, reaching all 7 continents and hundreds of countries are a part of it. Just take a glance at the MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO that took place a few months back! Just read some of the articles about afterlife, heaven, and spiritual awakening. It’s amazing and it’s all thanks to the internet:
* “The power of a virtuous mind awakening to its full potential is infinitely more potent than any so called weapon of mass destruction”
“All our actions are recorded in the cosmos”
“Thanks to the internet, revolutions can now spread at the speed of broadband connections. New findings can be spread to tens of millions of people literally overnight, bypassing the mainstream media information controllers and political spin doctors.”
You see, news that runs through the newspaper and CNN and MSNBC, they get their hours to manipulate it, just like they did with the news in Vietnam. They filter out, twist, even edit their “live” video feeds, with delays and cut-to’s, so you won’t hear what you NEED to hear, and NEED to know. This is how the “news” gets made, not reported. This is studio “created” news, like a bad musician made to sound good in a studio. The edits, the retakes, the “losing your connection” is an order given by a producer, because the higher ups are demanding “certain things never be discussed.”
You need real news about what’s going on around you, so you can make an informed, intelligent decision, yourself, on what to do next, what to buy next, what NOT to buy next, and what NOT to worry about. Yes, we are intelligent. Let’s use it to stay focused on the beauty of life, the little things we love, the big picture that matters so much, and not get hung up being robots that go to work, pay bills, eat wrong, and die young. Let’s love longevity by fostering a spiritual and highly conscious way of improving everything around us, including ourselves. Be natural. Be organic yourself. Stimulate your mind, your mind’s eye, and make a difference.
Mike Adams delves into this mind (consciousness) revolution:
Our universe is far more than “the reductionist physical construct worshipped by conventional science”

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