Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kaiser Permanente Issues Warning on Genetically Engineered Food

December 1, 2012 | By  3 Replies
A health care institution is weighing in to warn people about potential dangers of genetically engineered (GE) food. On the heels of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ warning on pesticides, the nation’s largest nonprofit health care plan, Kaiser Permanente, has published in its print newsletter, Partners in Health, tips on limiting exposure to genetically engineered food. In the Fall 2012, Kaiser Permanente has published an article, “What you need to know about GMO: Limit exposure to genetically engineered organisms with these tips.”
This discussion in the health care sector is part of a growing involvement by health care practitioners in environmental health concerns related to pesticides and genetic engineering of the food supply. While Canadian medical groups have warned the public about the dangers of pesticides and supported phase-outs, institutions representing the medical community in the U.S. have been more reserved. In 2004, the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) in Canada strongly recommended that people reduce their exposure to pesticides wherever possible, after releasing a comprehensive review of research on the effects of pesticides on human health. OCFP’s Systematic Review of Pesticide Human Health Effects shows consistent pesticide links to serious illnesses such as cancer, reproductive problems and neurological diseases, among others. The study also shows that children are particularly vulnerable to pesticides.
In an interview with the Salem Weekly, an official with Kaiser indicated that the article does not represent Kaiser policy, but presents information that the plan thinks is important for its members to have. The official said, “Kaiser Permanente believes the ongoing research and debate on bioengineered foods, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), is important. We also recognize there are important conversations about related initiatives and propositions. While we believe these are important scientific and political debates, we do not have policy positions on these subjects.”
In the piece that was written by a Kaiser nutritionist, readers are told, “Despite what the biotech industry might say, there is little research on the long-term effects of GMOs on human health, independent researchers have found that several varieties of GMO corn caused organ damage in rats. Other studies have found GMOs may lead to an inability in animals to reproduce.” The article suggests that eating USDA certified organic food can help limit exposure to GMOs.
Because of the widespread and growing allowance of genetically engineered crops contamination through genetic drift has become an increasing problem for non-GE and organic crops.
This summer before the release of AC21’s (Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture) report, Enhancing Coexistence: A Report of the AC21 to the Secretary of Agriculture, to the Secretary of Agriculture in November, Beyond Pesticides said, “Specifically, we suggest the inclusion of a phrase in the definition [of the coexistence of GE and non-GE agriculture] stipulating that all parties are entitled to assurances against trespass from genetic drift. Coexistence of any kind should include a shared understanding of boundaries and a requirement under the penalty of law to respect those boundaries. Without any guarantee that coexistence will ensure cultivation without trespass, organic and non-GE farmers will be at a significant disadvantage and “coexistence” will result in a severely imbalanced system. Where trespass occurs, operations that are trespassing should be prevented from doing so.” Because of the certainty of GE contamination of organic crops, the National Organic Coalition commented on the AC21 report, “At the bare minimum, USDA must stop approving additional GE crops, and prevent GE contamination by mandating pollution prevention measures, as well as make transgenic polluters, including GE technology owners, pay for their contamination.”

The Healing Power of Marijuana Has Barely Been Tapped

November 29, 2012 | By  2 Replies
Allan Badiner, AlterNet
Waking Times
Medical marijuana is now legal in 18 states, but it’s clear we’ve discovered a fraction of its potential for health.
There are now legal medical cannabis programs in 18 states plus Washington, DC, with pot fully legal for adults in two other states. Ironically, however, the actual healing power of the plant has barely been tapped. Smoking marijuana with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), or better, vaporizing it (using a device to bake the plant material and inhale the active ingredients), has an indisputably palliative effect and can be medically useful for pain relief, calming and appetite stimulation. It already has confirmed benefits against glaucoma, epilepsy and other specific diseases and disorders. It also gets people high. THC triggers cannabinoid receptors in the brain and this produces the sensation of being stoned. These receptors are found in the parts of the brain linked to pleasure, memory, concentration, and time perception.
But, based mostly on research overseas there is an increasing consensus that the medicinal benefits of psychoactive THC pale in comparison to the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) from the leaves of the same plant–raw and unheated. Depending on the strain, some plants are high in CBD but also contain a lesser amount of THC which is said to enhance the healing potentiality. CBD does not make people feel “stoned” and actually counters some of the effects of THC (for example, suppressing the appetite vs. stimulating it). CBD is beginning to be recognized by researchers at mainstream medical institutions around the world as a potentially very powerful weapon against cancer.
Researchers Sean D. McAllister and Pierre Desprez, who conducted studies of CBD’s effect on cancer cells for California Pacific Medical Center, suggest that these non-psychoactive compounds from the cannabis plant might, in short order, render chemotherapy and radiation distant second and third options for cancer patients. Based on a more recent study, McAllister and Desprez feel that CBD’s “could stop breast cancer from spreading.”
Dr. Donald Abrams, a cancer specialist and professor of integrative medicine at UCSF, conducted early trials involving THC medical cannabis, and now he is excited about the powerful impacts of CBD on cancer cells. The National Cancer Institute was busy researching this in the 1970s, Abrams explains, but restrictions on the use of cannabis for research in the United States resulted in most of the research on this subject disappearing in the U.S., and being picked up in other countries, such as Israel, Spain and Italy. He says existing studies point to a remarkable ability of CBD to arrest cancer cell division, cell migration, metastasis, and invasiveness.
Other studies point to CBD as having great promise as a defense against Alzheimer’s disease. In a 2006 study published in Molecular Pharmaceutics, a team of University of Connecticut researchers reported that cannabis “could be considerably better at suppressing the abnormal clumping of malformed proteins that is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease than any currently approved prescription.” The research team predicted that cannabinoid-based medications “will be the new breakout medicine treatments of the near future.”
Medical cannabis has a long history of use, starting in India, and then in China and the Middle East some 6,000 years ago. It came to the West in the 1800s, where it was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia until the 1930s. Used for over 100 ailments, cannabis was a favorite of our grandparents for cough remedies, analgesics, and tonics and was available over the counter at every local drugstore as well as companies such as Sears, Roebuck and Co. Banned in 1937 via the Marijuana Tax Act as part of a politically and racially driven prohibition craze, it was gradually removed from the pharmacopeia and research was discouraged and later prohibited via drug scheduling. The FBI linked the herb with insanity and claimed a direct correlation between cannabis and violence, and even death, especially when used by people of color.

Currently, science increasingly recognizes the role that cannabinoids play in almost every major life function in the human body. It wasn’t until 1990 that endocannabinoids, produced by the human body, were discovered to act as a bio-regulatory mechanism for most human life processes and have receptors sites throughout the human body. CB2 receptors are found almost exclusively in the immune system, with the greatest density in the spleen. These CB2 receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and other newly recognized and very significant therapeutic effects of cannabis.
Cannabis medicine has distinct advantages. CBD, as well as THC, can be given in massive doses with no side effects. In fact, it has performed very effectively as an anti-psychotic when given in high doses. CBD selectively targets and destroys tumor cells while leaving normal healthy cells unmolested. On the other hand, chemotherapy and radiation are highly toxic and indiscriminately injure healthy cells in the brain and the body. Industrial hemp is often high in healing CBD and very low in THC. Hemp CBD is a waste product — it’s thrown out by the ton every year when it could easily be harvested for tumor shrinking.
Medical cannabis farm Tikun Olam in Israel has been developing a strain of cannabis that is high in CBD (15.8%) but very low in THC (1%). This new strain is called Avidekel and seems to have the highest CBD to THC ratio of any other variant strain. Zack Klein of Tikun Olam told Reuters: “Sometimes the high is not always what is needed. Sometimes it is an unwanted side effect. For some of the people it’s not even pleasant.”
The THC industry and its users worry that once CBD medicine grows in popularity, the medical badge might be torn from the sticky buds that makes being “stoned” possible. Aside from THC’s significant medical benefits, surely its ability to make people feel happier and less stressed should not be considered without therapeutic value. More likely, all options will thrive, and 1,000 cannabis flowers will blossom: Indica, Sativa, CBD + THC, CBD Only, etc.
Meanwhile, it’s useful to note that since 2003, the U.S. federal government has held a “medical patent” for the marketing of cannabinoids as antioxidants or neuroprotective agents. The patent states that cannabinoids are “useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases such as inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”
However, stoners may have it all wrong, medically speaking. It is unlikely a person can get a sufficient level of cannabidiol (pronounced kan-nəbə-dī’-ˌȯl) from smoking the raw plant to impact diseases like cancer in a curative manner, says Desprez. The marijuana plant offers many uses, but it may come as a surprise to most users that you have to choose early in a plant’s life if you want it to make you high or to heal you. Research suggests that cannabis is most beneficial when the whole spectrum of cannabinoids are represented, including some THC. It is the ratio of cannabinoids in a specific strain of cannabis that most determines its therapeutic potential. Juicing the cannabis leaves raw, along with some carrots or other green veggies, has proven very beneficial as it involves the ingestion of the acid form of cannabinoids, which are non-psychoactive (even the THC). Cannabis oil also has enthusiastic fans who claim it has cured their cancers.
In India there are still large numbers of people who partake in an ancient practice of having a fresh raw cannabis drink called “Thandai”  in which fresh cannabis leaves are made into a paste along with almonds, milk and sugar. This tasty drink is often consumed at religious festivals, and in some cities the government maintains distribution points for cannabis. A rolled sweet ball with similar ingredients is called “Bhang,” familiar for over a century to many Western seekers walking the ghats of sacred Banaras.
Cannabis edibles in the West are emerging as one of the fastest growing new sectors of the food industry. Dispensaries in 18 states offer such goodies as ice cream, cough drops, peanut butter, honey, saliva tea, and myriad baked goods and savory snacks–all dosed with THC.  Given the huge potential market for non-psychoactive cannabis, the introduction of CBD-rich medicine at the dispensary level has been surprisingly sluggish. Owners have been reluctant to stock CBD-rich strains or edibles because their present customers are seeking —or are not adverse to— cannabis that provides euphoria or sedation. THC content is a known seller. Once the medical benefits of non-psychoactive cannabis become more widely known, one can only imagine the variety and volume of CBD-rich foods that will rush to market.
Smoking, as opposed to vaporization, may be the least effective method of using cannabis as a medicine. But many raw cannabis users are convinced that CBD is the source of medical miracles. Restrictions on research have impacted the accuracy with which we can prescribe cannabis and determine the most effective and least harmful ways to utilize its benefits. Perhaps in the very near future, instead of smoking cannabis to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, cancer patients will be consuming raw non-psychoactive cannabis, and be healed without having to suffer the additional damage of radiation and chemotherapy at all.

The Coming World Government

December 7, 2012 | By  29 Replies
Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn
Waking Times
Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the death of millions… The world’s become a pretty dangerous and pitiful place to live in, and it only gets worse…
Which leads us to the obvious question: Why? Why is all this happening? Can we explain it away as Man’s wicked nature? Or his folly and ignorance? Perhaps just a series of bad mistakes and wrong turns on key issues?
Most everybody will have a ready reply, no doubt coloured by his or her own philosophical outlook. The more rational will say it’s just wrong decisions taken by normal people in an environment of growing complexity. Optimists will shrug their shoulders playing things down with the quaint statement that there’s always been war, persecution, poverty and corruption… Pessimists, as always, will complain that we’re all doomed, especially if they are “2012-repent-the-end-of-the-world-draws-nigh” types. What, then, should we think?

First, A Word About “Conspiracies…”

If you don’t buy any of the above explanations, and you feel that today’s calamities are being purposefully engineered – that some group of people somewhere control the course of world events – then be careful because you risk being branded another paranoid, hallucinating, conspiracy theory kook.
Don’t let that worry you too much because those who disqualify as mere “conspiracy theories” any attempt to put together an alternative model of how global power really works are either, (a) blissfully ignorant and believe in the “world according to CNN and FoxNews”; (b) near-sighted on key long-term geopolitical processes; or (c) purposely deceptive and thus have an axe to grind protecting the Global Power Elite, which always reacts with uneasiness whenever someone shines a light on them. I will only deal with the last of these options.
Debunking “conspiracy theory” accusations is really not all that hard because what is thus branded is really just normal human behaviour. Or should we yell “Conspiracy!” every time two or more people having common interests and goals come together to coordinate and articulate their actions, joining forces to promote such goals and objectives more easily and with a higher degree of certainty? We see this at work in our community, schools, even in our own families. Such normal human behaviour is so ubiquitous that nobody bothers to mention it – that is not until you point out the highest echelons of world power also do exactly the same.
Every time somebody says very powerful individuals and entities quite predictably also engage in common actions, planning, and agreements in order to achieve common goals, the “C-word” kicks in with all its might ready to kill any such line of thought or investigation dead in its tracks.
How dare you say that global bankers plot to manipulate money and finance so they can control economies, markets, governments and the media! How dare you insinuate that the rich and powerful create organisations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) or the Trilateral Commission to do their geopolitical mega planning supporting long-term Global Power Elite interests bent on imposing World Government on Mankind! How can you be so paranoid as to even suggest that Money Power uses its clout to place “their people” in the White House, Parliament, Downing Street, the Casa Rosada, and Editors’ desks in all major media outlets?
That is the mainstream reaction whenever we speak of bankers, oil men, defence contractors, politicians, journalists and their respective corporations, organisations, banks, lobbies, lodges, armies – who all most clearly do have common interests and objectives – coming together and using their vast money flows to exert iron-fist control over society. This is all so obvious that only very naïve people (or very cheeky “analysts” on the Elite payroll!) conclude otherwise. What is really naïve is to think that George Soros never picks up the phone to discuss mutual plans with Sir Henry Kissinger or Christine Lagarde; or that David Rockefeller never dines with his Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg brethren.
Don’t be taken aback by the “C” word. Whoever uses it to silence lucid and aware people do so because they know nothing is more dangerous to them than… lucid and aware people! 
Let’s now take a look at how the world really works, call it “conspiracy” or otherwise.

World Government

The dream of erecting a world government controlled by a very small, extremely powerful and elusive minority goes back several centuries. Its roots lie not just on the political stage but, more so, in social, cultural and religious spheres, often with symbolic, “occult” overtones.
In our time it has been variously described under the guise of “New World Order,” “One World,” “Over-World” and, more recently, “Globalisation.” Call it what you will, the facts are that national sovereignty, which is the ability of the People to organise around nation-states, to make the final decisions on their own affairs, from being a sharply defined concept is now so eroded and diffuse that no one can readily define exactly what sovereignty means today.
Maybe this would be acceptable if national sovereignty were lessened for the sake of better coping with global problems affecting Mankind as a whole – for the Common Good – however increasing famine, disease, contamination and war shows a very different picture. Why? The reason is that basically World Government is not emerging around robust global public institutions that have (or should have) the Public Good of We the People in the forefront, but rather around private organisations that have sectorial profit and interests at their forefront. In fact, the World Government we see rising before our eyes has one key, seldom mentioned, characteristic: it’s private.

Private Power

Let’s start from basics: what drives the world today is not justice, it’s not the pursuit of the Common Good, nor international law, nor ethical values, nor democracy. What governs the world is Power and today Power has been illegitimately amassed in the hands of a tiny usurping minority. What do we mean by “Power”?
Firstly, Power is the concrete ability to plan, promote, organise, and carry out actions, the results of which invariably lead to specific and desired objectives and goals in the short, medium and long terms. Power is the capacity and ability to make certain things happen irrespective of any resistance, and at the same time blocking certain other things from happening irrespective of their force; if need be by war…
This definition spans political, economic, industrial, financial, business, technological, cultural, psychological and (usually, in the last instance) military stages. The exercise of Power requires coordinated and intelligent use of all resources at hand – whether plentiful or lean, physical or virtual – with the view of achieving concrete objectives and goals.
Secondly, we should differentiate Formal Power from Real Power. What the media show us are the very high profile visible results of actions carried out by Formal Power structures, i.e., national governments, financial markets and the media. However, Real Power levers that make things happen are far less visible. They plan out what happens in the world, when it happens, where, and who makes it happen. Symmetries between Real Power and Formal Power help explain how our global system works. Let’s recap:
Real Power is centred on discrete proactive structures and organisations that drive concrete and effective political, economic and social processes in a nation, a region, a social class, a public or private institution, or a combination of these. Its effectiveness stems from its continuity in time that allows it to grow and leverage its capacity for world domination. Real Power structures drive causes which, although themselves not visible, nevertheless generate highly visible results.
Formal Power is centred on structures that are for the most part reactive executors of strategies and decisions emanating from Real Power structures. These include high profile structures like major multinational corporations, transnational banks, multimedia monopolies, key universities and the top echelons of government in all countries (presidents, cabinet members, congressmen, judges). Formal Power structures are accountable for high-profile effects that have their roots in low profile causes emanating from Real Power structures.
The conquest and use of power has much in common with surfing: a dangerous staying balanced, a perilous not falling off the board, a flexible control of speed, direction and pitch. Good surfers “ride the wave” just as Italian philosopher Julius Evola recommended we learn to “Ride the tiger...” Come to think of it power also seems to have a feline, hunting and preying style and gait to it.
This leads to the need of clearly grasping a fundamental and harsh “Law of Power”: Those who have Power use it to promote and drive their objectives and interests; those who do NOT have Power must suffer the consequences of the actions of those who do have the Power to promote and drivetheir objectives and interests. 
Here lie the roots of the dramatic situation most countries suffer today because power is no longer in the hands of people and organisations working towards the Common Good.

The Pyramid

It helps to approach Power from a Corporate viewpoint. After all, the modern corporation developed, thrived and survived enormously over centuries of time becoming a key driver in the on-going shift that “privatised” power, transferring the reins of control from public political institutions to eminently private economic structures articulated in three vertical hierarchical levels:
Shareholders, who are the real owners and controllers of the Corporation, even if they seldom or ever become involved in its operational and administrative processes. Shareholders focus on finance, not economic production;
Directors, who represent shareholders and supervise/oversee the correct, efficient and proper operation of the Corporation in accordance with shareholder interest. They are accountable for ensuring maximum growth of present and future stock yields with minimum expense, thus making the capitalist corporation intrinsically an antisocial agent.
Managers, who are well-paid employees accountable for the day-to-day running of the Corporation. Normally, they are trained and hard working specialists who add value to the Corporation through their talent, organisational skills and discipline.
Today the superstructure of a veritable World Government already exist, but for the most part we do not recognise it as such because the paradigms normally associated with the concept of “government” are not readily visible. Rather, since power has become privatised, today’s World Government has much more in common with traditional private power structures described above. This lies at the very foundations of “globalisation,” where power is private and “democracy” is the preferred political system through which private power structures control public government i.e., through money.
Therefore public power – “government” – in almost every country can only occupy the lower level of decision-making (President, Prime Minister, Congress, Parliament, etc.). Medium and upper level decisions all lie above or outside national governments and countries, so we the People have no access or control over them, even though they deeply affect us all. Let’s have a closer look at how this hierarchy of global power plays out in practice:
Top Level Decisions (i.e., the “Owners” of this world) – Geopolitical Scope
In the private corporate world, upper level decisions are taken by shareholders. In the public World Government this is done by the Global Power Elite. Save in major countries as the US, UK, Russia, China and France, national governments have little or no access to this upper decision level where the “Masters of the World” wield Real Power. This is all coordinated by and grouped around the following major axes dealing with the geopolitical:

Think Tanks – A compact, hierarchical, seamless and very powerful global network of geostrategic planning centres – so-called “think tanks” – notably, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs (“Chatham House”), World Economic Forum, Project for a New American Century (PNAC), amongst others. Their job is to plan out the long-term development of complex political, economic, financial, technological, military and cultural processes, integrating them into consistent, sustainable and complex geopolitical models, geared to achieving growing long-term national, regional and global domination.
Finance Dynastic Families wielding immense economic, financial and social power and fortune since generations, even centuries: i.e., Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon, Bin-Laden, Bush, Buffet and others.
Royal Dynasties and Noble Bloodlines who wielded social, economic, religious and financial Power for centuries (i.e., the ruling nobilities of Britain, Holland, Spain, Belgium, as well as the “uncrowned nobilities” in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Portugal). They closely link-in with their counterparts in Islamic sheikdoms and patrician financial “nobilities” in the US and Far East.
Religious Organisations – Political structures of key religious faiths, notably The Vatican, Church of England, Lutheran and Calvinist Churches, the Jewish Sanhedrin, Evangelical and Pentecostal organisations, many of them staunchly pro-Zionist;
Supranational Political Structures – Freemasonry, Zionism, International Social Democracy, International Christian Democracy, various NGO’s and lobbies. Here we find the highest echelons of global power coming together at its pyramidal apex. No doubt, whatever lies behind “Illuminati” tradition dwells here: a compact Round Table of “Elders” representing money power, Dynastic families, Kings, Queens and Sheiks, Vatican priests, Rabbis, Lutheran and Anglican clergy, and the bloodlines from where the future “King of the World” shall arise. The buck stops there.
Organised Crime – Not surprisingly organised crime interacts with “legitimate” power structures and may even be created by them under various “operational agreements.” This brings under the fold variousMafias, arms dealers, drug cartels, money launderers, plus their respective financial managers. Boundaries are not clear-cut because organised criminal groups seem to have successfully embedded themselves into “legitimate” organisations, including the CIA, MI6, Mossad, DEA, FBI, SEC, financial institutions, stock exchanges, and armed and security forces. The New World Order power structure contains pacts and agreements forged with major criminal organisations willing to respect and abide by unwritten guidelines and rules of engagement.

Mid-Level Decisions (the “Deciders”) – Strategic Scope

In the private corporate world, these are in the hands of the Directors. In the public World Government this refers to a set of major players: multinational corporations, transnational financial institutions, media monopolies, major universities, and specific sectors in all national governments, notably in the areas of foreign policy, economics and defence.
They direct and channel huge resources to finance political campaigns that promote previously screened, selected and approved political parties and candidates, maintaining a credible balance and image in order to ensure the electorate always have the – albeit, false – impression that “the people elect those who govern them”: let’s call this the “democracy game.”
Monopoly multimedia organisations, in turn, execute intense short-term PsyOps campaigns (e.g., right before an election), whilst the educational system executes medium- and long-term psychological pressure to ensure the population at large believe, accept, embrace and play the “democracy game” questioning little or nothing about it.

Lower Level Decisions (Day-to-Day “Operators”) – Operational Scope

In the private corporate world, these are in the hands of Managers. In the public World Government, these are “the Authorities”: i.e., governments, law enforcement agencies, armed & security forces, controlling and supervisory entities, and the like. It includes “The President” or “Prime Minister” as head of the Executive Branch, Congressmen and women (or Parliamentarians) in the Legislative, and judges in the Judiciary branches of public government.
A nation’s president or prime minister is thus limited to merely executing short-term management level decisions during their short tenures in office (usually, three or four years with, perhaps, one possible re-election term: clearly too short a span to consolidate continuity of power). They can be described as the “CEO’s” of our countries with clipped wings and permanently challenged by a similar tightly controlled group of pre-selected “opposition” candidates, also canvassed, screened and approved by the “Directors” and “Shareholders” of the Global Power Elite who control the whole democracy game, financing costly election campaigns and media-based PsyOps.


Another major cause of violence and conflict today is that financial, economic and social processes have very different dynamics and their own “time” factors, so to speak:
Finance (High Speed Change) – Modern technology allow finance to move instantaneously as financial operators and players around the world speculate, invest, divest, migrate from one market to another, from one currency to another, using extremely powerful computer, software and telecom networks at the speed of light, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dynamics: Finance’s “time” runs in seconds and minutes, and has become highly automated. This huge advantage helps to explain why Finance today reigns supreme over us all.
Economy (Moderate Speed Change) – Economic processes run at a much slower pace because building cars, airplanes, and TV sets; manufacturing cookies and clothing; rendering services, erecting plants and factories; training and recruiting workers, requires planning, knowledge, time and effort.
Dynamics: Economy’s “time” runs in days, weeks, months, even years. The Real Economy thus operates at a slower speed than Virtual Finance to which it is unnaturally subordinated.
Societal (Slow Speed Change) – Collective processes governing changes in mental paradigms, ethical values, social customs, habits and styles, etc., are much, much slower still. Today, we experience unprecedented social and cultural “re-engineering” on a planetary scale. The two main instruments driving Social Change are:
The School System – Education on social, cultural, economic and political matters has become distorted, contaminated, deconstructed, eroded, emptied of content and turned upside down, on all manners that need accommodating and alignment to support and promote the mental profile that Global Power Elite planners demand.
The Media – Aside from distorting our world view of reality through the press, it also uses “entertainment” and “show business” to promote demoralising, destructive, often perverse content, inspired by the age-old collective dumbing-down method prevalent in the latter days of the Roman Empire – panem et circenses: bread and circuses – with the “added value” of today’s technologies.
Dynamics: Social and cultural change is very slow. Its “time” runs in decades, generations; even centuries.

The “Wheel” of World Power

Today’s global geopolitical power architecture would look something like this:
Major Multinational Industrial Corporations – The Fortune 500 of industry, services, retailing, oil, energy, mining, R&D, defence, aerospace, foodstuff, agricultural, chemical, construction, shipping, consulting, etc.
Private Financial Institutions – Inter- and trans-national banks, financial consultants, risk-rating agencies, stock exchanges, fund managers, insurance and reinsurance companies, pensions and investment funds, etc.
Multilateral National and Supranational Entities – The International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Bank of International Settlements, all national central banks, notably the US Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank, the United Nations, and others.
Universities and Academia – In political science, international and government relations, and economics (i.e., Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Chicago, Stanford, Georgetown, Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics).
Multimedia Monopolies – The New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, CNN-Time Warner, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, BBC, The Economist, Der Spiegel, Foreign Affairs, Reuters.
Government – Key domestic and foreign policy, economic, financial and monetary posts.
In order to serve New World Order goals and interests, this “Wheel of Power” must spin in a specificdirection, steered from its hub which is controlled by a discrete, though not secret, network of think-tanks and geopolitical planning centres, acting flexibly, sequentially and consistently. It gives each of the major axes of power their specific “libretto,” to act out so that each, at the right time, does what it needs to do within a much wider plan spanning the world for decades to come.

This is a highly hierarchical, disciplined, pyramid-like scheme and as we observe its operators and players further down the pyramid they become increasingly numerous and less aware of the “full picture.” As in the intelligence community, each player operates on a “need to know” basis, where only those at the very top or near the apex can have a bird’s eye view of what is happening, and how everything ties in neatly into a long-term Master Plan. For those with a taste for the symbolic, that’s the All-Seeing Eye symbol on the US one-dollar bill…

Big Money Power

Big money power is profoundly anti-democratic. It has always surprised me the way politicians, the media, “intellectuals,” academics and opinion-makers speak mouthfuls about “democracy” insisting it be imposed upon everybody everywhere and yet we never hear a word about the urgent need ofdemocratising finance and the economy. There’s a taboo around that idea, even though it is absolutely plain for all to see that finance and the economy are governed by strict authoritarianism of a most undemocratic flavour. However, none of the people who should point this out to global public opinion – journalists, analysts, politicians – dare do so.
Poderoso Señor es Don Dinero” – Money is a Powerful Lord – wrote Spanish poet Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas four centuries ago. And it is certainly sobering to see how this powerful gentleman, “Lord Money,” marches ever so strong in our terrible 21st century.
World Government is already upon us. For many decades it has functioned as a sort of global “shadow government” preparing to take a major leap to become a formal and “legally” binding World Government. It confronts the world with a system of thought in which “democracy” and capitalism contain their own values, which means that in order to participate in them, we must accept those values; even transcendental values on such matters as justice, happiness and the like. Citizens must therefore give up their minds to the System, which is neither political nor economic, but rather a system of consciousness.
Democracy and capitalism are systems of consciousness. People do not realise this but their minds are determined by these systems. This is why democracy and capitalism represent a totalitarian regime. Totalitarianism means total control of society… never has there been totalitarianism as strong as we have today. The totalitarianism of the democratic and capitalist systems is so sophisticated, that even our desires are determined by the System. We desire that which society wishes we desire.
It cannot be said loud enough. If true democracy is government of, by and for the majority of We the People for the purpose of protecting and promoting the Common Good, and the “democracy game” we’re all forced to play today is fully subservient and subordinated to UNdemocratic money power, then it follows that there is NO democracy, anywhere.
Not to understand this is not to understand how the global power system really works which, in turn, means not being able to arrive at a correct diagnosis as to why things are going badly in this world. And if we don’t get our diagnostics right, then no cure will ever be found for this sickly state of affairs. It’s high time we open our minds and eyes to this!

Fluoride Accumulation In Your Pineal Gland May Cause Cancer, ADHD, and Early Puberty

December 7, 2012 | By  2 Replies
Dr. Mercola
Waking Times
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located between the two hemispheres of your brain. It is sometimes called the “third eye” due to its resemblance to the human retina. While your pineal gland is only about the size of a single grain of rice (5-8 mm), it performs several functions that are extremely important to your body.
One main role of your pineal gland is to produce melatonin, the natural sleep hormone that plays a vital role in your normal sleep function. Melatonin is not only necessary for proper sleep however, it also regulates the onset of puberty and fights against harmful free radicals. When your pineal gland function is suppressed, melatonin production suffers and you are putting yourself at risk for a number of startling conditions including:
Alzheimer’s diseaseCircadian dysregulationInsomnia
Bipolar diseaseHormone imbalances: low melatoninLow back pain

When Your Pineal Gland Stress Leads, Disease Follows

Any form of pineal gland stress is concerning due to its integral role in your body, which has been studied for thousands of years. In the third century, a prominent Roman physician named Galen described the pineal gland as the “seat of the soul.”
This term was referenced once more by the prominent philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650), who went on to write about the pineal gland in depth. Adding to Galen’s thoughts on the gland, Descartes stated:
“My view is that this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.”
One form of pineal gland stress is known as pineal gland calcification — the cause of which may be shocking to you. Sodium fluoride, present in your drinking water and certain store-bought products, and other sources such as Prozac (fluoxetine), fluoroquinolone antibiotics and non-stick cookware could all be contributing to the alarming increase in pineal gland calcification.
I have been warning you about the toxic effects of fluoride for years, and during this time more and more scientists have begun to recognize the dangers. There are so many studies highlighting the toxic effects of fluoride on your body, particularly affecting brain function, yet remarkably, a majority of the tap water in the United States, as well as a few other countries, is still heavily fluoridated.
The connection between pineal gland calcification and fluoride intake may very well be one of the most vital pieces of information in the fight against water fluoridation. You see, up until the 1990′s, no research had ever been conducted on the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland. However, we now have major universities discovering that your pineal gland is a primary target of fluoride accumulation in your body.

Research Confirms Pineal Gland as a Major Fluoride Collector

Thanks to research first conducted by the University of Surrey in England in 1997, it is now known that the soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in your body. In fact, the levels of pineal gland fluoride examined in the study were high enough to inhibit enzymes.
When your enzymes are damaged, it can lead to collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression. It can also cause problems with your:
  • Immune system
  • Digestive system
  • Respiratory system
  • Blood circulation
  • Kidney function
Pineal gland fluoride levels were measured at ~330 parts per million (ppm). The EPA currently sets the maximum allowed level of sodium fluoride in the drinking water at 4 ppm. This is nothing compared to the amount of fluoride found to be stored in the harder tissues of your pineal gland known as hyroxyapatite crystals. Fluoride levels observed in the hard tissue were found to be as high as 21,000 ppm. Hyroxyapatite crystals store more fluoride than any other hard tissue in your body, including teeth and bone.
After researchers concluded that the pineal gland was a major target for extreme fluoride accumulation in your body, they decided to conduct a series of experiments to determine if it was enough to impact the functioning of the gland, particularly melatonin production. Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England led the researchers in performing the study.
The results were surprising even to the scientists on the research team. Animals treated with fluoride not only had lower levels of melatonin as expected, but female animals experienced an early onset of puberty. Due to the interference of melatonin production in the animals in response to the fluoride treatment, the hormonal triggers that are responsible for puberty were disturbed.
Dr. Luke summarized the findings:
“In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty.”

The Early Puberty Connection

U.S. girls are reaching puberty at younger ages than ever before. In the 1990s, breast development — the first sign of puberty in girls — at age eight was considered an abnormal event that should be investigated by an endocrinologist. However, by 1999, following a 1997 study that found almost half of African Americans and 15 percent of whites had begun breast development by age eight, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society suggested changing what is viewed as “normal.”
Could pineal gland calcification be the cause of early puberty in young girls?
As mentioned earlier, the major study performed by the University of Surrey in England says absolutely YES. The connection between gland calcification and an early onset of puberty was even mentioned as a main point in the study’s summary by Dr. Luke.
It is important to remember that the groundbreaking study was conducted in 1997, before the 1999 research that brought to light the epidemic of early puberty. We have known all of this time about the correlation between fluoride exposure and early puberty, yet there has been little coverage of the subject!

The Explosion of Information on Pineal Gland Toxicity

Following the initial breakthroughs on the link between fluoride and pineal gland calcification, scientists began to examine the issue more closely. In 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) released its report: “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards.”
The NRC began working on the report in 2003 as requested by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to review the latest research on fluoride toxicity and assess the EPA’s current safe drinking water standards for fluoride. In 2006, the report was released with a summary that backed up the work of Dr. Luke and her research team who conducted the first experiment on the role fluoride plays in pineal gland calcification back in 1997. The summary was printed in the National Academies Press, Washington D.C. P221-22:
“The single animal study of pineal function indicates that fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity… Recent information on the role of the pineal organ in humans suggests that any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease.”

Mainstream Medical Community Still in the Dark about Fluoride

There are so many scientific studies showing the direct, toxic effects of fluoride on your body, it’s truly remarkable that it’s NOT considered a scientific consensus by now. It truly amazes me that the medical (and dental) communities are so stubbornly resistant to connect the dots when it comes to the skyrocketing increase of cognitive decline in adults (Alzheimer’s and various dementia’s), and behavioral issues in children (ADD, ADHD, depression and learning disabilities of all kinds).
In fact, there have been over 23 human studies and 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage. This includes such effects as:
Reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsDamage to your hippocampusFormation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer’s disease)
Reduction in lipid contentDamage to purkinje cellsExacerbation of lesions induced by iodine deficiency
Impaired antioxidant defense systemsIncreased uptake of aluminumAccumulation of fluoride in your pineal gland
What is perhaps most surprising is that the harmful effects of fluoride have been known about by conventional medical organizations for over half a century. The Journal of the American Medical Association also stated in their September 18, 1943 issue that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of the cell membrane by certain enzymes.
And, an editorial published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, October 1, 1944, stated:
“Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. We cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances. The potentialities for harm outweigh those for good.”
Yet, this element, or as some may call it, this caustic industrial chemical, is deliberately added to about two-thirds of U.S. public water supplies. Now that it has been established that fluoride is extremely toxic to the health of you and your family, what can be done to prevent exposure?

Limiting Exposure to Toxic Fluoride and Other Substances

As mentioned, fluoride currently contaminates nearly 70 percent of the U.S. public water supplies. Therefore, it is an extreme challenge to limit your exposure even inside the safety of your own home. For people living in areas with fluoridated tap water, fluoride is a part of every glass of water, every bath and shower, and every meal cooked using that water.
Fluoride is not the only toxic substance in your tap water, however.
While chlorine is right at the heart of this matter, there is an even larger threat to your health. It is important to understand that when chlorine interacts with organic matter found in your water, disinfection byproducts (DBPs) form. And these DBPs are far more toxic than the chlorine itself. In fact, DBPs are responsible for the vast majority of the toxic effects of chlorinated water… toxic effects that can potentially lead to…
  • Increased cancer, asthma, and skin irritation risks
  • Respiratory irritation and fatigue
  • Weakening of your immune system
The problem is that a hot steamy shower:
  • Triggers your skin pores to open, which in turn…
  • Spikes a high absorption rate of chlorine and other chemicals directly into your system and…
  • Helps create a ‘free pass’ of foreign chemicals into your body fluids and bloodstream – unlike drinking tap water where your digestive processes at least get a chance to filter out some of the harmful contaminants.