Saturday, November 16, 2013

11 Ways to Access the Field of the Heart

More Consciousness Articles

November 16, 2013 | By  1 Reply
Flickr - Heart - aussiegallMelissa Joy, Contributor
Waking Times
The field of the heart provides us with direct access to our inner voice, our inner wisdom, and our inner chamber of limitless potential. The field of the heart creates a coherent connection with universal consciousness. There are no limitations when accessing the field of the heart, and similarly, there are no limitations to the infinite methods or strategies for noticing, listening, and speaking from the field of the heart.
When attention takes us to a particular space or place within an individual’s field, we are not just interacting with that space or place. We are interacting with information. Consider that everything in the universe is comprised of light, information, and resonance. When we observe a particular space or place, we create resonance with the information embedded within what we notice. It is the very act of observing information that provides a vehicle for transformation to occur.
That is why things appear to change when we observe a particular space or place. We aren’t really doing anything other than observing fields of information. However, the act of observing entangles the observer with the observed, and this facilitates a different resonance with, or expression of, the information. The information nestles within torsion fields. Torsion fields are considered to exist everywhere in universal consciousness.
The field of the heart is a torsion field. It presents as a doughnut comprised of two counter-rotating fields, with the inner torsion spinning in one direction and the outer torsion spinning in the opposite direction. Within these torsion fields, there is a vortex. Within the vortex, information as potential couples with the torsion fields. This creates a certain amount of inertia and momentum simultaneously, which helps the information pop through the vacuum as form, action and experience. In-form-ation as possibility creates experience directly from the field of the hear.
The torsion field of the heart is the very first thing that appears to form, even before the physical heart comes into manifestation, and everything emanates from that state of pure torsion. When you access the field of the heart, you are accessing pure potentiality before that potentiality separates out from itself as experience.
The reason we drop down into the field of the heart is that it allows us to access that state of pure potentiality or neutrality (new-to-our-reality). From the field of the heart we can access pure, undifferentiated states of information and energy potential before the information separates out as form, action or experience. The heart field is the gateway to All that is, and All that is yet to be experienced.
When we drop down into the field of the heart, we don’t really initially feel, notice, or think anything related to the experience because it’s not experience yet. Rather, it is an experience of no experience, that which is pure potentiality. Everything that we do in Matrix Energetics, we do from this pure potentiality and neutrality that is found in the field of the heart. From the field of the heart we easily access transformation because we are actually going back to before the collapse of the wave function.
We create resonance with a pattern before that pattern has been separated, identified and named as a particular experience. So when we work with a shoulder, it’s not a shoulder, because a shoulder is something that has been separated out from the whole, identified, and named as a ‘shoulder.’ In the naming of this pattern there are corresponding references that limit what is possible for that shoulder because of all the thoughts and beliefs that accompany the world of shoulders as ‘shoulder-dom’.
There is too much should in shoulders. We are seeking options.
We don’t label it. We don’t name it. It is just a pattern. The pattern becomes pure potentiality, and in that state there exist equally weighted possibilities. This facilitates the probability of transformation into actuality.
Some suggestions for dropping into the heart:
  1. Breathe in. On exhale, simply relax your physiology: Drop your shoulders and allow your awareness to relax into the center of your being or physical body. Notice the calmness and stillness and absence of thought. From this space, notice what you notice. What information begins to well up from your inner being?
  2. Ask an open-ended question, like “What would I notice if I were to allow my awareness to move back into the heart-field?” or “Where am I in relation to the field of my heart?” Follow that awareness and connect to it.  From this space, notice what you notice.
  3. Consider that the field of the heart is what you are. The electromagnetic field of the heart is the first thing that pops through the vacuum, even before the physical heart forms. Therefore, you are always in your heart. It is awareness and thoughts that move us out of resonance with being in the heart space.
  4. Elevator (e-love-ator): Observe an elevator in your head. See a miniature version of yourself stepping into the elevator and allow for the doors to close. Press the down button. Follow your awareness as the elevator descends out of your head, down through your throat and even further down into your chest cavity. Allow for the elevator doors to open. Notice what you notice when you step into that space of no space and no place.
  5. Take a moment to feel into someone or something that you love unconditionally. Feel that connection. Notice the feeling and allow for that feeling to move through your entire body. Invite that feeling to center in the torsion field of your heart and then ask it to speak to you.
  6. Through the recognition that the field of the heart is connected to everything, notice in your awareness how you are not separate as a separate body or being. See yourself as an effervescent Vitamin C tablet. Drop yourself through awareness as a vitamin C tablet into a glass of water and feel within yourself as your sense of separation dissolves. Notice that you feel a sense of dropping in and expanding out simultaneously. There is no separation between you and everything else. You are present in the here and now and also present everywhere. Ask your heart what it would tell you if you were to begin to listen to it now.
  7. Get silly! See a waterslide from your head to your heart with a pool in the field of the heart. Energetically pop your eyeballs out of your head, drop them onto the slide and let them drop into the pool with a big splash. As your eyeballs resurface, notice your attention from the field of the heart.
  8. Notice the constant flow of thoughts in your brain or awareness without attachment. The more we have thoughts the less likely we are able to listen to our heart. See your thoughts as clouds floating by. Do not attach to them. Observe them neutrally with a sense of curiosity and no judgment. Observing thoughts and experiences without judgment keeps us in a state of heart-centered awareness.
  9. Pay attention to genuine desires. Desires well up from the field of the heart and are cues or placeholders for our awareness to get our attention. Desires ARE the language of our heart speaking to us. When we listen, we move into a flow where desires become manifestations and experiences.
  10. Trust yourself. One way to begin noticing, speaking and listening from the heart is to start by trusting in yourself. The more you develop a sense of trust in yourself, the more the heart becomes the leading navigator in consciousness. The intellect will follow the heart-s intelligence the more you resonate in trust.
  11. Let go of all sense of not being in your heart. The thought of a problem can become the problem. Ask yourself “If I knew what I might notice were I to listen to my heart, regardless of what anyone else might suggest, what methods of dropping into my heart might I discover?”
About the Author
Melissa Joy is the President of Matrix Energetics International and is also the Co-Instructor of the Matrix Energetics system of transformation. She has played an integral role with the organization since 2007 and began co-teaching seminars with Dr. Bartlett in 2008. Melissa embodies the principles of Matrix Energetics and heart-centered living and epitomizes that change is readily accessible to anyone. She loves teaching Matrix Energetics and sharing this work with others.
Prior to Matrix Energetics, Melissa spent 13 years in the pharmaceutical industry.  She realized that a career in marketing drugs was no longer meaningful to her. This began her exploration into holistic health and alternative medicine.
Her search led her to a Matrix Energetics seminar in 2006. Intrigued, she began her study with Dr. Bartlett that same year and attended every seminar offered. In 2007, Melissa partnered with Matrix Energetics to offer business and organizational expertise. That same year she became one of the first Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioners.
She has a BA in Psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She also completed graduate studies at Pepperdine University’s Graziado School of Business and Management.
As a respected expert, Melissa teaches and is a sought-after speaker at learning facilities like The Omega Institute, and conferences such as The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), The New Life Festival, The Conscious Life Expo, The What The Bleep!? European Conference, The IAK Congress on “Leaps of Consciousness” and others. Her written work has been published in notable publications, such asVISION Magazine, Wisdom Magazine, Natural Awakenings, EdgeLife, Aquarius: Sign of the Times, and others. She’s a frequent guest on radio programs and known for her accessibility on social media.

The "Bill of Rights" of the United States of America

The Amendments
The first ten amendments to the Constitution were all adopted at the same time and are collectively known as the Bill of Rights.
The 1st Amendment protects the people's right to practice religion, to speak freely, to assemble (meet), to address (petition) the government, and of the press to publish.
The 2nd Amendment protects the right to own guns. There is debate whether this is a right that protects the state, or a right that protects individuals.
The 3rd Amendment guarantees that the army cannot force homeowners to give them room and board.
The 4th Amendment protects the people from the government improperly taking property, papers, or people, without a valid warrant based on probable cause (good reason).
The 5th Amendment protects people from being held for committing a crime unless they are properly indicted, that they may not be tried twice for the same crime, that you need not be forced to testify against yourself, and from property being taken without just compensation. It also contains due process guarantees.
The 6th Amendment guarantees a speedy trial, an impartial jury, that the accused can confront witnesses against them, and that the accused must be allowed to have a lawyer.
The 7th Amendment guarantees a jury trial in federal civil court cases. This type of case is normally no longer heard in federal court.
The 8th Amendment guarantees that punishments will be fair, and not cruel, and that extraordinarily large fines will not be set.
The 9th Amendment is simply a statement that other rights aside from those listed may exist, and just because they are not listed doesn't mean they can be violated.
The 10th Amendment is the subject of some debate, but essentially it states that any power not granted to the federal government belongs to the states or to the people. See the Federalism Topic Page for more information.
The 11th Amendment more clearly defines the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court concerning a suit brought against a state by a citizen of another state.
The 12th Amendment redefines how the President and Vice-President are chosen by the Electoral College, making the two positions cooperative, rather than first and second highest vote-getters. It also ensures that anyone who becomes Vice-President must be eligible to become President.
The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the entire United States.
The 14th Amendment ensured that all citizens of all states enjoyed not only rights on the federal level, but on the state level, too. It removed the three-fifths counting of slaves in the census. It ensured that the United States would not pay the debts of rebellious states. It also had several measures designed to ensure the loyalty of legislators who participated on the Confederate side of the Civil War.
The 15th Amendment ensures that race cannot be used as a criteria for voting.
The 16th Amendment authorizes the United States to collect income tax without regard to the population of the states.
The 17th Amendment shifted the choosing of Senators from the state legislatures to the people of the states.
The 18th Amendment abolished the sale or manufacture of alcohol in the United States. This amendment was later repealed (erased).
The 19th Amendment ensures that gender cannot be used as a criteria for voting.
The 20th Amendment set new start dates for the terms of the Congress and the President, and clarifies how the deaths of Presidents before swearing-in would be handled.
The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment.
The 22nd Amendment set a limit on the number of times a President could be elected - two four-year terms. It has one exception for a Vice-President who assumes the Presidency after the death or removal of the President, establishing the maximum term of any President to 10 years.
The 23rd Amendment grants the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) the right to three electors in Presidential elections.
The 24th Amendment ensured that no tax could be charged to vote for any federal office.
The 25th Amendment clarifies even further the line of succession to the Presidency, and establishes rules for a President who becomes unable to perform his duties while in office.
The 26th Amendment ensures that any person 18 or over may vote.
The 27th Amendment requires that any law that increased the pay of legislators may not take effect until after an election.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Obamacare 'fix' affirms Obama as absolute dictator with power to change laws as he pleases


Friday, November 15, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: Obamacare fixabsolute powerdictator

(NaturalNews) In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a "fix" yesterday that would "allow" health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven't already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.

In doing so, Obama effectively declares himselfabsolute dictator over all laws across the country, assuming the power to enforce, ignore or alter laws at he pleases.

The problem with this is that such powers do not exist in the Office of the President. Like everything else surrounding Obamacare, Obama himself is simply inventing new powers as he goes along and hoping no one will question his assumed (illegal) authority.

"The unexpected compromise was announced amid growing revolt within Mr. Obama's own party over his broken promise that Americans who liked their insurance could keep it. But it sparked another backlash as some legal scholars questioned whether the president had the authority to create the loophole," reports the Washington Times.

It also, by the way, thrust the insurance industry into a state of chaos where insurance companies now have no idea what's going to be "law" tomorrow, next month or next year. Apparently Obama can simply change his mind at any time and decide that insurance companies are suddenly engaged in mass criminal activities which can then be prosecuted under the law as it is written.

Beware of presidents who claim absolute power over Congress

This is how Hitler rose to power, of course. It's how every tyrant throughout history got his start. It's also precisely what the United States Constitution prohibits in Article II, Section 3, where the language demands that the President "take care that laws be faithfully executed."

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say any President can simply choose to selectively ignore laws passed by Congress. Thus, Obama's new "fix" is blatantly illegal from the start.

Even if it were legal under the U.S. Constitution, it is clearly discriminatory, allowing the White House to essentially decide which insurance companies "get" to be ignored by the law and which companies will be prosecuted for "illegally" keeping policies in place that violate the Affordable Care Act as written. This only creates yet more centralization of power in the White House, giving them the tools to silence dissent among insurance companies by wielding prosecutorial discretion as a political weapon.

Obama unleashes economic despair and market chaos on America

The health insurance industry is now suffering from a case of regulatory whiplash. Obama's enforcement of federal law seems to change with the direction of the wind, and his highly irresponsible, immature actions are causing extreme market destabilization.

At this point, insurance companies have no idea what to believe. Nor do consumers who are shopping for plans. remains in a disastrous state and even though Obama has now announced his unconstitutional "fix" for people to keep their health care plans, there exists no government-legalized mechanism for insurance companies to reinstate policies already cancelled!

Thus, all the policies already cancelled are dead and gone forever. So it's not even clear how Obama's so-called "fix" helps anyone at all.

Like everything else in the Obama administration, this "fix" is nothing more than deceptive smooth talking to gloss over a problem and promote the delusion that everything is working just fine.

Obama's campaign promise of "hope and change" has become a joke. Sometimes hope is little more than false hope pretending to be real. And sometimes, the most charming, slick talking salesman is actually a con artist. Kevin Trudeau is in prison right now for lying about a weight loss book. Obama lied to the whole country about a far more serious issue, and he gets rewarded with even more power in his unconstitutional effort to "fix" the very problem he caused in the first place.

Sometimes the Dirty Jobs are the Best (11/14/13)

WDRB 41 Louisville News Posted: Nov 14, 2013 3:53 PM CSTUpdated: Nov 15, 2013 12:15 PM CST

WDRB 41 Louisville News
TV host and Ford spokesman Mike Rowe has crafted an image as an intelligent, no-nonsense kind of guy who gets things done by working hard and smart and not being afraid to get dirty.
But that's not just an image.
Recently, Rowe has used his fame to promote an initiative called "Profoundly Disconnected," that challenges - as his website says - "the absurd belief that a four-year degree is the only path to success." He contends that the vast majority of jobs today do NOT require a four-year degree, but instead require training, and a truly useful skill. And that many people currently incurring crippling debt to attend college could be better served by attending technical or trade schools instead.
It's a great common sense message. But I'm even more impressed by Rowe's willingness to promote it without regard for political considerations. In recent months conservatives blasted him for appearing with Bill Maher while liberals howled when he sat in with Glenn Beck. But his response to both groups was, "You want to know 'how I can associate' with someone you don't like? The short answer is, how can I not? How are we ever going to accomplish anything in this incredibly divisive time if we associate only with people we don't disagree with?"
There's more wisdom in those few words than most people know. And I hope Mike Rowe's message gets the attention it deserves.
I'm Bill Lamb, and that's my Point of View.

Devil or Angel, Whichever You Are? Bill Maher or Glenn Beck?

Shannon K. Walsh wrote on The Real Mike Rowe Facebook page, ” Mike – How could you associate with such a horrible and psychotic person that is Glen Beck? I wouldn’t accept a dime off that hateful, naMike Maher Becksty racist. Very disappointed to see this post.”
Well, hi there, Shannon – and a pleasant good morning to you too!
If you want a detailed answer to your question, please take a moment to read my earlier reply to Bob Reidel, another crestfallen soul who couldn’t reconcile my association with a TV host that he personally despised. As you read it (out loud, if possible, and in a public place), kindly replace the words “Bob Reidel” with “Shannon K. Walsh,” and “Bill Maher” with “Glenn Beck.” But prepare yourself – you might be forced to conclude that my true objective here has little to do with winning or losing your approval.
As for your personal characterization of Glenn Beck, I can only assume you have information not available to me. In my time with him, I saw nothing “horrible, psychotic, hateful, or nasty.” I smelled no burning sulfur, no smoldering brimstone, and saw no sign of cloven hooves.
To the contrary, I found a very passionate guy who employs about 300 people, works his butt off, and puts his money where his mouth is. Do we agree on everything? Of course not. Am I “disappointed” by that fact? Not at all. The real question, Shannon, is … why are you?
To be clear, I’m not here to tell you what to think or whom to hate. Like everyone else, you’re free to pick your devils, choose your angels, and attach the horns and halos accordingly.
But the guts of your question – even without all the name-calling and acrimony – reveal the essence of what’s broken in our country. You want to know “how I can associate” with someone you don’t like? The short answer is, how can I not? How are we ever going to accomplish anything in this incredibly divisive time if we associate only with people that we don’t disagree with?
PS. Not only did Glenn hand me a check for $25,000 made out to the mikeroweWORKS scholarship fund, he invited me to shoot a few PSAs on his set and offered to air them on his network for free. You know how many other networks have offered to do that? Not one. In addition, his viewers have purchased hundreds and hundreds of Work Smart AND Hard posters. I’m already getting photos of them hanging in high schools across the country. Glenn also signed one, and took some artistic license on my face. Which made me laugh. We’ll auction that off on a future episode of C.R.A.P., and my guess is we’ll raise a pretty penny.
PPS. Penn Jillette is an avowed atheist. Glenn Beck is a deeply religious Christian. They disagree on a lot, but speak often on Glenn’s show, and have some of the most respectful and interesting exchanges on television today. Here’s an example: Penn Jillette and Glenn Beck talk Atheism, Libertarianism, and Church/State
I’ve been on every network over the years, more than once, and I’ll promise you this – if you want the potential for a thoughtful exchange that’s not crammed into a five-minute segment, your options are limited.
Real Time is one possibility. Glenn Beck is another. I’m glad to have done both. – Glenn Beck and Bill Maher

Chinese Leaders Pledge to Abolish Re-Education Labor Camp System

Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images
A woman and child walk across a bridge in a park in Fuzhou, Fujian province, China.
China’s leaders promised to dismantle a labor camp system used to incarcerate dissidents, announcing their intention to abolish a form of imprisonment without trial.
Nov. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Chang Jian, China economist at Barclays Plc, talks about the outcome of nation's Communist Party leaders' meeting, the prospects for reform and outlook for China's economy. She speaks with John Dawson on the sidelines of the Barclays Asia Forum in Hong Kong on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move." (Source: Bloomberg)
Ending the re-education through labor camps is “part of efforts to improve human rights and judicial practices,” the official Xinhua News Agency said yesterday, citing a decision from a Beijing meeting of the party’s Central Committee that ended Nov. 12.
The move reflects a recognition by President Xi Jinping and other party leaders of widespread anger about the re-education through labor system, which allows police to send people to as long as four years without trial. The reform was included in a set of policy prescriptions which have the stated aim of shoring up the constitution and strengthening the country’s courts.
“This is a comprehensive makeover of the justice system,” said Lin Yan, an associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s KoGuan Law School.
Yesterday’s announcement joined pledges from the gathering to elevate the role of markets in the world’s second-largest economy while retaining the state in a “dominant” position.China will also ease China’s family-planning policy so that couples may have two children if either parent is an only child.
In a speech to the meeting, Xi asked for more courage and stronger measures to push reforms, according to a transcript published by Xinhua. He said corruption is “grim” in China.

Labor Centers

United Nations report said in 2009 that there were 320 re-education through labor centers in China with 190,000 inmates. In an indication the government was considering an end to the system, a Xinhua commentary in October, 2012, said the system has been used to persecute innocent people.
That commentary mentioned the case of a woman who was sentenced to 18 months in a labor camp after she demanded harsher punishment for seven men convicted of abducting and raping her 11-year-old daughter.
“It’s open to huge abuses of human rights,” said Steve Tsang, director of the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham in England, of the current system. “Xi has reduced one of the major abuses of power which tarnished the party’s reputation and weakened popular support for the party.”
China will also shrink the number of crimes subject to the death penalty, according to the announcement. China has cut the number of executions it carries out every year to 4,000 in 2012 from 8,000 in 2006, according to the San Francisco-based Dui Hua Foundation, a rights group.

New Level

“Implementation of the constitution will be taken to a ‘new level’ through improved supervision to ensure that all are treated equally before the law,” Xinhua said, citing the plenum decision. “No organization or individual has the privilege to overstep the constitution or any other laws, and all violations will be held accountable.”
The rule-of-law component of the plenum announcement may be aimed at easing anger among China’s 1.3 billion people, many of whom have lost trust in the legal system, said Nicholas Bequelin, a Hong Kong-based researcher for Human Rights Watch.
“The key point that is motivating this is the recognition that the trust in legal institutions is essential for the party to maintain its leadership in the long-term,” Bequelin said. “Every single legal reform point that is listed has to do with curbing the most visible and absurd defects of the system.”
“The system has infringed on human rights and the rule of law, undermining the government’s accountability,” the 2012 Xinhua commentary said. “People expect that the system will be abolished as soon as possible.”

Community Correction

The plenum communique indicated that the existing system will be partly replaced with a “community correction” mechanism. Questions remain about how much that new system will protect people’s rights, with Human Rights Watch saying in January that the current mechanism could be replaced by one that leaves many re-education through labor camps intact.
“It is significant even though there are some concerns that China may introduce shortly a new way of detaining people without giving them giving them full trial rights,” Bequelin said. “There is a risk that China intends to re-introduce a system of ‘RTL-lite’ soon, and that would be regrettable.”
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Henry Sanderson in Beijing
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rosalind Mathieson

The Chinese regime has not explained a surge of transplants done since 2001, including 40,000 transplants with donors unaccounted for.

List of Labor Camps Released to International Journalists in China

By Ben Bendig
Epoch Times Staff
Created: August 20, 2008Last Updated: August 21, 2008
Related articles: China » Democracy & Human Rights
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One of the most notorious forced labor camps in China, Masanjia. (The Epoch Times)
One of the most notorious forced labor camps in China, Masanjia. (The Epoch Times)

The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) released today a list of 51 labor camps for journalists to investigate while they are in China for the Olympic Games.
CIPFG reports that there are nearly 300 labor camps in China, where torture, “re-education” (brainwashing), and forced labor take place. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are said to be held there, and among them are those arrested in large purges that took place in the months before the Olympics.
The regime in China has been known to deny independent investigations of claims of torture and abuse in its labor camps, which people can be sentenced to without trial.
In the lead-up to the games, CIPFG released to journalists a guide to seven labor camps near the Olympics venues, titled “Torture Outside the Olympic Village: A Guide to China’s Labor Camps.” These camps held practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice that is heavily persecuted in China.
Sources reported that the Chinese regime relocated many of the Falun Gong practitioners in the camps to ones in other provinces, and put on show tours for foreign media.
Falun Gong has been persecuted since 1999 when the practice was outlawed after it grew to an estimated 80–100 million practitioners. Reports from human rights organizations document brutal persecution against practitioners, including rape, torture, and the harvesting of organs. The Chinese regime has not explained a surge of transplants done since 2001, including 40,000 transplants with donors unaccounted for.