Friday, July 5, 2013

Solutions / Liberty


By Foster Gamble
I imagine a world where each being is free to act according to his or her inner guidance, provided there is no violation of any other’s person or property.
Association is voluntary, not coerced. Exchange is by choice, not force. There is no involuntary taxation (plunder), so there is no involuntary governance (tyranny). Money is a medium of exchange based on real value (sound currency) rather than arbitrary “fiat” decree (counterfeit and fraud). There are no wars of aggression (mass murder). A truly free market has led to prosperity beyond current imagining, where people have the time and the resources to follow their passions and to care for one another, as needed, voluntarily.


What if citizens were given a choice over the type of government they wanted? Or if they wanted a government at all? What if people were really to have a say in the decisions that determine the content and quality of their lives? Could we self-govern and create more resilient, peaceful, prosperous communities?
Today, involuntary governance is all that exists.  When you step back to look at what government really is, it basically comes down to a group of people who are granted more power than the rest of us.  They are able to make laws that we have to obey, they are able to charge us money in the form of taxes without our consent, they are able to put us in jail if we don’t go along with their self-proclaimed power, and they are able to go to war –with our money – without our approval.

It seems like voluntary governance is such a radical notion that it is common to reject it without really exploring it fully. We have chosen to examine our assumptions about government and are grateful that there are many great thinkers who have devoted their time and energy to exploring the problems and the solutions related to involuntary governance. People often say that government is necessary for protection. But governments have killed more of their own citizens and innocent civilians than any other institution in history – more than 200 million people in the 20th Century alone.  Would voluntary governance result in this kind of brutality and violence?  The fact that all current governments are involuntary – ranging from dictatorships to democracies – puts them at risk of being overthrown. Involuntary governments create state militaries not necessarily to protect the people, but to protect themselves. Are there more effective ways of optimizing our security, in a voluntary society?
Involuntary governments also require money to be funded, which is collected in the form of taxes. The people have no say in how taxes are spent but we are nonetheless required to pay them. Americans are terrified of the IRS. How is it that government can order us to fund their activities without us having a say in it? This economic dynamic doesn’t exist anywhere else. People in society make money by voluntarily selling goods and services or by receiving voluntary gifts. The government, on the other hand, collects money by force. Imagine if people had a say in where their taxes went. Would we be spending so much on the military? Would we have taxes at all? What if we only put funds toward services we wanted, and kept the rest of our money to support the businesses, inventions, educational opportunities and upkeep of our infrastructure that we valued? Could we create a more prosperous economy if involuntary governments didn’t collect a large portion of our income?
Making the transition to voluntary governance would obviously take a lot of work, but we believe it’s absolutely essential if what we are after are equal rights and true freedom – not as a philosophical ideal but as a reality.  As discussed in our Solutions Strategies article, Stage One of the transition will likely involve reforming current systems to make governments accountable while taking care of those most disenfranchised without increasing the government’s funding or power –  and at the same time empowering individuals and communities to organize on their own.  Some key areas to address to get the transition underway are election and campaign finance reform.
The good news is a lot of valuable thinking has already been done envisioning voluntary societies. (The Liberty Resource Tree at the bottom of this page is rich with decades of extraordinary ethical and practical thinking.)
Because such profound change cannot happen all at once, there are three overlapping stages of the solutions process: Stage One: Bringing integrity and healing to our current condition; Stage Two: limiting government control to the protection of individual rights and the commons; and Stage Three:  living solely by voluntary cooperation – rules, but no rulers.
This three-staged approach is a radical shift from most strategies. Rather than just trying to improve the status quo, it integrates traditional progressive, conservative, and liberty viewpoints, reconciling divisions that have long kept us separated.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
                                      - Henry David Thoreau

Drug (Rx) Money: Making a Killing

The current health care system took root around the turn of the century when the AMA, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Foundation forged a partnership.  They put their money into drug-based research and made that the main focus of “healthcare”. Since then, the Rockefellers and other prominent banking elite have been able to control and profit enormously from the drug industry. The AMA – which is the largest association of physicians in the U.S. – enforces the drug-treatment paradigm by heavily lobbying Congress and publishing one of the most influential journals, JAMA, which is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertisers.  It is also engaged in suppressing alternative health treatments, such as the Royal Rife cancer cure.
Here’s a timeline detailing the suppression of alternative cancer cures and the Rockefeller Foundation’s role in shaping the healthcare industry:

1901 – Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Opens Based out of New York, this became one of the most “richly endowed” research centers. By 1928, John D. Rockefeller had given it $65 million in endowment funds.[1] This later became Rockefeller University.

1910 – Flexner Report Published, Establishes New Standards For Medical Education
This highly influential report, sponsored by the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie Foundation, evaluated medical schools and restructured American medical education. It set up a new standard so that schools could only be accredited if they showed an emphasis in drug based research and treatment.  Homeopathy and other alternative approaches to medicine were no longer recognized. Abraham Flexner, author of the report, was on the staff of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  In 1910, 161 medical schools existed. By 1919, there were only 81 left.[2]

1913 – Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission This laid the foundation for how health and science research and development were to be conducted. Many of today’s health institutions were modeled on this commission’s practices, policies, and research processes such as the UN’s World Health Organization, the U.S. Government’s National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Health.

1918 – Public Health Becomes Rockefeller Foundation’s Top Priority
“The Foundation identifies public health education as one of its principal areas of interest, and builds and endows the first school of public health at Johns Hopkins University.”

1921 – Rockefeller Foundation Contributes $357 million [3] to Medical Schools Around the World
This spreads the drug-based approach to the most prominent schools around the world.

1922 – Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Begins Cancer Research
In the 1920s, Dr. Rife – a brilliant bacteriologist and former student of John Hopkins University – began researching and developing an alternative cancer cure.

1924 – Morris Fishbein Becomes Primary Editor of JAMA
JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, is one of the most influential medical journals in the world. As head of JAMA, Morris Fishbein, became one of most powerful, prominent men in medicine during the time. He transformed the industry into a money-making machine and used negative campaigns to squash competitors. He was one of the key figures to suppress Dr. Royal Rife’s cancer cure.

1924 – Harry Hoxsey Founds First Cancer Clinic in Taylorville, Illinois
Harry Hoxsey offers a natural herbal formula to cure cancer that thousands claim to have worked. This is the first of 17 clinics to eventually open.

1926 – JAMA Publishes First Tirade Against Hoxsey
The article scares doctors and researchers from being associated with Hoxsey.

1927 – John D. Rockefeller Jr. Gave the First of his Annual $60,000 Contribution to Memorial (Sloan-Kettering) Cancer Center

1932 – Dr. Rife Develops Cancer Cure
Dr. Rife developed a machine that could neutralize disease-causing micro-organisms, including cancer cells, with the use of frequencies.

1932 - Director of Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Thomas Rivers, Denies Success of Rife Cancer Treatment
In 1932, Dr. Arthur Kendall, director of Medical Research at Northwestern University, spoke before the Association of American Physicians at Johns Hopkins University about the preliminary successes with Rife's methods and treatments of cancer. Dr. Thomas Rivers, virologist and bacteriologist, director of the Rockefeller Institute (a primary source of funding for medical research) and Dr. Hans Zinsser, called Kendall a liar to his face in front of the assembled crowd.[4]

1934 -  Rife’s Treatment Cures 16 Terminally Ill Cancer Patients                  
In 1934 at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, Southern California, Rife conducted clinical trials on 16 terminally ill cancer patients, and successfully cured all of them.  A team of medical specialists – including Dr. Milbank Johnson, Chairman of the Special Medical Research Committee of USC; George Fischer of the NY Children’s Hospital; and Dr. Wayland Morrison, the chief medical officer of the Santa Fe Railway – confirmed the findings.

1938 – The AMA Indicts Rife for Fraudulent Medical Practices

1939 – Philip Hoyland Files Suit Against Royal Rife’s Company, the Beam Ray Corporation
Philip Hoyland admitted to accepting a $10,000 bribe from Hahn Realty Group (AMA Agents) to sue the Beam Ray Corporation.

1939 – New Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Opens – John D. Rockefeller donated the land and provided $3 million of funding

1940s – Rife’s Work Is Destroyed & Continues to be Suppressed

1949 – Hoxsey Sues JAMA and Editors for Libel and Slander – Hoxsey Wins

1949 – Morris Fishbein is Ousted from AMA

1956 – FDA Issues Public Warning About Hoxsey Cancer Treatment

1960 – Hoxsey Method Banned in U.S. by the FDA

1960 – Laurance Rockefeller Serves as Chairman of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York from 1960-1982
This center is one of the most influential cancer centers in the world. During WWII it performed some of the first experiments applying chemical warfare weapons to the “treatment of cancer”, which evolved into chemotherapy.

1963 – Bio-Medical (Hoxsey) Center Opens in Tijuana, Mexico
It continues to operate and claims an 80% success rate.

1971 – President Nixon Declares a “War on Cancer”
Signs $1.6 billion law.

1977 – Sloan-Kettering Rejects Laetrile (derived from Apricot Kernels) as Effective Cancer Treatment
This is despite positive results from Sloan-Kettering’s own famous researcher, Kanematsu Suguira.   In November of 1977 Dr. Ralph Moss, Assistant Director of public affairs at Sloan-Kettering, held a press-conference about the success and potential of laetrile, despite the centers desire to cover it up. Ralph Moss was fired the next day for “failing to carry out the most basic job responsibilities.”

1991 – Rockefeller Foundation Helps Start Children’s Vaccine Initiative
The Foundation joins with the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank to form the Children’s Vaccine Initiative (CVI).

2010 – More Than Half a Million Americans Die of Cancer

Related Links:

He Who Pays the Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment by G. Edward Griffin

American Cancer Society: The World’s Wealthiest “Nonprofit” Institution by Samuel Epstein, M.D.

Cancer Studies Published in Respected Journals Biased by Medical Industry Money Natural News.

[1] Paul Starr, “The Social Transformation of American Medicine.”


[3] According to the Rockefeller Foundation, this was $357 million in “current dollars”:


Elite banking families – including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Morgans

Elite banking families – including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Morgans – have gained control of the global economy through the central banking system. They set up the Federal Reserve in the US in 1913 and have been manipulating the market to benefit themselves ever since. This timeline shows the pattern of American Presidents being assassinated after challenging central bankers and their monopoly on money, and the Federal Reserve’s artificial creation of booms and busts that causes people to lose their jobs, homes, and retirements, while the bankers further consolidate wealth and control.

1694 – Bank of England Established
First Central Bank established in the UK. Served as model for most modern central banks.

1744- Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire, is Born in Frankfurt, Germany
Mayer Amschel Rothschild extended his banking empire across Europe by carefully placing his five sons in key positions. They set up banks in Frankfurt, Vienna, London, Naples, and Paris.  By the mid 1800’s they dominated the banking industry, lending to governments around the world and people such as the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, and Cecil Rhodes.

1757- Colonial Scrip Issued in US
Debt free, fiat currency was printed in the public interest. As Benjamin Franklin said,
“In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called colonial scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay no one.”

1776 – American Independence

1791 – Congress Creates the First US Bank – A Private Company, Partly Owned by Foreigners – to Handle the Financial Needs of the New Central Government
Previously, the 13 states had their own banks, currencies and financial institutions.

1816 – The Privately Owned Second Bank of the US was Chartered – It Served as the Main Depository for Government Revenue, Making it a Highly Profitable Bank

1832 – Andrew Jackson Campaigns Against the 2nd Bank of the US and Vetoes Bank Charter Renewal
Andrew Jackson was  skeptical of the central banking system and believed it gave too few men too much power and caused inflation. He was also a proponent of gold and silver and an outspoken opponent of the 2nd National Bank. The Charter expired in 1836.

1833 – President Jackson Issues Executive Order to Stop Depositing Government Funds Into Bank of US
By September 1833, government funds were being deposited into state chartered banks.

Jan 30, 1835 – Jackson Escapes Assassination
Assassin misfired twice.

1833-1837 – Manufactured “boom” created by central bankers – money supply Increases 84%, Spurred by the 2nd Bank of the US
The total money supply rose from $150 million to $267 million.[1]

1837-1843 – Terrible Depression
343 of the 850 banks in the US closed entirely as largest banks consolidated wealth and power.[2]

1861 – American Civil War

1862-1863 Lincoln Over Rules Debt-Based Money and Issues Greenbacks to Fund the War
Bankers would only lend the government money under certain conditions and at high interest rates, so Lincoln issued his own currency – “greenbacks” – through the US Treasury, and made them legal tender. His soldiers went on to win the war, followed by great economic expansion.
April 15, 1865 – Lincoln Assassinated

1881- President James Garfield, Staunch Proponent of “Honest Money” Backed by Gold and Silver, was Assassinated
Garfield opposed fiat currency (money that was not backed by any physical object) and was a strong advocate of a bi-metal monetary system. He had the second shortest Presidency in history.

1907- Banking Panic of 1907
The New York Stock Exchange dropped dramatically as everyone tried to get their money out of the banks at the same time across the nation. This banking panic spurred debate for banking reform. JP Morgan and others gathered to create an image of concern and stability in the face of the panic, which eventually led to the formation of the Federal Reserve. The founders of the Federal Reserve pretended like the bankers were opposed to the idea of its formation in order to mislead the public into believing that the Federal Reserve would help to regulate bankers when in fact it really gave even more power to private bankers, but in a less transparent way.

1908 – JP Morgan Associate and Rockefeller Relative Nelson Aldrich Heads New National Monetary Commission
Senate Republican leader, Nelson Aldrich, heads the new National Monetary Commission that was created to study the cause of the banking panic. Aldrich had close ties with J.P. Morgan and his daughter married John D. Rockefeller.

1910 – Bankers Meet Secretly on Jekyll Island to Draft Federal Reserve Banking Legislation
Over the course of a week, some of the nations most powerful bankers met secretly off the coast of Georgia, drafting a proposal for a private Central Banking system. Those in attendance included Nelson Aldrich, A.P. Andrew (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury), Paul Warburg (Kuhn, Loeb, & Co.), Frank Vanderlip (President of National City Bank of New York), Charles D. Norton (president of the Morgan-dominated First National Bank of New York), Henry Davidson (Senior Partner of JP Morgan Co.), and Benjamin Strong (representing JP Morgan).

Dec 23, 1913 – Federal Reserve Act Passed
Two days before Christmas, while many members of Congress were away on vacation, the Federal Reserve Act was passed, creating the Central banking system we have today. It was based on the Aldrich plan drafted on Jekyll Island and gave private bankers supreme authority over the economy. They are now able to create money out of nothing (and loan it out at interest), make decisions without government approval, and control the amount of money in circulation.

1913 – Income tax established -16th Amendment Ratified
Taxes ensured that citizens would cover the payment of debt due to the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, which was also created in 1913.The 16th Amendment stated: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”

1914 – JP Morgan and Co. Profits from Financing both sides of War and Purchasing Weapons

J.P. Morgan and Co. made a deal with the Bank of England to give them a monopoly on underwriting war bonds for the UK and France. They also invested in the suppliers of war equipment to Britain and France.

November 1914 – Federal Reserve Banks Open

1921-1929 – The “Roaring 20’s” – The Federal Reserve Floods the Economy with Cash and Credit
From 1921 to 1929 the Federal Reserve increased the money supply by $28 billion, almost a 62% increase over an eight-year period.[3] This artificially created another “boom”.

1929 – Federal Reserve Contracts the Money Supply
In 1929, the Federal Reserve began to pull money out of circulation as loans were paid back. They created a “bust” which was inevitable after issuing so much credit in the years before. The Federal Reserve’s actions triggered the banking crisis, which led to the Great Depression.

October 24, 1929 – “Black Thursday”, Stock Market Crash
The most devastating stock market crash in history. Billions of dollars in value were consolidated into the private banker’s hands at the expense of everyone else.

1930- Great Depression Begins

1929-1933- Federal Reserve Reduces Money Supply by 33%

June 4, 1963 – Kennedy Issued an Executive Order (11110) that Authorized the US Treasury to Issue Silver Certificates, Threatening the Federal Reserve’s Monopoly on Money
This government issued currency would bypass the governments need to borrow from bankers at interest.

Nov. 22, 1963 - Kennedy Assassinated

December 1963 – Johnson Reverses Kennedy’s Banking Rule and Restores Power to the Federal Reserve

1999 – The Financial Services Modernization Act Allows Banks to Grow Even Larger
Many economists and politicians have recognized that this legislation played a key part in the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007.  It repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and allowed investment banks, commercial banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to merge. Citigroup was a major proponent of this particular bill (it had already merged with Travelers Insurance and needed to find a way to legally keep the corporation together). The government gave Citi officials the opportunity to review and approve drafts before the legislation was introduced and to modify it as they desired. Robert Rubin, Treasury Secretary at the time, helped move the bill forward in early 1999.  He then stepped down from the Treasury position in July, joined CitiGroup in October, and the bill was passed in November.  The Center for Responsive Politics also found that members of Congress who supported the bill received twice as much money from the banking sector than those who opposed it.[4]

2000-2003 – The Federal Reserve Extends “Easy Credit”, Lowers the Federal Fund Rate from 6.5% to 1%[5] and Sets up Another Financial “Boom”

2004 – Investment Banks and the SEC Cut a Deal
On April 28, 2004, five of the biggest investment banks, including Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs (then run by Henry Paulson, who later became Secretary of the Treasury), met with members of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), urging them to allow voluntary regulation of themselves, so they could determine themselves how much money they could make up out of nothing to loan into circulation. This is known as the banks leverage ratio, or amount of assets to borrowing ratio. Up until 2004, the amount of debt the banks could take on was limited. However, in 2004, the SEC agreed to let banks regulate themselves and take on as much debt as they wanted, therefore unleashing billions of dollars for high-risk investment packages. Under this new voluntary regulation the Bear Stearns ratio, for example, jumped to 33 to 1.[6] Not long after, the economy collapsed and financial wealth and power was again further consolidated into the hands of the private bankers who run the Federal Reserve.

2004-2006 – Federal Reserve Sets Off New “Bust” by Making Loans and Adjustable Rate Mortgages More Expensive, Raising Fed Fund Rates to 5.25%[7], This contracts the market.

2007-2010 – Worst Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression
The financial crisis impacted people around the world – millions lost their homes, jobs, and retirement funds. Many of the smaller banks were absorbed by others, which allowed the biggest banks to further consolidate wealth and eliminate competition. In 2008, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. bought up both Washington Mutual (the biggest bank to “fail” in the history of the United States) and Bear Stearns (the fifth largest investment bank).

2010 – JP Morgan Chase Reports Record Profits
The bank made a record profit of $17.4 Billion in 2010. [8]

[3] “The Inflationary Factors”:
[4] “Money and Votes Aligned in Congress’s Last Debate Over Bank Regulation” by Massie Ritsch, September 23, 2008.
[5] Open Market Operations Archive, The Federal Reserve:

Follow The Money

Follow the Money

The Oil Empire & The Suppression of Alternative Energy Sources

The Oil Empire & The Suppression of Alternative Energy Sources
We are extremely dependent on oil, which translates into phenomenal profits for energy corporations. The oil industry has enough money and influence to suppress anything that might threaten their monopoly. They commit huge resources to undermine energy alternatives, control global reserves, and maintain high oil prices.  This timeline shows the rise of the Rockefeller oil empire and the suppression of alternatives by major energy corporations.

1870: John D. Rockefeller Founds Standard Oil
Rockefeller founds Standard Oil of Ohio with $1 million in capital, the largest corporation in the country. The new company controls 10% of U.S. petroleum refining.
September 1873: Stock Exchange Crashes and Standard Oil Takes Advantage of Economic Downturn

On September 18, the stock market crashed, followed by a six year depression. During this time, Standard Oil absorbs refineries in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, and Pennsylvania's Oil Region.

1877: Rockefeller controls almost 90% of the oil refined in the United States
1882: Standard Oil Trust is Formed
1890: Congress Passes Sherman Antitrust Act
This is the first Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies.
1892: JP Morgan Arranges Merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to Form General Electric (GE)
1896: Henry Ford Assembles First Automobile, Demand for Oil Increases
1901: J.P. Morgan Founds U.S. Steel, the First Billion-Dollar Corporation
U.S. Steel is still one of the worlds largest steel producers.
1902: Nikola Tesla Begins Exploring How to Transmit Electricity Without Power Lines; JP Morgan Refuses Further Funding
Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, initially financed by J.P. Morgan, was designed to transmit electricity without wires. By 1904, J.P. Morgan - who had a monopoly on copper which was used to transmit electricity – refused to provide any more funding.
1908: The U.S. Government Targets Standard Oil in Antitrust Suit
1911: The U.S. Supreme Court Orders Standard Oil to Dissolve. Shootoffs Include ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, and ConocoPhillips.
Standard Oil is split up into 34 different companies. The Rockefellers still hold stock in these oil companies.
1913: Rockefeller Foundation is Founded. John D. Rockefeller gives the Foundation $100 million in First Year.
1919: American Petroleum Institute (API) is Established
API represents the oil and natural gas industry. Today API Represents More than 400 corporate members including Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, GE, Halliburton, and Shell.
1940: Rockefeller Family Owns Nearly $400 Million in Stock of the 200 Largest Non-Financial Corporations
Source: “13 Families” Published by Time Magazine, Oct. 28, 1940
1969: API Moves its Headquarters to Washington DC
By 2011 it represents more than 400 corporate members. In 2010, it spent more than $7 million on lobbying.
1982: Inventors Adam Trombly and Joseph Kahn receive an international patent for a zero-point energy device
They called it the “Closed Path Homopolar Machine.”
1983: Trombly was issued a gag order by the U.S. government to stop development of the “Closed Path Homopolar Machine”
Mid 1980’s: Trombly developed another zero-point energy device with David Farnsworth
This device was called the “Piezo Ringing Resonance Generator.”
January, 1989: Former Oil Businessman, George H. W. Bush, Becomes President
Before becoming President of the United States, Bush made a fortune in the oil industry. He founded Zapata Oil Corporation and ran the offshore drilling company for years.
June 1989: Trombly’s Free Energy Demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C. Suppressed

Inventor Adam Trombly was scheduled to demonstrate a small version of his Piezo Ringing Resonance Generator at the UN in New York.  At the last minute Trombly was forced to do his demonstration at a church down the street.  Afterwards Trombly gave a speech in Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium at the United Nations in front of an international audience. A few days later, Trombly was scheduled to demonstrate the same device at the US Senate Banking and Finance Committee in Washington. Only Senator Carl Levin and a “handful” of staff were in attendance because the Senior Bush Administration called hundreds of Senators, Congressional Representatives and their staff members for an “off-the-cuff” discussion of the Clean Air Act at the exact same time as Trombly’s demonstration.  The oil administration successfully diverted attention away from the technology in an effort to censor Trombly. Subsequently his lab was raided by the FBI, millions of dollars of equipment was taken and he was threatened and required “for reasons of national security” to cease his research.

1989: MIT & Harvard Grad, Eugene Mallove, Authors the Book, Fire From Ice, Which Details the Success of a Cold-Fusion Device with “Greater than Unity” Output
1994: Infinite Energy Magazine – “The Magazine of New Energy Science and Technology” – is Founded by Eugene Mallove
The magazine covers both the theoretical and technological developments in the “new energy” field.
2004: Eugene Mallove is Mysteriously Murdered Outside Childhood Home
1998-2011: Oil & Gas Industry Spends $1,114,552,107 on Lobbying
Source: Open Secrets:
2006 – A brief summary of the “History of ‘New Energy” Invention Suppression Cases

Keep Fighting for Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods

While California Prop. 37 failed to pass last November by a very narrow margin, the fight for GMO labeling is far from over. The field-of-play has now moved to the state of Washington, where the people's initiative 522, "The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act," will require food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients.
Remember, as with CA Prop. 37, they need support of people like YOU to succeed. Prop. 37 failed with a very narrow margin simply because we didn't have the funds to counter the massive ad campaigns created by the No on 37 camp, led by Monsanto and other major food companies. Let's not allow Monsanto and its allies to confuse and mislead the people of Washington and Vermont as they did in California. So please, I urge you to get involved and help in any way you can.
  • No matter where you live in the United States, please donate money to these labeling efforts through the Organic Consumers Fund.
  • Sign up to learn more about how you can get involved by visiting!
  • For timely updates on issues relating to these and other labeling initiatives, please join the Organic Consumers Association on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
  • Talk to organic producers and stores and ask them to actively support the Washington initiative.

Front Man Steven Milloy, and Other Non-Profit Front Organizations with Ties to Industry

Steven Milloy, author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them, and owner and operator of Junkscience.com8 — a site dedicated to denying environmental and health concerns related to pollutants and chemicals, including those used in agriculture and food production — appears to have been registered as a lobbyist with The EOP Group, a lobbying firm based in Washington, DC. Clients of the firm have included the American Crop Protection Association, the Chlorine Chemistry Council, and Edison Electric Institute.9
Milloy’s clients10 included both Monsanto and the International Food Additives Council (IFAC). Milloy has denied ever being a lobbyist, claiming that he was “a technical consultant" for the lobbying firm.
“However, Milloy shows up in federal lobbyist registration data for 1997 as having lobbying expenditures on his behalf, indicating his firm, the EOP Group, believed him to be an active lobbyist, 'technical' or otherwise,” TRWNews11 states in its expose of the industry front man.
Milloy also headed up the now defunct corporate front group, The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC). According to TRWNews,12 TASSC and the site were one and the same. Integrity in Science,13 which lists non-profit organizations with close ties to industry, reports that TASSC received financial support from hundreds of corporations, including the likes of Procter & Gamble, Exxon, Dow Chemical, and Philip Morris. I’ll leave it up to you to guess what kind of ‘sound science’ was advanced by those sources...
“Its objective is to act as a speakers bureau to deliver the corporate message that environmental public policy is not currently based on 'sound science,' and to counter excessive regulations that are based on what it considers 'junk' science,” Integrity in Science states. [Emphasis mine]
Other non-profit organizations that are in actuality doing the bidding of various industry giants include:
  • Air Quality Standards Coalition, “created specifically to battle the clean air proposals, the coalition operates out of the offices of the National Association of Manufacturers, a Washington-based trade group. Its leadership includes top managers of petroleum, automotive and utility companies”
  • Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, while sounding like it would work for your benefit, actually gets “unrestricted grants” from a long list of pharmaceutical companies
  • Alliance to Save Energy, which “supports energy efficiency as a cost-effective energy resource under existing market conditions and advocates energy-efficiency policies that minimize costs to society and individual consumers,” was founded by, among others: BP...
  • American Academy of Pediatrics receives $1 million annually from infant formula manufacturers. Other donors include (but is not limited to) the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products, both Wyeth’s and Merck’s vaccine divisions, the Food Marketing Institute, the Sugar Association, and the International Food Information Council (IFIC) — which you will see below, is not only a front group for the glutamate industry; it’s also the coordinating agent for a new alliance of over 50 industry groups aimed at directing the dialogue and altering public opinion about large-scale, genetically engineered and chemical-based food production
  • American Council for Fitness and Nutrition. This one takes the cake with a member list that includes the American Bakers Association, the American Meat Institute, the Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers Association, Chocolate Manufacturers Association, Coca-Cola, Hershey’s, National Confectioners Association and many others that are FAR from suited to devise appropriate “comprehensive, long-term strategies and constructive public policies for improving the health and wellness of all Americans”

IFIC Created 'Crisis Management' Protocol in Case Truth Would Be Exposed

Although their names may differ, many of the functions of these groups overlap, as they’re really serving the same industry. TruthInLabeling explains how front groups such as these serve the distinct interests of the industry, not your or your children’s health, even when their well-chosen name may mislead you to think otherwise.14 Take the International Food Information Council (IFIC) for example:
“In 1990, faced with the threat of a '60 Minutes' segment... that might expose the toxic potential of monosodium glutamate, IFIC became actively involved in representing the interests of the glutamate industry. The IFIC represents itself as an 'independent' organization. It sends attractive brochures to dietitians, nutritionists, hospitals, schools, the media, and politicians, proclaiming the safety of monosodium glutamate. In 1990, an anonymous person sent us a copy of a 'Communication Plan' dated July-December 1991, that detailed methods for scuttling the '60 Minutes' segment on MSG, or, failing that, provided for crisis management.
...Depending on the roles they play, researchers might be considered agents of the glutamate industry. In addition, there are those who promote the products of those they work for, just as public relations firms do, but these organizations highlight the fact that they are nonprofit corporations, while minimizing the fact that they promote the products of those who financially support them. The International Food Information Council (IFIC) and the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) are examples of such glutamate-industry agents.”

Front Groups Working to Keep Harmful Food Additives Hidden and on the Market

The Kellen Company has ties with other major industry players. According to a 2011 press release,5 one of the Kellen Company executives was honored as president of the Calorie Control Council, a non-profit association that represents manufacturers and suppliers of low-calorie, sugar-free and reduced sugar foods and beverages. It’s also closely tied to the International Council of Grocery Manufacturers Associations (ICGMA), which, along with IFAC, urged the Codex working group to keep aluminum in food additives, despite the many known health risks associated with aluminum.
According to,6 there are a number of front groups for the glutamate and artificial sweetener industry in the US. In an article titled: "Meet the people who get the job done so effectively," they write:
“In the United States, the glutamate industry has two arms. Both work to keep MSG hidden in food. One is the International Hydrolyzed Protein Council... The second and more active arm is spearheaded by Ajinomoto’s International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) and its American subsidiary, The Glutamate Association (TGA), with representative organizations throughout the world.”
Now here’s where it gets interesting, as it again shows the intricate ties of the glutamate industry with the Kellen Company:
“In 1977, the IGTC spun off The Glutamate Association, with both organizations accommodated under the umbrella of The Robert H. Kellen Company... a trade organization and association management firm, specializing in the food, pharmaceutical, and health care industries. [Editor’s note: although not covered in this article, this is a clue that there are many front groups operating in the drug and health care industry as well, under the careful management of the Kellen Company. Such front groups ensure you will NOT get the truth about drugs and health care issues where corporate profits are at stake.]
The Encyclopedia of Associations (The Glutamate Association, 1990) listed Robert H. Kellen as president of The Glutamate Association. Richard Cristol, executive director of The Glutamate Association, was also Vice President of The Kellen Company. Cristol assumed management of the Washington, DC operations of The Kellen Company and its subsidiary, HQ Services, in 1993...
In 1992, and still in 1998, Andrew G. Ebert, Ph.D., Chairman of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC), was also Senior Vice President of The Kellen Company. Membership in The Glutamate Association is secret. However, a source from within the glutamate industry, who asked to remain anonymous, told us that besides Ajinomoto, Archer Daniels Midland, Campbell, Corn Products Corporation, McCormick & Company, Pet Foods, Pfizer Laboratories, and Takeda were among its members; and Nestle was a former member.”
The fact that membership is a secret is telling in and of itself, and it’s quite ironic, considering the Glutamate Association is ardently working to keep the presence of glutamate in foods and other products, such as fertilizers and growth promoters, hidden from the consumer... But there’s more. I’ve often discussed the revolving door between the US Food and Drug Administration, and here we see the door swinging yet again. According to another article by
“Influence of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) can be felt at every level. [Andrew G.] Ebert has served the Grocery Manufacturers of America; the National Food Processors Association; the Institute of Food Technology; the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences Assembly of Life Sciences; the American Medical Association; the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Food Standards Program as an Industry Observer; and the International Food Additives Council (IFAC) as Executive Director. In 1992, FDA appointed both Andrew G. Ebert, Ph.D., IGTC chairman, and Kristin McNutt, Ph.D., paid spokesperson for the IGTC, to the FDA Food Advisory Committee.” [Emphasis mine]
At this point, it would appear The Kellen Company is instrumental in creating and managing front groups for the processed food and chemical industries. These front groups are specifically created to mislead you about the product in question, protect industry profits, and influence regulatory agencies. This amount of collusion simply is not necessary for a food or product that is truly safe and has great intrinsic value, but it must be done for inferior and/or dangerous products that cannot stand up to closer scrutiny by truly independent sources.
What’s more, it appears all these front groups (there are many others not specifically mentioned in this article) have been created in order to have more seats at the Codex meetings, essentially giving chemical companies and major food manufacturers a much louder voice, in order to control the decisions made.

Who’s Behind the International Food Additives Council (IFAC)?

The International Food Additives Council (IFAC) is “an international association representing companies that produce high quality substances used worldwide as food ingredients in traditional and organic products.” The group is very active in Codex. But how do you know who they are, and who they represent, when it’s almost impossible to find out who their members are?

As the NHF noted above, it’s virtually impossible to locate a list of its members (which naturally would indicate sources of funding, and potentially reveal behind-the-scenes agendas).

But here, I’m making public IFAC’s list of officers and board members as of 2011. It wasn’t easy to find this list, primarily because IFAC isn’t a regular 501(c)(3). In fact, it isn’t a 501(c)(3) at all. Actually, it’s a 501(c)(6)―an IRS classification for nonprofit “commercially oriented” organizations such as football leagues, chambers of commerce and, apparently, groups like IFAC. Once you know its non-profit classification, you can find its 990 forms―which all non-profits must file, complete with lists of officers and directors. I obtained IFAC’s 990s for the years 2004-2011. And there I learned the truth.
Except for two, who I couldn’t find any information at all on, all of IFAC’s officers and directors are linked to processed foods and additives in some way, with at least six of them having direct or business links to Monsanto and/or DuPont. That’s right. Six of IFAC’s governing board members are linked to the largest GMO producers in the world.
If you look up these board members’ contact information, you’ll find that all contacts for IFAC3 go to a corporation called The Kellen Company. Kellen “provides the essential services to advance associations to the next level of their evolution.” Such services include management, administration, accounting, meeting planning, membership marketing and strategic advice. According to the company’s website:
“Kellen takes the mission and message of each association client and brings it to audiences large and small, internal and external, domestic and international. Utilizing communications tools that are customized for each association, Kellen identifies the audiences, develops the strategies, defines the tactics and executes a planned and carefully reasoned communications plan.”
“Our consulting expertise enables us to reorganize association governance and assets, optimize association resources, extend reach for U.S. associations into Europe and Asia... Kellen’s team is expert in all strategic and tactical elements of associations and can provide insightful analysis and guidance on industry alignment... establishing new legal entities and building consensus. “ [Emphasis mine]
Additionally, if you look up IFAC’s origins in Internet business profiles, you’ll find that it was formed in 1980 by Patrick M. Farrey, who just so happens to be The Kellen Company’s group vice president. In short, The Kellen Company not only is linked to the formation of IFAC, but also serves as the managing entity behind IFAC. And its members, although a proper members list has not been obtained, are bound to be like their governing body― manufacturers of food additives, including but certainly not limited to manufacturers of artificial sweeteners and glutamate (i.e. MSG).
This association is clearly spelled out in the Council’s name. But what’s troublesome about it is that IFAC represents companies that create food ingredients in organic products as well, although there’s not a shred of evidence that any person, company or organization dedicated to organics is actually represented by IFAC. If that is the case, this means IFAC probably does NOT have any incentive at all to ensure such ingredients are appropriate for organic products, and most likely, they will just do what needs to be done to ensure its members’ ingredients are allowed to be used in organics no matter what.
You need look no further than its board members―and their links to Monsanto and DuPont, and their managing entity, Kellen―to see what I’m talking about, because Kellen tells you plainly on its website where the organization it represents stand when it comes to organics. Boasting that Kellen and its members joined the “Say No to Proposition 37” movement in California, Kellen explains right on its website how they defeated the bill that would have mandated that all GMO products be labeled as such:
“Almost all of Kellen Company’s food clients would have been negatively affected by Prop. 37, but no single association was in a position to lead opposition efforts to GMO labeling. A coalition was a perfect solution; our team decided to join the 'No on 37 Coalition,' a multi-stakeholder group that led opposition efforts and helped to educate Californian voters about the shortcoming of Prop. 37. And that story has a happy ending – the proposition was not passed and food companies in California are not required to include potentially misleading labeling.”
The site goes further, detailing the steps to “success” of this campaign, advising site visitors: “With proposed ballot initiatives beginning to be certified and many states opening their 2013 legislative sessions this month, now is the time to think about your association’s plans should state legislation or a ballot initiative affecting your industry be introduced in 2013.”
Finally, if you have any doubt about what IFAC’s goals are, you need look no further than a PowerPoint presentation4 that the group is currently giving at symposia and conventions around the world. One of the slides on this presentation states that IFAC promotes “independently determined” studies of safety in its members’ products. By “independent,” they explain that this means: “experts chosen and employed by the manufacturer.” This is the same procedure that gets Monsanto’s products to market: Monsanto gets to do its own safety studies and submit them to the FDA as “proof” that their products won’t harm you.

GMO, Genetically Engineered “Terminator Seeds” – Death and Destruction of Agriculture

July 5, 2013 | By | Reply
F3 seeds from a perennial F2 rice plant (D. Van Tassel, 2009)
Colin Todhunter, Green Med Info
Waking Times
The widely held belief is that genetically modified ‘terminator seeds‘ are not available on the commercial market anywhere. Since 2001, there has been a de facto worldwide moratorium on the use of terminator technology (UN Convention on Biological Diversity). By definition, such seeds are genetically engineered to make them sterile and unusable for replanting, resulting in farmers having to buy new seeds from a central supplier each year.
Under Article 28 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights  (the TRIPS Agreement), “planting, harvesting, saving, re-planting, and exchanging seeds of patented plants, or of plants containing patented cells and genes, constitutes use,” and is prohibited by the intellectual property laws of signatory states
Previously, farmers just replanted their own seeds and exchanged them among themselves. As with the forced enclosure of common land in England hundreds of years ago, ordinary farmers today are being denied access to their heritage too: the common exchanging, saving, evolving and breeding of seeds. By using various legal and political instruments, through seed monopolies and seed patenting, big agribusiness has taken over the cotton seed market, especially in India, where over 90 to 95 percent of all cotton is now genetically modified and controlled by big corporations.
It is frequently argued that the high debt incurred by Indian farmers and resultant farmer suicides (over 250,000 since 1997) have largely resulted from the need to purchase costly pesticides and expensive seeds each year because they contain a ‘terminator’ gene. Environmentalist Vandana Shiva has taken a good deal of flak from some quarters for implying that seeds with ‘non-renewable’ genetic traits are responsible for the mass farmer suicides in India. Her most strident critics say that this is a much-propagated myth or outright lie, given the global ban on the commercial use of ‘terminator’ seeds. So, who are we to believe?
Tiruvadi Jagadisan worked with Monsanto for nearly two decades, including eight years as the managing director of India operations.  The former Monsanto boss said government regulatory agencies with which the company used to deal with in the 1980s simply depended on data supplied by the company while giving approvals to herbicides.
As reported in India Today in 2009, he is on record as saying that India’s Central Insecticide Board simply accepted foreign data supplied by Monsanto and did not even have a test tube to validate the data and, at times, the data itself was faked. Jagadisan stated that Monsanto was getting into the seed business and that he had information that a ‘terminator gene’ was to be incorporated in the seeds being supplied by the firm.

 It begs the question, who can we trust? Monsanto, a company with a more than dubious history of safety standards and scruples, and state regulatory bodies in India, a country where corruption throughout officialdom runs deep and is well documented, or people like Vandana Shiva and farmers on the ground who suspect terminator technology is already a reality?
Back in 2005, biologist Pushpa Bhargava alleged that there were reports that unapproved varieties of several genetically modified crops were being sold to farmers. He spoke of terminator seeds being sold to farmers and stated that one farmer came to him with some samples of sterile seeds and wanted him to test them to see whether they were terminator seeds. Dr Bhargava urged the central government to wake up to these happenings and take urgent steps.
The real experts, the farmers with generations of tradition and know-how to call upon, suspect something is amiss.
“We do not buy seeds from the market because we suspect they may be contaminated with genetically engineered or terminator seeds,” Pavamma, a Dalit woman, near the town of Zaheerabad, as quoted in ‘Women in India take on Monsanto’ by Arun Shrivastava, Global Research, 9  Oct, 2006
The European Union has already suspected Indian Basmati rice could be contaminated with GMOs, despite, as with ‘terminator seeds’, GM food crops not having been ‘officially’ released onto the commercial market inIndia. How stringent are the checks on crops in India, whether in terms of ‘terminator’ technology or GMOs in general?
Either way, due to the corporate patenting and monopolization of GM seeds, farmers are compelled to regularly buy expensive seeds and use excessive amounts of chemicals on their crops. They thus incur massive debt due to spiraling input costs and weak returns as a result of US agribusiness manipulating global commodity prices courtesy of policies enacted on its behalf by the US government.

While the debate rages as to whether certain seeds contain a ‘terminator gene’ or more likely some other trait that at least diminishes seed virility, the outcome of global policies that have benefited big agribusiness, as well as seed patenting and seed monopoly (and the swallowing the seed companies’ pesticides!) has been the widespread termination of farmers’ lives in India. With reports of collapsed cotton yields throughout the state of Maharashtra in India , ‘cutting edge’ biotechnology is proving to be terminal on many levels.
Regardless of the absence or presence of any ‘terminator’ gene, biotech products are too often proving to be ‘terminator seeds’ in all but name.

About the Author
Originally from the northwest of England, Colin Todhunter has spent many years in India. He has written extensively for the Deccan Herald (the Bangalore-based broadsheet), New Indian Express and Morning Star (Britain). His articles have also appeared in various other newspapers, journals and books. His East by Northwest website is at:
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

The Golden Rule, Beyond our Failed Democracy

July 1, 2013 | By | 6 Replies
Rene Descartes, Contributor
Waking Times
We have been told, long enough, that you cannot change Human Nature, but I say to you, Human Nature can be changed, and, what’s more, Human Nature must be changed if we are to reach our full potential. Which I, for one, am determined to reach. Please understand that your thoughts, which you are responsible for, are as real as your deeds. You will soon realize that every word and every deed affects your life and has also touched thousands of lives.

You have heard people say, “You must love yourself first, before you can love others”. Well, we have observed many selfish jerks doing just that, who do nothing to help anyone but themselves, and they’re still miserable themselves. But if you love others first, you become a good person. If you help others, how can you not feel good about yourself also? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF ALSO when you love others first. That being so…..
What we would call true Love, is simply Unselfish Love. Unselfish Love radiates to all without exception, so powerfully that it transcends your separate self and IS The Creator’s Love flowing through you, to others. You become the vessel that is ‘channeling’ the Universal Spirit (while also being the Universal Spirit). It gives to all who would receive. It is like a Sun that gives warmth, light, and life to all, in all directions, simultaneously.

If your love is not one that gives to all and loves all, then it is a selfishly based love. If you experience jealousy or possessiveness, then it is selfishly based love, not true Love, not pure Love, not unselfish Love. That fact that virtually no one truly loves, or experiences receiving true Love, is unfortunately true.
Being Giving and Unselfishly Loving warms the heart and is beneficial to the giver and the receiver. Unselfish Love is its own reward. The Universal Spirit is Love. We are like faucets and the Universal Spirit is like water. When you open up, by using your free will, and let the water flow from you to everybody, you are constantly being filled with the water as it passes through you. But if you close the faucet off because you mainly desire to keep the water for yourself, it doesn’t flow through you, and you are left empty. Which, sadly, is what many people do? And the people, who are thus empty because they don’t outflow their Love, then start looking in a different direction for something to ‘fill them up’.

If a relationship diversion won’t do it for them, if they are not loving and getting love from their relationships, which always eventually happens, they will do other things. Even if they stay together with someone, they must look for diversions to fill the emptiness of the lack of love and God in their hearts and lives. Desperately, they start thinking ‘intellectually’, constantly keeping the brain busy so they won’t be aware of their emptiness. They may pursue selfish pleasures and amusements of all kinds.

They go from diversion to diversion – food, games, clothing, movies, TV, sports, parties, social clubs, hobbies, lovers, shopping, cars, candy, you name it. But there is never any peace, and never any real or lasting satisfaction – only a temporary fix. And like the drug addict who needs a fix, the more it gets, the more it needs/wants. But the pleasure never lasts, and the feeling is never the same as the joy you get from giving, and, ultimately, the connection to the Universal Spirit that is made through giving. They are left with that hollowness again and with the need to find some other distraction.
Most are looking for love, looking to replace love, and doing everything but what they really need to do to find it – give it.

Relationships can involve a mixture of selfish love and pure love, but many start with (and are actually based on) primarily or totally selfish love. And many relationships break up because of that.
When a relationship is based on the self-gratifying pleasure you get from your partner, it results in a sort of addiction to some extent or other. You can then end up with addictive behaviour – jealousy, possessiveness, rejection, and all the other selfishly spawned causes of pain and turmoil that come with such addiction. Pure love, being the opposite of selfish, creates no addiction. It craves nothing for itself. It thus heals rather than hurts. It cares rather than blocks out and ignores. It can improve your life, the lives of those around you and, ultimately, the whole world.

 Totally pure love is not contaminated at all with selfishness or selfish love. This is important, because like any contaminant, selfishness can taint and ruin everything. Love and compassion are the highest vibrations we can manifest in our physical, conscious life. When we do so, we are in harmony with the Universe and the will of the Creator and our co-creators.

It is best explained in THE GOLDEN RULE: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” if you were in their situation. Just do it, and see what happens.

“As ye do it unto the least of these my children, my creation, ye do it unto me.” This is the law of the Universe and nature. “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so onto them.”
It is simple in words, yet so deep in meaning, so far reaching in its application in every phase of human experience. The golden rule is to love unselfishly, to focus on and give pure love. Pure love encompasses all the spiritual virtues involved with simply being a good person. For example, caring, kindness, compassion, tolerance, sharing, giving, harmlessness, respecting the free will of others (if harmless) etc. are all results of loving unselfishly. Pure love isn’t unconditional love – you can be unselfishly loving and still put your foot down. In other words, one who applies the golden rule in life is reasonably kind, reasonably giving, but not unconditionally kind, unconditionally giving, etc.
This teaching gives examples of the benefits of living by the golden rule, and how to apply it more in your life, in many different circumstances. But you can take it even further if you want to. In my opinion, working on applying the golden rule with others of a like mind can provide you the greatest opportunity for personal, spiritual development.

I strongly believe that if even a few people committed their lives to developing the virtues of being a good person, and then secretly recruited friends and family, with time it would spread from one person to the next, and eventually create a new and better society.
This is a striking allegorical fantasy to clearly illustrate a fundamental difference between a world of people who are looking out for themselves first and a world of people who make caring for others their first priority. That’s what the golden rule is all about. In a nutshell, this exemplifies living by the golden rule, or not living by it. But it’s more than that. It truly represents the real difference that living by the golden rule could make in our world.

It shows us how loving others unselfishly is not only pure love, but pure and real spirituality. And even if you cannot change the world so profoundly, it still represents what kind of a spiritual world we can eventually live in if we live by this rule, thereby making ourselves deserving citizens of the Universe. One of the beauties of the golden rule is its total universality. It goes beyond being just non-denominational and Omni-denominational. As you will note, the issue of religious persuasion or faith is irrelevant.

Assuming that people were of various persuasions, it was their pure love or selfishness that ultimately made the difference in their circumstances. The division between the happy place and the miserable place wasn’t between Christians or Buddhists, Jews or agnostics.
The thing that separated those people (as it does in reality as well) was whether or not they’d learned that living by having pure love was more important than the variations in their belief systems. And that’s what this is all about.

The concept of the golden rule applies to all good, caring, giving people, regardless of religion, faith or lack of it. It is a universal law and principle that anyone anywhere can use to improve their life, the lives of those around them and, ultimately, the whole world. Isn’t that incredible, exciting, amazing and wonderful. The golden rule has a variety of typical definitions, which essentially all have the same meaning. Sometimes it’s interpreted as “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, or “love thy neighbour as thyself”. We would add “do no harm to others” and “think of others first” to that list.

They are all good definitions in our opinion, and you can see how they are reflected in the above. But those definitions and sayings are really by-products of pure love or unselfishly loving others. Pure love covers them all, and is the mother of them all. So to clarify the definition used, when we say living by the golden rule, we basically mean living by unselfishly loving others.
But the concept itself (pure love or living by unselfishly loving others) is not exclusive to any religion.

The same principle is also a belief of all basically good people, religious or not. It can include those of any faith as well as those who have no faith. In any case, following the golden rule means being a caring, spiritual person regardless of label or affiliation. In that sense, as we said earlier, the golden rule is strikingly (and wonderfully) Universal. If you really think about it, there are few things that are so cross-cultural and Universal. Perhaps the most Universal is a smile. Raising your hand as a sign of friendly greeting might be considered an insult or hostile gesture in some cultures, but a smile means the same thing to all people everywhere, and no language is necessary to communicate its meaning. Music can often cross cultures too. But when it comes to a cross-cultural spiritual or moral concept, the golden rule has no rival. While people often disagree on religion and politics, almost everyone can agree on the goodness and rightness of living by the golden rule, regardless of culture or religious belief.

Thus it’s an ideal in which all kind-hearted people can join together towards the common goal of manifesting pure love and its virtues (kindness, compassion, tolerance, peace, sharing, giving etc.) in tangible ways, for the mutual betterment of themselves and all creation. The great need for the golden rule is as simple as the rule itself. All over the world people are suffering. Even those who seem to be happy often actually have a painful, empty pit inside them that they attempt to ignore by constantly chasing after diversions, distractions and fun.
Alcohol and drugs are used to try and cope with it sometimes too, even in the best of families and amongst the wealthy who have everything they want (materially). Then, of course, there are the various wars and oppressions. So, what’s the problem? Why can’t people be happy and live in peace and cooperation? If you look at the world objectively, and at people’s lives, you can trace all problems to one thing – selfishness. That’s right, just that one thing. If you thought greed or hate were the big problems, you’re right, but think further.
Greed is just one aspect of selfishness, one branch. So are hate, lust, theft, starting wars, killing, jealousy, envy, arrogance etc., etc. All of those branches of selfishness have sub-branches too. For instance, the reasons some people lose their jobs, the destruction of a rainforest or over fishing to extinction are branches of greed. But again, greed is just a branch of that one thing. You name the problem – its real source is selfishness. Unlike the common phrase “fight fire with fire”, you usually get better results fighting fire with water. So what better way to fight selfishness with than it’s opposite – unselfishness.

Enter the golden rule, the answer and the cure to all of life’s problems. Once that is clearly understood, the only trick is implementing it in your life and helping others do the same. Which brings us to the next prerequisite – understanding the source of selfishness.
Selfishness is a result of separation, an outgrowth, and outcome, of being separate. Separate from what? From everyone and everything else. Separate from others, separate from nature/the universe. If you totally feel and believe that you are a separate being from everyone else and everything else in the universe, it’s naturally you against the world. Me first. Look out for number one. From that separate perspective it all makes total sense. However, the truth is that we are all one creation – scientifically and spiritually speaking.

Looking at it scientifically, without a religious or spiritual view, scientists know we are all made of the same essential stuff. They also know that the universe is one thing, one energy, forming unimaginable numbers of parts of creation. Even if you take the stance that humans have simply developed self-awareness through evolution, nevertheless it is this self-awareness that is behind humans seeing themselves as separate, and getting out of harmony with everything else in the universe and nature. With that self-consciousness, you have the separate self-contemplating it is me- against-the-world (or against the Universe) scenario.
Rebelling against the Oneness, suddenly, there was the separate self-contemplating it’s me-against-the-world (or against the universe) scenario.

 So, anyway you look at it, the result is the same. The I, me, mine thinking and behaving begins and with that, greed, jealousy, fear, intolerance, hate, arrogance etc., and all the problems that creates. But we all have both a selfish side (that contributes to those problems) and a soul, spirit or good side. Other than the humans who let their selfish side control them, everything else in the universe functions as one harmonious system. Disjointed, separate thinking and behaviour interferes with that harmony, and creates disruptive ripples in the pond that can cause pain and suffering. And when those ripples we create hit the edge of the pond, they bounce back in even more complex patterns.

Again, selfishness and its endless cycle of desire and fear causes all the problems in our personal lives, as well as the world. For those who don’t deliberately make themselves blind, because of their selfishness and fear, it’s easy to see. Once you have identified the problem, you can find a solution.
In this case, since the real problem behind everything is selfishness and separation from the universe, the solution is unselfishness, transcending the illusion of separation, and returning to oneness and harmony with the universal force. Anything that can help that process (as long as it’s harmless) is a good thing, as far as we are concerned.

The golden rule and its resulting virtues are thus a big key, and the perfect way to achieve the above goal. Even if living by the golden rule doesn’t achieve that lofty goal, it’s still a win-win situation, because you become a better person and feel better for helping others. It just makes common sense. Ironically, while the golden rule is intellectually well-known by almost everyone, it seems to be stuck in some intellectual filing cabinet within the dusty archives of people’s foggy memory and brains. It’s amazing when you think about it. The golden rule is probably the most vital, positive, constructive principle in the world (in both a spiritual and practical sense), and it’s always been just sitting there right before us, waiting for us to notice it, take it and use it. It’s likely we even heard about it from our mother or family when we were children.

There in the recesses of our mind is this incredible, powerful, yet simple, universal, commonsensical means of developing true spirituality, improving our lives and the lives of others. It’s so simple, so basic yet profound (in a real sense) but it’s often not even thought of by most of us as we search for spiritual knowledge, truths and beliefs. And even if it is thought of, it’s often not thought of as being as significant as it really is. Or it’s just misunderstood, ignored, or given up on. But all that is now changing.

The golden rule seems to have been lying dormant within the hearts and minds of many good people, like some kind of spiritual time capsule waiting to be opened. Well, the useful truth of the golden rule has been around a very long time, yet it seems that only now is it really beginning to be generally received and practiced by many people. Its time has finally come.
The response I have been getting to the idea of people implementing the golden rule in their lives is remarkable. People everywhere are experiencing an awakening of the rule within them. And as they start living by this rule, and discussing its simple beauty with acquaintances, friends, family and neighbours, some of them respond to it too. In this time of so much change and turmoil in the world, the common sense embodied by the golden rule is creating a common spirituality, and is spreading at a grass roots level.
Many can see that it is a movement that will eventually spread among like-minded individuals throughout the world. The time you spend developing your own unselfish love, and on spreading it to others, is invaluable. It is simple in words, yet so deep in meaning, so far reaching in its application in every phase of the human experience.

“The greatest service we can do for the Universal Spirit is to serve others. The greatest services to others is awakening them to the Universal Consciousness that lies within them, and helping them free themselves from their selfishness and their separate self”.
Identifying the highest love in this often quoted passage: “No greater love has a person, than to give up his or her life for another” — not literal death, but giving up self’s or egos desires for another’s. It is thinking more of what another may need than what self may want. Selfless loving is the ideal — giving, caring without expectation of getting something in return.
Yet, this must not be self-destructive. No one should accuse you of being a doormat of self-deprecating love. You must often radiate a tough love. Those around you often need truth, justice and a clear position on the ways of the Universe, not pampering.
From the other side with Love
I am

Rene’ Descartes
About the Author
Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

10 Vital Areas of Inner Purification

July 2, 2013 | By | Reply
Flickr - Waterfall - paul bica
Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor
Waking Times
In our recent video diary Transformation of Humanity, we spoke of the pressing need for people everywhere to reclaim our spiritual power in order to transform society into a new paradigm: to prevent immanent, wholesale, takeover by the industrial military complex, fueled by a behind-the-scenes Opposing Consciousness. We spoke of the need for “non-compliance” with the unjust ways of the old fear based reality. Non compliance flows hand in hand with inner purification. So if we become intently committed to the spiritual path, we’ll find ourselves cleansing the old consciousness inwardly, which then in itself unravels the outer threads of the matrix…

What ways can purify our inner world?

1. Food
For me, food must come top of the list. Food is energy and what you take into your system, energetically becomes a part of you. There is probably nothing more divisive and destructive to sentient life right now on our planet than our industrial food chain, not least now because of the surreptitious insertion of GMOs. Recently we listed 10 reasons why not to eat processed food. Essentially processed food is dead food which your body will fruitlessly struggle to process and digest. It’s very hard to cleanse the energetic contaminants from your system. Much is full of excito-toxins that are purposefully addictive to make you want more. But since the ‘food’ has little nutritional value, the body craves more of the ‘food’ in order to be satiated. It becomes a vicious cycle. Basically, be very wary if it comes in a packet or a can.
Take also the meat and diary industry. Non-organic meat is packed full of hormones and antibiotics, a concoction you don’t really want circulating your body. Dairy cattle are separated from their young in order that they continue to produce milk. This generates an inordinate amount of fear and stress, again which feeds its way into your system. Everything is energy. Also if you have eaten a reasonable amount of meat and dairy in your life, it’s highly likely the colon will be contaminated with mucoid plaque – compacted festering and rubbery waste. Consider therefore a mucoid plaque detox if you’ve eaten plenty of meat and dairy…Fasting for Detox and Evolution.
Consider also your fruit and veg. Much has been accurately revealed about the impact of non organic food not just on our bodily systems, but also the Earth’s top soils and resultant acidification of the oceans. Go for organic food wherever possible, even if it is costlier at this stage.
From a supermarket it’s likely that most of the time, the produce has been flown in from thousands of miles away, using cryogenic gases to keep fresh and store. Mostly the food is picked before it is ripe, which again, your body will struggle to energetically digest. It’s much better therefore to pick local foods if you can, that are in season. Aligning with the natural biology of your location, aligns you with the natural energetic eco-systems of the Earth. You will feel increasingly harmonious and aligned internally. And your ‘foot-print’ becomes increasingly gentle and compassionate.

2. Water

It goes without saying of course the immense impact of water within our system, our bodies being comprised 70% of water. In the so called developed nations, our water is being progressively polluted through the recycling of drugs that our populations increasingly use and the excretion thereof into the water supply. Not to mention that many counties still flouridise water, which in actual fact, is a poison.

It would be a great energetic benefit to collect spring water, rain water or if you do have to buy it, then buy a source of natural spring water that you’ve first checked out. I seldom, if ever, use tap water and if I do so, I make sure I boil it first.
Water is a carrier of electromagnetism within our system. Every single cell functions through the exchange of ions. If you wish to increase the inner alignment affect, you can store your water in a natural clay vessel, leaving it outside to realign with the Earth’s magnetic field and to invigorate once more with prana from the sun. All of which ensures you ingest a vibrational frequency that brings you increasingly into harmony with the Earth’s natural vibration.

3. Electrosmog

Our surrounding field is becoming increasingly awash with electrosmog from the appliances and gadgets that are infusing society. From mobile phones to Wifi, the frequencies help create an energetic barrier between lower and higher self. If you can’t feel your higher self because its being internally drowned out by disruptive frequencies, then you can’t integrate your higher self down into your being.
Thus reducing the impact of this by minimising the gadgets that you own and rely upon will greatly benefit. We got on perfectly well without Wifi and mobile phones before!
It’s also vitally important to consider the residual electric fields that likely pervade your house. Alternating Current (AC) generates these persistent fields within the walls of the house which remain even when you switch the appliance off. Now you have an oscillating magnetic field that constantly impacts your own. I was guided by benevolence not only to turn off appliances, but also to unplug them from their sockets when not in use. When sleeping, instead of sleeping with your head nearest the wall, sleep instead pointing towards the centre of the room. This will minimise the impact around your head – a key consciousness centre of course.
Consider other ways to reduce the impact of electrosmog in your house. For example using crystals to help stabilise the natural field. Or using Iron Pyrite (fool’s gold) next to plug sockets.

4. Natural and aligned clothing

It’s all about vibrational harmony and alignment within your own system. There is a surreptitious campaign by an Opposing Consciousness going on within the very field itself to create a dissonance between your soul and bodily vehicles of expression. The dissonance drowns out the ‘sound’ of your soul so you can’t ‘hear’ it so strongly. Thus our inherent powers of intuition are denigrated.
Anything that you can do to realign your field and bring back into natural harmony is going to be of benefit. Oil based clothing such as nylon, actually blocks this energetic realignment, so wearing natural clothing like cotton, wool, bamboo and especially hemp is going to help greatly. Wearing hemp for example, in itself can make you feel more centred, calm and aligned.

5. Decluttered environment

Your immediate outer environment is often a reflection of your inner one. The busier your inner state of consciousness is, the harder it is to align with the reordering cosmic energies of benevolence that are yearning to bubble up through the field right now. If you’re constantly distracted, it becomes like background ‘white noise’ in your system. You become desensitised and thus you can’t align with the inflows of reorganising energy.
It becomes a vicious cycle. If you’re inner world becomes overwhelmed by the distraction of the outer, then you become disconnected. Decluttering your immediate living environment is going to help greatly. But what to get rid of? It’s a question to hold in your consciousness and let the very question itself help you let go of unwanted stuff. Thus you begin to break the threads of unnecessary external interference – and correspondingly – you unravel unwanted inner convolution too.

6. External media, vocabulary and sound

Everything carries vibrational frequency. Everything can shift or alter internal states of consciousness. So if you’re allowing judgmental imagery and ideas into your field without consciously processing them, then it can have a highly downgrading affect. Soft porn or the bias of tabloid newspapers is an example. Or television soap operas projecting distorted behaviour patterns accepted as usual and normal are another example. Sexual swear words and others such as ‘hate’ carry a vibration which we need to be careful and aware of.
Sound of particular resonances and even spoken words can alter significantly your DNA (it being a receiver transmitter of vibrational frequency). If you internally scan the affect of such vibration, then you will begin to get a sense if what you’re exposing yourself to is having a detrimental affect.

7. Heavy Metals

Increasingly our surrounding environment is being contaminated with heavy metals. Mercury is often used in immunisation, thus finding its way into the water table and oceans. Those who eat fish will often have high levels of mercury in their system.
The chemtrails we’re all being irradiated with contain high levels of Aluminium, Strontium and Barium. Water that comes into our supply through fracking will also contain heavy metals and the breakdown of plastic water containers. Such heavy metals will be transmitters of DNA downgrading frequency and will also calcify the pineal gland, thus making people less able to embody higher spiritual awareness in a physical sense.
Detoxifying with organic green juices and eating healthy salads with coriander will help greatly. For a more intensive detox, explore the use of the mineral Zeolite which is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in rock deposits around the world. It is very effective at washing heavy metals from bodily cells and decalcifying the pineal gland. There’s plenty of information on the web about it, but be careful which supplier you might go with. There are varying degrees of effectiveness.

8. Negative thought and emotion

The whole concept of thought is a challenging one. If we hold negative thinking, that will clearly affect our inner state of consciousness and therefore the outer reality we create. Yet what is often misunderstood, is that thought and emotion are mostly the effects of our inner configuration of consciousness. So they often hold important clues of distorted behaviours and alignment that we need to process and let go of. If we experience negative thinking and emotion, it’s important to explore them deeply and then soften into the internal contractions they generate so that we may process the behaviour out at a deep consciousness level.
Once our consciousness in that particular area is realigned, then yes, it’s going to be incredibly beneficial to attune thought positively with aligned internal consciousness. So attuning to the sense of rightness and harmony, observing those things in your environment that are uplifting and nurture a sense of joy and at-one-ment with all life (watch our Gateway 2 movie of 5GATEWAYS).

9. Opposing Consciousness and psychic attack

As hard as it may be to imagine for the unaware, the surrounding energy field is awash with inter-dimensional entities that are surreptitiously shaping and controlling the matrix of mass human subconsciousness in which we live. This intervention has established and plays on much of the distortion outlined above. It slips into negative consciousness, accentuating and further distorting it. This locks people into disconnected and downward spirals. That’s why so many people are lost within society and for some, the sense of disconnection seems to be intensifying.
This Opposing Consciousness works by inserting energy implants in ones field and by playing various energetic frequencies which drown out the natural soul ray harmonic. The counter to this intervention, is to attune as deeply to the soul as we can, in all that we do, and then to embody it every daily activity. Thus the distortions of ego which make us susceptible unravel and unwind. It makes us less prone to the intervention (see…Removing Energy Implants).
First we must observe acutely all our internal reactions and contractions to external affects. If we’re being psychically attacked in this way, then to accept it first, becoming awesomely okay with it to the point we become as nothing in it – like a ‘ghost’. Thus ultimately you cannot be ‘seen’ from the higher dimension. When you reach this point, it becomes possible to reject or project out from your vicinity any of these malevolent entities. We’ve outlined in greater detail the approach here…Combating Psychic Attack

10. Inner Identities and Karma

In this article Integrating Inner Identities, we spoke of the challenge of internal filtering identities formed through our upbringing and development that generate a false self ego. These identities are ultimately shaped by our karma, which we manifest in our lives through the Law of Attraction by drawing the appropriate circumstances we need to process, evolve and grow.
By understanding how these identities affect our lives and by unraveling them through the confrontation of limiting behaviours, we can unwind our karma that recreates the identities. It’s a constant process of internal observation, processing the negative effects and making higher self choices (openway is an affective moment-by-moment process for facilitating this).
Ultimately we become pure and aligned internally, ascending through the Five Gateways into multi-dimensional being.

Non compliance: an inner revolution

Clearly this inner purification is not something to be taken lightly! It’s highly involving, but until you truly embark upon it, it’s impossible to imagine the uplifting and invigorating impact of such realignment in ones life. Initially it may seem like we’re having to sacrifice (as we give up eating particular foods for example), but then as the untold benefits kick in and as your consciousness lightens, it becomes increasingly easy to let go of any sense of loss. The higher path becomes increasingly effortless.
Not only this, but of course such purification is of vital benefit to the planet and we inspire others to make the higher consciousness shift. You don’t have to fight the system to change it. Our non-compliance with the distorting ways of the old will ensure an unstoppable spiritual revolution sweeps through our world, something that’s greatly needed right now on both a personal and planetary level.
About the Author
Chris Bourne – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.
I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here.
During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.
This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.
My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.