Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Russian Physicists Seek Help to Build Nikola Tesla’s ‘Planetary Energy Transmitter’

July 5, 2014 | By  5 Replies

“It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.” – Nikola Tesla
Imagine clean wireless energy available for anyone in the world to tap into; zero-emission cars and planes, self-charging electronics, and wireless appliances all harnessing energy with a radio antenna. It may sound like science fiction, but it’s actually based on century-old discoveries by Nikola Tesla.
It was his plan for the Wardenclyffe Tower until it was squashed by industrialists because they could not control and meter it. The tower was to be a magnifier and transmitter of radio waves through the atmosphere that electronic devices could freely draw from. While many micro-uses of this type of energy are beginning to emerge, a large scale application is still absent.
Two Russian scientists hope to change that by building Tesla’s “Wireless Energy Transmitter” tower.
Leonid Plekhanov and Sergey Plekhanov, both graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, believe that by combining Tesla’s plans with modern materials and other recent discoveries, they will succeed in delivering free, clean energy to the entire planet.

“Modern materials and equipment provide us with an incredible opportunity to re-implement the invention of Tesla and build a solution of the energy transmission problem Today! We’ve re-designed a version of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe tower based on his principles but using the modern materials and advanced electronic components and are ready to build it,” they write on their crowdfunding page.
The towers basically work to magnify electrical energy and transmit it via radio waves across the globe using the “Earth-Ionosphere waveguide like a sort of analogue of simple wire.
“Nikola Tesla imagined this clean technology would power homes and fuel electric vehicles, including planes. But today the uses seem endless. Michael Jaeger astutely explained the potential of wireless energy in a 2012 article:
Power transmitters fed from generating plants could send megawatts of power at millions of volts at gigahertz frequencies into the atmosphere as radio waves, and portable devices like cell phones could grab it from the air, no batteries needed. All cars could be electric with zero emissions, and depending on the number of transmitters and the power output of these transmitters, one could theoretically drive across the country without requiring large batteries. Homes would have antennae to connect them to the power grid rather than wires. Power losses would be minimal unlike today. Our power grids routinely see 8 percent power losses. There would be no transmission line congestion, which creates large spikes in locational pricing in wholesale electricity markets due to transmission line limitations. Infrastructure costs to safely transmit power would be eliminated.
Sounds like a pretty awesome future. Support this project at IndieGoGo.

Not All Salt is Created Equally – The Types of Salt and Their Benefits

July 8, 2014 | By  12 Replies
“Salt is what makes things taste bad when it isn’t in them.” – Unknown
Salt is arguably the most important ingredient in cooking.
Without it, most meals would taste bland and unexciting.
However… not all salt is created equal and there are many “types” to choose from.
We have Himalayan Pink SaltKosher SaltSea SaltCeltic Salt (to name a few)… and then we have plain old refined table salt.
Not only do they differ in taste and texture, but there are also some differences in mineral and sodium content.
This article explores the most popular salt types… then at the end, gives you a direct comparison of their nutritional properties to help you make the right choices.
But first, let’s take a look at what salt is and why it’s such a controversial ingredient among health experts.

What is Salt and How Does it Affect Health?

Salt is a crystalline mineral made of two elements, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl).
Sodium and chlorine are absolutely essential for life in animals, including humans.
They serve important functions like helping the brain and nerves send electrical impulses.
Most of the world’s salt is harvested from salt mines, or by evaporating sea water or other mineral-rich waters.
Salt is used for various purposes, the most common of which is adding flavor to foods. Salt is also used as afood preservative, because bacteria have trouble growing in a salt-rich environment.
The reason salt is often perceived as unhealthy (in large amounts), is that it can bind water in the bloodstream and raise blood pressure.
But even though studies have suggested that lowering salt intake can reduce blood pressure by 1-5.4 mm/Hg, there is no evidence that lowering salt prevents heart attacks, stroke or death (12).
The great majority of sodium in the Western diet comes from processed foods. If you eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods then you don’t need to worry about adding some salt to your meals.
Bottom Line: Salt is made of two minerals, sodium and chloride, which are essential for human life. Too much salt can raise blood pressure, but there is very little evidence that eating less salt can improve health.

Refined Salt (Regular Table Salt)

The most commonly used salt is plain old table salt.
This salt is usually highly refined. It is heavily ground and most of the impurities and trace minerals are removed.
The problem with heavily ground salt is that it can clump together. For this reason, various substances calledanti-caking agents are added so that it flows freely.
Food-grade table salt is almost pure sodium chloride, or 97% or higher.
Here’s an important point… iodine is often added to table salt.
This was a successful public health preventative measure against iodine deficiency, which was (and still is) common in many parts of the world and a leading cause of hypothyroidism, mental retardation and various health problems (34).
Therefore, if you choose not to eat regular iodine-enriched table salt, then make sure you’re eating some other foods that are high in iodine, like fish, dairy, eggs and seaweed.
I personally take kelp tablets (seaweed) a few times per week because I rarely eat iodized salt. They are very high in iodine.
Bottom Line: Refined table salt is mostly just sodium chloride, with substances called anti-caking agents added in order to prevent clumping. Iodine is often added to table salt.

Sea Salt

Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater.
Like table salt, it is mostly just sodium chloride.
However, depending on where it is harvested and how it was processed, it usually does contain some amount of trace minerals like potassium, iron and zinc.
The darker the sea salt, the higher its concentration of “impurities” and trace nutrients will be. However, keep in mind that due to the pollution of oceans, sea salt can also contain trace amounts of heavy metals like lead (5).
Sea salt is often less ground than regular refined salt, so if you sprinkle it on top of your food after it has been cooked, it may have a different mouthfeel and cause a more potent “flavor burst” than refined salt.
The trace minerals and impurities found in sea salt can also affect the taste, but this varies greatly between different brands.
Bottom Line: Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater. It is very similar to regular salt, but can contain small amounts of minerals. It can also contain trace amounts of heavy metals if it is harvested from a polluted sea.

Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan salt is harvested in Pakistan.
It is mined from the Khewra Salt Mine, the second largest salt mine in the world.
Himalayan salt often contains trace amounts of iron oxide (rust), which gives it a pink color.
It does contain small amounts of calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. It also contains slightly lower amounts of sodium than regular salt.
A lot of people prefer the flavor of himalayan salt compared to other types of salts, but personally I haven’t been able to notice a difference.
The main difference seems to be the color, which can give a meal a nice look if you sprinkle it on top after it has been cooked.
Bottom Line: Himalayan salt is harvested from a large salt mine in Pakistan. It has a pink color due to the presence of iron oxide. It also contains trace amounts of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Kosher Salt

Kosher salt was originally used for religious purposes.
Jewish law required blood to be extracted from meat before it was eaten. Kosher salt has a flaky, coarse structure that is particularly efficient at extracting the blood (6).
The main difference between regular salt and kosher salt is the structure of the flakes. Chefs find that kosher salt, due to its large flake size, is easier to pick up with your fingers and spread over food.
Kosher salt will have a different texture and flavor burst, but if you allow the salt to dissolve in the food, then there really isn’t any difference compared to regular table salt.
However, kosher salt is less likely to contain additives like anti-caking agents and iodine.
Bottom Line: Kosher salt has a flaky structure that makes it easy to spread on top of your food. There is very little difference compared to regular salt, although it is less likely to contain anti-caking agents and added iodine.

Celtic Salt

Celtic salt is a type of salt that originally became popular in France.
It has a greyish color and also contains a bit of water, which makes it quite moist.
Celtic salt contains trace amounts of minerals and is a bit lower in sodium than plain table salt.
Bottom Line: Celtic salt has a light greyish color and is quite moist. It is made from seawater and contains trace amounts of minerals.

Differences In Taste

Foodies and chefs primarily choose their salt based on taste, texture, color and convenience.
The impurities, including the trace minerals, can affect both the color and taste of the salt.
The size of the salt can also affect how the salty flavor hits the tongue. Salt with a larger grain size can have a stronger flavor and last longer on your tongue.
However, if you allow the salt to dissolve in the food, then there shouldn’t be any major taste difference between plain refined salt and the other “gourmet” types of salt.
If you like to use your fingers to sprinkle salt on food, then dry salts with a larger grain size are much easier to handle.
Bottom Line: The main difference between the salts is the taste, flavour, color, texture and convenience.

Minerals in Different Types of Salt

There is one study that compared the mineral content of different types of salt (7).
The table below shows the comparison between Table Salt, Maldon Salt (a typical sea salt), Himalayan Salt and Celtic Salt:
As you can see, celtic salt has the least amount of sodium and the highest amount of calcium and magnesium. Himalayan salt contains a bit of potassium.
However… keep in mind that these really are tiny amounts. For example, the 0.3% content of Magnesium for celtic salt implies that you would need to eat 100 grams of salt to reach the recommended daily amount.
For this reason, the mineral content of the various salts is actually not a compelling reason to choose one salt over the other. These amounts really are negligible compared to what you get from food.

Which Salt is The Healthiest?

I looked long and hard and couldn’t find a single study actually comparing the health effects of different types of salt.
However… if such a study were done, I highly doubt they would find a major difference. Most of the salts are similar, consisting of sodium chloride and tiny amounts of minerals.
The main benefit of choosing more “natural” types of salt is that you avoid additives and anti-caking agents that are often added to regular table salt.
At the end of the day, salt is salt… its main purpose is to add flavour, not nutrition.

Sit Until the World Becomes Still

July 8, 2014 | By  1 Reply

Flickr - Meditate - Moyan_Brenn_I'M BACK NOW
Sit until the world becomes still. There is a quote that Wayne Dyer uses frequently by a man namedBlaise Pascal which goes: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
Isn’t that the truth.
In life things always seem to go wrong when we start to interfere with the natural order of things. And when we do interfere and things start to get all messed up, our solution is to keep on interfering and try to forcibly change and fix things with our own will. Yet that rarely ever works because every time we interject in life we are always trying to solve a problem with the same level of awareness that created it, and as Einstein advised us, that does not work.
So I have devised another system. Actually, I cannot take credit for it in any way because it is many thousands of years old, and it is what Sages and Saints from every age and every culture have been telling us to do since time immemorial. I call it, sitting until the world becomes still. Or in other words, sitting quietly until every single one of our problems resolve themselves all on their own.
Now you may be thinking that this cannot possibly work. That in order to solve a problem or to do anything in life you have to do something, or work hard. But I can assure you that this is not the case, and if you were to try to do anything, it is most likely that you would merely aggravate the issue.
The key to life is to live from a place of stillness and non-attachment, because when we seek that stillness within us and become detached from the transient world, we begin to live from the unified field – creative consciousness. And not only do we begin to enjoy life more as a result, but it becomes smoother because it is the fluid expression of our creative, infinite self manifesting in the world.
When we become too attached to the world then we think we have to fix everything, interfere and interject, but that is the realm of the ego. Living as a master of creation, a manifester, is much different. Masters of creation don’t get in the way of nature, because they understand that reality is created by their thoughts, emotions, and desires, thus they go to a deep place of peace within themselves and fix any issues in their lives and in the world all internally by aligning themselves energetically with source.
By tuning into that place of stillness within themselves where there is no distraction or disruption of pure consciousness, they become pure consciousness and their thoughts and emotions align naturally. And then they simply allow creation to do what it naturally does: reflect our inner world.
When we are internally still, we reflect the universe. Thus all our dreams and intentions are fulfilled when we stop interfering.
The issues arise when we radiate and create, but then forget to collapse back inwards on ourselves as the universe does, which is the natural cycle and dynamics of all consciousness. And that is why sitting until the world becomes still is not only so important to do, but also why it is so effective.
When we sit until the world becomes still the world seems to right itself. Our problems disappear because we detach from them. And by detaching from them completely and entering the stillness within us, our universally aligned desires become apparent to us. Then, all we need to do is simply obey them because when we feel those pure desires, which so clearly reflect the truth of who we are, it is nearly impossible to regard them with anything but the understanding of, “Wow, how could it have been any other way?”
In my life when I sit until the world becomes still, I realize that every single time all of my frustration and stress and suffering was nothing but the result of resisting an act of creation. I AM an act of creation, and so is my life. But I am merely a co-creator, as we all are, conductors of universal energies with our perception. We do not own those energies, we simply have the ability to channel them through ourselves and condense and focus them with the lens of attention onto whatever we desire, in order to create and manifest literally anything.
After sitting until the world becomes still an article or insight arises from the depth of me, and as I write it down, everything in my life is resolved because I stopped resisting my own nature. And I believe that describes perfectly the primordial desire of all reality: the desire to create.
Every single one of our individual and collective dreams, are but our deepest desire for creation and co-creation. It is my belief that creation is the only thing that we have to do on this planet. It is what fills us with the most bliss, the most peace, inspiration, enthusiasm, satisfaction, and fulfillment. And everything else we do are just made up problems which are getting in the way of our one and only desire: to co-create and to enjoy in blissful unity all of creation.
Everything the majority of us do in life is usually geared towards distracting us from what is going on inside. But what if that is the fundamental source of all our issues, in life and in the world? And as Blaise Pascalobserved, what if we could actually resolve everything by sitting until the world becomes still?
Wayne Dyer said that when we first sit down to meditate, “we realize how slimy our minds really are.” And that is the main reason why most of us avoid dealing with that experience through television, indulgence in food, consumption, or other distractions. I believe that every one of us are guilty of this in some way at one time or another. Yet I am here to tell you that it is okay.
Looking within yourself will be difficult and chaotic at first, but if you sit long enough, your world will become still. Your world will exude peace and potential because you will have reached a place of stillness and potential within yourself, which your world will reflect.
Now I know that whatever confronts me in my life, whenever I get stuck, or confused, or lost, all I have to do is sit until the world becomes still and I will see clearly exactly what it is that I am supposed to do. The article that I was resisting will arise within me, like this one, and I will write it and all of my frustration and stress will disappear. I find new focus, new direction, and new connection every time I sit until the world becomes still, because when I become still and silent internally, I become the unified field of all possibility, and the universe erupts through me, as I know it will do for you too because we share the same source, and we are one.
Sit until the world becomes still. Namasté.

About the Author
Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Healing Is Voltage

July 2, 2014 | By  3 Replies

Maintaining an alkaline environment is a key to good health. As our voltage drops below a certain voltage, we begin to experience fatigue. As the voltage further drops (and thus the pH drops) we become prone to developing health problems. Cancer cells, for example, have a pH of about 6.3 and carry a specific voltage. By knowing that chronic disease is associated with low voltage, one might ask an obvious question; “What is my voltage?”
One can measure the body’s voltage with a voltmeter that measures in millivolts. However, the voltage in the body pulses, making it difficult to get a true endpoint with a voltmeter. There are computerized devices that will measure the body voltage and impedance.
These were developed in the 1950′s before the FDA began to evaluate devices. The FDA has not approved these devices for measuring body voltage, but they have been in continuous use for this purpose around the world since 1951.
Electrons are needed for health and for healing. The optimal cellular pH of 7.35 = -20mv. pH is ultimately a measure of redox potential. Redox potential is a measure of whether electrons are available in surplus (and thus are “electron donors”) or whether electrons are deficient (and thus are “electron stealers”). When the voltage is an electron stealer, it is called plus voltage. When it is an electron donor, it is called a negative voltage. The voltage is converted to a logarithmic scale of 1-14 called pH.
The minus sign means electrons are in surplus and are available to be donated. If cells are injured, -50 mv is needed for healing. In other words, for healing to take place, a more alkaline environment (with even more electrons available then normal) is needed. Antioxidants like vitamin C or glutathione are valuable because they are electron donors which help counteract oxidants (electron stealers). Some other electron donors are low level lasers, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, being grounded, and alkaline water (the next newsletter will be on this topic). Some electron stealers are root canals, mercury fillings, processed foods, acid water and carbonated beverages.
Cells are designed to run at a pH of 7.35 (-20 millivolts) to a pH of 7.45 (-25 millivolts). Cell membranes can achieve a temporary “action potential” of up to -90 millivolts.
We heal by making new cells. Making new cells requires -50 millivolts.
We get sick when we cannot achieve -50 millivolts and thus cannot make new cells. We are thus stuck in chronic disease. All chronic disease is defined by having low voltage.
Chronic disease occurs when voltage drops below -20 millivolts. As voltage drops, these things happen:
1. Cells dont have enough energy to work correctly.
2. Chronic pain is caused by low voltage.
3. As voltage drops, the amount of oxygen in cells drops, switching from aerobic (oxygen- available) metabolism to anaerobic (oxygen diminished) metabolism.
4. With anaerobic metabolism, one unit of fat makes only two molecules of ATP whereas with aerobic metabolism, one unit of fat makes 32 molecules of ATP.
5. With anaerobic metabolism, microorganisms begin to grow and put out toxins to dissolve our cells so they can eat us.
There are multiple sources where the body normally gets electrons (unprocessed food, alkaline water, sunshine, standing in the dirt, etc.). This creates a body pool of electrons.
In the body, the tissue with the least resistance to the flow of electrons is fibrous tissue. Thus wherever there is fibrous tissue, it is serving two purposes: structural support and moving electrons.
The body has three “trucking systems” that move electrons down to the cells: ionically through the circulatory system, through the fibrous sheath surrounding nerves, and through the acupuncture system (the fascial system).
Cell membranes are made up of opposing phospholipids (fats). Because of their unique properties, this arrangement creates a capacitor, a unit designed to store electrons. Thus cell membranes are like small batteries.
Underneath the cell membranes are small power stations called mitochondria. Inside the mitochondria is a rechargeable battery system called ATP/ADP. When the battery is charged, it is called ATP. When it is discharged, it is called ADP.
ATP is the final power source for the proteins in the cell to move. This movement allows the cell to do whatever it is designed to do. As power is drained from the ATP battery, it becomes discharged and is called ADP. Electrons are then brought down from the cell membrane to recharge ADP back to ATP. ATP is also made by the Krebs Cycle.
This process takes place about 70 times per day in every cell.
We have come to understand that chronic disease is accompanied by a loss of voltage. The image to the right is the “power grid” of the body. Thus you will usually find the cause of the loss of power by studying this image. If you can answer the question, “Why did I lose enough voltage to get sick?”, you will know how to get well.
There are many things that can destroy your power grid. However, the four most common ones are eating trans fats, not having enough functional thyroid hormoneheavy metal poisoning, and dental infections.
Food manufacturers were losing money because of spoilage. The main thing that spoils is the fats turn rancid. They found that if they cook the fats for 5 hours at 350 degrees, it turns into something very similar to plastic. These “plastic fats” are called “Trans Fats” or “partially hydrogenated fats”. Most of the food you will find in the grocery store contains these plastic fats because it increases the shelf-life and thus the profits of the food companies.
If you eat plastic fats, your cell membranes become like cellophane and won’t hold a charge = you become a dead battery!
Canola Oil acts similarly to plastic fats and should also be avoided.
The total number of mitochondria (and thus the total number of rechargeable ATP/ADP batteries) you have is dictated by the amount of FUNCTIONAL thyroid hormone you have!
The pituitary gland makes thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This causes the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones (T4 and T3). Doctors generally test the levels of each of these to determine if the thyroid is functioning normally. However, these tests are made invalid by fluoride.
The halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Whenever an atom of fluorine is present, it will displace any of the other halogens.
T4 is a tyrosine protein with four iodines attached to it. When you consume fluoride in water, toothpaste, at the dentist, etc. it displaces the iodine on the thyroid hormone. It appears that the blood tests for thyroid hormones cannot tell the difference between the real hormone and the fake hormone. Thus many people are hypothyroid with normal blood tests! This is called Hypothyroidism Type II.
Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. destroy mitochondria and thus lower your voltage. It only takes a piece of lead the size of a grain of salt to poison you. Lead was present in paint and gasoline until the 1950′s. Lead is commonly found in items imported from China.
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of mercury in humans comes from their dental fillings. “Silver fillings” are mostly mercury. Mercury is so poisonous that you have to wear a biohazard suit to handle it—unless you put it into your mouth! Every time you get a flu shot, you get an injection of mercury!
Heavy metals do not stay in the blood very long. They quickly move down into your tissues. Thus if you find a heavy metal in your blood, it means you have a current source. To find chronic heavy metal poisoning, you must inject a chelating agent into the vein so it can pull the metal out of your tissue and dump it into the kidneys so it can be found.
Microorganisms like bacteria don’t have a digestive system, so they secrete their digestive enzymes to dissolve our cells so they can have lunch. Of course this damage to our cells causes us illness.
If you think about it, the type of enzyme necessary for a bug to have lunch on a tooth has to be very strong compared to a Strept bacteria having lunch on your tonsils! These powerful enzymes (toxins) from bacteria that can live on teeth are called gliotoxins and thioethers. These poisons cause the mitochondria to shut down in cells far from your teeth!
Root canal surgery is performed by ripping the artery and nerve from a tooth, killing it. The dentists are the only physicians who purposely leave dead tissue in the body. All dead tissue, whether it is your tooth, your appendix, or you big toe, will become infected and harm you if you don’t remove it. There are 2-3 miles of small tubules in a tooth, and it is impossible to sterilize these with lasers, medications or any other way.
Any infection, in a tooth, a root canal, or in the bone around a tooth must be aggressively dealt with or you will develop chronic disease elsewhere.