Thursday, March 12, 2015

7 Ways the Matrix Coerces Public Consent for Torture

7 Ways the Matrix Coerces Public Consent for Torture

Cleverly at work for the dark side, the corporate media isn’t going into great detail about the recent discovery that the Chicago Police Department has for years been operating a secret, off-site, extra-judicial, unconstitutional detention and interrogation center in a nondescript warehouse on the West side of the Windy City. Americans, so the talking heads would have us believe, have more important things to busy ourselves with.
The protest against this outrage is growing, however, because at Homan Square, as it’s known, the local police ‘disappear’ American citizens before charging them with any crime. They hide them there for hours or days without the knowledge of lawyers, family, or friends, interrogating, threatening, abusing and at times coming up with cleverly inhumane ways to torture them.
Think Gitmo, think Abu Ghraib. Think Pol Pot, think Mao. Pardon my French here, but, c’est quoi ce bordel?
This sort of thing has always been in the play books of imperialists and barbarians, but in just over a short decade in the ‘land of the free,’ torture has clawed its gory soul into mainstream ideology, and it’s making the death march to becoming acceptable public policy for your local police goons. Who, by the way, are already up-armed to the teeth and better equipped than most of the world’s national armies.
Utterly impossible to conceal or ignore the moral depreciation taking place here, it’s puzzling to consider why so many otherwise good Americans either actively or passively support so many emergent government sponsored atrocities like the illegal detention and torture of enemies, both foreign and domestic. The answer to this riddle says a great deal about where we’re at as human beings, where we’re going as a society, and how bumpy and horrifying the ride is going to get along the way.
Here’s a look at how the matrix coerces us into tacit or explicit acceptance of things that only the most psychopathic of us could conjure up.

1. Human an Human Violence Conditioning

The human mind learns by observation, and the average person witnesses tens of thousands of acts of theatric violence before they even reach adulthood. Nothing’s shocking once you’ve seen it all, and as the barrier to revulsion against human on human carnage is broken down by low grade television programs, mindlessly violent films, and absurd staged news programs, the mind is forced to seek normalcy in an insane environment.
Social engineering is a pet project of the corporate and political elite, it’s how they sell consumerism and maintain a ‘business as usual’ attitude when usurping rights and corrupting humanity. As products of a multi-generational experiment in mass mind control, human on human violence has been presented to the masses as a God, and is equal parts fearful, righteous and entertaining, appearing in every form of consumable media.
The torture of nameless aggressors by the military and police state is a drop in the bucket of what we’ve already witnessed, and as such, it’s just not that big of a deal to most.

2. Fear the Fear Itself

How many Hollywood bloodbaths, eyewitness police brutality videos, 9/11’s, and terrorist executions can be consumed before the psyche caves in completely to combat exhaustion? This a psychological coup of sorts by the fear pimps, as public consciousness is always directed toward an unrelenting stream of well-produced anxiety-inducing propaganda. It is the continual over-stimulation of every possible worry… violence programming merely being one part of it. This has triggered a mass psychosis, a sort of cultural PTSD, and we have the neuroses to prove it, constantly anxious, constantly concerned, and never content to live and let live.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda
Instilling great fear in their subjects has always been the most basic offensive play for tyrants, control freaks and cult leaders. When you’re afraid of everything, the reptilian mind is given dominion over our more human qualities, and the world seems a far more dangerous than it may actually be. Anything becomes justifiable as self-defense, and anyone with a big enough stick to pose as a savior is revered as a savior.

3. The Applied Science of the Shock Doctrine

The natural bias of the human being is to eventually perceive the abnormal as normal, when given sufficient exposure. Fear is like a steam engine, it must be continually stoked or it loses momentum. If it does, the shock of witnessing something terrifying can eventually be normalized out of the psyche by the natural proclivity we have to heal ourselves.
And so the nightmares themselves must evolve and intensify in order to keep carrying their weight… and so they do. The application of fear-based propaganda is now ubiquitous in modern life and it always intensifies. Ruby Ridge becomes Waco. Bird flu becomes ebola. Al Qaeda becomes ISIS. Search warrants become no-knock raids. And routine police work becomes torturous.
The point of mass-inflicted crisis consciousness is to alter how we perceive the world and how we react to stressors in life bycreating the illusion that catastrophe lies around every corner. When agitated by the continuous consumption of violence, shock and fear programming, protection from anything and everything becomes top priority. From this level of consciousness our behavior is both predictable and manageable, and we readily accept the solutions proffered by those who market themselves as our heroes.

4. Compliance Training and National Opinion Manufacturing

Perhaps there is nothing more to blame than human nature, as human beings are quite adept at following rules, orders and obeying suggestions, especially when compliance training is a built-in part of education and work, and day-to-day life is preoccupied with avoiding prosecution for the violation of an ever-expanding code of laws, regulations and ordinances. The federal tax code alone, for example, is some 74,000+ pages long.
But let’s be honest here, government authority comes explicitly from its capacity and willingness to inflict violence. Watching how coldly they enforce their rules and suppresses dissent, the message is crystal clear: obey. Compliance is a survival tool in a police state.
Original thought is rare in an environment where obedience is expected, and most people just repeat ideas from the sources in front of them. Mainstream media, national opinion theatre, and social cliques set the tone for national opinion building, as talk celebrities, shock-jocks, and expert pundits chatter away 24/7, reinforcing the narratives of impending doom, the need for safety, and the vainglory of deference to the military industrial complex.
Group-think is an epidemic, and compliance is contagious. It’s easiest and most convenient to sail with the prevailing winds rather than to row against the current. It’s a survival mechanism, triggered by shock and trauma conditioning.

5. Trickle Down Psychopathy

Looking up at the eye of the pyramid, we see that psychopaths are in control, and with all eyes on them, their deeds become examples for us all. The message is that compassion no longer has a place in our calculating world, and that other human beings, even mother nature herself, are both acceptable targets and collateral damage in the quest for the satiation of fear.
No wonder we accept atrocities like torture… our most revered leaders have been showing the way for decades now. When the insanity of violence, corruption and torture is coming from the highest positions in public leadership, it is little wonder that the rank and file citizenry has lost much of their humanity as well.
Those people you meet who openly advocate torture are merely the top-products of the mold, and they’ve accepted their free ticket to join the party and indulge the darkest parts of themselves. Psychopathy begets psychopathy.

6. The Sheeple Have Been Sent to Pasture 

Life in the matrix is a full-spectrum occupation of the mind, senses and soul. In this environment, dank with cognitive dissonance, the life of the sheeple is blissful ignorant and mindlessly obedient to the shepherd and the sheepdogs.
It wouldn’t be entirely fair to say that most Americans approve of torture, but that doesn’t matter much, because it is fair to say that the majority of Americans are so heavily entranced in their own immediate affairs, and so heavily sedated,poisoned, intoxicated and entertained that they are powerless to confront the reality of state sponsored oppression. Out to pasture in the American dream, the sheeple are sidelined from any meaningful participation in public decision making.
In fact, the infamous political insider Karl Rove gives a realistic impression of how little influence the masses have over the activities of empires and tyrants:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” – Karl Rove
Being part of the herd is like being at the movies. It’s easy… you’re reality is created for you. You just stay put, stay quiet, stay focused on the actors appearing in front of you, enjoy your junk food, and try not to ruin the movie for others by making noise or breaking the rules. It doesn’t matter if the movie is any good or not, you just need something to occupy your time.
Apathy has been bred into our genetic code.

7. The Collapse of Spiritual Intelligence

Perhaps you’ve already become sensitive to this, or perhaps you’re just now on beginning to wake up. The realization here is that if you remove all of the oppressive, negative fear-mongering and dark shock psychology of the mainstream, and elevate your own consciousness to a perspective well above all of this, then the possibilities for the progress and happiness of yourself and the entire human race appear to be infinite. We truly are infinite beings temporarily occupying human bodies… violence and torture are simply incompatible with this revelation.
Yet, there is a spiritual war being waged to prevent us from realizing this natural fact. The sum total effect of this effort against society is to disconnect us from our spiritual intelligence, soften our resistance to evil, and weaken our natural draw towards the beautiful and endearing aspects of being.
They want us to believe, as Orwell said, that “people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” That there is no other source of peace than violence.


As evidence of their moral superiority, the matrix programmers still depend on cultural myths like the Founding Fathers story, American liberty, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Hero narratives like the WWII triumph over evil, American Sniper, and big-budget disaster films create the illusion that good people sometimes have to step up to the plate and do bad things for the rest of us.
But these stories are losing their potency, because, let’s face it, it’s tough to claim moral authority when you’re torturing people. The recent news about Chicago’s black-site detention center should be taken as a severe warning to us all that the powers that be are no longer too concerned with maintaining the impression of being morally superior.
The American police state now has all the pieces in place to make its Great Leap Forward. Welcome to the express elevator to hell, comrades… going down.
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” – Thomas Jefferson
About the Author
Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for mankind.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10 Strategies to Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

Fortunately, a number of tips can help you normalize your eating, so that you neither overeat nor under-eat. Thankfully, none of them involve counting calories (or counting anything!). Among the strategies that have helped thousands of my patients lose weight, keep it off, and reduce their risk for diabesity include:
  1. Cut out the processed stuff and eat real, whole foods. The single most important thing to lose weight and avoid overeating is to include as many real, whole, unprocessed foods in your diet as possible. Starting right now, make the switch to these foods to lose weight: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, organic, range, or grass-fed animal products (poultry, lamb, beef, pork, eggs), and wild, smaller fish such as salmon.
  2. Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast means you’re eventually starving, and throughout the day you eat much more food than needed to feel full. To optimize health and weight loss, you need to eat breakfast, to spread out food intake evenly throughout the day, and to not eat for at least two hours before bed. A recent study found that almost 3,000 people who lost an average of 70 pounds and kept it off for six years ate breakfast regularly. Only four percent of people who never ate breakfast kept the weight off.
  3. Eat mindfully. We need to be in a relaxed state for the nervous system of our gut or digestive system to work properly. Eating while we are stressed out makes us fat, both because we don’t digest our food properly and because stress hormones slow metabolism and promote fat storage, especially of belly fat. We also tend to overeat when we eat quickly, because it takes the stomach 20 minutes to signal the brain that we are full.
  4. Moderate or eliminate alcohol. Taking a holiday from alcohol, besides getting rid of additional sugar calories, will help you tune in to your true appetite and prevent you from overeating.
  5. Become aware of trigger foods. For some of us, that one little soda can set us on a downward spiral to overeating and all of the negative health consequences that come with it. It isn’t just the processed, sugary foods and drinks that become triggers. But even healthy foods, if you have a tendency to binge on them, can quickly become unhealthy. A handful of almonds are perfectly healthy, but if you eat half the jar, they quickly become unhealthy.
  6. Keep a Journal. Journaling is an excellent way to get in touch with your inner motivations, to break the cycle of mindless eating and activity, to be honest and accountable and present to yourself. We often overeat because something is eating away at us. We stuff ourselves with food in order to stuff our feelings away. We use food to block feelings, but you can use words to block food. You can write in order to better metabolize your feelings so they don’t end up driving unconscious choices or overeating. A diet of words and self-exploration often results in weight loss. You metabolize your life and calories better.
  7. Get sufficient sleep. Get eight hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep every night. You’ll find that you’re less prone to cravings and you will normalize fat-regulating hormones. One study found even a partial night’s sleep deprivation contributes to insulin resistance, paving the way for obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  8. Control stress levels. Most of us fail to notice the effects of the chronic stresses we live with every day: demanding jobs, marital tension, lack of sleep, too much to do and too little time to do it. I am sure the list goes on for many. Chronic stress makes us overeat, not to mention overeating the wrong kinds of food, which ultimately leads to weight gain. Learn to actively relax with meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or any other technique that helps you reduce stress.
  9. Exercise the right way. You can’t over-exercise your way out of a bad diet, but the right exercise can help you lose weight, maintain weight loss, and control your appetite so you don’t overeat. Ideally you should do a minimum of 30 minutes of walking every day. Get a pedometer to track your steps. Wear it every day and set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. More vigorous and sustained exercise is often needed to reverse severe obesity and diabesity. Run, bike, dance, play games, jump on a trampoline, or do whatever is fun for you. Read this blog for a comprehensive, easy-to-implement exercise plan.
  10. Supplement smartly. Obesity and diabetes are often paradoxically states of malnutrition. It has been said that diabetes is starvation in the midst of plenty. The sugar can’t get into the cells. Your metabolism is sluggish, and the cells don’t communicate as a finely tuned team. Nutrients are an essential part of getting back in balance and correcting the core problem— insulin resistance.