Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Top 24 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

The Top 24 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Researchers at the University of South Carolina, including James Hebert, ScD, and Philip Cavicchia, PhD, scored foods and food components thought to positively or negatively affect levels of inflammation, based on a review of peer-reviewed studies relating to diet and inflammation that were published between 1950 and 2007. Since then, new research is bringing the index closer to “prime time”–ready to be used in epidemiological and clinical studies.
While each plan has its own twist, all are based on the general concept that constant or out-of-control inflammation in the body leads to ill health, and that eating to avoid constant inflammation promotes better health and can ward off disease, says Russell Greenfield, MD, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“It’s very clear that inflammation plays a role much more than we thought with respect to certain maladies,” Greenfield stated.
“We always thought anything with an “itis” at the end involved inflammation,” he says, such as arthritis or appendicitis. But even the illnesses without an “itis” at the end, such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, even Alzheimer’s disease, may be triggered in part by inflammation, he says.
It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation may be at the root cause of many serious illnesses.
Carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol are among the food components most likely to encourage inflammation, while magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-6, C, D and E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, turmeric and tea were the strongest anti-inflammatories.

24 Highest Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

1) Chia seeds
2) Wild fish
3) Turmeric
4) Ginger
5) Garlic
6) Broccoli
7) Greens
8) Olive oil (must be raw Extra Virgin)
9) Grapes
10) Ground Flaxseed
11) Papaya
12) Apple peel
13) Blueberries
14) Tea (especially green, white and oolong)
15) Sweet Potatoes
16) Cinnamon
17) Greens
18) Asian mushrooms
19) Walnuts
20) Avocados
21) Hemp seeds
22) Cayenne pepper
23) Kelp
24) Tart cherries
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is not a diet in the popular sense – it is not intended as a weight-loss program (although people can and do lose weight on it), nor is it an eating plan to stay on for a limited period of time. Rather, it is way of selecting and preparing foods based on scientific knowledge of how they can help your body maintain optimum health. Along with influencing inflammation, this diet will provide steady energy and ample vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids dietary fiber, and protective phytonutrients.


  • To get maximum natural protection against age-related diseases (including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease) as well as against environmental toxicity, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Choose fruits and vegetables from all parts of the color spectrum, especially berries, tomatoes, orange and yellow fruits, and dark leafy greens.
  • Choose organic produce whenever possible. Learn which conventionally grown crops are most likely to carry pesticide residues and avoid them.
  • Eat cruciferous (cabbage-family) vegetables regularly.
  • Drink tea instead of coffee, especially good quality white, green or oolong tea.
  • If you drink alcohol, use red wine preferentially.
  • Enjoy plain dark chocolate in moderation (with a minimum cocoa content of 70 percent).
Overall, incorporating the foods listed above into your dietary strategy can help you overcome many health obstacles. Don’t focus so much on how many of each you eat, but rather eat them all in moderation. Let your body be your teacher and you’ll find yourself being drawn to these foods as you learn to enjoy them while satisfying your daily energy requirements.

Childhood is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Childhood Obesity

When did children start being tested for high Cholesterol.  They have started testing children as young as 2 years old.  Children as young as 7 are prescribed Statins to lower their cholesterol.  

When parents of pre-teens are concerned about their children having heart attacks and strokes, I think we might have a problem.

Childhood is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Their is no second chance to be a child.  Every child deserves to experience childhood.  

photo of children at a lunch tableUnhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack of exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year. The annual cost to society for obesity is estimated at nearly $100 billion. Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.

Possible Risks of Obesity in Children

The potential problems and dangers associated with obesity are countless in number. The important physical issues caused by childhood obesity are:
  • High chances of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory issues
  • Sleeping issues

Emotional distress is also included in the consequences of childhood obesity. Obese teenagers suffer from anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, since they are alienated by other children at school and have very low self-confidence.

The time to stop obesity is in childhood.

Written by Austin Richard
Ambassador for Essential Nutrients and Education

El objetivo principal de nuestro cuerpo es la alineación celular.

Cada persona se compone de más de 37 billones de células. El objetivo principal de nuestro cuerpo los mantiene en alineación celular o homeostasis. Nuestras células no están programados para morir. Cuando están fuera de alineación, enfermedad crónica suele estar presente.

Balance y nutrientes esenciales

la Solución

Nuestros sistemas de órganos de todo necesitan alineación y mucha gente entiende que las alineaciones óseo, muscular y espirituales son muy importantes, pero hay un elemento que muchas personas no entienden y que es la alineación nutricional. Este puede ser el más fácil de lograr la alineación de todos pero la más abrumadora de entender.

Desafortunadamente, muchas personas no pueden permitirse o no ver el valor de un nutricionista o dietista. Alineación nutricional puede ser un remedio practicado auto que puede ser practicado por cualquier persona a través de la dieta si es fácil. Tenemos la solución a la facilidad, la asequibilidad, la comprensión de la alineación nutricional.

Si sólo el 20% de las enfermedades crónicas son genética y luego el otro 80% son bajo el control de una persona o medio ambiente. Podemos compartir este conocimiento de una manera clara y concisa?

Le gustaría saber más?

Paz y amor






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The main objective of our body is cellular alignment.

Every person is made up of over 37 trillion cells. The main objective of our body is keeping them in cellular alignment or Homeostasis.  Our cells are not programmed to die. When they are out of alignment, chronic disease is usually present.  

Our bodies systems all need alignment and many people understand that Skeletal, Muscular, and Spiritual alignments are very important but there is an element that many people do not understand and that is nutritional alignment.  This may be the easiest to accomplish of all alignment but the most overwhelming to understand.  

Unfortunately many people can not afford or do not see the value of a nutritionist or dietician.  Nutritional alignment can be a self practiced remedy that can be practiced by anyone through diet if it is EASY.  We have the solution to the ease, affordability, the understanding of nutritional alignment. 

If only 20% of chronic diseases are genetic then the other 80% are within a person's control or environment.  We can share this knowledge in a clear and concise way?

Witten by Austin Richard
Health and Alignment Coach

Peace and Love

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