Friday, May 3, 2013

Obama trying to take over public education with 'common core' curriculum that teaches socialism

(NaturalNews) Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he's a closet socialist because that's what socialists do - they ridicule anyone who tries to "out" them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure that the government controls all forms of education.

Right now, of course, there are thousands of private schools and institutions of higher learning in the U.S., so the government doesn't control all education, per se. But left-wing career education bureaucrats in government, along with compliant socialists in the teachers unions, do indeed control the vast majority of primary public school education, and it is here where the Obama regime is consolidating its control through a Department of Education program known as Common Core State Standards .

'Inappropriate overreach'

From the Common Core website:

The standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This will allow our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them. The Common Core State Standards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early grades...

Essentially, what Common Core consists of is a standardized block of instruction on all the major subjects - Math, English and Language Arts - per standards that government bureaucrats devised. Initially, 45 states and the District of Columbia signed on, but as more states found out the curriculum is decidedly slanted to a particular point of view (socialism), a number of states are now working on legislation to bail out. And they are designed to allow controlling statists to get their claws into your kids as early on in their academic careers as possible.

New legislation introduced by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, would prohibit federal funds from being used to finance Common Core implementation around the country. He has also introduced criticized the CCSS, calling them an "inappropriate overreach to standardize and control the education of our children."

He's far from being alone in rejecting the CCSS. According to an assessment of the core by the Washington Policy Center, scores of education experts have also rejected them, saying one of the biggest problems with the program is that it will stifle classroom innovation, which comes primarily from individual states.

"Local control of public school curriculum and instruction has historically driven innovation and reform in education. A one-size-fits-all, centrally controlled curriculum for every K-12 subject threatens to close the door on educational innovation, freezing in place an unacceptable status quo and hindering efforts to develop academically rigorous curricula, assessments, and standards that meet the challenges that lie ahead," says an assessment of CCSS by the center.

In addition to rejection of the standards by federal lawmakers, many states are considering or have introduced measures to repeal the standards.

SB403, introduced by Alabama state Sen. Scott Beason, "would prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative," says a summary. "The bill would also prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances."

No state development or involvement

In Indiana, HB1427 states, "The state board may not continue to implement as standards for the state or direct the department to implement any common core standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative...The legislative council shall establish a legislative study committee to study issues relating to common core standards."

Similar legislation has been introduced in Missouri as well.

The Obama Administration is claiming the standards were developed by the states but, according to Diane Ravitch, a former assistant U.S. secretary of education who was appointed to office by both Clinton and George H.W. Bush, that's a bogus claim.

The standards "were developed by an organization called Achieve and the National Governors Association, both of which were generously funded by the Gates Foundation. There was minimal public engagement in the development of the Common Core. Their creation was neither grassroots nor did it emanate from the states," she writes in the Washington Post.

Missouri moving to protect parental rights from federal tyranny over medicine, education and discipline of children

(NaturalNews) A number of Missouri lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the state constitution that essentially formalizes the fundamental right of parents to raise their children as they see fit.

In late April the House gave its approval to a measure, House Joint Resolution 26 (HJR26) that says parents have the right to make all decisions regarding the "discipline, education, religious instruction, health, medical care, place of habitation, and general well-being" for their own minor children.

Laying out the law - parents over the state

The measure says, in part:

Section 35. 1. That parents have a fundamental right to exercise exclusive control over the care, custody, and upbringing of their minor children, including all decisions involving the discipline, education, religious instruction, health, medical care, place of habitation, and general well-being of such minor children.

2. Parents have the right to choose to educate their children in public schools, private schools, or in-home education to prepare them for future obligations in life.

3. Neither the state nor any political subdivision, nor any agency, entity, or person acting on behalf of the state or any political subdivision, shall act to deny or impair the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. However, the fundamental right of a parent to control and direct the care, custody, and upbringing of a minor child may be modified by a court of law when a parent has been found guilty of or pleads guilty to a crime of violence against a child, abuse of a child, kidnaping of a child, abandonment of a child, sexual abuse of a child, sexual conduct or any other sexual offense against a child, criminal nonsupport, or endangering the welfare of a child; or when a parent has been found by a court of law by clear and convincing evidence to have committed child abuse, child neglect or medical neglect; or as a result of adoption, child abandonment, mental incompetency or marital dissolution proceedings, or through the voluntary consent of the parent of a child.

The amendment would not prohibit law enforcement agencies or courts to move to protect at-risk children.

Enshrining a basic right

State Rep. Todd Richardson, a Poplar Bluff Republican, said the amendment was prompted in part by a desire to protect the rights of parents who home-school their children.

In March, Rep. Kurt Bahr, R-O'Fallon, introduced legislation that would essentially accomplish what Richardson's amendment would.

"HB 513 would put into statute that the state, or state agencies, cannot violate those parental rights without due process," Bahr said in a statement.

"We must make sure children are protected in emergency situations but balance that with serious action of the state," he added. "To formally terminate parental rights of a child is only eclipsed as the most extreme measure civil government can wield, with the imposition of the death penalty being the only other more extreme measure."


A second House vote will be needed to send Richardson's legislation to the Senate. If it passes there, the proposed amendment would be sent to the voters in 2014.

If the presumption of Richardson's amendment seems apparent - that parents should have the final say in raising their own children, barring committing criminals acts against them, parental rights have actually been under attack for years, and often over the issue of home schooling.

"Parental rights are under siege. Parents, in many ways, are becoming 'second class citizens' as lower courts elevate the power of the state to supersede the wisdom of parents," says a 2004 issue analysis by the Home School Legal Defense Association. "Parental choice is in jeopardy. Freedom is at stake. The basic fundamental freedom of parents to raise their children hangs in the balance. Have we forgotten whose children they are anyway? They are a God-given responsibility to parents."

Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

April 30, 2013 | By | 4 Replies
Flickr - Rose1 - Pink Sherbet PhotographyDaikan Basho, Contributing Writer
Waking Times
Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox.
The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to do with how fully one is able, or chooses, to see through the illusions governing day-to-day life in these interesting times. This is a process commonly called ‘awakening.’ It can be painful and all the while, deeply rewarding.
For example, one may come to understand that our monetary system is engineered to enrich a certain group, while forever condemning a larger group to debt slavery. One may realize that our military is engaged in conflicts for reasons other than directly protecting the American people from harm. One might wonder why the wickedly addictive and deadly drugs, tobacco and alcohol, can be bought legally on every corner, while possession of the natural herb Cannabis can come with time served. Or why our food system largely fails to deliver nourishment. This list goes on; our world begs for review.
An awakening of this kind is often triggered by a commonly experienced, but, chance sequence of events. One has…
  • received or come into contact with some initiation into information outside of the mainstream
  • made a conscious effort to take in and understand this information, rather than avoiding it, pretending it does not exist
  • taken willfull action in using this information as the basis for making fundamental changes in how they live life and relate to society
If one accepts, or buys into, the worldview offered to us by our institutions of government and the media, the dissonance between what one wants to be true and what one senses to be true becomes so great, that one has to subjugate the senses in order to believe in the drama and phoniness written into every level of society. Life makes sense, but has no meaning. The stage is set for great personal and spiritual crisis.
However, if the popular worldview is rejected in favor of critical thinking and intentional disregard for propaganda and for-profit media, then one is faced with the challenge of applying their substantial inherent will power and intention in opposition to this juggernaut of collective self-deception. One finds no choice but to repurpose their personal lives to offer balance to a precariously out of balance world. In this case, few things in life will make sense, yet, life takes on a newly intense and richly beautiful meaning. Something blossoms within, free will is rediscovered, security loses value, and the unknown becomes sacred. A transformation, an improvement, the stoking of an old fire. A life renewed.
Once this veil is pierced, and our illusion-based cultural programming becomes obvious, one faces a great challenge of personal responsibility. How much can one willfully alter their personal trajectory to live a more meaningful and peaceful life? How can one set an example, illuminating an ancient path in these darkening times? The matrix has us, so what are we willing to do about it?
For those who come through this process and grow to understand the world in this way (there are many, and the number is rapidly growing), going back to any former confidence in a popular paradigm is simply not an option. Pursuing personal individuation and psychological excellence becomes the only choice, and the exercise of will power and self-development is the path. Deliberate freedom from cultural programming is the only thing can satisfy the newly awoken spirit. The matrix loses.
Free will is discovered in the inner discovery that the popular outer life is not what it seems. It is then cultivated into something that provides continuous inspiration, re-kindling passion for life in the culture of death.
In this clash between the indomitable natural human will to be free and a cultural program that desensitizes us to our own exploitation, the superior person employs free will in their personal emancipation. No matter how outrageous the world is made to seem, solace and freedom is still to be found for them, along the path of truth.

About the Author
Daikan Basho is a traveling guru of life.  A Yogi, philosopher and eternal student of the martial arts, he searches tirelessly for self-perfection and excellence. Through the physical arts and written word he intends to move the people he comes in contact with toward the realization of a happier, more fulfilled life. Daikan is a contributing writer to
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Did You Know: Natural Cancer Treatments are Hidden From You – But Why?

May 3, 2013 | By | 3 Replies
CancerTreatment - Images_of_MoneyPaul Fassa, Natural Society
Waking Times
The recent Texas Medical Board attacks on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who has been highly successful at curing hopeless cancer victims in his Houston research clinic, brought to mind an interview quote from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. He referred to the cancer industry’s attitude toward treating cancer outside the medical mafia’s zone of standard care. “It’s beyond a double standard. It’s more like the twilight zone,” he exclaimed.

The Double Standard of Care Principle

Put simply, when alternative practitioners or pioneering MDs start having success treating cancer outside mainstream medical’s approved standard of care set by governing medical bureaucracies to appease Big Pharma, they are hounded, persecuted, or prosecuted, while information of their successes is withheld.
Meanwhile, hundreds if not thousands die at the hands of the medical system’s standard of care cancer treatments. A standard of care is a consensus guideline for treatments prescribed by medical board bureaucrats who comply with medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies’ demands to use their products only.

  For cancer, it’s either cut (surgery), burn (radiation), or poison (chemotherapy). As long as those three are appropriately applied under standard of care guidelines, it doesn’t matter how many die or get sicker from the treatment, or how few survive in remission for five years.
Of course, with the 90% or more who die from cancer or the treatments, that’s just the way it goes. Nice try doctor. You’re protected from malpractice after discouraging your patient from seeking safer and more effective alternative treatment. Since you followed the standard of care guidelines, death by medicine is pardoned. Next patient please.
After all, the cancer industry claims a real cure for cancer hasn’t been discovered yet. That’s why they go on fund raising for that elusive cancer cure. Meanwhile, they pursue extremely expensive cut, burn, and poison approaches with their mantra that it’s the only hope for survival, which easily frightens ignorant patients into submission.
Actually, there are already many alternative treatments for cancer, around 200, which are non-toxic, effective, and not nearly as expensive. Their cure rates exceed mainstream oncology cures by 45% to 85% depending on the type of cancer, its stage, and whether or not they started after cut, burn, and poison from AMA oncology. Here are just 4 cancer fighting foods to start you off – and there is much more information here on NaturalSociety.
Successful alternative practitioners have usually had to flee the country or be crushed by the AMA and FDA, cutting of successful therapies and leaving cancer victims to die.

Mainstream Oncology PR Convinces Media and The Rich and Famous

Dr. Gonzalez and his partner Dr. Linda Isaacs are both highly intelligent and sincere MDs. They have had the good fortune of benefiting from independent foundation research grants to allow FDA’s approval for human level research on hopeless cancer patients using metabolic enzyme therapy, diet, and liver detox through coffee enemas.
They are fine tuning the basic principles of Dr. William Kelley’s treatment with the intent of getting FDA approval. Dr. Burzynski had gone the same route at great expense, but because he didn’t give in to the medical mafia’s attempts at stealing his patented procedures, the medial mafia continued to try shutting him down.
Doctors Gonzalez and Isaacs are having similar medical mafia issues with the Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute. As an intern at The Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Gonzalez was assigned to research what Kelley was up to, probably with the intent of proving it didn’t work.
But Dr. Gonzalez discovered that Kelly’s treatments worked very well. So he picked up the torch from a slanderously disgraced and fallen Dr. Kelley and got things in order enough to continue Kelley’s legacy with minimal harassment in NYC.
Dr. Gonzalez commented that whenever famous or wealthy patients die from cancer or standard of care, the doctor is publicly praised, along with the deceased patient, for heroic efforts in the war against cancer for merely delaying death for several months with painful treatments.
While interning at Sloane-Kettering, Dr. Gonzalez became aware of a hall with plaque filled walls acknowledging very high end donors to Sloane-Kettering. Those donors of six figures or more were relatives of cancer patients who had died while being treated. His colleagues jokingly called it the “hall of the grateful dead.”
So it’s not surprising that the medical mafia wants to mess with Dr. Gonzalez’s work to make it fail. In his book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Gonzalez chronicles the failure of the National Cancer Institute-NIH funded clinical trial conducted at Columbia University, which were improperly organized while deliberately ignoring Gonzalez’s protocol guidelines.
Two government investigations have confirmed his allegations. This is nothing new for the medical mafia. After all, they are the authority. If they say something doesn’t work after intentionally misapplying it, that’s the end of it. And AMA doctors and the media buy it without question and sell it to the public.
That’s why little is known of real cancer cures among the mass population. It’s not part of the standard of care, which cares more for profit than patients’ welfare.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

US senators introduce bill to prevent government departments from stockpiling ammo

Thursday, May 02, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes 

(NaturalNews) In the wake of revelations - thanks in every way to the alternative media - that the Department of Homeland Security had planned to purchase and stockpile as much as 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, a pair of U.S. lawmakers are proposing legislation that would prevent all government agencies from storing vast amounts of ammo.

Sens. Jim Inhofe, and Rep. Frank Lucas, both Oklahoma Republicans, have introduced in their respective chambers the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability (AMMO) Act of 2013.

The bill, according to a statement from Sen. Inhofe, would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a report on the purchasing of ammunition by federal agencies, except the Department of Defense, and its effect on the supply of ammunition available to the public.

The act would also restrict government agencies from obtaining additional ammunition for a six-month period if the agency's current ammo stockpiles are "higher than its monthly averages prior to the Obama Administration."

"President Obama has been adamant about curbing law-abiding Americans' access and opportunities to exercise their Second Amendment rights," said Inhofe. "One way the Obama Administration is able to do this is by limiting what's available in the market with federal agencies purchasing unnecessary stockpiles of ammunition."

'I was surprised'

Continuing, Inhofe said:

As the public learned in a House committee hearing this week, the Department of Homeland Security has two years worth of ammo on hand and allots nearly 1,000 more rounds of ammunition for DHS officers than is used on average by our Army officers. The AMMO Act of 2013 will enforce transparency and accountability of federal agencies' ammunition supply while also protecting law-abiding citizens access to these resources.

Lucas said his interest in the issue was piqued after constituents reported that there were shortages of ammunition in his home state, and "the Department of Homeland Security's profligate purchases of ammunition."

"We have introduced the AMMO Act of 2013 to curtail these purchases so Americans can exercise their Second Amendment rights without being encumbered by the federal government," Lucas said. "I was surprised to find out the DHS has the right to buy up to 750 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years, while it already has two years worth of ammo already. This is an issue that must be addressed, and I am pleased this legislation provides us the opportunity to do so."

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has vacillated between denying her office was buying so much ammo to questioning the motive of those who reported the purchases and questioned her and the department about them.

Taking such massive purchases seriously

A year ago, NaturalNews editor and founder Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported on the first of what would become a series of massive ammo purchases by DHS. As he tracked the story for months, DHS was at first silent about the purchases, then denied they were occurring, despite the federal purchase orders posted online. Anyone who reported the purchases was branded a "conspiracy theorist."

Fast forward to this month, and DHS is signing a completely different tune. Now, we are told, the purchases are just good business; buying in bulk, you see, saves the taxpayer money. Call this the "Sams Club" excuse.

An important point about this "buy-in-bulk-to-save-money" BS. Napolitano says her agency is supplying nearly 100,000 armed agents and they use the ammo for practice. Only, the bulk of these purchases involves expensive hollow point ammunition. Seasoned shooters will tell you that you don't "target practice" with hollow point ammunition.

There's no telling at this point if the Inhofe-Lucas legislation will pass, but it's an important piece of this government ammo purchase puzzle in that at least some lawmakers are taking it seriously.

Here are those seven springtime food tips. Must Eats!

(1) Sweet potato or yams are year-round superfoods. Not many are aware of how much nutrition is packed into these inexpensive veggies, but they are packed with nutrition. And TCM has them in its spring foods list.

Here's a way to prepare them as a tasty dish that's able to survive as leftovers for a quick, tasty snack.

First peel one or two sweet potatoes or yams (preferably), then slice them into medium-sized medallions. Place them in water and boil until tender enough to mash. Pour out the water and mash until completely soft.

Drop in a generous dollop of organic butter, add a healthy squeeze of lemon, and carefully drizzle a bit of organic maple syrup onto the mash without overly sweetening. Mix thoroughly and taste. It retains its flavor after a couple days in the fridge without reheating.

(2) Globe artichokes are actually related to milk thistle and contain the same active ingredient that's used as a liver tonic, silymarin. They also contain cynarin, a phytonutrient that also supports liver health.

Of course, you can always purchase pickled or canned artichoke "hearts", but it's better you buy them fresh and prepare them yourself by removing the outer leaves and steaming the inner hearts.

(3) Garlic has so many health benefits it's hard to list them all. But it is among TCM's list of liver rejuvenating foods.

One way to consume them raw easily is to slice up three cloves and mix the pieces in with a few chunks of avocado topped with olives and parsley (to quell the odor). Add olive oil, lemon or vinegar, and sea salt.

(4) Cherries are another spring food that TCM says helps relieve liver chi (subtle energy) stagnation.

(5) Asparagus appears on a few different spring superfood lists. It's high in B vitamins, folate, potassium, rutin, selenium, and vitamin K. Asparagus helps regulate blood pressure and strengthen kidney function.

It's best to select the thinner asparagus stalks and cook only the tips, not the tough lower stalks if you want to maximize flavor.

(6) Leeks are another spring superfood, high in sulphides that protect against heart disease and lower high blood pressure. Those compounds are also protective against colon and prostate cancers.

Leeks are eye health boosters with their lutein and zeaxanthin content, and they are high in key minerals and vitamin K.

If you've ever enjoyed potato pancakes, here's an easy mouth watering sweet pea and leek recipe that serves as a potato pancake substitute (

(7) Fava beans are another nutrient-dense food that's normally harvested in the spring. They are high fiber and low calorie, ideal for using in a weight loss diet after those winter food indulgences.

Fava beans contribute to heart health and stabilize blood sugar. Just like other beans, there are a variety of serving options, hot and cold.

How to instantly tell who's evil vs. good: the philosophy of 'control' vs. 'empowerment'

(NaturalNews) I get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who's really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election?

What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who's good and who's bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world?

This method is remarkably accurate, and you can use it right now to assess almost anyone.

It all starts with understanding the spectrum of control vs. empowerment.

Imagine a 10-foot string stretched out on the ground. On the far left side of the string, there is a point we'll call "Control." On the far right side of the string, another point is called "Empowerment."

Let's start with the "Empowerment" side first. This point represents people who primarily seek to empower you with knowledge, skills, wisdom and tools. "Empowerment" represents GOOD because it allows wisdom, skills and abundance to multiply from one person to the next. It recognizes the value of the individual and honors consciousness and free will.

On the far left side of the string -- which also represents the political left in America today -- we have "Control." This point represents people who primarily seek to control you: to extract money from you (rob you), to limit your freedoms, to demand your obedience and to use the threat of force to command your compliance. This philosophy dishonors the individual and downplays free will and individual liberty. "Control" is inherently evil because it seeks to diminish the power of a large number of people in order to accumulate power into the hands of a few people.

(The context of this discussion is, of course, entirely in the realm of dealing with adults. Obviously children should be subjected to certain controls for their own development and safety. That's called good parenting. But to treat adults like children and attempt to control them like a parent controlling a child is unjustified and inherently destructive.)

Examples of "control" vs "empowerment"

A person who seeks to teach others how to garden and thereby grow their own food is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to place other people on government food stamps and thereby make them dependent on government for their food is practicing control and is inherently EVIL.

A school that teaches students to think for themselves and engage in critical, skeptical thinking about the world around them is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a school that teaches students blind obedience to institutional authority while denying them the liberty to think for themselves is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A person who seeks to help others create their own successful businesses and generate abundant profits for themselves and their employees is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to destroy entrepreneurship, suppress innovation, punish small businesses and burden private sector job creation with onerous taxes and regulation is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A person who seeks to teach others how to protect themselves against violent crime through the intelligent, ethical use of weapons for self defense is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to strip away from everyone else their right to self defense, placing them in the position of defenseless victimization, is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A city mayor who seeks to teach his constituents the principles of nutrition and food choice so that they might make better decisions about their diet and health is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a city mayor who demands blind obedience to his selective agenda of banning large sodas or other junk food items is practicing control and is therefore EVIL. (Bloomberg, anyone?)

So, getting back to the title of this article, the way to instantly tell whether a person is "good" or "evil" is to examine their actions on the control vs. empowerment spectrum. If they predominantly seek to control others, they are mostly evil. If they predominantly seek to empower others, they are mostly good.

Be careful to examine peoples' actions, not merely their words. Anyone can talk a good game of "empowerment," but very few actually seek to educate and uplift others around them.

The politics of control vs. empowerment

The political left is deeply invested in a philosophy of control. The left believes in centralized control over the economy, societal control of parenting and children, government control over education, centralized bankster control over money, and government control over health care.

The political right is invested in a philosophy of non-interventionism. They classically believe the government should keeps its hands off education, the economy, businesses operations and private lives. (Of course, today's political right is actually just as much pro-big government as the political left.)

Libertarianism, by the way, is a philosophy of allowing -- allowing people to make their own fortunes, or mistakes, or personal decisions as long as their behaviors do not harm others. Classic libertarianism means people are free to do what they wish, including marrying someone of the same sex if that's their choice, as long as their actions do not cause direct harm to others around them. Many people mistakenly think they are libertarians but they are actually closet control freaks because they want everyone else to conform to their own ideas of marriage, religion, recreational drug use, prostitution and so on. A true libertarian must tolerate the free will actions of others even if those actions are obviously self-destructive to the individual.

In terms of ethics, "controlism" is inherently destructive because it denies an individual his or her humanity. "Empowerment" is inherently good (or even blessed) because it invests in the individual the power of determining her or her own life outcomes.

The universe is written in the code of conscious empowerment

From a spiritual perspective, the Creator granted humans free will precisely because free will puts control into the hands of the individual, not a centralized power figure. If we were not meant to be free, we would never have been created with free will.

In this way, "controlism" stands in contradiction to the laws of the universe and the existence of free will and consciousness. Thus, the underlying philosophy of the political left is anti-consciousness, anti-free will and a contradiction of the fundamental laws of the universe.

This is why collectivist mandates feel so alien to a free-thinking human being... because control freakism is a violation of self-evident, universal truth. This is also why the leftist / collectivist political philosophy is doomed to fail: It exists in gross violation of the laws of the universe. No human being inherently wants to live without freedom, functioning merely as an obedient peon under a system of centralized control. It feels wrong because it is universally and spiritually wrong.

That is why it will fail. And that is why all those who defend individual liberty, free will and individual empowerment quite literally have God and the universe on their side.

In summary, then, if you want to determine whether a person is "good" or "evil" -- in effect, whether they are living in congruency with the laws of the universe -- simply place them on the spectrum of "control" versus "empowerment" and your question all but answers itself.

Europe’s better sunscreens.

Sunscreen makers and users in Europe have more options than in the United States. In Europe, sunscreen makers can select from among 27 chemicals for their formulations, compared to 17 in the U.S.  Companies selling in Europe can add any of seven UVA filters to their product, but they have only three available for products marketed in the U.S.  Sunscreen chemicals approved in Europe but not by the FDA provide up to five times more UVA protection; U.S. companies have been waiting five years for FDA approval to use the same compounds. Until the FDA approves these ingredients and lifts restrictions on combining certain active ingredients, strong UVA protection will be scarce in US sunscreens.

Hemp Can Repair DNA!

September 6, 2012 | By | 19 Replies
Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer
Waking Times
Did you know that DNA can be damaged…and repaired?
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the hereditary material found in humans, animals, and organisms. DNA is in every cell in our bodies. Each cell’s nucleus has DNA, which is rolled into structures that are our chromosomes (23 pairs).
Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. It consists of two major steps: transcription and translation. Together, transcription and translation are known as gene expression.
During the process of transcription, the information stored in a gene’s DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus. Both RNA and DNA are made up of a chain of nucleotide bases, but they have slightly different chemical properties. The type of RNA that contains the information for making a protein is called messenger RNA (mRNA) because it carries the information, or message, from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.” (
The genes direct protein production. For example, a protein (a long chain of amino acids) can be an enzyme that triggers a certain chemical reaction in the body. One function of protein is to boost the immune system.
There are many factors that cause damaged DNA : oxidation, UV radiation from the sun, radiation from Xrays, viruses, plant toxins, and man-made chemicals (chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, hydrocarbons, smoke, pollution, to name a few). Some results of damaged DNA are: premature aging, cancer, diabetes mellitus (diabetes itself may cause DNA damage), Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other conditions.
Cells cannot function properly if the DNA is damaged. However, the cells CAN, through chemical processes, reverse the damage themselves.
Hempseed and hempseed oil have been found to be a factor in DNA repair. Hemp has the perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6) needed by the human body. One ‘job’ of Omega 3 is cellular repair. Hemp is 65% protein, 35% of which is globulin edestin protein. It is the protein that is closest to human globulin, and is very easily digestible by the body.
The protein is a major factor in DNA repair, as the cells use that protein to correct the DNA damage.
Because hemp is the highest source of Edestin protein, AND is responsible for boosting the immune system, it is a perfect addition to the the diet.
About the Author
Becca Wolford is a writer, entrepreneur, artist, reiki practitioner, and hemp activist. She has experienced first-hand the nutritional and healing benefits of hemp and her passion is learning, writing, and educating others about the benefits of hemp – benefits that encompass nutritional health for humans, a healthy environment, and a healthier economy.
Becca also distributes Versativa, an amazing raw, clean, hemp-based nutritional supplement and Restoration90, a raw, clean, nutritional product with marine phytoplankton, hemp, and essential nutrients for optimum health. Please support her at her excellent blog
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Thirteen Things You May Not Know About Cannabis

June 14, 2012 | By | 8 Replies

Laurel Dewey, The Weed Blog
Waking Times
1. Smoking marijuana is actually the least effective way to benefit from the medicinal power of marijuana. Opt for liquid extracts, cannabis butters or medicated oils to truly gain the deepest use from this healing plant.
2. The term “marijuana” is actually a Mexican slang term that the U.S. government bestowed on the cannabis plant in the 1930’s. The true name of the plant is simply: cannabis.
3. In all of recorded history, nobody has ever died from consuming or smoking marijuana.
4. The two main medicinal species are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Sativas affect the mind more and are more exhilarating while the Indicas work more on the body, providing physical relief and relaxation.
5. The term cannabinoids refers to the multiple compounds found within the marijuana plant. Cannabis has over sixty known cannabinoids, many of which have not been thoroughly studied. What people may not realize is that we were all born with cannabinoid receptors in our brains, liver, stomach and nerve tissue, making us human sponges to soak up the benefits of cannabis.
6. Marijuana liquid extracts were routinely given to babies in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to effectively combat teething pain.
7. There are single strains of marijuana that can help you sleep, reduce pain, relieve muscle spasms and calm the mind. In other words, one marijuana strain can take the place of four different drugs, eliminating the multiple side effects of the pharmaceuticals.
8. Queen Victoria regularly depended upon cannabis indica extracts to ease her menstrual cramps.
9. Most people have heard about THC, the main psychoactive constituent in marijuana. However, there is another very important element in the plant called CBD that is non-psychoactive. Breeders are creating high CBD marijuana strains that have less than 1% of THC, making them non-psychoactive. High CBD marijuana has been shown to be excellent for stress, anxiety, inflammation and reducing the spread of cancerous tumors.
10. A 1974 conducted at the University of Virginia discovered that the cannabinoids in cannabis shrunk cancerous tumors and killed cancer cells, leaving the healthy cells alone.
11. Contrary to the propaganda that “pot kills brain cells,” research has shown that marijuana can actually protect brain cells, even when those cells have damaged by chronic alcohol abuse. In addition, marijuana has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and protect victims of epilepsy, strokes and severe head trauma due to what appears to be neurogenesis—it’s ability to grow new nerves in the brain.
12. Marijuana seeds produce both male and female plants. However, the medicinal bud only is found on the female plants.
13. You don’t have to ingest marijuana to benefit from its healing abilities. Marijuana buds and leaves can be melted into oils and cocoa butters to make potent topical pain killing ointments that do not get you high.
Excerpted from forthcoming book Betty’s (Little Basement) Garden tells the story of one woman’s path to self-discovery about who she really is. What happens when you turn your back on everything that you believed? Follow Betty on her journey from an anti-cannabis staunch Republican to a pro-cannabis free spirit. For more information on the book, please visit the following website:

The Healing Power of Marijuana Has Barely Been Tapped

November 29, 2012 | By | 2 Replies

Allan Badiner, AlterNet
Waking Times
Medical marijuana is now legal in 18 states, but it’s clear we’ve discovered a fraction of its potential for health.
There are now legal medical cannabis programs in 18 states plus Washington, DC, with pot fully legal for adults in two other states. Ironically, however, the actual healing power of the plant has barely been tapped. Smoking marijuana with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), or better, vaporizing it (using a device to bake the plant material and inhale the active ingredients), has an indisputably palliative effect and can be medically useful for pain relief, calming and appetite stimulation. It already has confirmed benefits against glaucoma, epilepsy and other specific diseases and disorders. It also gets people high. THC triggers cannabinoid receptors in the brain and this produces the sensation of being stoned. These receptors are found in the parts of the brain linked to pleasure, memory, concentration, and time perception.
But, based mostly on research overseas there is an increasing consensus that the medicinal benefits of psychoactive THC pale in comparison to the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) from the leaves of the same plant–raw and unheated. Depending on the strain, some plants are high in CBD but also contain a lesser amount of THC which is said to enhance the healing potentiality. CBD does not make people feel “stoned” and actually counters some of the effects of THC (for example, suppressing the appetite vs. stimulating it). CBD is beginning to be recognized by researchers at mainstream medical institutions around the world as a potentially very powerful weapon against cancer.
Researchers Sean D. McAllister and Pierre Desprez, who conducted studies of CBD’s effect on cancer cells for California Pacific Medical Center, suggest that these non-psychoactive compounds from the cannabis plant might, in short order, render chemotherapy and radiation distant second and third options for cancer patients. Based on a more recent study, McAllister and Desprez feel that CBD’s “could stop breast cancer from spreading.”
Dr. Donald Abrams, a cancer specialist and professor of integrative medicine at UCSF, conducted early trials involving THC medical cannabis, and now he is excited about the powerful impacts of CBD on cancer cells. The National Cancer Institute was busy researching this in the 1970s, Abrams explains, but restrictions on the use of cannabis for research in the United States resulted in most of the research on this subject disappearing in the U.S., and being picked up in other countries, such as Israel, Spain and Italy. He says existing studies point to a remarkable ability of CBD to arrest cancer cell division, cell migration, metastasis, and invasiveness.
Other studies point to CBD as having great promise as a defense against Alzheimer’s disease. In a 2006 study published in Molecular Pharmaceutics, a team of University of Connecticut researchers reported that cannabis “could be considerably better at suppressing the abnormal clumping of malformed proteins that is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease than any currently approved prescription.” The research team predicted that cannabinoid-based medications “will be the new breakout medicine treatments of the near future.”
Medical cannabis has a long history of use, starting in India, and then in China and the Middle East some 6,000 years ago. It came to the West in the 1800s, where it was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia until the 1930s. Used for over 100 ailments, cannabis was a favorite of our grandparents for cough remedies, analgesics, and tonics and was available over the counter at every local drugstore as well as companies such as Sears, Roebuck and Co. Banned in 1937 via the Marijuana Tax Act as part of a politically and racially driven prohibition craze, it was gradually removed from the pharmacopeia and research was discouraged and later prohibited via drug scheduling. The FBI linked the herb with insanity and claimed a direct correlation between cannabis and violence, and even death, especially when used by people of color.

Currently, science increasingly recognizes the role that cannabinoids play in almost every major life function in the human body. It wasn’t until 1990 that endocannabinoids, produced by the human body, were discovered to act as a bio-regulatory mechanism for most human life processes and have receptors sites throughout the human body. CB2 receptors are found almost exclusively in the immune system, with the greatest density in the spleen. These CB2 receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and other newly recognized and very significant therapeutic effects of cannabis.
Cannabis medicine has distinct advantages. CBD, as well as THC, can be given in massive doses with no side effects. In fact, it has performed very effectively as an anti-psychotic when given in high doses. CBD selectively targets and destroys tumor cells while leaving normal healthy cells unmolested. On the other hand, chemotherapy and radiation are highly toxic and indiscriminately injure healthy cells in the brain and the body. Industrial hemp is often high in healing CBD and very low in THC. Hemp CBD is a waste product — it’s thrown out by the ton every year when it could easily be harvested for tumor shrinking.
Medical cannabis farm Tikun Olam in Israel has been developing a strain of cannabis that is high in CBD (15.8%) but very low in THC (1%). This new strain is called Avidekel and seems to have the highest CBD to THC ratio of any other variant strain. Zack Klein of Tikun Olam told Reuters: “Sometimes the high is not always what is needed. Sometimes it is an unwanted side effect. For some of the people it’s not even pleasant.”
The THC industry and its users worry that once CBD medicine grows in popularity, the medical badge might be torn from the sticky buds that makes being “stoned” possible. Aside from THC’s significant medical benefits, surely its ability to make people feel happier and less stressed should not be considered without therapeutic value. More likely, all options will thrive, and 1,000 cannabis flowers will blossom: Indica, Sativa, CBD + THC, CBD Only, etc.
Meanwhile, it’s useful to note that since 2003, the U.S. federal government has held a “medical patent” for the marketing of cannabinoids as antioxidants or neuroprotective agents. The patent states that cannabinoids are “useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases such as inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

However, stoners may have it all wrong, medically speaking. It is unlikely a person can get a sufficient level of cannabidiol (pronounced kan-nÉ™bÉ™-dÄ«’-ˌȯl) from smoking the raw plant to impact diseases like cancer in a curative manner, says Desprez. The marijuana plant offers many uses, but it may come as a surprise to most users that you have to choose early in a plant’s life if you want it to make you high or to heal you. Research suggests that cannabis is most beneficial when the whole spectrum of cannabinoids are represented, including some THC. It is the ratio of cannabinoids in a specific strain of cannabis that most determines its therapeutic potential. Juicing the cannabis leaves raw, along with some carrots or other green veggies, has proven very beneficial as it involves the ingestion of the acid form of cannabinoids, which are non-psychoactive (even the THC). Cannabis oil also has enthusiastic fans who claim it has cured their cancers.
In India there are still large numbers of people who partake in an ancient practice of having a fresh raw cannabis drink called “Thandai”  in which fresh cannabis leaves are made into a paste along with almonds, milk and sugar. This tasty drink is often consumed at religious festivals, and in some cities the government maintains distribution points for cannabis. A rolled sweet ball with similar ingredients is called “Bhang,” familiar for over a century to many Western seekers walking the ghats of sacred Banaras.
Cannabis edibles in the West are emerging as one of the fastest growing new sectors of the food industry. Dispensaries in 18 states offer such goodies as ice cream, cough drops, peanut butter, honey, saliva tea, and myriad baked goods and savory snacks–all dosed with THC.  Given the huge potential market for non-psychoactive cannabis, the introduction of CBD-rich medicine at the dispensary level has been surprisingly sluggish. Owners have been reluctant to stock CBD-rich strains or edibles because their present customers are seeking —or are not adverse to— cannabis that provides euphoria or sedation. THC content is a known seller. Once the medical benefits of non-psychoactive cannabis become more widely known, one can only imagine the variety and volume of CBD-rich foods that will rush to market.
Smoking, as opposed to vaporization, may be the least effective method of using cannabis as a medicine. But many raw cannabis users are convinced that CBD is the source of medical miracles. Restrictions on research have impacted the accuracy with which we can prescribe cannabis and determine the most effective and least harmful ways to utilize its benefits. Perhaps in the very near future, instead of smoking cannabis to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, cancer patients will be consuming raw non-psychoactive cannabis, and be healed without having to suffer the additional damage of radiation and chemotherapy at all.

About the Author
Allan Badiner is a writer, activist, and editor of three books: Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and EcologyZig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics, and Mindfulness in the Marketplace: Compassionate Responses to Consumerism.

Trance and Shamanic States of Consciousness

May 1, 2013 | By | Reply
Flickr - Trance - Armando MaynezFranco Santoro, Guest Writer
Waking Times
The term trance comes from the Latin transire, which means “to go over” or to move from one state to another. Although this word is often popularly associated with unusual states of mind or altered states of consciousness, its implied conditions play a vital role for all human beings and extend in all areas of life, from shamanic journeys, meditation, dreaming, day-dreaming to watching television, reading a newspaper or doing housework.
To experience a state of trance or enter a shamanic state of consciousness, means to achieve an ecstatic awareness and perception that extends beyond the physical senses and functioning of the ordinary mind. What I perceive in everyday life is merely the result of what I have decided to see in accordance both to the consensus reality (agreed by my social environment) and my specific role in that context. I have conditioned myself to see the world through the development of defined programmes, but when I shift my awareness beyond the ordinary mind, which keeps repeating those programmes, then I perceive the world in a different way. One of the basic assumptions of shamanism is that I am not a physical being: I am an energy field or I am part of the whole. Actually, from a more genuine shamanic perspective, the entire notion of I, seen as separate from you and them, does not make any sense at all. In bygone ages, human beings lost connection with this awareness and have since confined themselves almost exclusively to identification with the physical body and the idea of being a fragmented unit (no matter whether I call it ego, personality, self or soul). Shamanic experience is one way in which it is possible to perceive others, the world and myself in their original united forms again. Trance and shamanic states of consciousness are part of the genetic structure of mankind. Each one of us has an inner biological need for ecstatic experience. The problem is that such experiences, as is emphasised by the terms used to define them (altered or non-ordinary states of consciousness, hallucinations, trance, etc.), are often regarded as abnormal or dangerous. In the majority of contemporary human cultures they do not find space in the official educational or scientific context and tend to be socially unacceptable. As a consequence, this unmet need often ends up being expressed through harmful manifestations such as alcoholism, drug addictions, perversion, sex addiction, criminality, etc. Shamanic states of consciousness represent the major taboo for the ordinary perception of the world as they cause its deceptive structure to vanish and expose to the secrets of our origin, that is where we truly come from and how and why we got to be here.

A large portion of humanity seems to live in a state of ecstasy deprivation, as the anthropologist Felicitas Goodman calls it, yet the ecstatic experience is a fundamental need. The contact with the source of this need is disturbed or blocked by something that occurred in a distant past and that extends far beyond official historical documentation. According to various researches, ecstatic experiences and the relationship with non-ordinary dimensions constituted a daily routine for the people who once inhabited our planet. These were nomad hunter-gatherers that later gradually abandoned their customs and moved to horticulture and animals husbandry. As a result, human beings retreated into limited territories and began to lose the connection with the rest of nature and existence, which they once knew so well. In their spiritual practices, however, they continued to keep the link with the experiences of former cultures. Through the metamorphosis activated by trance states they could again enter into ecstatic states of consciousness and activate their relationship with other realms. Shamanism developed as the attempt to preserve and access those connections. For this purpose various methods and tools were transmitted until, with the expansion of belief systems based on separation, shamanic states of consciousness became incompatible with the consensus reality that prevailed on most parts of our planet.
In recent societies, perceptions beyond the physical body have been generally ignored or disregarded. The forms I see with my physical eyes, identified with names and specific shapes, have been extracted from their original unity and transformed into fragmented pieces. They are seen as definite configurations and separated from each other by areas termed as nothing or void. The acknowledgement of these separated units and the denial of the forms found in the empty spaces represents the basic assumption on which the current perception of most human beings is founded. I see and identify the physical spaces to which I have decided to attribute meaning, yet I do not see anything in the areas that exist between those spaces because I have decided that they do not have any meaning. Most mankind seems to live in a symbolic reality where only that which is conventionally accepted is acknowledged as real, whereas everything else disappears from sight and dwells in a dimension surrounded by fear and mystery. In my perception we have become estranged from something of which we were once aware, establishing a mythology of separation where unity and ecstasy are the most rooted taboos. As we believe we are individuals severed from other people and the environment, we tend to invest much energy to exploit our fellows and the Earth, acting as the ‘separated’ cells of a cancer. This causes enormous damage to our planet and ourselves. As we have split with the Earth, we have also disconnected with the dimension of the Sky. Through a blind adherence to religious and social conditionings, we have denied a natural and direct access to Spirit, resigning ourselves to the power of religious teachings or hierarchical structures to operate as mediators between us and God.
Through shamanic work each one can obtain visions and spiritual experiences without any mediation. This is not a question of mounting opposition to political and religious authorities; this is what we have been doing throughout history and it has resulted only in even more grievances and separation. To achieve ecstatic experiences and visions I need to give up being a victim. It is the attachment to this condition that prevents me from taking responsibility and pushes me into a frantic search for a well-being that will never come. According to shamanism, as I see it, the true revolution consists of taking the courage to face the spiritual or inner world, for it is from this world that all that seems to be outside emanates. This does not mean that life should be limited to shamanic journey or shamanic states of consciousness. These experiences are important, yet I also need to take physical actions. Often it is necessary to be simple and see the world with the ingenuity of a child. For example, I can go among the trees in nature, and take care of them or speak with them, both in the imagination and also by actually communicating. Trees will find a way to reply and to tell me something about myself. What is the difference between men and plants? Plants do not judge. I create complex problems with my judgements and the conviction that my problems are due to something that was done to me or that exists outside. When this happens, I create further separation and this contributes only to increasing my pain. Alternatively, I can relate to the ordinary activities of everyday life: working, washing, cooking, talking, playing, walking, driving from the perspective of their true but hidden and shamanic essence.
In the western world what counts is the goal. To reconnect with the Earth and the Sky what matters is the present, not the destination. Trance or shamanic states of consciousness have to do with the present and with getting out of the most dangerous trance: that of my conditioning and daily conventions. The fact is that on the Earth we are always in some kind of trance and the actual work consists of learning to balance such states and of being aware that you cannot go into a new trance without moving out of the one you are already in. When there is unbalance I live in a state of hallucination where I perceive pain, anger and all kinds of grievances. When there is balance I choose consciously to open only to the trance states that bring love, ecstasy, peace and blessings to me and others.
Opening up to shamanic states of conscience and non-ordinary realities means to truly say yes to life and to be fully responsible. It means to accept becoming a conscious part of the universe, choosing to trust a divine purpose, identifying with the maximum expressions of our being and moving further to project this potential on all that surrounds me. It is a process that requires my sole individual consent. After all, it is a choice between a state of total responsibility regarding my perception of the world and a condition of passive victim to events determined by others. The process of taking responsibility develops gradually, through a progressive healing work that, through our attempts and experiences, releases blocks and grievances. It is a painful process because the ego’s inability to identify culprits outside itself prevents it from finding a refuge to preserve its hallucinations. At the same time, this process is an act of love aimed at carefully determining the access to one’s inexhaustible tools of power. These tools have been kept hidden in the unexplored territories of the shamanic world. The only way to access them consists of moving beyond the trance of ordinary reality. This can occur spontaneously and without complex procedures. The precariousness and the illusion of conventional reality is such that anyone can access the perception of what exists beyond. In this regard it is a question of considering and developing a series of experiences to which no importance is usually given: for example, dreams, visions, fantasies, intuitions, shadows, spaces of void between one object and the other, etc. A more operative method consists in employing shamanic techniques. Their task is to create gaps in the awareness and therefore facilitate access to new channels of communication.

The basic experience of shamanic states of consciousness is ecstatic and an important way to accomplish it consists of employing particular stimuli, able to produce alterations in physical perceptions. In this regard various possibilities have been transmitted according to traditions. Sometimes they are ferocious methods, of complex or difficult management, such as the employment of poisoning substances or hallucinogenic plants, intensive temperature conditions, sensory deprivation, painful practices of initiation, etc. In other contexts non traumatic and playful tools are used, such as chant, dance, drumming or other auditory aids, massage, body postures, or other simple ritual practices. While the first methods expose us to the risk of dangerous repercussions on the physical or mental plane and generally require a complex preparation hardly accessible to contemporary man, the latter, besides being very efficient, are safe and within easy reach of anyone who honestly wishes to have a shamanic experience.
Once a shamanic state of conscience is achieved, the decisive element that determines the ecstatic experience is always represented by the will to receive it. The exercise of this will requires practice and patience as it often clashes with a wall of obstacles (doubts, fears, uncertainties, distrust, etc.) created by the ego’s defence system. Despite the strong oppositions and conditioning of the consensus reality, shamanic states of consciousness are regularly experienced by all human beings. What is missed is solely the willingness to acknowledge them or consider them significant. For those who are available to open to this path, the answers arrive sooner or later. An ecstatic world defines itself in all its particulars and give a sense of indescribeable love and beauty. When this happens, the classical question that most people ask themselves is: “Did I make it all up by myself?”. The answer to this question is the secret key of shamanic work.

About the Author
Franco Santoro is a shamanic facilitator, healer, artist, member of the Findhorn Foundation, the developer of astroshamanism and supply director of the Sacred Cone Circle. His work is based on the connection with expanded realities for healing and transformational purposes, the retrieval and integration of ancient mistery traditions, the relationship with inner guides and the principles of the Findhorn Community. From 1996 he has run the Operative Training in Astroshamanism, an intensive programme for shamanic practitioners and healers. He is the author of A Guide Book to Astroshamanism, Sacred Cone Press, 2001; Astroshamanism: A Journey Into the Inner Universe, Findhorn Press, 2003; Astroshamanism: The Voyage Through the Zodiac, Findhorn Press, 2003, and of Iniziazione all’astrosciamanesimo: la via zodiacale alla Guida Interiore, Edizioni Mediterranee, 2000 (in Italian). He has also composed and produced a series of recordings, such as Drumming for the Astroshamanic Voyage (on CD/cassette). Franco lives in Northern Scotland, where he serves as resident member and educator of the Findhorn Foundation, regularly running workshops on astroshamanism, shamanic healing, trance dance and core educational programmes (Experience Week, Exploring Community Life, Spiritual Practice), employing his unique and innovative approach to support individuals or groups in connecting with their authentic nature. He also regularly lectures and conducts seminars in other parts of the world.
Follow Franco Santoro on Facebook.
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Still Believe Nature Got It Wrong? Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana

May 1, 2013 | By  Reply
There is no plant on Earth more condemned than marijuana. We’re talking about a living organism which governments have taken upon themselves to designate as an illegal substance. Despite no existing evidence of anyone ever dying of a marijuana overdose, possession of this plant is still illegal in many parts. Marijuana has been found to suppress cancer, reduce blood pressure, treat glaucoma, alleviate pain and even inhibit HIV. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Can you understand more now why it’s illegal?
No Independent Study Has Ever Linked
Marijuana To Psychosocial Problems

Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants on the planet. Dozens of studies have made pseudoscientific attempts to indicate that young people who use cannabis tend to experience psychological, social problems and mental decline. However, there is no evidence that marijuana use is directly linked with such problems, according to the results of a study published in The Lancet.
“Currently, there is no strong evidence that use of cannabis of itself causes psychological or social problems,” such as mental illness or school failure, lead study author Dr. John Macleod of the University of Birmingham in the UK told Reuters Health.
“There is a great deal of evidence that cannabis use is associated with these things, but this association could have several explanations,” he said, citing factors such as adversity in early life, which may itself be associated with cannabis use and psychosocial problems.
Macleod and his team reviewed 48 long-term studies, 16 of which provided the highest quality information about the association between illicit drug use reported by people 25 years old or younger and later psychological or social problems. Most of the drug-specific results involved cannabis use.
Cannabis use was not consistently associated with violent or antisocial behavior, or with psychological problems.
In another study, Scientists from King’s College, London, found occasional pot use could actually improve concentration levels.
The study, carried in the American Journal of Epidemiology, tested the mental function and memory of nearly 9,000 Britons at age 50 and found that those who had used illegal drugs as recently as in their 40s did just as well, or slightly better, on the tests than peers who had never used drugs.
‘Overall, at the population level, the results seem to suggest that past or even current illicit drug use is not necessarily associated with impaired cognitive functioning in early middle age,’ said lead researcher Dr Alex Dregan.
Dr Dregan’s team used data on 8,992 42-year-olds participating in a UK national health study, who were asked if they had ever used any of 12 illegal drugs. Then, at the age of 50, they took standard tests of memory, attention and other cognitive abilities.
Overall, the study found, there was no evidence that current or past drug users had poorer mental performance. In fact, when current and past users were lumped together, their test scores tended to be higher.

The Age of Deception is Ending 
In 2003, the U.S. Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services filed for, and was awarded a patent on cannabinoids. The reason? Because research into cannabinoids allowed pharmaceutical companies to acquire practical knowledge on one of the most powerful antioxidants and neuroprotectants known to the natural world.
The U.S. Patent 6630507 was specifically initiated when researchers found that cannabinoids had specific antioxidant properties making them useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.
In a historic and significant moment in American history, last November, Colorado became the first US state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The impact of the decision could ripple across the entire country with vast opportunities to educate millions on the top health benefits of marijuana.
With the passage of I-502 in the 2012 Washington State election, marijuana also became legal in Washington–not just for medical use, but also for recreational use. Weed is still illegal as far as the United States government is concerned, but Washington and Colorado both have yet to figure out how that will work. It’s certain that this issue will continue to evolve and smooth out as time goes by, but the remaining states will eventually follow suit or be left behind with outdated laws.
Top Health Benefits
It’s no surprise that the United States has decreed that marijuana has no accepted medical use use and should remain classified as a highly dangerous drug like heroin. Accepting and promoting the powerful health benefits of marijuana would instantly cut huge profits geared towards cancer treatment and the U.S. would have to admit it imprisons the population for no cause. Nearly half of all drug arrests in the United States are for marijuana.
According to editor Richard Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition “…there really is massive proof that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and our fundamental values,” Cowan notes.
Besides the top 10 health benefits below, findings published in the journalPLoS ONE, researchers have now have now discovered that marijuana-like chemicals trigger receptors on human immune cells that can directly inhibit a type of human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) found in late-stage AIDS.
Recent studies have even shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia, a disease many other studies have inconsistently found it causing.
1. Cancer
Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Western governments have known this for a long time yet they continued to suppress the information so that cannabis prohibition and the profits generated by the drug industry proliferated.
THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.
2. Tourette’s Syndrome
Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by uncontrollable facial grimaces, tics, and involuntary grunts, snorts and shouts.
Dr. Kirsten Mueller-Vahl of the Hanover Medical College in Germany led a team that investigated the effects of chemicals called cannabinols in 12 adult Tourette’s patients. A single dose of the cannabinol produced a significant reduction in symptoms for several hours compared to placebo, the researchers reported.
3. Seizures
Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities that have proven to be a very effective treatment for seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana.
4. Migraines
Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine couldn’t through marijuana.
5. Glaucoma
Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There isn’t a single valid study that exists that disproves marijuana’s very powerful and popular effects on glaucoma patients.
6. Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease.
7. ADD and ADHD A well documented USC study done about a year ago showed that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical.
8. IBS and Crohn’s
Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
9. Alzheimer’s
Despite what you may have heard about marijuana’s effects on the brain, the Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease.
10. Premenstrual Syndrome
Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort that causes PMS symptoms. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes all the way back to Queen Victoria.
Mounting Evidence Suggests Raw Cannabis is Best
Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of raw flower and leaf juice from any Hemp plant, 5 mg of Cannabidiol (CBD) per kg of body weight, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts and 50 mg of THC taken in 5 daily doses.
Why raw? Heat destroys certain enzymes and nutrients in plants. Incorporating raw cannabis allows for a greater availability of those elements. Those who require large amounts of cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects need to look no further than raw cannabis. In this capacity, it can be used at 60 times more tolerance than if it were heated.
Raw cannabis is considered by many experts as a dietary essential. As a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, raw cannabis may be right u there with garlic and tumeric.
About the Author
Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. 
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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