Friday, May 23, 2014

The 10 Most Important Inventions of Nikola Tesla

May 22, 2014 | By  1 Reply
Tesla - BorderlandsNicholas West, Guest
Waking Times
Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy.  —Nikola Tesla, 1892 
Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death.  Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control?
We know that he was undoubtedly persecuted by the energy power brokers of his day — namely Thomas Edison, whom we are taught in school to revere as a genius.  He was also attacked by J.P. Morgan and other “captains of industry.” Upon Tesla’s death on January 7th, 1943, the U.S. government moved into his lab and apartment confiscating all of his scientific research, some of which has been released by the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act. (I’ve embedded the first 250 pages below and have added a link to the .pdf of the final pages, 290 in total).
Besides his persecution by corporate-government interests (which is practically a certification of authenticity), there is at least one solid indication of Nikola Tesla’s integrity — he tore up a contract with Westinghouse that was worth billions in order to save the company from paying him his huge royalty payments.
But, let’s take a look at what Nikola Tesla – a man who died broke and alone — has actually given to the world.  For better or worse, with credit or without, he changed the face of the planet in ways that perhaps no man ever has.
1. Alternating Current – This is where it all began, and what ultimately caused such a stir at the 1893 World’s Expo in Chicago.  A war was leveled ever-after between the vision of Edison and the vision of Tesla for how electricity would be produced and distributed.  The division can be summarized as one of cost and safety: The DC current that Edison (backed by General Electric) had been working on was costly over long distances, and produced dangerous sparking from the required converter (called a commutator).  Regardless, Edison and his backers utilized the general “dangers” of electric current to instill fear in Tesla’s alternative: Alternating Current.  As proof, Edison sometimes electrocuted animals at demonstrations.  Consequently, Edison gave the world the electric chair, while simultaneously maligning Tesla’s attempt to offer safety at a lower cost.  Tesla responded by demonstrating that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting current through his own body to produce light.  This Edison-Tesla (GE-Westinghouse) feud in 1893 was the culmination of over a decade of shady business deals, stolen ideas, and patent suppression that Edison and his moneyed interests wielded over Tesla’s inventions. Yet, despite it all, it is Tesla’s system that provides power generation and distribution to North America in our modern era.
2. Light – Of course he didn’t invent light itself, but he did invent how light can be harnessed and distributed.  Tesla developed and used florescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry “invented” them. At the World’s Fair, Tesla took glass tubes and bent them into famous scientists’ names, in effect creating the first neon signs.  However, it is his Tesla Coil that might be the most impressive, and controversial.  The Tesla Coil is certainly something that big industry would have liked to suppress: the concept that the Earth itself is a magnet that can generate electricity (electromagnetism) utilizing frequencies as a transmitter.  All that is needed on the other end is the receiver — much like a radio.
3. X-rays – Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation was heavily researched in the late 1800s, but Tesla researched the entire gamut. Everything from a precursor to Kirlian photography, which has the ability to document life force, to what we now use in medical diagnostics, this was a transformative invention of which Tesla played a central role.  X-rays, like so many of Tesla’s contributions, stemmed from his belief that everything we need to understand the universe is virtually around us at all times, but we need to use our minds to develop real-world devices to augment our innate perception of existence.
4. Radio – Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio to this day.  However, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi’s patent in 1943, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi.  Radio signals are just another frequency that needs a transmitter and receiver, which Tesla also demonstrated in 1893 during a presentation before The National Electric Light Association.  In 1897 Tesla applied for two patents US 645576, and US 649621. In 1904, however, The U.S. Patent Office reversed its decision, awarding Marconi a patent for the invention of radio, possibly influenced by Marconi’s financial backers in the States, who included Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie. This also allowed the U.S. government (among others) to avoid having to pay the royalties that were being claimed by Tesla.
5. Remote Control – This invention was a natural outcropping of radio. Patent No.613809 was the first remote controlled model boat, demonstrated in 1898.  Utilizing several large batteries; radio signals controlled switches, which then energized the boat’s propeller, rudder, and scaled-down running lights. While this exact technology was not widely used for some time, we now can see the power that was appropriated by the military in its pursuit of remote controlled war. Radio controlled tanks were introduced by the Germans in WWII, and developments in this realm have since slid quickly away from the direction of human freedom.
6. Electric Motor – Tesla’s invention of the electric motor has finally been popularized by a car brandishing his name.  While the technical specifications are beyond the scope of this summary, suffice to say that Tesla’s invention of a motor with rotating magnetic fields could have freed mankind much sooner from the stranglehold of Big Oil.  However, his invention in 1930 succumbed to the economic crisis and the world war that followed. Nevertheless, this invention has fundamentally changed the landscape of what we now take for granted: industrial fans, household appliances, water pumps, machine tools, power tools, disk drives, electric wristwatches and compressors.
7. Robotics – Tesla’s overly enhanced scientific mind led him to the idea that all living beings are merely driven by external impulses.  He stated: “I have by every thought and act of mine, demonstrated, and does so daily, to my absolute satisfaction that I am an automaton endowed with power of movement, which merely responds to external stimuli.”  Thus, the concept of the robot was born.  However, an element of the human remained present, as Tesla asserted that these human replicas should have limitations — namely growth and propagation. Nevertheless, Tesla unabashedly embraced all of what intelligence could produce.  His visions for a future filled withintelligent cars, robotic human companions, and the use of sensors, and autonomous systems are detailed in a must-read entry in the Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2006 (PDF).
8. Laser – Tesla’s invention of the laser may be one of the best examples of the good and evil bound up together within the mind of man.  Lasers have transformed surgical applications in an undeniably beneficial way, and they have given rise to much of our current digital media. However, with this leap in innovation we have also crossed into the land of science fiction.  From Reagan’s “Star Wars” laser defense system to today’s Orwellian “non-lethal” weapons’ arsenal, which includes laser rifles and directed energy “death rays,” there is great potential for development in both directions.
9 and 10. Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy – These two are inextricably linked, as they were the last straw for the power elite — what good is energy if it can’t be metered and controlled?  Free?  Never.  J.P. Morgan backed Tesla with $150,000 to build a tower that would use the natural frequencies of our universe to transmit data, including a wide range of information communicated through images, voice messages, and text.  This represented the world’s first wireless communications, but it also meant that aside from the cost of the tower itself, the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized to form a world wide web connecting all people in all places, as well as allow people to harness the free energy around them.  Essentially, the 0′s and 1′s of the universe are embedded in the fabric of existence for each of us to access as needed.  Nikola Tesla was dedicated to empowering the individual to receive and transmit this data virtually free of charge.  But we know the ending to that story . . . until now?
Tesla had perhaps thousands of other ideas and inventions that remain unreleased.  A look at his hundreds of patents shows a glimpse of the scope he intended to offer.  If you feel that the additional technical and scientific research of Nikola Tesla should be revealed for public scrutiny and discussion, instead of suppressed by big industry and even our supposed institutions of higher education, join the world’s call to tell power brokers everywhere that we are ready to Occupy Energy and learn about what our universe really has to offer.
The release of Nikola Tesla’s technical and scientific research — specifically his research into harnessing electricity from the ionosphere at a facility called Wardenclyffe — is a necessary step toward true freedom of information.  Please add your voice by sharing this information with as many people as possible.
For additional information about the demand for release, or to use as a template to form your own demand, please visit:
As they state:
Tell your friends, bring it up and discuss it at your next general assembly, do whatever you can to get the word out, organize locally to make a stand for the release of Nikola Tesla’s research…. America is tired of corrupt corporate greed, supported by The American government, holding us back in a stagnant society in the name of profit . . . The Energy Crisis is a lie.
As an aside: there are some who have pointed out that Tesla’s experimentation with the ionosphere very well could have caused the massive explosion over Tunguska, Siberia in 1908, which leveled an estimated 60 million trees over 2,150 square kilometers, and may even have led to the much maligned HAARP technology.  I submit that we would do well to remember that technology is never the true enemy; it is the misuse of technology that can enslave rather than free mankind from its animal-level survivalism.
Please view the video below, which does an excellent job at personalizing this largely forgotten human being, as well as show the reasons why to this day he is not a household name.
And here is a video that offers an essential alternative view of ancient Egypt and other cultures that employedpyramidal structures, which suggests the staggering outer limits of what Tesla was attempting to harness and offer to humanity:
Note: Please feel free to add your own information, article links, or video links about Tesla and his work in the comment section.
I would also point you to Rand Clifford’s 3-part series: Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers! which has a wealth of different information than what you will read below.
**This article originally appeared at ActivistPost.**
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Universal Love – Why It’s Necessary for Our Evolution as a Global Society

We all know how it feels, to be loved. You feel supported, you feel strengthened, you feel safer. You know that the person who loves you is someone you can trust. You can share with them anything about yourself or your life, and you know that person loves you enough to accept it and take it with the seriousness you feel it deserves. That’s the beauty of true, unconditional love.
Love is synonymous of respect, peace, harmony, understanding, protection, acceptance, growth. It really is the essence of a beautiful life.
There are many things on this earth that you can potentially love. You can love a favourite teddy bear, you can love a song, you can love the morning sunshine, you can love the beach, you can love your pet. When you love something, you appreciate it, you are grateful for it,  you think of giving back to it rather than just taking away, and you wish to protect it so it doesn’t come to any harm, so it can keep being beautiful and healthy, so you can keep loving it.
Love is the essence of understanding. When you are in a relationship with someone, and you love them, you appreciate the fact that that person can go through good days and bad days, because they are as human as you are. You know deep down that the person you love has good traits and bad traits. They make you smile but they can also annoy you at times. You can laugh together, and argue together. You know this about them, and you understand this, and accept it. You know the love will help see you through difficult times together, and it will make the journey all the more enjoyable in good, easy times.

What does this mean?

We must focus on this kind of love (and not the obsessive, addictive kind of ‘love’) when we say that love is universal.Although the object may differ, the essence itself stays the same. It is a feeling that we all can feel, regardless of nationality, gender, age, appearance, beliefs.
There is no reason to question it, because deep down we all understand it. We can see an elderly couple embrace, and we admire them, we find them sweet. We see two young children hold hands, and we, once again, find them sweet. We understand that love is fundamentally pure, it is a pure feeling, a pure appreciation for someone.
None of us would want someone to take away our ability to feel, and our ability to love. It’s a personal feeling that belongs to you, and you alone know exactly who you love, and why, because we are all different, we are all unique, and none of us have exactly the same tastes, experiences, desires or ambitions.
And as human beings we are allowed the freedom of choice – you are free to love whom you choose. You are free to choose what clothes to wear when you wake up. You are free to choose what music to listen to, what articles to read, what videos to watch.
And we see it as a universal ‘wrong’ when another human being takes away these choices from you, and forces you to live your life as they see fit. No matter how many years have passed, these basic human ideals have remained in place.
But it’s disrespectful to impose our own views on the lives of other human beings. We can exchange ideas, talk about things, and together, either reach an agreement or agree to disagree. That’s a sign of respect that all human beings deserve. This is the respect we must use when we see, hear or read about any human being when they express their love for another human being. Regardless of gender.

Something to think about:

When we read romantic fiction we don’t categorize it as heterosexual love or ‘straight’ love. But we do categorize homosexual love or ‘gay’ love as a different kind of romance.
But the love itself is not different. The feeling of love between a man and a man, a woman and a man, or a woman and a woman – there is no difference. Every human being has a heart that works tirelessly to pump blood to every corner of our body. And although there’s discrepancy as to where feelings are located on our physical body, we all understand that a great part of what we feel is associated to the general area of and around our chest.
The point is – regardless of gender, we all have the same basic human ability to love. Because love is universal - it’s not limited to gender. We all can give the gift of love to anyone we choose. And we all deserve to be respected for this choice, purely because we are human beings.  Any type of discrimination is not necessary. We all know it hurts to be bullied, don’t we?

Why does all this matter?

It’s important for us to understand that any kind of peace on this earth will not exist without the gift of love. And we really can’t afford to limit the power of love. Not when there are still, to this date, issues such as war, famine, discrimination, poverty. All of which are fed by hatred, misunderstandings, impatience, disrespect, injustice.
If we want our world to move on to something better, if we really want to make a difference, we will know that love is the only tool that will dissipate all these negative, problematic situations humanity is currently facing.
It sounds very simple. A single feeling bears the power to solve our problems as a civilization. That’s the magic of love. True, unconditional, universal love. It has the power to heal. To give protection, respect, understanding. It’s what we need, all of us. As a basic, fundamental, individual need. But even more than that – it’s also a social need, and an international, global need.
With this knowledge, we understand that any limitation of love pushes our evolution backwards rather than forwards. And we equally know that the acceptance of and respect for love will help us evolve faster. It will be the foundation for peace not only within our own hearts, but for our collective, global consciousness.

Our World Is Changing: An Explanation Of What’s Happening To Us & The Planet

“The new age is coming, whether you like it or not, and whether you understand it or not.” –Jordan Maxwell
milky wayEverything we experience is a chance to learn and grow. When faced with uncertainty, it helps to connect to the possible purpose or lesson that is trying to express itself.
As students in this school of life, we are not only challenged with individual but also broader learning opportunities confronted by humanity as a whole. This could be a grand lesson for a particular generation for instance. I wanted to address one of these grand lessons for humanity that will be coming with the dawning of a new age.
I hope this information will help you connect to the lesson so that you can better navigate a changing landscape as time goes on.

Some Background

As you may be aware, ages are connected the axial wobble of the Earth, or the procession of the equinoxes. Procession is gradually leading us from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.
You should also know each age has its own characteristics, its own feel. The feel coincides with the Earth’s chakra or energy point that is evolving during the particular age. This gradual procession of ages moving from base to higher more spiritually advanced chakras is meant to evolve the Earth and humanity into higher and higher consciousness.
Furthermore, each age is connected with an astrological sign and each sign is associated with an element carrying with it certain characteristics.  Briefly:
Earth = physical/material
Air = Mental/Analytical
Fire = Energy/Passion/Creativity
Water = Emotions
All of these factors combine to give the age in question particular emphases, challenges and goals.
This past age, the Age of Pisces, was associated with the heart chakra, evident in the dominance of Christianity, where a big emphasis was placed on the Christian values of giving, loving thy neighbor and faithfulness. The denser side of the Piscean zeitgeist perpetuated self-denial and the notion we are all born sinners. Oh and the guilt, let’s not forget that! Pisces being a water sign is connected to emotions, and people of this time grew through believing and having faith.
The Age of Aquarius brings with it an air sign influence. Air signs in general have to do with mental strength, clarity of thought, science and analytical thinking.  Aquarius in particular integrates these qualities with innovation and individuality.
The influence of a new age is not immediate, but gradual, with crossover influence from the new as it approaches and residual from the old as it passes.  The influence of a new age has been expressing for some time, enabling achievements like the scientific method, for instance.  These influences only get stronger as time goes on.  Think about it, we have literally gone from a scientific break through emerging every decade to potentially everyday.

Aquarius & The Third Eye

Vibrations tuned to the third eye chakra are pervading the earth’s energy field. Many people incarnating on the earth today have an awakened third eye, although in many it is unbalanced. This is because there are actually two aspects of the third eye, referred to as the upper and lower petals. The lower petal is associated with powerful mental capabilities and analytical processing. Our current information age explosion with new technology being developed daily (maybe hourly) is a product of this.
Shifting from a blind faith characteristic of the former age, people now have a need to know and understand.
The upper petal is associated with intuition, spiritual connection and alignment.  It’s interesting that more and more people seem to prefer an individual spirituality over devotion to religious institutions. People seem to be striving to understand their life’s purpose and reach personal fulfillment.

A Search for Something More

The influence of the upper petal as well as nudges and tugs from our Higher Self may set us on a path searching for a different kind of fulfillment, one that is spiritually as well as intellectually fulfilling. Traditional institutions that employ us, provide spiritual leadership, guidance and educate us are falling short here. Thus, with little opportunity to grow spiritually while earning a living, getting an education and so on, we see a rise in existential turmoil and mental health issues.
It is through grappling with this division and ultimately integrating these two aspects of the third eye that individually and collectively we will benefit from a resultant higher consciousness as well as a better world to live in. We are moving towards the development of new institutions that value consciousness, spirituality and science, with the goal of working with nature so we can all benefit.
Another characteristic of this transition is that old institutions become polarized. This is the fundamentalists, the ones who talk of reestablishing the wholesome goodness of the past. What we are seeing is the old reacting to the changing winds. Feeling threatened, these institutions try to deny their stagnicity with a façade of security. They also demonize anything new in an attempt to cling to an authoritative and legitimate position. Those inclined to the mindset of a new age who find this confusing, offensive and often angering can take solace knowing this is a natural tendency when institutions are falling.

What Will The World Look Like?

This new age has a goal: the integration of science and spirit. We are obviously not there yet as a whole, polarized in the lower petal of the third eye. However, a new age is coming and you can either fight against it by becoming entrenched in old ways, deny it and loose your chance to contribute to the new age in this life, or you can stand up and help bring in the new. Working with the new age is moving in alignment with your Higher Self. If you listen to your heart, your passion and intuition you can expect more opportunities for a fulfilling and inspiring life journey. That doesn’t mean you won’t encounter difficulties, but you will gain the accomplishment of fulfilling your soul’s mission in this life.
Whether you are feeling anxious or uneasy about the approaching new age or excited and ready for new challenges, remember, this is ultimately an opportunity to learn and grow. So don’t expect to get comfortable, we may be in for a bumpy ride.
Just remember, change isn’t meant to feel stable, so everything is as it should be.
Some information about the new age and third eye informed by Indigo Adults by Kabir Jaffe:

5 Common Food Additives That Are Toxic to Your Brain

May 21, 2014 | By  1 Reply
Flickr - Sugar - kaibara87Deane Alban, Contributor
Waking Times
Eating mostly whole foods as nature intended is the best recipe for a brain-healthy diet. This minimizes consumption of food additives, some of which are bad for your brain. But most of us, even with the best intentions, eat food that comes in a can or a box at least once in awhile.
The FDA allows 3,000+ additives to be used in the US food supply. Reading labels is a good place to start for avoiding dangerous additives, but this can be confusing. Not all additives are unhealthy. You will find everyday items on the list like salt, vitamin C, and acetic acid (vinegar). You’ll also find long-winded names like Eleutherococcus senticosus which may sound suspicious, but is actually the healthy herb ginseng.
And some of the worst health offenders aren’t required to be on the label!
I’ve ferreted out a handful of additives that are known for harming the brain. Here is my “Hit List”, plus ways to easily avoid exposure.


This artificial sweetener is bad news any way you look at it. Currently, there are 92 categories of complaints filed against aspartame with the FDA. And ironically, it is highly suspected of making people who use it fatter.
Original studies were falsified to hide the fact that animals fed aspartame developed seizures and brain tumors, but the FDA approved it anyway. The FDA has a history of caring more about big business than your well-being.
Aspartame is made up of three brain-damaging chemicals — aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol.
Formerly known as Nutrasweet, but now also called AminoSweet, this is one of the easiest brain-damaging chemicals to avoid since it is clearly labeled.


While the affects of aspartame have been well-publicized, those of the artificial sweetener sucralose are not as well known. Sucralose is marketed as Splenda whose ads say “made from sugar so it tastes like sugar”. What the ads don’t tell you is that sucralose is sugar bonded to chlorine, making it a toxic chlorocarbon.
Some common neurological side effects are headaches, migraines, dizziness, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and tinnitus. Another side effect is weight gain, which rather defeats the purpose.
Sucralose prevents nutrient absorption and reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50%. This leads to an overabundance of bad bacteria which has numerous negative effects on your brain including damage to the hippocampus, the part of the brain where memories are stored.
Stop drinking diet soda or eating foods with this or any other artificial sweetener. You’d be better off going back to sugar! My favorite healthy sweetener is stevia. This naturally sweet herb can be used to sweeten foods and drinks with zero calories, naturally.


Americans love their popcorn, munching down 17.3 billion quarts of popped corn each year! But home-popped microwave popcorn usually contains butter flavoring with the additive diacetyl. It’s already established this chemical causes a serious condition called “microwave popcorn lung”.
Diacetyl is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, a defense which prevents harmful substances from entering the brain. It causes beta-amyloid clumping which is a significant indicator of Alzheimer’s.
You won’t see the word diacetyl on the label, but if you see “artificial butter flavor” or “natural flavors” on the label assume it contains diacetyl.
I’m as bummed about this as you are. But you can eat popcorn safely.
The best way to get healthy popcorn is to pop your own. It’s fast, fun, and highly economical. Kids of all ages will get a kick of out making popcorn the old-fashioned way. If you like butter flavor, just use the real thing. Turns out there is nothing wrong with using a little butter, anyway.
Butter is a particularly good source of vitamin A and the fatty acid butyrate. Butyrate reduces chronic inflammation and counters neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium glutamate, usually referred to simply as MSG, is ubiquitous in processed foods. It breaks down in the body into glutamate, a known excitotoxin — a substance that literally stimulates brain cells to death.
A truly alarming thing about MSG is that it is in just about everything, yet it is not required to be on labels. This makes it very difficult to avoid.
It is required to be listed on a label only if it’s 100% pure MSG. Spices, flavorings, and natural flavorings can all contain up to 99% MSG with no mention on the label!
Generally the saltier the food, the more MSG it will have, with worst offenders including canned soups, snacks, and ramen noodles.
And don’t think that shopping at a health food store will protect you. Health food items are not immune, especially refined soy products like soy burgers.
Top MSG Sources
Here are some ingredients to watch out for that always contain MSG:
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Hydrolyzed plant protein
  • Hydrolyzed protein
  • Plant protein extract
  • Calcium caseinate
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Yeast extract
  • Textured protein
  • Autolyzed yeast
These ingredients can contain MSG:
  • Malt extract
  • Malt flavoring
  • Bouillon
  • Broth
  • Stock
  • Flavoring
  • Natural flavoring
  • Beef flavoring
  • Chicken flavoring
  • Seasoning
  • Spices
Another huge source of MSG is fast food restaurants. has a list of the worst offenders with KFC being at the top of the list. Even their salads and green beans contain MSG! 


Aluminum is an additive in baking powder and anti-caking agents, but it is used as much more than just a food ingredient. It is the most abundant metal in the the earth’s crust so is hard to avoid. It’s in drinking water, antacids, deodorant, cans, foil, and is commonly used in cookware.
Aluminum is suspected of contributing to Alzheimer’s. In the 1970′s, autopsies revealed that people that had Alzheimer’s had a larger than normal concentration of aluminum in the brain. This understandably began a scare that aluminum was the cause of Alzheimer’s.
Many people consequently stopped using aluminum cookware. This soft metal leeches into food especially when cooking acidic foods like tomato, lemon, or vinegar.
Stainless steel is the better cookware choice. It is more durable, scratch-resistant, and less reactive than aluminum. It’s easier to keep looking good for the long haul, too.
You can also find aluminum-free deodorants, baking powder and antacids. You can cook on parchment paper instead of foil. But is all this necessary?
Scientific proof can come slowly. It’s been 40 years since the aluminum-Alzheimer’s correlation was made, but science has still not determined for certain whether ingesting aluminum contributes to this disease for sure. But since it is a known neurotoxin, it only makes sense to minimize your exposure.
Avoiding these five chemicals is not that difficult. There are healthy alternatives, so you can reduce exposure with little effort. Taking action will help you reduce exposure to brain toxins, a key factor in keeping your brain mentally sharp for a lifetime.
About the Author
Deane Alban holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and has taught and written on a wide variety of natural health topics for over 20 years. Her current focus is helping people overcome brain fog, “senior moments”, and other signs of mental decline now, and preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia in the future.
The human brain is designed to last a lifetime, but modern life takes a greater toll on the brain than most people realize. Deane teaches the best ways to keep your brain healthy and stay mentally sharp for life at her website where you can learn how to make your brain sharp again.
Aluminum & Alzheimer’s Is There a Connection? at
Bronchiolitis Obliterans at
List of Food Additives (US) at
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.