Friday, September 27, 2013

The immune boosting power of astragalus

Friday, September 27, 2013 by: Dr. David Jockers

Tags: astragalus, immune boosting power, adaptogenic herbs

(NaturalNews) Adaptogenic herbs have beneficial stress adapting properties that they pass on to those who consume them to support healthy function. Astragalus is an herb that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to assist the body in adapting to stress and boosting natural immunity.

Astragalus belongs to the legume family of herbs and small shrubs and is native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It has been called milkvetch, locoweed and goat's thorn. There are more than 2000 species worldwide, but the varieties that are most revered are found in Central and Western Asia due to the presence of certain bacteria in the soil that are required for its growth.

Active compounds in astragalus

The active compounds in astragalus root include polysaccharide cycloartane glycoside fractions, isoflavonoids, saponins and triterpenoids. All of these have a powerful effect on the balancing stress and stimulating immunity.

Polyscaccharides are specific carbohydrates that provide powerful antioxidant effects in the body and feed the immune cells. Since these polysaccharides feed the body, astragalus enhances the body's overall vitality and is extremely helpful for individuals with chronic illnesses. It fights fatigue by nourishing exhausted adrenals, eliminating toxins in the liver and increasing the flow of bile and digestive fluids.

Astragalus also contains betaine, beta-sitosterol, calcium, choline, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, flavonoids, saponins and triterpenoid glycosides. The triterpenoids and saponins have a similar structural makeup to steroid hormone precursors such as DHEA. This may be why astragalus helps elevate DHEA levels and helps us recover from physical activity and improve strength and endurance.

Astragalus and the immune system:

Astragalus is one of the most researched immune system stimulants. It concentrates on building immunity and can be taken daily to strengthen the immune system and prevent infection. It works by stimulating the body's production of antiviral compounds called interferons and restoring red blood cell formation in the bone marrow.

Due to its beneficial affects on the Th1 arm of the immune system, it is used to treat HIV viral infections, pneumonia and cardiac arrhythmia. It also has shown great promise for individuals with cancer. In a University of Texas Medical Center study, researchers found that astragalus significantly enhanced T cell function in cancer patients. In some of the cases, astragalus was shown to stimulate the damaged cells to greater activity than normal cells taken from healthy individuals.

Studies done by the American Cancer Society have even showed that cancer patients taking astragalus while receiving radiation and chemotherapy recovered significantly faster and lived longer. Significant increases in white blood cells were found after only two weeks of use of this herb. It was shown not to attack cancer cells but to strengthen the body's innate immune defenses against cancer development.

Other studies have demonstrated that Astragalus is effective at helping the body's immune system respond to viral invasions, such as the common cold and flu. It is also great at strengthening the adrenals, improving metabolism, energy, mental stamina and blood sugar control.

Astragalus boosts Th1 immunity:

Astragalus is particularly effective against Th2 dominant conditions such as asthma, allergies, cancer, lupus, scleroderma, sinusitis, eczema, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity. Astragalus boosts the Th1 system and helps balance out the immune system with these sort of disorders.

If an individual has a classical Th1 dominant condition, such as type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's, Grave's Disease, Crohn's, Psoriasis, Sjoren's Syndrome, Celiac, lichen planus and rheumatoid arthritits, they should restrict their use of astragalus. In these circumstances, astragalus can cause further immune imbalance and resulting autoimmune inflammatory conditions.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why is Obamacare so unaffordable? Because it was conceived as a political weapon of mass economic destruction

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: Obamacareeconomic destructionAmerican workers

(NaturalNews) Right now, all across America, employees are receiving notices that their insurance coverage is being dropped because it isn't "compliant" with Obamacare. Simultaneously, employers everywhere are slashing jobs, cutting hours and downsizing their operations just to stay afloat by avoiding the most punishing requirements of Obamacare. Across the economy, Obamacare is devastating American workers and casting tens of millions of people into a state of despair.

Why is Obamacare -- the "Affordable Care Act" -- so unaffordable? Why is it causing jobs, hours and insurance policies to be gutted all across America? Because it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.

Mass victimization is a political strategy, and Obamacare is the weapon

It's time you learned the truth about Obamacare and how victimization is a political "weapon of mass destruction." The Democratic party thrives primarily on victimization. The more destitute workers become, the more they demand handouts from politicians, and no party is more willing to widely distribute handouts than the Democratic party. Ensnaring people in a cycle of poverty and dependence is the democrats' long-term re-election strategy. The more people who live in poverty, in other words, the more powerful the Democrats become.

(In fairness, the Republicans' long-term re-election strategy is to ensnare nations in endless wars, conflict and engineered terrorism. But that's another article altogether. For the record, I endorse the platform of the Canary Party.)

Because of this dynamic, the Democratic party is terrified by individuals who can take care of themselves. Self-empowered people quickly learn they don't need as much government in their lives, and they tend to vote for smaller government. But people who are in a state of constant crisis from losing their job, getting their hours cut or losing their health insurance automatically turn to big government for help. They demand more government and more assistance programs, and this reliably translates into more democrats getting voted into office on election day.

From the very start, the Obamacare plan was to thrust American workers into a state of despair and panic by making health insurance all but unaffordable to employers. To top off the scheme, the entire charade was named the "Affordable Care Act" to fool the masses into initially supporting it. (Beware of the name of any 1,000-page act passed by Congress. They are almost universally named the opposite of what they actually accomplish...)

The ploy succeeded, and now millions of American workers are just beginning to wake up and realize, "Hey! We've been lied to!"

The real disaster begins October 1

Just how bad is Obamacare, really? It's so bad that Congress recently conspired with the White House to make sure all members of Congress are exempted from its core mandates. This means Congress won't be using the same health care system they have forced upon everyone else. How's that for integrity?

In just a few days, the nation is going to find out just what a mess Obamacare really is. October 1 is the day the so-called "Obamacare exchanges" are supposed to be open for business. It's also the day when the train wreck really begins, so expect all sorts of glitches, failures, privacy breaches and other electronic problems to appear.

In the exchanges that do work, you're going to find sky-high prices for coverage that, in many cases, double or triple what you've been paying. How's that for "affordable care?"

In an effort to cover up the reality of all this, the Obama administration has been cherry picking numbers from selected examples and publicizing those to try to deceive the country into thinking those are the rates everyone else will be paying, too. In reality, health insurance rates are going to shock the nation in a week or so, and at that point the false cover-up can no longer be maintained. Expect the mainstream media to pull another Orwellian sleight-of-mind trick and try to convince people that their doubled or triples health insurance rates are somehow "lower." (This trick might actually work, since most voters are utterly unable to do math anyway. Concepts of "higher" or "lower" may no longer be comprehended by the average American worker / voter.)

As I write this, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is engaged in an all-night action in the U.S. Senate that looks a lot like a filibuster. He's demanding that Obamacare be de-funded as a condition for passing a higher debt ceiling for federal spending. The House has already voted to de-fund Obamacare, and it looks like Republicans and Democrats are once again playing chicken to see who will take the blame if the government really does get shut down.

The correct answer is that Republicans will be blamed because the mainstream media is still in Obama's back pocket even as he has pushed America's national debt way past $16 trillion. But because mainstream reporters can't do math and have no idea what a "trillion" really is, these mathematical realities don't compute with them, and the brush off the whole concept of national debt as if the laws of economics could be selectively ignored at will.

Obamacare is only the first wave of economic destruction headed our way

The bottom line in all this comes down to the following:

1) Obamacare is unleashing an economic nightmare across America. Workers are being punished across the board, losing their jobs, their work hours and their insurance policies. This is happening precisely because Obamacare makes it unaffordable for many employers to cover all the required health care costs. Welcome to the "part-time society!"

2) For most people -- but not everyone -- Obamacare insurance rates will be much higher than what they've been paying. Why is this the case? Because the Obamacare system preserves and protects the Big Pharma monopoly, shoveling billions of dollars into drug companies each year under the guise of "medical treatment." Instead of reducing health care costs, the Obamacare system is actually focused on helping Big Pharma profit from a sick-care system of ongoing chronic disease.

3) Ultimately, the financial end of America grows ever closer with each passing day. This system of unlimited debt, unlimited entitlements and unlimited spending will, of course, come to a catastrophic end. How do I know this? Because it is a simple fact of reality that all things which are unsustainable must, at some point, end. And when it comes to debt, the longer the denial, the more devastating the wake-up call.

Today, the federal government's out-of-control debt spending is, by all accounts, unsustainable. The only real question is how long they can keep the faith-based Ponzi scheme running before the world's central banks decide to start dumping U.S. treasury debt on the open market, at which point the house of cards implodes almost overnight.

4) Because of point #3, above, the final fact on all this is that Obamacare won't really matter in the long run anyway because the entire federal government is headed for a debt implosion which will very likely end in some sort of wholesale downsizing of government. The insanity you are witnessing right now is indicative of the final chapter of a failed government on the verge of collapsing into ruin. When that day arrives, expect short-term social chaos followed by long-term abundance as principles of economic liberty are finally restored.

Have a backup plan

Please understand there is no turning back for America now. Power-hungry politicians and a brain-dead mainstream media have held us all hostage to an agenda of planned economic destruction. At this point, there is no reform that can halt the inevitable implosion. The dominoes are falling and cannot be stopped. As much as I admire the backbone of real constitutional leaders in Washington like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, they are nonetheless too little, too late.

As I've said for the past year or so, the real focus for the rest of us should be how to survive the day that the federal food stamp program is turned off. The day the food stamp benefit cards stop working is the day a countdown is initiated that will end in riots rolling out across every major U.S. city. That countdown might be somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 - 9 days, give or take. It all depends on how hungry people get and whether the weather is hot or cold. (Hot weather leads to far more riots. Cold weather tends to keep people inside. The most dangerous scenario is economic collapse during the summer months.)

I urge you to realize that America is quite literally one database away from collapsing into social chaos. (The SNAP food stamp database.) When the funds are turned off from that database, and tens of millions of SNAP debit cards stop working across America, that's the day you'll understand just how much damage Obama and others like him have done to our nation.

Prepare now and be safe, folks. The insanity has only just begun. It's gonna get a whole lot crazier before things turn around.

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How the USDA Organic Standard Allowed Fluoride to Contaminate the Organic Label

September 25, 2013 | By  Reply
Flickr - USDA Organic Label - USDAgovApril McCarthy, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
There are many reasons to no longer trust the USDA organic label, however history gives a good lesson on why you should never confide in this government agency. The original standards proposed in 1997 by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) revised rule on National Organic Standards (NOS) was first finalized in 2000. The standards first proposed included proposals to use sewage sludge, irradiation, antibiotics in livestock, and genetically modified organisms. The USDA withdrew the proposal after receiving over 275,000 comments from the public– the most comments received on any US agency proposal in history. In the final NOS, the four practices listed above were left out, but unfortunately, despite opposition, those public concerns about fluoride were ignored. To this day, the organic standards allow the use of the toxic sodium fluoride in organic agriculture.
Fluoride is a persistent and non-degradable poison that accumulates in soil, plants, wildlife, and humans. Many organic farmers may be unaware that this highly toxic substance has been allowed for use in the NOS, because its presence is hidden. However, it is there:
- As Sodium Fluoride tucked away in the US EPA List 4 Inerts (“Inerts which have sufficient data to substantiate they can be used safely in pesticide products, according to EPA.”), which are allowed for use in the NOS.- In Bone Meal (which can contain 1000 ppm – or more- fluoride), also included in US EPA List 4 Inerts (“Inerts generally regarded as safe, i.e., corn cobs and cookie crumbs,” according to EPA).- Because fluoride is “pesticidally active” and “of toxicological concern”, it never should have been on EPA’s List 4 Inerts (nonactive ingredients).
- Section 6508 (c)1 of the Rule says producers shall not use “natural poisons such as arsenic or lead salts that have long-term effects and persist in the environment.” Fluoride is in this category.
- The broad spectrum of fluoride’s toxic abilities makes it especially inappropriate for use in sustainable, organic agriculture.
To call sodium fluoride an “inert” is Orwellian and defies one of the NOS’s stated principles: producers shall not use “natural poisons such as arsenic or lead salts that have long-term effects and persist in the environment.” Fluoride is clearly in this category. Sadly, the use of fluoride in organic farming could undermine the public’s confidence and safety in organic food – both here and abroad. This will become more obvious as the movement against fluoridation of public water picks up momentum worldwide. As it does more and more people will be asking questions about fluoride levels in their food. Unlike the List of Inerts, fluoride levels in organic food cannot be hidden.
* The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) stated in 1993: “Existing data indicate that subsets of the population may be unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds. These populations include the elderly, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems… Because fluoride is ubiquitous in food and water, the potential for human exposure is substantial (ATSDR, p 112, 153).”
* In 1998, a fluoride study published in Brain Research reported damage to rat kidneys and brain at very low doses. Rats were given 1 ppm fluoride in doubly distilled and de-ionized water for 52 weeks. In other words they were given the same levels as we get in fluoridated water, albeit without the other ions present in tap water. One group of rats was given aluminum-fluoride (AlF3) and another, sodium fluoride (NaF). In both cases amyloid deposits were found in the rat brains. Amyloid deposits are tangles in the brain and are associated with Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. Scientists do not know why they form. The rats in the control did not have them. The authors of the study speculate that fluoride enables aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier (Varner et al). This paper has caused quite a stir in regulatory circles and has prompted both the NIEHS and the EPA to nominate aluminum fluoride for comprehensive study by the National Toxicology Program.
* In 1994, a FDA researcher published results from a study that found an association between residence in counties with high fluoride concentrations in drinking water (3 ppm) with decreased birth rates. The author raised the question “whether public health concerns and toxicologic research should not shift their focus from the isolated intake from fluoridated water to the potential toxicity of the total fluoride intake (Freni).” This suggestion is important, because surprisingly, a great deal of the promotion of fluoridation in the US has centered on the concentration of fluoride in drinking water and has been very cavalier about the total dose of fluoride we get from ALL sources.
The USDA organic label is supposed to protect the consumer against GMOs and avoidable chemical exposures, but the sobering fact is that even USDA-certified infant formula manufacturers are not only being allowed to use a pesticide in their formulas, but are advertising them as a ‘healthy’ mineral to unsuspecting consumers.
Due to its high toxicity, fluoride has long been used as a pesticide. In the United States, there are currently two fluoride-based pesticides that are allowed to be sprayed on food. These are: cryolite and sulfuryl fluoride.
The main way people are exposed to fluoride from the pesticide cryolite is through consumption of grape products, particularly white grapes, grown in the U.S. This is because cryolite use is widespread among U.S. vinyards.
Cryolite is also allowed to be added to the following products (although it is unclear how many producers actually do so, and what the resulting fluoride levels are):
  • Apricot, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Citrus fruit, Collards, Eggplant, Kale, Kiwifruit, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Melon, Nectarine, Peach, Pepper, Plum, Pumpkin, Squash (summer & winter), Tomato, and a number of Berries (Blackberry, Blueberry (huckleberry) Boysenberry, Cranberry, Dewberry, Loganberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Youngberry).
Sodium Fluoride (NaF)
Sodium fluoride is used as a rodenticide and insecticide (mainly for roaches and ants), as a disinfectant for fermentation apparatus in breweries and distilleries, in wood preservation, and in rimmed steel manufacture (ATSDR, p 138). NaF is far more toxic than cryolite because it is far more soluble in water and thus more readily taken up by plants and absorbed by animals.
ATSDR states that the main use of NaF is as a drinking water additive for prevention of dental caries, but fails to point out that this is obtained as a waste product from the superphosphate fertilizer industry containing other toxic contaminants (see below).
NaF is allowed in organic agriculture, but like the agent used for fluoridating public drinking water, is an industrial waste product. In which case in addition to the toxicity of fluoride must be added concern about contaminants like arsenic, lead, and even traces of radioactive isotopes. This is an incredible state of affairs for something described as an “inert” in EPA’s list 4 inerts included in the NOS!
Sadly, conventional crops are not the only ones subjected to fluoride chemicals. Even though many of the more than 150 fluoridated pesticides on the market today are prohibited for use on crops grown according to the U.S Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) established organic standards, the agency still allows the use of fluoride chemicals on organic crops.
Powdered or Raw Phosphate Rock
Organic farmers and gardeners are advised to use powdered phosphate rock as a “natural” fertilizer. Unfortunately in this context, the word “natural” does not mean benign. In addition to containing 2-5% fluoride, the raw phosphate rock also contains a number of other toxic substances. The following advice is listed in our 1978 edition of The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: the use of Phosphate rock is as an “excellent source of phosphorus for fertilizer use… it contains 65 percent calcium phosphate or bone phosphate of lime as well as … calcium, carbonate, calcium fluoride, iron oxide, iron sulfide, alumina, silica, manganese dioxide, titanium oxide, sodium, copper, chromium, magnesium, strontium, barium, lead, zinc, vanadium, boron, silver, and iodine…. Phosphate rock today has been ground finer than talcum powder, so that a significant part of it is gradually available to the plant… (Rodale, p 863)”
Unfortunately this means that the fluoride is also slowly available for uptake into the plants and thence into our “wholesome organic” diet.
Bone Meal
Another concern with organic gardening and farming is the use of bone meal, which is allowed for use in the National Organic Standards under EPA’s List 4 Inerts. This meal is prepared mainly from the bones of farm animals. Fluoride concentrates in the bones of all mammals and we can expect concentrations to be in the 1000 ppm plus range. There is also the concern about transmission of Mad Cow disease through contact with bone meal.
Exposure to fluoride through food, air and water has been increasing for 50 years from many uncontrolled industrial sources and conventional agricultural practices as well as the use of some dental products and medicines. It is imperative that organic foods be kept free of any additional fluoride.
The one source we should not have to contend with fluoride is that introduced by organic farmers. When we pay extra money to avoid pesticides, we don’t expect to get doses of an extremely toxic pesticide! The fact that thee National Organic Standards permit organic farmers to use bone meal and sodium fluoride is another embarassment to the organic label.
About the Author
April McCarthy is a community journalist playing an active role reporting and analyzing world events to advance our health and eco-friendly initiatives.

Mind Control and the New World Order

September 24, 2013 | By  2 Replies
Flickr - dollar eye - kevin dooleyLen Kasten, New Dawn
Waking Times
On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. He was identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist with the US Army Research Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He had fallen from a room he shared with another scientist, Robert Lashbrook. It was ruled a suicide.
Twenty-two years later, in 1975, William Colby, then CIA director, declassified documents that changed the complexion of the case. It was revealed that Olson had actually been an undercover CIA operative at Fort Detrick, and that one week prior to his death, he had been drinking Cointreau at a high-level meeting with scientists at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland. The Cointreau was laced with a large dose of LSD administered by his CIA boss, Sidney Gottlieb. He was then sent to New York with Lashbrook, also with the CIA, to see a psychiatrist because the LSD had induced a psychosis.
It was also revealed that Olson had been part of the top secret CIA program that was known as Project MK-ULTRA, exploring the use of chemicals and drugs for purposes of mind control, and bacteriological agents for covert assassination. Olson had been working on ways to deliver anthrax in aerosol form, for use as a weapon. New evidence that came to light, through the persistent efforts of Olson’s son Eric, made the suicide ruling highly suspect.
It turned out that Olson had been labelled a security risk by British intelligence after getting upset witnessing human experimentation on a trip to Frankfurt, Germany the previous summer. Eric Olson now believes that his father was drugged and then murdered to make sure that he didn’t reveal the secrets of the MK-ULTRA project. Following the 1975 revelations, the government must have felt more than a little guilt about the affair because Olson’s family was given a 17 minute audience with US President Ford, who apologised to them, and they were awarded damages in the amount of $750,000.

Controlling Human Behaviour

The MK-ULTRA program was instituted on 13 April 1953 by CIA Director Allen Dulles, ostensibly to counter the brainwashing techniques of American prisoners being held by the North Koreans during the Korean War, and to duplicate those techniques on enemy prisoners, i.e. the creation of “Manchurian Candidates.” This was the claim used to obtain funding for the project. However, the Prisoner of War brainwashing program was just the tip of the iceberg, and the CIA-sponsored experiments ventured far and wide into areas of Mind Control under the aegis of MK-ULTRA that had little or nothing to do with methods of interrogation.
The Colby revelations were part of a sweeping investigation of the CIA in January 1975 by the “Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States,” chaired by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. The subsequent June 1975 Report to the President said: “The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behaviour. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and harassment substances.”
Even though the program got off to a rocky start with the Olson affair, it recovered quickly and became an umbrella project with 149 sub-projects. The overall guiding principal was succinctly stated in an internal CIA memo dated January 1952: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?” 
The drug program came under the aegis of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff headed up by Sidney Gottlieb from 1951 to 1956. Gottlieb was a highly intelligent eccentric who drank goat’s milk, enjoyed folk-dancing, and raised Christmas trees on his farm outside Washington.
The Agency funded LSD research programs at major medical centres and universities including Boston Psychopathic, Mt. Sinai Hospital at Columbia University, University of Illinois Medical School, University of Oklahoma and others. The funding was carried out secretly through the Josiah Macy Foundation, and the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research in Washington, D.C. The CIA claimed the secrecy was necessary to keep it from the Russians, but we have already seen that it was part of much larger project to learn how to control human behaviour in general, so this is not credible.
Gottlieb told Dr. Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai (who just happened to be the psychiatrist that Olson was supposed to see!) that he wanted “operationally pertinent materials [about]: a. Disturbance of Memory; b. Discrediting by Aberrant Behaviour; c. Alteration of Sex Patterns; d. Eliciting of Information; e. Suggestibility; f. Creation of Dependence.” That sounds like pretty deep stuff for the spy game. They were really afraid of public reaction and congressional condemnation, especially since the CIA charter did not allow domestic operations, and certainly prohibited experimentation on US citizens.
The callousness of the research is best exemplified by the CIA-funded work of Dr. Harris Isbell, the Director of the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The drug addict hospital inmates, who were mostly black, were encouraged to volunteer for LSD research in return for hard drugs of their choice or time off their sentences. In most cases, they were given pure morphine or heroin. At one point Isbell kept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days. Many others were on it for up to 42 days.
Concerning extended LSD usage, John Marks in his landmark book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control says about writer Hunter S. Thompson (recently deceased) that he “frightened his readers with accounts of drug (LSD) binges lasting a few days, during which Thompson felt his brain boiling away in the sun, his nerves wrapping around enormous barbed wire forts, and his remaining faculties reduced to their reptilian antecedents.” The recent movie The Rum Diary, starring Johnny Depp, based on the autobiographical book by Hunter S. Thompson, presents an imaginative re-enactment of his LSD adventures.

The CIA Turns On the Counter-Culture

Not satisfied with university research, Gottlieb recruited New York narcotics agent George White to distribute LSD surreptitiously to the “borderline underworld.” Operating through safe houses in Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury and Marin County, White gave doses to prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts and other “marginal people” and then observed the results and reported to Gottlieb.
John Marks says they were people “who would be powerless to seek any sort of revenge if they ever found out what the CIA had done to them. In addition to their being unlikely whistle-blowers, such people lived in a world where an unwitting dose of some drug… was an occupational hazard anyway.”
Eventually, White started using it randomly all over New York and San Francisco. Regarding the results, Marks says, “The MKULTRA scientists reaped little but disaster, mischief, and disappointment from their efforts to use LSD as a miracle weapon against the minds of their opponents.” Yet, they continued this program for 10 years until 1963.
Ironically, since the CIA had pretty much cornered the market on LSD internationally, buying up all the product of Sandoz and Eli Lilly, the spread of the drug to the counter-culture was through the Agency.Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsburg and Tom Wolfe were first “turned on” thanks to the CIA, and that’s how the “flower children” became psychedelic.
But, the LSD experiments may have been more successful than Marks realised. They were carefully noting the precise effects on brain chemistry, and in the six areas that Gottlieb was concerned with: memory disturbance, aberrant behaviour, altered sexual patterns, eliciting information, suggestibility and creation of dependence. This became evident when they started using LSD as an adjunct in hypnotic and electronic experiments.

Re-Patterning the Brain

Perhaps the most notorious and nefarious MK-ULTRA sub-project was carried out at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada under the directorship of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, an American from Albany, New York. Cameron had trained at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under eugenicist Sir David Henderson, and founded the Canadian branch of the World Federation for Mental Health. At various times, he was elected president of the Canadian, American, and World psychiatric associations. In other words, Cameron was no renegade but had the full faith and endorsement of the world psychiatric establishment.
The CIA wanted Cameron to “depattern” the contents of the brain to make it receptive to new patterning. David Remnick in a Washington Post article on 28 July 1985 said:
“The…. heart of the laboratory was the Grid Room…. The subject was strapped into a chair involuntarily, by force, his head bristling with electrodes and transducers. Any resistance was met with a paralysing dose of curare. The subject’s brainwaves were beamed to a nearby reception room crammed with voice analysers, a wire recorder and radio receivers cobbled together… The systematic annihilation or ‘depatterning’ of a subject’s mind and memory was accomplished with overdoses of LSD, barbiturate sleep for 65 days at a stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16 hours a day, programmed the empty mind. Fragile patients referred to Allan Memorial for help were thus turned into carbuncular jellyfish.”
Anton Chaitkin in his essay, ‘British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination’, says:
“Patients lost all or part of their memories, and some lost the ability to control their bodily functions and to speak. At least one patient was reduced almost to a vegetable; then Cameron had the cognitive centres of her brain surgically cut apart, while keeping her alive. Some subjects were deposited permanently in institutions for the hopelessly insane.”
The CIA funded these horrors through a front called “The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.” Other supporters of the Allan Institute were the Rockefeller Foundation, the Geschickter Foundation, and the Canadian government.
About Cameron’s work, Wikipedia says: “Naomi Klein states, in her book The Shock Doctrine, that Cameron’s research and his contribution to the MKUltra project was actually not about mind control and brainwashing, but ‘to design a scientifically based system for extracting information from “resistant sources.” In other words, torture’. And citing a book from Alfred W. McCoy it further says that ‘Stripped of its bizarre excesses, Cameron’s experiments, building upon Donald O. Hebb’s earlier breakthrough, laid the scientific foundation for the CIA’s two-stage psychological torture method’.” This method was codified in the infamous “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual” published by the CIA in July 1963, and in the Human Resources Exploitation Training Manual – 1983 that was used in CIA training courses in Latin American countries up until 1987. These manuals describe methods of psychological torture, far more potent than physical torture, to elicit information from “resistant sources.”

An Orwellian Nightmare

As one would expect, the technologies now available to the mind-controllers have zoomed off the chart to the point where George Orwell’s world of omni-surveillance now seems almost quaint. Of course, it is true that 1984 was 28 years ago. But even as far back as 1970, US congressman James Scheur was able to say:
“As a result of spinoffs from medical, military aerospace and industrial research, we are now in the process of developing devices and products capable of controlling violent mobs without injury. We can tranquillise, impede, immobilise, harass, shock, upset, stupefy, nauseate, chill, temporarily blind, deafen or just plain scare the wits out of anyone the police have a proper need to control and restrain.”
A brief survey of some of the scariest products known to be in the arsenal of the secretive alphabet agencies arrayed against John Q. Public are such devices as the Neurophone, patented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan in 1968. It converts sound to electrical impulses which can be delivered from satellites. When aimed at individuals, the impulses travel directly to the brain where the sounds are re-assembled and appear to be voices inside the head, which can be perceived as coming from God, or telepathic aliens, or whatever. Or the sounds can come out of a turned-off TV or radio. Through software, the device can mimic anyone’s voice and translate into any language.
It is believed that the CIA, DIA, NSA et al use the Neurophone to deliver threats and propaganda to selected targets, or just to torment someone they don’t like. One can imagine the possibilities. Could this explain some of the killings by “psychopaths” who say they were instructed by God, such as Mark David Chapman, David Berkowitz, or Sirhan Sirhan? If they had been previously evaluated through sophisticated personality assessments and groomed by LSD or hypnosis, such voices could easily tip the balance and convince them to kill.
We’ve all heard about the “Thought Police” and laughed because it seemed so implausible. Well, the joke is on us. Brain scanning technology is now well-advanced. In 1974, Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer with the Stanford Research Institute succeeded in correlating brain wave patterns from EEGs with specific words. In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought at the University of Missouri. It is believed that US intelligence agencies now have a brain wave vocabulary of over 60,000 words in most common languages.
Brain waves constitute a magnetic field around the head (the aura), each person having a unique, identifiable electromagnetic signature which becomes visible through Kirlian photography, and these fields can be monitored by satellites. The translated results are then fed back to ground-side super computers at speeds of up to 20 gigabytes/second. Neurophone messages can then be beamed to selected individuals based on their thoughts. It is believed that about one million people around the globe are now monitored on a regular basis. As these numbers increase, as they certainly will, to include most educated and important people in the world, the New World Order will definitely have arrived.
As Australian writer Paul Baird has observed, “no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).” Baird also claims that ex-military/intelligence whistle-blowers have reported that experiments in controlling voters with these techniques have been tried in several foreign countries. So much for democracy.
Other technologies, such as microwave bombardment to confuse and disorient field personnel, microchip implantation, silently delivered acoustical subliminal messages, widespread population control through psychiatric drugs, and extreme close-up satellite-based viewing able to read documents indoors, are all well-developed and in use by military and intelligence agencies. This doesn’t even address the monitoring of overt spoken and written material. Under Project ECHELON, the NSA monitors every call, fax, e-mail and computer data message in and out of the US, Canada and several other countries. Their computers then search for key words and phrases. Anything or anyone of interest draws the attention of agency operatives, who can then commence surveillance operations by the NSA or other intelligence agencies.

Novel Capabilities

We conclude with a chilling vision of the future from the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. It is from New World Vistas of Air and Space Power for the 21st Century.
“Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training…”
And based on the past clandestine abuses of MK-ULTRA reviewed above, one can predict with relative certainty that these capabilities will be used on civilians, with or without their knowledge or acquiescence, in the service of the New World Order.
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About the Author
LEN KASTEN has been involved in metaphysical and UFO/ET studies, research and writing for over thirty years. A graduate of Cornell University, he is a former member of NICAP and MUFON. He has written over fifty published articles for Atlantis Rising magazine. His book,The Secret History of Extraterrestrials, published by Inner Traditions, went to number sixteen on the publisher’s Top Fifty list, in four months.
The above article appeared in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 3.
© New Dawn Magazine and the respective author.
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Why Is The Food Industry Poisoning Us With Trillions of Nanoparticles?

September 25, 2013 | By  Reply
The U.S. food industry is notorious for poisoning the very consumers who drive their multi-billion dollar enterprise, even spending millions against their right to informed consent (truthful GMO labeling). So, is it any wonder that this deregulated and increasingly deranged juggernaut is experimenting on its own customer base by exposing them to trillions of toxic nanoparticles?
A new study published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy titled, “Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in human gastric epithelial cells in vitro,” reveals for the first time that the nanoparticle form of the common “whitening” agent known as titanium dioxide is capable of inducing “tumor-like” changes in exposed human cells.[1]
Whereas previous cell research has established that titanium dioxide (TiO2) is cytotoxic (cell damaging),[2] this is the first study of its kind to find exposed cells undergo a ‘phenotypal’ transition from normal to cancerous cell traits, including an increased rate of cell proliferation and a decrease in programmed cell death – hallmark features of precancerous and/or cancerous cells associated with ‘immortalization.’
Owing to the fact that the researchers tested human gastric epithelial cells, a type of stomach cell in direct contact with material we eat, and considering the broad range of drug, personal care and food products nanoparticle TiO2 is commonly used within, the toxicological implications of these findings are deeply concerning.

We Are Already Eating Titanium Dioxide

TiO2 is a naturally occurring oxide of titanium, and has a wide range of industrial applications as a “whitening” pigment in plastics, ceramic glazes and paints. It is used in sunscreens as a UV absorbing “sun protection factor,” due to its high refractive index.  Most of our risk of exposure comes from its use in toothpaste, drugs and excipient-heavy supplements as a pill coating, and food products, including even milk (to ‘improve’ appearance and texture).
Indeed, given that TiO2 is found in thousands of consumer products, the odds are that you are already being exposed to a significant quantity of them on a daily basis.  As reported by, “You ingest around 100 trillion nanoparticles every day, researchers at Binghamton University and Cornell University say.”
So, what are some common brands who use it? Nanotitanium is found in products produced by Jello, Nestlé, M&M’s, Mother’s, Mentos, Albertson’s, Hostess and Kool Aid.
Below is a table from the 2012 E Magazine article “Eating Nano” revealing its presence in common U.S. packaged goods.

Is Titanium Dioxide Regulated?

Much like present day radiobiological risk assessments for technologies like mammography were developed long before the discovery of DNA, making it impossible to comprehend their DNA-damaging properties at that time, present day biosafety regulations of TiO2 were determined long before the advent of nanotechnology.  In both cases, the true harms of these technologies were — and still are — greatly underestimated.
As a result of this information gap, TiO2 is currently classified as ‘generally recognized as safe’ (GRAS) by the FDA, regardless of format. Remarkably, the FDA still allows titanium dioxide in sunscreens ”at concentrations of up to 25 percent alone and 2 to 25 percent in combination with any proposed Category I sunscreen active ingredient” without considering the toxicity differential of particle size.[3]Considering that concentrations as low as 0.001% by weight have been found to exhibit clear cytotoxicity within exposed cells,[4] the biosafety regulations governing TiO2  are as great as 5 orders of magnitude or higher less stringent than they should be to protect the consumer.
Nanoparticles are so small they are below the threshold of visibility. This is one reason why they are used for sun protection factor, as 100 nanometers or smaller particles will not leave the white pasty appearance on the skin associated with larger particles.  What you can’t see, however, is still there – and in the case of nanotitanium, may slip through the surface layers of our skin into more sensitive tissues, as well as our blood stream. This is also why, if you use sunscreen, you should make sure the ingredients say “non-nanoparticle” when describing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. And this rule applies to purportedly ‘natural’ brands as well.
Technically, a nanoparticle, also known as a ‘ultrafine particle,’ is a particle that is sized within the nanometer scale: literally, anywhere between 1-100 billionth (nano) of a meter in diameter.  Going up in scale, larger particles are known as ‘fine particles,’ sized between 2,500 and 100 nanometers, and so-called ‘coarse particles’ are sized between 10,000 and 2,500 nanometers.

How ‘Smaller’ Can Indicate A Much Larger Problem

Nanotechnology inverts the unsophisticated logic of conventional toxicology risk assessments: namely, that the smaller the amount of something (concentration or size), the less harmful it is. We have seen how this logic has failed with petrochemical-derived chemicals like benzene, considered toxic in the parts-per-trillion range, and endocrine disrupters like bisphenol A and parabens, which exert powerful hormone-mimicking properties that sometimes increase as their concentration decrease. More recently, Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), was found to exhibit estrogenicity (and concomitant carcinogenicity) in the parts-per-trillion concentration range. There is also the case of so-called ‘low dose’ radioisotopes such as depleted uranium, whose relatively low radiolytic decay relative to gamma-ray emitting plutonium generates the illusion that it is safer (recent researchperformed by the U.S. Army’s own Radiobiological Research Institute indicates these “lower risk” radiation sources cause up to a million-fold more damage than present risk models explain due to a phenomenon known as the photoelectic effect).
In other words, less is not only more, but when it comes to particle size, smaller sizes often convey exponentially higher toxicity than larger ones.

Why Are We Not Being Protected?

So, why isn’t more being done to protect the consumer from the clear and present health threat represented by nanotechnology? Considering that the Food and Drug Administration does exactly that: administers and/or executes the interests of the food and drug manufacturers, we are supplicating to the wrong entity. The FDA is at least consistent by deciding to allow the food industry to govern itself, but what about the food industry’s liability in saturating our food supply with trillions of nanoparticles per serving, without warning the consumer?
According to Tom Philpot, writing for Grist in 2010“As with GMOs, the strategy seems to be: release into the food supply en masse first; assess risks later (if ever).”
This strategy, while a seemingly successful short-term business model for nanotechnology stakeholders, is utter insanity when one considers the long-term fall out it will have on the industry once millions wake up to the fact they have been treated, once gain, like guinea pigs.
Moreover, as a growing body of peer-reviewed research on the dangers of nanoparticles accumulates, the millions who have already been exposed unknowingly to their ill effects have a legal right to sue for damages.  The food industry’s increasingly nefarious stance towards the very consumers who ensure their continued business defies logic, and indicates just how unethical their business model really is.
There is really only one answer to this problem. As with unlabeled GMOs, the consumer must refuse to consume them, forcing the manufactures to bow to the holy dollar and reformulate; or, better yet, the ‘consumer’ must learn how to redefine itself entirely by becoming, once again, a producer, one garden (urban, suburban or rural) at a time. By growing and eating whole foods directly from the earth, we eliminate a wide range of health hazards the mass market food industry has built into their disease-promoting business model.
[1] Monica Catarina Botelho, Carla Costa, Susana Silva, Solange Costa, Alok Dhawan, Paula A Oliveira, João P Teixeira. Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in human gastric epithelial cells in vitro. Biomed Pharmacother. 2013 Aug 23. Epub 2013 Aug 23. PMID: 24051123
[2], Research > Problem Substances > Index: T’s > Titanium Dioxide
[3] FDA. Sunscreen Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Amendment to the Tentative Final Monograph; Enforcement Policy. Federal Register. 1998;63:56584–56589.
[4] Julia X Yu, Thomas H Li. Distinct biological effects of different nanoparticles commonly used in cosmetics and medicine coatings Cell Biosci. 2011; 1: 19. Published online 2011 May 19. doi: 10.1186/2045-3701-1-19
About the Author
Sayer Ji is an author, researcher, lecturer, and advisory board member of the National Health Federation.
He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. It is widely recognized as the most widely referenced health resource of its kind.