Friday, June 7, 2013

What Love Does to the Human Brain

June 6, 2013 | By | 2 Replies
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Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

What Love Does to Us

Falling in love results in the very same neural response that ignites the brain when people do heavy narcotics. It is impeccably addictive and this is why ‘falling out of love’ feels so bad, but, love in its highest form is more than a chemical romance. That being said, Mother Nature built in some hard-wired connections to reward us for falling in love.

Romantic Love is a Drug

In a research study that involved looking at brain scans of people in love, the very same centers ‘lit up’ that are responsible for craving and reward. When brain scans were taken of people who said they were still in love after 20 years of marriage, the brain centers were slightly different, but still marked by a similar pattern. Ted Huston, a researcher who is more interested in long-term relationships, found that people who are ‘blinded by love’, that is, they look with a positive slant upon their lover’s qualities, often have happier and more lasting marriages. It seems the brain may in fact be more responsible for romantic love, at least in studies like these, than the heart.
According to Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, who has spent her life researching the effects of love on the brain, two surprising areas of the brain light up when we are focusing on the object of our affection. The first is part of our primitive, reptilian brains, the caudate nucleus. She also noticed that areas of the brain associated with creating dopamine and norepinephrine are very active when we love someone. These particular brain chemicals are associated with pleasure and excitement.
Fisher has said, “No wonder lovers talk all night or walk till dawn, write extravagant poetry and self-revealing e-mails, cross continents or oceans to hug for just a weekend, change jobs or lifestyles, even die for one another. Drenched in chemicals that bestow focus, stamina and vigor, and driven by the motivating engine of the brain, lovers succumb to a Herculean courting urge.”

The Three Stages of Love

Fisher also found that love has three stages:
  1. Lust  – It take less than 90 seconds to determine if we like someone, and less than 30% of it has anything to do with what they say to us. The attraction to another person is based on pheromones and body language, primarily. In the lust stage, sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen take the main stage.
  2. Attraction – At this stage, adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin start to make us feel love-struck. We can’t think of anyone but the person we are attracted to, and our response is very similar to a good-old-fashioned stress response. Our palms get sweaty, our hearts beat faster and we might suffer from dry mouth. Adrenaline and cortisol start to flood the blood stream. Dopamine makes us feel intense pleasure. This is partly why falling in love feels so good, but makes us a ball of nerves.
  3. In the final stage of love – bonding and attachment, the chemicals of the brain change to be primarily oxytocin, sometimes called the cuddle hormone, which is also the same hormone that allows mothers to bond with their babies when they are breast feeding. When we orgasm, oxytocin floods the body to make us feel more bonded with our partner. Oxytocin is so important that if you block its release, a mother will turn away from her own young.
In Huston’s research of longer-term relationships, he found that a newlywed couples’ courtship has a lot to say about the long-term success of a marriage. If the intensity of romantic feelings are high from the start and the courtship is marked by significant positive feelings, it often bodes well for the relationship after the ‘honeymoon phase’ starts to fade. In essence, good courtships lead to happy marriages and turbulent ones inevitably lead to future problems. It is possible that the hormonal cocktail, the love ‘drugs,’ that we take via our own brain chemistry when we are falling for someone just might be what gets us through challenging times that normally contribute to fading feelings.

Cosmic Love Evolves from the Reptilian Brain

While the caudate nucleus, or reptilian brain may be where romantic love starts a flame, the reptilian brain is also considered by many to be the physical house of the ego. The Yaqui Indian Shaman Don Juan has said this in regard to this particular brain center; “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!” Is it any wonder that romantic love makes us feel like we are ‘owned’ by another.
Still other recent research states that love is not simply emotion. It is complex and involves 12 different areas of the brain, like the dorsolateral middle frontal gyrus and the anterior cingulated, that most cooperate to create that magic moment – but get this – love happens in less than one fifth of a second.

Cosmic Love

Cosmic love usually illicits an entirely different feeling since it originates in different brain centers (as attested to by brain scans of long-term meditators who have had feelings of cosmic oneness and universal love for all things). In one study that utilized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and diffuser tensor imaging, meditation in a long-time Zen monk (who practiced mindfulness meditation) was shown to increase activity in certain areas of the brain and reduce it in others. Namely:
Myo-inositol (mI) was increased in the posterior cingulate gyrus and Glutamate (Glu), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and N-acetyl-aspartate/Creatine (NAA/Cr) was reduced in the left thalamus in meditators. We found a significant positive correlation between mI in the posterior cingulate and years of meditation (r = 0.518; = .019). We also found significant negative correlations between Glu (r = −0.452; = .045), NAA (r = −0.617; = .003) and NAA/Cr (r = −0.448; P = .047) in the left thalamus and years of meditation. Meditators showed a lower Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in the left posterior parietal white matter than did controls, and the ADC was negatively correlated with years of meditation (r = −0.4850, = .0066). (
This study at least shows that our brains are just as interesting when we feel universal love and oneness -  with evidence of subtle abnormalities in neuronal function in regions of the white matter in meditators.
Neuroimaging of romantic love looks different than the pictures of the meditating brain.
The R-complex, or reptilian brain originates form a mammal-like reptile that is one of our evolutionary ancestors. Every single living mammal houses this reptilian part of the brain in their skulls. Skip Largent states, “At least five human behaviors originate in the reptilian brain. . .Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in: obsessive-compulsive behavior; personal day‑to‑day rituals and superstitious acts; slavish conformance to old ways of doing things; ceremonial re‑enactments; obeisance to precedent, as‑in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters. . .and all manner of deceptions.” This leads to an understanding of eros – romantic love vs. ethos – cosmic love.

Ethos vs. Eros

Love of the divine that spills onto everything in creation is ethos. It does not rely upon someone’s sexy smile or the ‘lustful’ feelings we may have for someone – eros, but it can lead to ethos, as it gets us in touch with higher states of joy and lightness, and if only through a partner, love of someone besides ourselves. When we share love with all humans, or even all sentient creatures – whether they are our spouses, or a total stranger across the world in another city, or a tree growing in the park, that is ethos.
It seems that cosmic love doesn’t require heroine-like hormonal changes in the brain to sustain it. Instead of staying stuck in the reptilian brain, though it involves other brain centers, cosmic love spreads through all our brain centers, including the pre-frontal cortex, and calms areas that are normally concerned with obsessive-compulsive thinking and associated behaviors.  The truth about love is – we can feel bliss while we are intimately intertwined in our lover’s arms post coitus, or we can feel bliss just walking down the street embracing the world as a whole.
Some Kiss We Want
There is some kiss we want with
our whole lives, the touch of
spirit on the body.
There is some kiss we want with
begs the pearl to break its shell.
And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild darling!
At night, I open the window and ask
the moon to come and press its
face against mine.
Breathe into me.
Close the language-door and
open the love window.
The moon
won’t use the door, only the window.
–Rumi. Translator: Coleman Barks
About the Author
Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao TzuParamahansa YoganandaRob Brezny,  Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

‘Annoy’ a Cop in New York State? That Could Soon Earn You 4 Years in Jail

It should be a felony to “annoy” a cop in New York, the state Senate has voted.
The New York State Senate passed a bill today that “creates the crime of aggravated harassment of a police or peace officer. The bill  (S.2402), sponsored by Senator Joe Griffo (R-C-I, Rome) would make it a felony to harass, annoy, or threaten a police officer while on duty. ”
New York State Senate Passes Bill That Makes It a Felony to Annoy Police Officers
A woman is arrested at a protest against the shooting of Kimani Gray, March 13, 2013 in the East Flatbush neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. Gray, 16, was shot and killed by police on March 9, provoking protests and unrest in the neighborhood. (Credit: Getty Images)
More from Griffo:
“Police officers who risk their lives every day in our cities and on our highways deserve every possible protection, and those who treat them with disrespect, harass them and create situations that can lead to injuries deserve to pay a price for their actions.”
The bill establishes this crime as a Class E Felony, punishable by up to four years in prison.
“At a time when shocking incidents of disrespect and outright confrontation are at an all-time high, the men and women who patrol the streets of our cities deserve every possible protection we can offer them,” Senator Griffo stated. “My bill would make it a crime to take any type of physical action to try to intimidate a police officer. This is a necessary action because we can see from the rise in incidents that too many people in our society have lost the respect they need to have for a police officer. We need to make it very clear that when a police officer is performing his duty, every citizen needs to comply and that refusal to comply carries a penalty.”

VIDEO: FBI director gets schooled on marijuana legalization

Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen takes FBI Director Robert Mueller to task on marijuana legalization and the "gateway theory."


VIDEO: Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 Opposed by the AMA (American Medical Association)

Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 Opposed by the AMA (American Medical Association) 

1936 - 1938: William Randolph Hearst's newspaper empire fuels a tabloid journalism propaganda campaign against marijuana. Articles with headlines such as Marihuana Makes Fiends of Boys in 30 Days; Hasheesh Goads Users to Blood-Lust create terror of the killer weed from Mexico.

Through his relentless misinformation campaign, Hearst is credited with bringing the word marijuana into the English language. In addition to fueling racist attitudes toward Hispanics, Hearst papers run articles about marijuana-crazed negroes raping white women and playing voodoo-satanic jazz music.

Driven insane by marijuana, these blacks -- according to accounts in Hearst-owned newspapers -- dared to step on white men's shadows, look white people directly in the eye for more than three seconds, and even laugh out loud at white people. For shame!

1936: DuPont obtains a patent license to manufacture synthetic plastic fibers from German industrial giant I.G. Farben Corporation. The patent license is obtained as part Germany's reparation payments to the United States after World War I.

A few years later, I.G. Farben manufactures deadly Zyklon-B gas, used in Nazi death camps to murder millions of Jews (along with many homosexuals and drug users). DuPont owned and financed approximately 30% of Hitler's I.G. Corps, the military-industrial backbone of the fascist Third Reich.

1937: The year the federal government outlawed cannabis.

-- DuPont patents petrochemical manufacturing processes for making plastics, as well as pollution-heavy sulfate/sulfite processes for producing wood pulp. For the next 50 years, these processes are responsible for 80% of DuPont's industrial output.

--In its 1937 Annual Report, DuPont informs stockholders that the company anticipates radical changes from the revenue raising power of government... converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reorganization.

March 29, 1937: The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upholds the National Firearms Act.

April 14, 1937: The Treasury Department secretly introduces its marihuana tax bill through the House Ways and Means Committee, bypassing more appropriate venues. Committee chairman Robert L. Doughton, a key Congressional ally of DuPont, rubber-stamps the bill.

Spring 1937: Congress holds hearings on the Marijuana Tax Act. Dr. James Woodward, representing the American Medical Association, testifies that the law could deny the world a potential medicine.

Cannabis was already prescribed for dozens of common ailments, and medical researchers were just beginning to explore the therapeutic benefits of the numerous active ingredients in marijuana. Woodward said that AMA doctors were wholly unaware that the killer weed from Mexico was actually cannabis. We cannot understand yet, Mr. Chairman, why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any intimation, even to the profession, that it was being prepared, Woodward testifies.

FBN commissioner Harry Anslinger and the Ways and Means Committee quickly denounce Woodward and the AMA, which already had an adversarial relationship with the Roosevelt administration.

December 1937: The Marijuana Tax Act is signed into law, initiating 60 years of cannabis prohibition and annihilating a multi-billion dollar industry. DuPont and other synthetic materials manufacturers reap vast profits by filling the void conveniently left by the criminalization of industrial hemp.

1937 - 1939: Under Harry Anslinger, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics prosecutes 3,000 doctors for illegally prescribing cannabis-derived medications. In 1939, the American Medical Association reached an agreement with Anslinger, and over the following decade, only three doctors are prosecuted.

February 1938: Popular Mechanics describes hemp as the new billion dollar crop. The article was actually written in the spring of 1937, before cannabis was criminalized. Also in February 1938, Mechanical Engineering calls hemp the most profitable and desirable crop that can be grown.

1941: Popular Mechanics introduces Henry Ford's plastic car, manufactured from and fueled by cannabis. Hoping to free his company from the grasp of the petroleum industry, Ford illegally grew cannabis for years after the federal ban. 

VIDEO: CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy (Unaired Documentary)

Published on May 8, 2012

This is a documentary series that was never aired where an investigative journalist uncovers truth to the rumors about Iran-Contra during the Reagan years, CIA drug trafficking, CIA drug operations in Mena, Arkansas during the Clinton governorship and presidency. It also implies that former president George H.W. Bush, who was vice president during the Reagan years, and was also former head of the CIA was also involved. This documentary to my knowledge was recorded from a hacked satellite tuned to an "edit" channel which was feeding coast to coast "preview programming" to network executives in NYC. Apparently the decision was made against running this program due to its content and the "heat" that it would generate. The CIA poses as FBI more often than not, so perhaps the "FBI" stated this would interfere with their investigation......

This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require approval of the copyright holder. It is a fair use under copyright law.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

The Nature of the Spirit and the Soul

June 5, 2013 | By | Reply
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Jade Wah’oo Grigori, Guest
Waking Times
I will begin this article with two fundamental descriptive definitions of Spirit and Soul. So very often I hear people speak of Spirit and Soul interchangeably; at other times I find that when discussing Spirit and Soul we are using fully different references, resulting in confusion.
The definitions that follow are, for the sake of clarity, what I mean when using the terms Spirit or Soul.


Spirit is pure, eternal and non-corruptible. Awareness is the nature of Spirit. The essence of Spirit is frequency. In manifest form it is expressed as light and resonance. As the frequency of Spirit interpenetrates a field of life force (Soul) it sets that field resonating in a range of vibratory patterns that are made manifest as matter. Awareness in manifest form is expressed as Consciousness.


Soul is comprised of life force and carries the imprint of experience and intent that is imparted to it by Spirit and the Body/Mind consciousness. This imprint is carried from lifetime to lifetime, though not always in conscious memory. Soul-force is mutable, that is it can be affected upon to be either life-positive or life-negative. This alteration occurs as a consequence of life experiences that may bring forth either joy or pain. Joy is the direct felt-experience of Spirit’s activation of our life force moving and pulsing through our body. When we act, choose or are influenced in a manner that is contradictory to our Spirit’s purpose we experience pain.

An investigation into the nature of the Soul is paramount in our understanding of how we can most effectively come into alignment with our Spirit’s desire. The function of the Soul is to guide and direct the Body/Mind consciousness, the ego, into a path of life that allows for the Spirit to best express itself. Spirit impels the Soul as to the direction it needs to take. The natural impelling drive of the Soul is towards change, movement and growth in attunement with the Spirit’s desire. This drive is experienced by every one of us as Death. That is, to the invested ego-consciousness any movement towards change, a relinquishment of the status quo of our attitudes and cherished beliefs, is perceived by the Body/Mind consciousness as an impending death. When the impelling drive of the Soul towards change is thwarted by our entrenched attitudes and attachments the force of that drive rebounds upon itself, now coming forth as a compulsion to suicide. By suicide I do not necessarily mean an overt and conscious attempt to kill one’s self, but rather a panoply of self-destructive behaviors and conditions arise, for the Soul will have its way, even if it means removing the current Body/Mind out of the picture in order to provide the Spirit with another chance, through incarnation in a new life, in order to proceed with the Spirit’s desire to bring it’s purpose forth in manifest expression. An example of this drive of the Soul to affect change, and what happens when that change is denied by our Body/Mind, may help to elucidate this information: When we are in a situation where we have acted in contradiction to our Spirit’s desire, we experience a twang of conscience. When we suppress the message that conscience conveys, ignore it and carry on in spite of it, then we feel shame and guilt. Conscience is the Soul acting upon our Consciousness to bring alignment with our Spirit back into balance. Guilt and shame are the consequences of Soul denied.
Imagine the three Souls as being one side of a hinge, the Body and Mind comprising the matching other side of that hinge. When the Souls and Body/Mind are in alignment with each other the hinge pin of the Spirit can fit through, allowing the hinge to serve its intended purpose. If something is out of alignment, whether it be the Body, the Mind or one of the Souls, the hinge pin may still fit through, but the hinge squeaks and creaks. In these situations there will be dysfunction in the corresponding arena of the person’s life. If a hinge piece is missing or bent way out of center, the pin of Spirit is unable to fit through. When this occurs there will be the resultant disability of the individual’s life and experience and incapability of function in that area of life. This is not a black and white situation. The affected person may function quite fine intellectually, for example, but be fully dysfunctional emotionally.

Every person has their own Spirit’s path. The choices we make, as well as the circumstances that befall us in life, and how we handle them, determine our alignment with our Spirit’s path. Poor choices and unfortunate situations of violation and the disrespect of our sanctity, the manipulations allowed by us in our state of not knowing better, divert us from harmonious congruence with our Spirit’s calling. To the degree that we diverge from our path we create a separation between our life and spiritual calling. It is in the gap between our life and Spirit that dysfunction, disease and despair find fertile ground. Soul seeks to draw us back into alignment with that path. When we experience those difficulties and impediments in our life, when we are plagued with misfortune, ill health and dysfunction, these are often indicators that we are out of alignment with our Souls’ Calling. The appropriate resolve is to bring our life, through our choices, into a greater alignment with our Spirit’s purpose. When we can recognize the course that our life would follow were we to surrender into the Soul’s movement to bring about change, we are in a greater awareness of what the purpose of our Spirit might be.


We have three Souls, or aspects of one Soul. They are the Earth, Underworld and Celestial Souls. The Earth Soul is the one that we communicate with on a day-to-day basis and is the residing place of our short-term memory. With this Soul we make connections in a logical manner, recognizing patterns and associations and grounding these perceptions into the Body/Mind as conscious awareness. The Underworld Soul, or Dream Soul, is the Soul from which we dream. As our senses shut down at night our attentions shifts into the Dream Soul. Our remembered experiences of this Soul and its activities are what are translated to us in the waking state as dreams. It is within the Underworld Soul that we store our life force that we generate each and every day. This charge of life force, or Power, as we refer to it Shamanically, resonates with our thoughts, feelings, impressions, experiences and perceptions; that is, memories. The Underworld Soul is the place where our long-term memories are stored. Our Celestial Soul is the High Self through which we receive spiritual guidance and direction in our lives. When our attention is moved into the Celestial Soul we experience flying dreams, dreams of the transcendental and visions which alter our perceptions of, and approaches to, life forevermore.


Trauma, neglect of our basic needs, the experience of not being received into the world with honor and joy, loss of consciousness, such as in a blow to the head or severe black-outs due to drugs and alcohol, all can instigate a condition we recognize as a loss of the Soul. When we exist in life with an aspect of our Soul disconnected or missing we suffer the consequential disruptions and difficulties that arise from being only partially ‘here’. The nature of the specific dysfunction is determined by which Soul has departed.

When the Earth Soul leaves the person experiences melancholy, being ungrounded, unable to fully make logical connections between events and data, and a strong sense of not being whole. Short-term memory is hazardous; the individual chronically forgetful, unable to remember the name of a person just met, where the keys to the car are placed, unable to recall the message of the last paragraph just read. When the Earth Soul is gone the Underworld Soul moves from its native position in the Dream Realm and takes up residence in the place of the Earth Soul. As a consequence the individual often finds that life’s daily events take on a dream-like quality, as if one were moving through a theatre production. Walking into a social situation the person whose Earth Soul has been replaced by the Dream Soul has an overwhelming intuitive understanding of the mythic dynamics of the interactions they are greeted with. Minor events take on connotations of high significance. While we all have moments of this type of perceptual capability, the person whose Earth Soul is missing must live in the non-ordinary world each and every moment and usually finds it very disconcerting.
If it is the Underworld Soul that is disconnected or missing the symptoms are very distinct from that of a person’s experience of their Earth Soul being gone. As the Underworld Soul is the point of attention from which we dream, the person has dream difficulty. This difficulty may be an inability to recall dreams, or having no dreams at all. Dreams may be disturbing, dreams of being chased, imprisoned, tortured, lost and adrift, unable to find one’s way back home. As the Underworld Soul is the storehouse of our Power, when that Soul is out of sync we no longer have easy access to the life force stored there. (This is rather like having money in your bank account, but you have lost your ATM card and can no longer readily withdraw what you need to survive.) As a result we are lacking in energy to accomplish life’s daily tasks, can’t seem to get the passion fired up, living in a state of malaise. Neither do we have the life force charge to maintain our health; we become susceptible to colds, the flu, infections and the like. It is this life force field that resonates with emotive thoughts, feelings, experiences and impressions: the stuff of memories. When the Underworld Soul is in a state of disconnect we suffer from long-term memory loss. Specific chunks of our past may be blank or hazy when we consider them.
Our Celestial Soul, through which we receive spiritual guidance and direction in the unfoldment of our lives, carries the blueprint of who we are in this life. The Celestial Soul imparts the direct desire of the Spirit into our field of consciousness. The Celestial Soul can also be called upon to act in our favor, recreating the circumstances and events of our lives in accordance with our intent. However, it can only do so when given a clear directive, as in a vow. An example of this is “I choose radiant and vibrant health!” With this statement of intentful desire the High Self can then engage the forces of Creation to bring them into alignment with that desire. The Celestial Soul awaits such direction. Its fulfillment comes in responding to our desire. In order for the High Soul to be able to respond, though, requires that we state clearly and unequivocally our intent. If we state: “I want to be happy” the Celestial Soul cannot act, for all we have done is engage in wishful thinking. What we may want is not the same always as that which we choose. And, in addition, when we use the phrase ‘to be’, we are putting our desire out there some other time in the future. “I want to be happy,” begs the question of “When?” We must make our communication with our High Self in a positively phrased statement free of ambiguity, grounded in the present moment. Conversely, to say “I am happy!” as if by stating our desire like it is already true, well, that is just plain lying. The response of the Soul to our lies is to withdraw, leaving us worse off than before.

 In the contemporary cultures of today’s world we are not taught the proper usage of language for commune with our Soul, if such a concept even exists! The original intent and purpose of the gift of Language is for intimate commune with our own Soul, a means of bridging the chasm that exists between Body/Mind consciousness and Awareness. Next then is Language a vehicle for communing between your Soul and mine and another’s. Only somewhere way down the line is Language intended as a way of transmitting data and information. Unfortunately the tables have been turned so that the emphasis, nay, the only use of language, is to convey mere data. To reclaim this knowledge, and put it into practice, is to reclaim our rightful heritage as spiritual beings!


When, through trauma or neglect, the Earth Soul departs from integration with the other two Souls, becomes disanchored from the Body/Mind, it tends to stay here in the earthly domain, in the realm of physical construct. In essence it becomes a ghost. Almost always the Earth Soul will retreat to a place, an environs, in which the person had come to associate a feeling of safety, acceptance and security. This might be a tree that as a child the individual would climb high into to ‘get away from it all’, a favorite creek-side ‘special place’ where no one would find freedom from being bothered. Or the Earth Soul may find that place of security in Gramma’s house, away from the turmoil and abuse of our parental home. For some, who come into utero and find violence and rage awaits them; they may even retreat back into the ‘In-Between Place’ between one incarnation and the next. Wherever the person identifies as ‘safe’, the Earth Soul will go.

Rehabilitation of the Earth Soul back into integration with the other Souls and the Body/Mind requires that the Soul first be located. As the Soul that is lost has not matured beyond the age at which it departed, it must be entreated with care, so as to not frighten it. It must be lovingly convinced that it is safe to go home. When rapprochement has been reached between the Soul Retriever and the Earth Soul itself, arrangements must then be made with the Spirits who have been taking care of the lost Soul. Very frequently the caretaker Beings have adopted the Soul as one of their own. It is with both joy, in seeing that the Soul will finally get to return to its rightful place of being, and sadness, at the leaving from their midst a loved one, that these Earth Spirits find themselves. Offerings and vows, on behalf of the person who is experiencing the reintegration, to maintain a healthy continued contact with these loving Beings, are necessarily made. With a full and complete reintegration brought forth, the person, once disconnected and spacey, will immediately begin to feel whole and present
Retrieval of the Underworld Soul brings with it its own unique set of variables. When the Underworld Soul is slammed out of sync, again through trauma, abuse, loss of consciousness, the death of a close and loved companion or family member, or anything which will thrust one into a state of shock, it departs into the realm of Dream. The Dream World’s essence is that of symbol, myth and correlative significance. When we are dreaming everything that transpires is quite real to us. It is only upon awakening that we, sometimes with a swipe of the brow and a sigh of relief, are able to declare that ‘it was just a dream’. Whilst in the dream, there is no such escapism. In the Dream World everything we have engendered in life is met in its symbolic manifestation. Fears show up as monsters, guilts as demons. The love we have brought into existence appears as angelic beings of protection and beauty. Make no mistake about it, these beings are real. They cannot be brushed off as fantasy figures. A ‘demon’ or ‘advocate’ is a personal symbolic construct and is fully responsive to, and created by, our own state of being. And there are fully autonomous Beings in the Dream World that are not of our personal symbolic construct. They exist as manifestations of the collective human consciousness. A ‘Demon’ or ‘Advocate’ is an autonomous Being of which we have very little or no control through the restructuring of our personal psyche.

During an Underworld Soul Retrieval the Soul Retriever will locate the lost Soul. Then, depending on where the Soul is, what it is undergoing and in which realm of the Underworld it is found to be, appropriate action is taken on behalf of the person to engage their Dream Soul and embrace it so as to safely bring it back home to its natural residing place
Often the Soul is just wandering, adrift in fantasies, asleep. Sometimes the Soul is awake and adrift, often scared because it knows that it is disconnected and can’t find its way home. In these situations the Soul Retriever simply embraces in loving care the Soul and brings it on home.
There are those Beings, Advocates, that keep a look out for lost Souls. They will take in and care for these Souls, rather like an orphanage. If this be the situation the Soul Retriever must present their credentials (as the one who’s Soul is lost, as Shaman, or Psychopomp) as well as the authority to be there on behalf of the person, if it is other than one’s self. The authority I refer to is permission given directly by the party asking for help. When credentials and authority are presented the Advocates will release the care of the Soul to the Soul Retriever. The Soul is then returned safely home to its rightful place of relationship with the Body/Mind and other Souls.

  There are also those entities, Demons, who keep an eye out for lost Souls. They will track down, hunt, snare, imprison and torture the Souls they capture. This torment is experienced in the person’s life as emotional flare-ups and disability, outbursts of unknown sourced rage followed by deep depressions, constant misfortune and turmoil. Those usurpers then feed upon the emotional turmoil that is generated by the torment of the person’s Soul. They are the vampires, not of fang and claw, but of emotion and Soul Force. When the Soul is found to be ensnared the Soul Retriever must then present credentials and authority. Most often the Demons will immediately release the Soul and back off. Sometimes, however, a Demon who has fed upon the Soul Force of many, many unfortunate Souls and has become bloated with Power, and arrogant, refuses to release the captured Soul. In that situation the Soul Retriever must be able, capable and willing to be as a Warrior on behalf of the ensnared Soul, doing whatever it takes to secure the freedom of that Soul. What must be understood here is that what ever happens to the Soul Retriever there, in the Dream World, happens to their own body here in the earthly realm.
Should the Celestial Soul become loosed from the Body/Mind, death is imminent within three days. As the Celestial Soul begins its loosening, the individual goes into coma, drifting in and out of consciousness, speaking of visions and meetings with the dead that others around them are all too ready to ascribe to being hallucinations. As long as the Earth and Underworld Souls are present, or retrievable, a person’s Celestial Soul can be brought back and death averted.
Clearly these things I am describing, and the approaches, are not intended to be a ‘how-to’ guide. Such a course is foolish. I am here only seeking to bring awareness, in depth, to a topic that has very little understanding in the world at large. These are activities for trained professionals who are well familiar with these practices, have the necessary spiritual back-up and lots of previous experience in traveling in the aforementioned realms in a state of full awareness. As I have only given reference to the basic structure of activities in performing an authentic Soul Retrieval, to try and actually do a Soul Retrieval from the information presented would be akin to trying to drive a car without knowing about Stop Signs, Red lights from Green, brakes from the gas pedal.
About the Author
Jade Wah’oo Grigori is a caretaker of ‘the Ways’, an authentic Shamanic lineage. Raised in a Shamanic family of Mongolian heritage, his paternal grandparents being from the Seven Villages of the Csango People, descendants of the Mongol Golden Horde, in the Carpathian Mountains.
Following the death of his Grampa Pena in 1982, he became the Caretaker of ‘the Ways’, a compendium of Songs, Ceremonies, Dances, Methods and Techniques, Approaches to Spirit and the Ways of Power. Jade Wah’oo currently lives in Sedona, Arizona caring for his children and being actively engaged in service to his community.
For further information or to contact Jade please visit his website at

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Are There Drugs in Our Water Supply?

Are There Drugs in Our Water Supply?

June 6, 2013 | By | Reply
Flickr - Tap Water - bareego

Dr. Group, Global Healing Center
Waking Times
Did you know that when you ingest or are injected with prescription drugs, your body doesn’t necessarily use everything? Excess drugs are excreted as waste material.
That’s good news for your body since pharmaceuticals can be very hard on your system, it’s not good news for the ecosystem since these drug residues work their way into our waterways and water processing plants.

Things you need to know about municipal water

Tap water has been unsafe for a very long time. Tap water may contain toxic chemicals, some known carcinogens, added to make it “safe” for drinking. Three of the poisons that can be found in faucet water are chlorinefluoride, and arsenic, a Category 1 carcinogen (cancer causing agent).
The newest acknowledgment of prescription drugs in waterways is one more toxin added to an already contaminated water supply and prescription medications are not easily filtered.
The drugs are not present in large quantities but they are a contaminant. This means you may be ingesting them continuously over a period of years and we don’t yet know what the long-term effects of such intake will be.
Studies are showing that the effects are already manifesting in fish (male fish producing female egg yolk proteins) and even earthworms and zooplankton. Antibiotics, for example, are less and less effective as treatments for ailments in humans, due to excessive prescribing practices. Bacteria have the ability to adapt to the antibiotics. Antibiotics in open water give bacteria more time to mutate.

How pervasive is the problem?

In America, traces of drugs are found in nearly every source of drinking water, including:
  • Bottled drinking water – many bottlers do not test water for drugs right now and many just repackage tap water.
  • Well-water – people dig these under the mistaken belief that this is a safe way to collect the most healthful drinking water.
  • Home filtration systems – most don’t filter everything and they can get contaminated with drug residue.
  • Aquifers which are deep underground water systems – they supply us with 40% of our drinking water in the United States and are also becoming effected in rural areas.

The business of prescription & over-the-counter medications

Prescription drugs are a major business in this country. Medical professionals have a history of pushing chemicals before natural, alternative treatments. These chemicals are designed to inhibit one function or another in the body and supposedly treat the symptoms of disease instead of the ROOT CAUSE.
One medication often leads to the necessity of taking another one. Don’t take my word for it; read the possible side effects that come with your medications. Side effects, like diarrheaconstipationbloating, itchiness, and more, may cause you to return to the doctor for another prescription drug or suggestion for over-the-counter relief. This cycle is almost self-perpetuating.

What’s being done to fix the problem?

Not everyone is in denial about the true safety of municipal water. There are those who persist in trying to help the environment. For example, Benjamin H. Grumbles, assistant administrator for water at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has stated that his group takes the threat seriously.
Water suppliers are searching for ways to filter the impurities from the water. New screening methods must be developed to find the different chemicals. As states become more aware of the problem; they are implementing rules and guidelines to affect change. Several states are now requiring that testing be done and the appropriate filtration practices be implemented. Testing is being done to determine which method is the most effective.
Reverse osmosis is being studied, along with carbon filtration and other means of cleaning water. It may be that a combination of techniques and pre and post filtering may get the most done.

What can you do?

First, drink purified bottled water or distilled water. If you’re not drinking purified water, start. It’s the safest and healthiest thing that you can do for your body, since water sustains your body’s life force. Your body has enough work to do and doesn’t need to be hindered.
Our bodies already have a first line of defense, our immune systems. Take care of your body and search for natural methods to replace the need for prescription medication. Remember, there are alternatives. If you do drink distilled water be sure to add a small amount of organic raw apple cider vinegar to replace the minerals lost during the distillation process.
Next, consider the water that comes into your home. I personally use and recommend a high tech, carafe purifier which filters even the smallest toxins from the water.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM

Open Your Heart To The New World

Open Your Heart To The New World – It Is No Longer What You Observe That Matters…It’s Your Response To It

June 6, 2013 | By | Reply
Flickr - Dandelion - h.koppdelaney

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
We are in a new world and we’ve made it here together. Mass deaths were not necessary to reach this pinnacle and every person on Earth now has a choice…adapt to the new 4th density (or 5th dimensional reality) or suffer the emotional and spiritual consequences of maintaining old patterns in a new dimension that only supports higher levels of consciousness. We have not ascended in the sense that we are in any way better, superior or more privileged than our 4th dimensional predecessors. It’s just different in the sense that only unity, love, kindness, cooperation and compassion will move forward while systems structured around separation, hate, cruelty, control and callousness will not survive. Where is your focus?

For every second that passes, you recreate yourself…literally. You recreate your state of being billions of times per second. It is the only way your DNA can interpret your reality and consequently the only way you can interpret time. Time doesn’t really exist. It’s only a tool you use to learn within the physical body
There is no past or future. The past is a memory and the future is only determined by a very complex set of events that take place at your present moment (often influenced by the ego’s interpretation of past memories). Nevertheless, both the past and the future can be altered simultaneously based on the present moment, because that’s all you ever have to effectively change ANYTHING!

Many of you are finally beginning to grasp this concept and it is evident in the Earth’s vibrational state. As governments and systems of control are starting to fall apart, it is clear that Earth is ejecting anything that does not align vibrationally with her frequency.
Humans have surpassed all expectations. Even beings that exist at much higher dimensions are watching in amazement. This has never been done before. Humans have remained within the confines of their physical bodies while passing through an energetic portal. It is nothing short of miraculous, yet we have all witnessed this feat. The greatest angels in the Universe have once again shown why they are the most magnificent beings of light. They are the grand masters of this game called Earth and the ying has just checkmated the yang and vice versa. What happens next is anyone’s guess.

Yet, in all your mastery, you still belittle, limit and condition yourself to a response that makes you something so much smaller than you actually are. Don’t think you are limitless…know it…feel it and embrace that reality within your hearts. Allow what you observe to flow through you energetically and interpret those observations with positive and loving intention, regardless of how the ego may spin your perception in the opposite direction.

You no longer need to respond to emotional events as you have in the past. Use the new skills you have acquired and practice. Every single event and experience that comes your way is fundamentally neutral until you build its meaning. It has no meaning until you assign it one. There are no victims and never have been. The word victim should not even exist since you attract every single experience into your life, regardless of your age or the experience that takes place. Contracts are formed long before we are born and continue long after we lose our physical bodies. We are all bound to those people we call perpetrators or victims because at one point, we were them! A great film to capture this essence is Cloud Atlas.

It’s time to get over this concept that you somehow randomly live your lives in a bubble without any responsibility of what and how you create your own reality. This is a universal law and you are a master at creations. Own it. There is no experience unless you create it…PERIOD.
Positive labeling is likely the most significant area of development that will propel humanity to the next phase especially towards September of 2013. What are the buzz words that keep you all in fear mode these days? GMO? Chemtrails? Terrorists? Corrupt governments? What are these things? They are fear modules and only exist because you allow them to. If far less than half of Earth’s population would focus on the good rather than the bad, do you have any idea how fast these fear modules would disappear? Almost overnight.

Fear modules are programs that run within each and every one of you. They are encoded from past memories that can carry forward as many millennia as necessary until they have served their purpose. At present, they manifest as some of those modules mentioned above, but in the past that came in other forms. Delete the module and you delete the programming. If the programming is deleted within mass consciousness, guess what happens to that program? It vanishes.

The measure of how you have evolved during this energetic shift is not based on what you observe on the outside. It’s based on your response to it. You will never be affected by anything unless you make the decision to be affected by it. Once you understand the principles behind maintaining this vibrational state, you can witness almost anything and understand exactly why it is happening, but it won’t affect your energy. At that point, you are not influenced by intention unless you choose to be. Another person, event or experience that you may have perceived as negative in the past, won’t affect you the same way. You will have a new point of observation and understanding. An awareness that everything is happening as it should and according to the laws of the universe.

 Want to Practice?
- Change the fine tuning on your heart’s intention and practice positive labeling
- Know that what happens around you is created by those around you and yourself.
- You are not powerless. If you want to opt-out of an experience, you can. Change how you feel about yourself and others and opting-out will be a very simple process.
- Events and experiences are not random or by coincidence and their intention comes from the highest levels of consciousness and according to universal laws.
- Love is the foundation of everything so practice instilling this concept in your daily routine, in those you interact with or your daily experiences.
The more you practice these concepts, the easier they will become and assist in your ability to overcome all of those fear modules you are exposing yourself to on a daily basis. If you think fear is a powerful motivator, wait until you see what love can do.

The Shady Past of The Rockefeller Family & Its Haunting Effect on the World

June 5, 2013 | By | 6 Replies
Flickr - Monopoly - Mark Strozier
Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times 
Perhaps you have heard of the Rockefellers, and the often romantic tale told of the riches that accompany their mark on Americana. John Davidson Rockefeller, (1839-1937) the patriarch of the family, was the first billionaire in the United States. Often we are told he lived the American dream, pulling himself up by his boot straps and working tirelessly to build his family’s wealth. The truth that has come out over the years, however, is that Rockefeller was a Nazi sympathizer and fascist wealth gatherer who used others for his own whims.
Rockefeller amassed his wealth almost entirely with a global strong hold on oil production – a habit common to companies that rape foreign soil and instigate war, and are still practicing today. He also dabbled in steel, railroads and banking, establishing monopolies in the industries he pursued. His grandfather was a snake-oil salesman who sold ‘cancer’ cures to the public, mostly women, as he traveled across the United States, calling himself, ‘the celebrated Dr. Livingston.’ There’s nothing like good press and propaganda to make a decent living. The same man was also indicted for rape, but never formally charged.
The Rockefeller duplicity of character and complete disregard for public health have carried into almost every aspect of modern corporatism. We no longer make laws based on the well being of the public at large. Corporations are allowed to dump toxins like oil into oceans, and are free to grow and market GM foods when they are proven to cause cancer, stop organ functioning and cause infertility. Banking systems, via the Federal Reserve, and other fluffy brokerage houses are given carte blanch to rape us, by gambling away our money, sucking down an ever-expanding barrel of cash through tax dollars, and shoving huge debts off onto the people of multiple countries. We are also sold ‘cancer’ cures in the form of chemo and radiation when they are being proven to cause death in many cases while definitely supporting a booming industry monopolized by a small handful of pharmaceutical companies.

We’ve been sold snake oil, in the very least, and it appears more likely that we are part of a greater plan, which the Nazis first introduced pre-WWII, and which the Rockefellers sympathized withEugenics, or population cleansing and control are happening whether you want to use that specific terminology or not.

In the 1900s, a group of Californians exported the idea of Eugenics, to Nazi Germany. It became the third state to instate laws that supported cleansing for a ‘master race.’ Ultimately, in California, and other states, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in “colonies,” and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning about. (

With chemtrails, antibiotic-induced super bugs, hormone laden farm animals, super weeds and people like Dr. Oz saying that ‘organic food is elitist’ in a recent Time magazine article, it starts to make you wonder.

Joseph Pulitzer is digging deeper into the Rockefeller past and if nothing else, it points to our ‘roots’ in corporate wealth in ways that many of us have never imagined were possible. The legacy of the Rockefeller family has impacted our country but also the global culture in very real ways.
America is based on lies and usury at best, and pure evil at worst when you consider the mindset of those who would sterilize unsuspecting women. So what can we do to take back our country? Corporate capitalism and ‘inverted totalitarianism’ obviously haven’t worked. Are there better ways for people to survive in today’s toxic world?
Gift economies have been suggested, with a radical belief that the more you give, the more you get. This type of economy would also drive people to give form their true passions, instead of being motivated purely by greed. Others have suggested returning to a simpler way of life, choosing to purchase fewer things, and invest more in people and experiences. Ultimately it will have to be a system of governance that honors both the individual and the whole, with a truly integrated benevolence that honors both. Communism only honors the grand ideas of an ‘all-seeing’ or ‘all-knowing’ leader, subsuming the individual completely into complete oblivion. Capitalism is all self-centered. A new world will have to look hard and cold at our past mistakes, and take into account the needs of both the microcosmic part and the macrocosmic whole.
If you have suggestions on how to organize society to avoid the greed that has currently compromised the entire global parade, please suggest them below.

About the Author
Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao TzuParamahansa YoganandaRob Brezny,  Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Supreme Court allows police to take DNA without a warrant

Published time: June 03, 2013 23:51
AFP Photo / Johannes Eisele
AFP Photo / Johannes Eisele
US police are now legally allowed to take DNA samples from those who are arrested, even if they have not been convicted for a crime or gone to trial. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to uphold the controversial practice on Monday.
Critics claim that taking DNA samples from anyone in custody without a warrant is considered an unconstitutional “search”, but the high court believes otherwise. US police who arrest anyone for a felony are now legally allowed to take a cheek swab of the arrestee to obtain a DNA sample, regardless of whether or not an individual has been convicted.

The court compared this practice to fingerprinting and photographing, and ruled that it is “a legitimate police booking procedure that is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.” The court also described DNA sampling as the 21st century version of fingerprinting.

“DNA identification of arrestees is a reasonable search that can be considered part of a routine booking procedure,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, representing the court’s majority decision.

The Supreme Court narrowly ruled 5-4 in favor of this practice, which Justice Samuel Alito described as “the most important criminal procedure case that this court has heard in decades.”

In response to critics’ claims that DNA sampling is an unconstitutional search, the court said that the procedure requires nothing beyond “a light touch” and does not require a surgical intrusion, which is why it does not constitute a “search”. Twenty-eight states and the federal government currently take DNA samples from those who are under felony arrest, but have not yet gone to trial.  

Justice Antonin Scalia, who ruled with the minority, responded angrily to the ruling, suggesting that DNA sampling of arrestees may be a stepping-stone to future privacy violations of innocent Americans in the name of safety.  
“Make no mistake about it: because of today’s decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever season,” Scalia said in response to the decision. “This will solve some extra crimes, to be sure. But so would taking your DNA whenever you fly on an airplane.”

During oral arguments in February, Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed her concern that DNA swabs could eventually be conduced in schools and workplaces if the court upholds the police procedure.

“Why don’t we do this for anybody who comes in for a driver’s license?” she asked.

But President Barack Obama has made comments in which he appears to favor DNA sampling of arrestees. In January 2012, the president signed the Katie Sephich Enhanced DNA Collection Act, which provides states with federal funding for police to conduct cheek swabs.

“It’s the right thing to do,” Obama said in a 2010 appearance on America’s Most Wanted, referring to the procedure of taking DNA from arrestees. “This is where the national registry becomes so important.”

The DNA sampling case landed on the Supreme Court’s desk this year after 26-year-old Alonzo King, a Maryland resident, was arrested for second-degree assault in 2009. Police took a DNA sample from his cheek and matched it to an unsolved rape from six years earlier. As a result, King was convicted of both the 2009 assault and the 2003 rape and was sentenced to life in prison. The rape conviction was later overturned after the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that the DNA sampling was considered an unreasonable search. The state then brought the case to the Supreme Court, which on Monday upheld the police procedure.

But the procedure remains controversial, and Scalia warned that the decision will lead to dire consequences.

“Make no mistake about it,” Scalia wrote. “As an entirely predictable consequence of today’s decision your DNA can be taken and entered into a national DNA database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason.” 

Congress gives Holder one more day to answer allegations of perjury

Published time: June 04, 2013 18:46
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.(AFP Photo / Chip Somodevilla)
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.(AFP Photo / Chip Somodevilla)
The United States Department of Justice has responded to allegations that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress, but lawmakers on Capitol Hill aren’t impressed.
Mr. Holder’s reputation within the Justice Department has been tarnished in recent weeks in the wake of a number of DoJ scandals, including his office’s investigation of journalists with the Associated Press and Fox News.
After it was revealed last month that AP journalists were targeted in an intelligence leak investigation, Holder testified before Congress on May 16 that he had no involvement in “the potential prosecution of the press.” But in the weeks since, the attorney general has been linked directly to the Justice Department’s investigation of Fox News reporter James Rosen, a journalist believed to have received sensitive details leaked by a State Department staffer.
Congress said previously that Holder had until this Wednesday to clarify his involvement, citing the possibility of lobbing perjury charges against Holder for lying under oath. Late Monday night, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik responded on behalf of Holder.
At no time during the pendency of this matter - before or after seeking the search warrant - have prosecutors sought approval to bring criminal charges against the reporter,” Kadzik said. “The attorney general’s testimony before the disclosure of classified information was accurate and consistent with these facts.”
Only hours after the Justice Department released its statement, the chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee issued a response of his own expressing his dissatisfaction with DoJ’s remarks.
Today’s response from the Justice Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs raises more questions than it answers,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said in his statement.
By having a subordinate send this response rather than Attorney General Holder himself, this response begs the question of whether Holder has something to hide,” Goodlatte added. “Discrepancies in Attorney General Holder’s congressional testimony made on the record need to be corrected on the record to Congress by Attorney General Holder himself.”
Attorney General Holder still has yet to respond to our letter. He can’t outsource the responsibility for his actions to lower level staff—the buck stops with him. The American people and Congress deserve answers and accountability from Attorney General Holder. The House Judiciary Committee anxiously awaits his response to our May 29 letter by this Wednesday’s deadline,” Goodlatte said.
According to a statement made by others on the Hill, the Committee chairman isn’t alone.
This response is insulting and further proof that Attorney General Holder refuses to hold himself accountable,” Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) added in a statement of his own. “Not only did the letter come from a low-level staffer at DOJ, not Holder himself, it fails to answer the questions raised by his misleading testimony.”

Congress and the American people deserve an explanation from the Attorney General,” said Sensenbrenner. “It is increasingly obvious that Eric Holder has something to hide. I still expect a response from the Attorney General before the deadline of Wednesday, June 5.”
Rep. Goodlatte said over the weekend that the subcommittee would refrain from taking action against Holder unless he declines to respond personally before this Wednesday’s deadline. Commenting on potential charges of perjury, Goodlatte told Fox News Sunday that Congress would consider giving the attorney general an opportunity to explain himself, even if his remarks so far have failed to add up.
Those remarks were made under oath. But we also think it’s very important the attorney general be afforded the opportunity to respond,” Goodlatte said.
Meanwhile, Holder told members of the media last week that the Justice Department would make changes to its policies in regards to investigations involving American journalists. Following a meeting last week initially scheduled to be off the record, Martin Baron told the Washington Post that Holder and his aides “completely endorsed the president’s statement that reporters should not be at legal risk for doing their job.”
They acknowledged the need for changes in their own guidelines and the need to have a more rigorous internal review,” he said.