Friday, May 30, 2014

Steeped in the Matrix in the Shadow of Indifference

April 23, 2014 | By | 11 Replies

Flickr - Shadow - Pablo MiranzoJulian Wash, Contributor
Waking Times

Dear Humans,
Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can transition the mind from vibrancy into a banal state of cognitive dissonance. Here we find the shadow of indifference and the trappings of complicity. But what is the path of the slow to awaken, and why should we care?
Their faculties are intact. They certainly seem normal to the casual observer. They may indeed be intelligent and engaging, but something is clearly missing. It’s troubling in a way. Rather frustrating as well. Most of all it is disappointing. The awakening movement has been consistently stymied by those who remain dispassionate about the sobering nature of our reality. These “perennial sleepers” seem to have neither a care nor concern.
In the following paragraphs I invite you to consider the economic principal known as the law of diminishing returns and how it might apply to this situation. At what point do we simply say “enough?” Is it noble to persist in our effort to waken those who prefer to live in the shadow, or are we the fools for trying?
So come saddle up with me and we’ll take a brief journey up a rocky and treacherous pass to a hilltop overlooking the matrix. Here we’ll see how the nets of illusion are held back and fastened to the ground. How easy so it seems— to just simply start cutting tent cords that hold the whole damn circus canopy in place. But those cords are bound not by rope or wire… but by belief— and there’s no knife, razor or ax that can cut through a line woven from the silk of the matrix.

Steeped in the Matrix

From the moment we’re born we are cradled in the matrix. Our loving parents and their parents were also made cozy and warm in this synthetic womb of deception. And so we “adopted” our way of life and defined it as normal. But there’s duplicity in our societal construct. On one side we see the wonderful ways it can be. We see people helping people and it’s a beautiful thing— certainly worthy of defending. But then there are the rogue undercurrents and their operatives that will hold our faces underwater so that we are grateful only for a breath. In this den, one may never know their true potential. The sorcerer rules in this darkness. We’ve already unknowingly relinquished our power through sophisticated methods of mind control, deception and manipulation. And since we ultimately brought it upon ourselves, practitioners of this black magic claim exoneration.

It starts, of course, with our own parents who were products of the matrix. They’ve been condition and groomed in a manner that runs in accordance with the construct. Before one is even old enough to attend school, they’re already versed on the rules and principles that will serve to bind and blind them. Structured education, religious camps, media, drugs and political ideologies will all contribute in fogging the mirror so that they may never see what they truly look like.
But for those who are experiencing an awakening, they’re able to see this construct. They have been called “light workers” among other things and they are indeed a unique group of people. They have been gifted with sight. You are likely one of them. The light worker numbers are growing at a staggering pace. They’re here at a critical juncture, to promote peace and awareness and to take part in the awakening process. Why should one have this sight over another is very difficult to say. It’s downright perplexing to me. But you’re here for a reason— that you can be sure of.

 There are many paths that might have led you here. In some cases there were “gateway events” that triggered a response. The light worker was already attuned to a novel vibration. But then they saw things that were shocking to the conscious and they wondered why it had been hidden in the shadow of the matrix. The event is one thing. Hiding it was another. They knew something was terribly amiss and instead of simply letting it go, they continued to ponder for an explanation and researched till their eyes were raw, red and blurry. On their journey even more shocking truths would be unveiled. The strings of the matrix would become more and more apparent with every new discovery. But by far the most profound and dramatic aspect of the rise of the light worker is where they went to find truth.
After experiencing information overload via the internet, books and podcasts, they may have sought religious or spiritual guidance. The information was so troubling they needed someone they could talk to. At the very least they needed loving counsel. But nobody was there to hear their words and share in their pain. Family and friends turned their backs because they could not accept or relate to their views outside the matrix. The budding light worker could no longer trust anything the matrix offered, even if it was verifiably true.
All information coming from the matrix domain feels tainted in some way. The light worker washed themselves from this ubiquitous film and liberated their internal glow. The religious institutions were corrupted, so many resorted to reading the Bible on their own. Then they moved perhaps to other religious doctrines, the Koran or the teachings of Buddha. As a light worker they were no longer bound and felt free to explore any and all ideologies. They began to taste freedom— real freedom. For many, they would begin to seek answers through meditation and prayer. They began to reconnect with nature and attune to her rhythm. Most surprisingly perhaps, they were now attuned to what I like calling the Aether net. They could shift from their place of wonder and into a state of knowing. They would no longer seek CNN or FOX for validation.
This was an exhausting and concentrated effort that came in stages for most. First they were outraged by what they had discovered. Then they were angry and mortified. How could this be? How could society be stitched together with so many ills? But for the love of Humanity they sought answers. This was a heavy burden to carry. Their preoccupation with the horrors of the world would soon affect most every aspect of their life, from family relations to being able to concentrate at work. That’s what a “shift” really feels like. I know the readers of this website understand.
But now there’s the guy on the couch pushing the buttons on his remote as he attunes himself to the daily program of the matrix. Is he a bad guy for not wanting to listen? -Probably not. Are they dismissive because they really don’t want to know or is there something more sinister afoot? Is it because the message is coming from “you” and perhaps they don’t think so highly of you? -Just a thought. But it’s probably more fundamental than that. It’s been said rather eloquently, “it’s easy to fool someone, but it’s much harder to convince someone they’ve been fooled.” This bit of wisdom may put the best light on the problem.

Law of Diminishing Returns

Economic models are often quite effective in measuring the relative equity of a situation. According to at least one definition; “the law of diminishing returns is a classic economic concept that states that as more investment in an area is made, overall return on that investment increases at a declining rate. To continue making an investment after a certain point is to receive a decreasing return on that input.”
The dilemma I present to you is whether one should continue to apply the same effort on those that are no longer capable or willing to listen? Is there a point where we say fine—you go your way, I’ll go mine. Readers of my previous posts may know I’m no friend of those instruments that serve to divide us. But I’m beginning to wonder if that’s not inevitable. In actuality, this has already been happening.

 Those who embrace spirituality understand rules of equity. One seeks balance and harmony in all things. Sometimes balance can’t be achieved and so we either change ourselves or change what’s around us. Either way it places a fork in the road. The intrepid light worker will continue on their journey and might only on occasion look back in the rearview mirror as they move onward. I’m quite sure this is beginning to manifest. It’s no longer, for instance, about pointing to a chemtrail and asking another if they see it. Well, they might “see” it but they don’t “get” it. They simply shrug their shoulders and walk away and look at you as if you’re some kind of nutter.

Well my brothers, go ahead and walk away. There is too much going on to continue trying to convince you of anything. Because you see it’s not just about the spraying of the atmosphere, the proliferation of GMO’s, toxic governments and corporations or false flag operations. It’s about so much more. And if you do not understand the basics by now, then you’re sure not going to get the higher level stuff. And so for those who keep shoving their TV remote controller up my nose hoping to shut me off, don’t worry cause I’m already gone. The road for me has divided.

Let ‘Em Sleep

That’s my resolve. There will be others that will not agree with this, and I want you to know you have my full respect and gratitude. For those who choose to remain in the trenches and endure the volley of fire will most certainly suffer as a result. But they are perhaps the quintessential light workers. As for me I’ve chosen to move on from those who will not listen. I have found the experience draining and toxic to my psyche. In other words, I’ve had enough!
And so I say, let ‘em sleep. Perhaps a dream will waken them, perhaps not. And even now should one shows signs of waking— is it too little too late? There’s a lot of catching up to do. Who’s going to hold their hand through it all? So what is their fate? Perhaps it’s their dilemma. Many of us are simply moving on—not because we wanted to, but because it is now our time.

Final Thought

There is so much more to this awakening process. Not only are we conditioned and groomed under the whip of mother matrix, but we’ve been chemically assaulted and altered along the way. Is it too late for those that have dropped their spiritual sword and armor? Did the fluoride finally calcify the last tiny recess of their pineal? Did the multiple flu vaccinations finally take their toll? How could they not see that which was so clearly in front of them? How?
And so there is a weight that needs to be lifted. The collective impact of the sleepers has been punishing. Do they not care about the horrors of war, the plight of the whistleblower or the breakaway reporter who was willing to risk their career, life and limb for breaking a critical story? The sleepers have been repeatedly shown data that should have compelled them to investigate matters further. Maybe they do care—but they’re not ready to face it.
I understand there are many truths that are not easy to swallow and impossible to digest, but what is the cost of ignorance? To Mr. Remote Control man, the dandelion growing through the cracks of the asphalt is just another weed. Monsanto makes a great product to take care of that. You see, you need to kill it from the root, they say. And that’s exactly what they would love to do with this awakening.
Anyway, I mentioned the trail would be rocky and treacherous at times and so my warning had some merit. Was the trip worthwhile? We’ve rode to a place where the sage is thick and sweet and where the wind whispers through the mesquite and ironwood. And here the setting Sun sets the western sky ablaze and somewhere in the twilight fade, a flicker and moment of truth comes forth. For those that can hear these gentle vibrations will always find their way back home. They are the seekers of truth.
-Until next time

About the Author
There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash. After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email:
**This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

7 Ways Music Benefits Your Heart, Brain & Health

 by . 6 Comments.

music_heart_diseasesWho doesn’t love music? Certainly there are some of us, but for the most part music is a big part of our lives. Whether it’s the music that we listen to on the way to work, while we workout, or the music we hear in a symphony or film, it can bring up our moods, tell us a story or even bring us down. Music has touched cultures all over the world since very early times in human history. Have you ever wondered how music might affect our health?
“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” ~ Billy Joel
Personally I like many types of music, but I can’t say that I fall in love with a lot of music. It is usually special bands here and there that make their way through my ears that I tend to love and stick with for a long time. The beautiful thing is, everyone’s taste in music is different so no matter what music you make, you’re likely to find someone who will appreciate it. Of course the music industry favours certain types of music and is designed to not allow indie bands to get very far, but that is a whole other discussion.
Music is capable of a number of health benefits including lowering stress levels, raising states of consciousness, changing moods, accessing different states of mind, developing the brain and is useful in meditation -which has a ton of health benefits.
The fact is, there isn’t a single human culture on earth that has lived without music! For example, native Africans and Americans both used music in the form of chanting for their rituals and healing ceremonies. In Ancient Greece music was used to ease stress, soothe pain and help with sleeping patterns. Many have said music heals the soul, and it appears that they were right!

How Music Benefits Our Health

1) Improves visual & verbal skills
Several studies have shown that music education at an early age stimulates the child’s brain in a number of ways that helps to improve verbal skills, communication skills and visual skills.
A study that looked at 4 to 6 year olds who were subject to one month of musical training that included training in rhythm, pitch, melody, voice and basic musical concepts resulted in enhanced ability to understand words and explain their meaning. [1]
A study using subjects that were 8 to 11 year olds found that those who were involved in extra-curricular music classes were developing higher verbal IQ’s and their visual ability was greater than those who were not receiving the training. [2]
Even children as young as one year old  who participated in interactive music lessons with their parents had a greater ability to communicate, smiled more frequently and were showing greater signs of sophisticated brain responses to music. [3]
music_helps_recovery2) Keeps an aging brain healthy
Research has shown that having musical training and listening to or playing music in old age can help keep the brain healthy especially as it ages. Since listening to music is like exercising the brain, one can expect the benefits of better memory and mental sharpness as they age. [4]
Even people who have some form of brain damage can regain partial or full access to memories (depending on severity) by listening to music, as listening can help draw on old memories and neurological patterns due to the fact that the rhythm and sounds of music stay within the core of the mind for a long time.
3) Music Makes You Happier
As mentioned before, music has the power to do so much. It can make you feel happy, sad, excited or even pumped up. Listening to music that hits you in a special way causes your brain to release dopamine which is known as a feel good chemical. It causes us to feel emotions like happiness, excitement, joy, etc. Listening to music provides us with the same burst of happiness that we would get from eating a piece of chocolate, sex or certain drugs.
Another study showed that music with a quick tempo played in a major key made people feel happy, while music with a slow tempo in a minor key more easily led to feelings of sadness.[6]
4) Heartbeat, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure
‘We listen to music with our muscles.’ Nietzsche
Studies have shown that music strengthens the heart and improves the recovery time of patients who were suffering from heart disease. [7]
Regardless of the genre of music, listening to your favorite music releases endorphins in the brain that help to improve vascular health. It has been seen that both men and women who listened to music soon after cardiac surgery were much less anxious and even reported having less pain as opposed to those who rested quietly.
An observation made at Massachusetts General Hospital, found that heart patients confined to a bed that listened to music for 30 minutes had lower blood pressure, slower heart rates, and less distress than those who didn’t listen to music.
5) Improves Sleep Quality
Some of the most common things to interfere with sleep are stress and anxiety (heart rates.) Since music has the ability to affect both in a positive way, research has found that listening to music at various times promotes better sleep patterns for people and even created more restful sleeps. In some cases music might even be able to be used to effectively treat insomnia. [8]
6) Boosts Your Immune System & Reduces Pain
Research has shown that music is capable of reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible for weakening the immune system, increasing risk of heart disease, interfering with learning and memory, lowering bone density, blood pressure, etc. [9] Research found that by listening to just 50 minutes of uplifting music the levels of antibodies in the human body increases. While different types of music were not studied, it is important one listens to music they enjoy as personal preference of music does have an effect on overall physical effects. [10]
7) Reduces Depression & Anxiety
Researchers from Drexel University found that cancer patients who either listened to music or worked with a music therapist experienced a reduction in anxiety, had better blood pressure levels and improved moods. Music can have positive effects on the psyche, mood, pain and quality of life as well.
“The evidence suggests that music interventions may be useful as a complementary treatment to people with cancer,” Joke Bradt

Someone Asked The Dalai Lama What Surprises Him Most, His Response Was Mind Altering

 by . 

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

History and The Pineal Gland

Is There An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul? This May Be The Answer

May 27, 2014 | By  Reply
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…”
Matthew 6:22-23

A Gateway To Between The Physical And Metaphysical?

Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate that bridges our physical and spiritual experiences here on Earth. Seventeenth-Century French philosopher Rene Descartes coined this organ, called the pineal gland, as the “seat of the soul”, as he believed it provided people with a medium from which our soul could be expressed through our physicality. The pineal gland has been a topic of great debate over the past couple of decades as the science community is still trying to discover its complete biological function. Dr. Rick Strassman, M.D., author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, has dedicated years of research to the pineal gland as he suggests that this gland is the factory for a powerful brain chemical called DMT (Di-Methyl Tryptamine) which when produced induces a person into a psychedelic and mystical experience.
Many different cultures talk about our “third eye,” and modern theories suggest that this may be a reference to the pineal. Even more peculiar is the fact that pineal gland symbology can be traced to many civilizations such as the Romans, Mexicans, Egyptians, Babylonians and the Greeks. It is interesting to note that even the Catholic Church displays pineal gland imagery, as the Vatican Square contains the largest pineal-like statue in the world. So what could all of this mean? Is there ancient knowledge of this gland that previous cultures had access to? Furthermore, what role does the pineal gland play in our spiritual experiences and how can we explain this in physiological terms?
One of the earliest accounts of the pineal gland is in the writings of a third-century B.C. Greek physician named Herophilus, where he discusses the piniform or pinecone shaped organ as being the size of our pinkie fingernail. The name comes from the Latin word pinea, which literally means “pinecone.” As mentioned previously, the gland sits at the approximate geometric center of the brains mass. Additionally, the gland is not technically part of the brain, as it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier.  In his book DMT: The Spirit MoleculeDr. Rick Strassman discusses the glands unique solitary status within the brain:
“[…] All other brain sites are paired, meaning that they have left and right counterparts; for example, there are left and right frontal lobes and left and right temporal lobes. As the only unpaired organ deep within the brain, the pineal gland remained an anatomical curiosity for nearly two thousand years. No one in the west had any idea what its function was.”
Additionally, the pineal gland sits close to the sensory and emotional centers of the brain, which could explain why spiritual experiences can evoke so much emotion and sensation. In the 17th century Rene Descartes was searching for the source of our thoughts, and proposed that the solitary pineal organ could be the generator. Descartes was interested in the location of the pineal in relation to the cerebrospinal fluid byways, and suggested that when the pineal gland “secreted our thoughts” that they moved through the cerebrospinal fluid to make its way to the rest of the brain.

The Third Eye

David Wilcock’s New York Times bestseller The Source Field Investigations discusses the idea that our pineal gland is our “third eye” which provides us with visuals during psychedelic and near death experiences (NDE), and also while we dream, finding biological evidence to support this claim:
“[…] it is apparent that several relationships exist between the pineal gland and retina. The similarities in development and morphology have been obvious for many years…. Although the mammalian pineal gland is considered to be only indirectly photosensitive, the presence of proteins in the pineal which are normally involved in photo-transduction [light sensing] in the retina, raises the possibility that direct photic events may occur in the mammalian pineal gland…”
This idea has become a common theory in pineal gland research. Needless to say the pineal gland does appear to be set up for signal transduction, just like the retina of the eye, where it picks up visual images and sends them to the brain. Scientists suggest that the interior of the pineal gland is completely black, but we must question why our bodies would create this third eye with light detecting cells if there was no light to be detected in there. Could the images that are created when we dream or during an out-of-body experience come from the photic cells inside the pineal gland?

The Spirit Molecule

Strassman proposes that a potent psychedelic molecule called DMT is produced by the pineal gland. This molecule is found innate in nature, such as in certain grasses and tree roots and even in our own bodies. The experience brought on by humans who smoke isolated forms of DMT is said to be profoundly vivid, spiritual and life changing. Pineal DMT production must be regarded as plausible considering that the pineal gland is known to produce melatonin and serotonin, two neurotransmitters which are structurally very similar to DMT and which play a part in our mood and sleep cycles.

Pineal Gland Imagery Throughout History

To add to the mystery, let us consider the blatant pineal gland imagery that is expressed in sacred art and architecture all around the world. As mentioned before, the word pineal comes from a Latin word meaning “pinecone”, and therefore the pinecone was used to represent the pineal gland throughout history.Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations devotes an entire chapter to the pineal gland and its representation throughout history. The following are just a few examples from the book:
  • A bronze sculpture of a hand from the mystery cult of Dionysus in the late Roman Empire has a pinecone on the thumb, amidst other strange symbols
  • A Mexican god holds pinecones and a fir tree in a sculpture
  • A staff of Egyptian god Osiris from a museum in Turino, Italy, has two “kundalini serpents” that entwine together and face a pinecone on the top
  • The Assyrian/Babylonian winged god Tammuz is pictured holding a pinecone
  • The Greek god Dionysus carries a staff with a pinecone on top
  • The Catholic  pope carries a staff with a pinecone directly above where his hand is positioned
  • The largest pinecone sculpture in the world is prominently featured in Vatican Square- in the Court of the Pinecone
  • King Tut’s golden burial mask features a “kundalini serpent” emerging from the general area of the pineal gland in his forehead
  • Almost all Hindu gods and goddesses are pictured with a bindi, or third eye, between their eyebrows
  • A statue of the Mesoamerican god Quetzalcoatl is shaped like the pineal gland and contains a necklace around Quetzalcoatl’s neck which is made out of pinecones…”
Perhaps one of the most disturbing facts is how much the Catholic Church promotes pinecone imagery. It is clear that this was an extremely important symbol to the early Church fathers considering the placement of the giant pinecone statue in the Vatican. Is the Vatican concealing sacred knowledge that would contribute to mankind’s physical and spiritual evolution? Wilcock investigates further into the matter in his book, describing the written history of the pineal gland:
[…] Plato says in The Republic (Book VII), “the soul through these disciplines has an organ purified and enlightened, an organ better worth saving than ten thousand corporeal eyes, since truth becomes visible through this alone”
Additionally, masonic scholar Manly Palmer Hall is quoted in the Occult history of Man as stating the following:
“[…] The Hindus teach that the pineal gland is the third eye, called the Eye of Dangma. It is called by the Buddhists the all-seeing eye, and is spoken of in Christianity as the eye single…[the pineal gland] is a spiritual organ which is later destined to be what it once was, namely a connecting link between the human and the divine…”
It is evident that the pineal has been a focus throughout history, with philosophies of all cultures discussing this organ in relation to the ever-attaining journey towards spiritual enlightenment. It is possible that the pineal gland is our connection to the divine, providing us with visions during many metaphysical experiences. The next question arises, why is it being kept secret? Modern theories suggest that the “mystery schools” which have been hidden in secrecy for millennia hold the knowledge of the pineal gland that many ancient civilizations understood, and these secret societies are keeping this information from the general public to maintain more power and control.

Cleansing Your Third Eye And Reclaiming Your Potential

With this information in mind, let us look at the effect that our environment and diet have on our pineal gland. As mentioned earlier, the pineal gland is not protected by our blood brain barrier, which renders the fluid inside the pineal susceptible to mineral deposit build up. These minerals compile as hard white clusters, and can appear on X-rays or MRI’s. One theory suggests that the heavy minerals and toxins that are dumped into our environments and that are consequently absorbed into our bodies have a retarding effect on the potential power of our pineal gland. One of the main chemicals that cause mineralization of our pineal gland is Fluoride. As many of us know, fluoride is considered an FDA approved medicine which aids in the re-mineralization of our teeth, preventing tooth decay. Fluoride is dumped into most North American communal water systems, making it increasingly difficult for the population to avoid intake of this chemical. It is safe to theorize that the powers in control have an understanding of this mineralization process, and are utilizing Fluoride and many other toxins to debilitate our true potential as human beings. On a positive note however, over the past five years we have seen a substantial increase in the removal of Fluoride from city water all over the world. People are taking the power back into their own hands, which is inspiring in its own right.
We now understand that our pineal gland may hold the secrets to the divine enlightenment which has been searched for and talked about since the earliest accounts of mankind. So what can we do to cleanse our pineal gland? Removing fluoride is the first huge step in this process. Get the message out in your own community and be the one who makes a difference. There are also other supplements such as blue ice skate fish oil which will help decalcify the pineal gland. (Find out more about decalcifying your pineal gland)
Our hidden potential now seems infinite, a notion which is spreading throughout our planet. So reclaim your potential today by cleansing your pineal gland!
*This article was featured in April issue of CE Magazine. Be sure to check out the issue archives by clicking here.
*Much of the information from this article was attained from Rick Strassman’s DMT: The Spirit Molecule David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations. We recommend both of these books for anyone looking to know more about the topics discussed in this article.
1.)    Strassman, Rick, DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences, 320 pg., Park Street Press, 2001, ISBN 0-89281-927-8
About the Author
Jeff Roberts is another soul searcher like you my friends, trying to make sense out of our human experience. I’ve been with CE for over a year now and it’s been an awesome ride so far. Simply put, I love to write, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction :D If you have a question or wanna chat you can contact me at :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Top 5 sources of plant protein


(NaturalNews) Good quality sources of protein are widely available, and many of them come from outside the animal kingdom. It's time to identify the top sources of highly digestible plant protein with the most benefits for your health.


Chlorella is garnering more and more attention as a superlative superfood that delivers a wide array of nutrients and helps rid our body of heavy metals. What many people don't know is that it is an exceptional source of vegan protein.

Chlorella is commonly cited as 58 percent protein (and at times, up to 75 percent) with a balance of important amino acids, including all the essential ones the body can't manufacture. When you combine this with an abundance of enzymes, probiotics, and phytonutrients, chlorella becomes a high quality protein source that is easily digestible as well.


Hemp has no shortage of health benefits, including being the perfect ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (3:1), the most abundant source of EFAs (essential fatty acids), and a rich source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and plant sterols.

Hemp is up to 47 percent protein, and contains 20 amino acids; including the 9 essential amino acids our body cannot produce, making it one of the few plant-based complete protein sources.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is not a well-known food, but that doesn't mean it is not powerful. It is considered one of nature's most complete and balanced foods, with a rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats, as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics.

Bee pollen is between 25 to 40 percent protein, and contains 22 amino acids which have five to seven times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs, or cheese. Factor that in with the incredible enzyme content of bee pollen, and you have a highly digestible form of a complete plant protein.


Chia is an ancient fuel source used for centuries by some of the healthiest people. These seeds are an incredible source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Chia is 21 percent protein and contains all the essential amino acids in proper ratios, so it is considered a complete protein. When soaked, they absorb 10 times their weight in water which helps hydrate the colon and move toxins out of the gut. This create a healthy digestive system that absorbs nutrients, including protein, more effectively.

Chia can be used in no grain cereals, smoothies, baked goods, and simply eaten on their own as pudding (once soaked, they will have that type of consistency).


Quinoa is a seed grown native to South America. It was seen as a sacred food to the Incas, and is a great source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, copper, zinc, and vitamin B-6 and B-9.

Quinoa is 14 percent protein and contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It also has prebiotic properties which helps feed the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, making it easy to digest.

You can use quinoa in many different ways, most notably as a substitute for other grains such as rice. It also makes a great breakfast as an alternative to cereal or oatmeal, and can be used in many baked goods as well.

It can be difficult to get past the mindset that protein needs to come from animal sources. However, you can now see that vegan sources of protein are not only comparable, but superior in most cases.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges.

His popular Wellness Transformation E-Guide and Ultimate Reset coaching program gives people step by step solutions to achieve a healthier body and mind, while empowering them to maintain that lifestyle through a fundamental education based on the 4 pillars of true health.

If you would like to learn more about what he can do holistically to improve your health, check out his popular free health consult.

Learn more: