Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Fluoride In Drinking Water Is Poison

June 5, 2014 | By WakingTimes

Flickr - Tap Water - Pradeesh PavithranMarco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Since the new year, eight more cities and regions in Canada, Australia and The United States have no to fluoridating water supplies. Most developed nations, including the vast majority of western Europe, do not fluoridate their drinking water. Since health authorities in North America have refused to let go of the fluoridation paradigm, local communities are doing the work for them. Since 2010, over 70 communities have rejected the practice and the world is finally becoming aware of the dangers of poisoning drinking water with this toxic chemical.

In the few months, Oberon in New South Wales, Australia, Boyne Michigan, Bolton England, Saint John in New Brunswick, Canada and counties in Florida are the latest to say no to water fluoridation.

There are now serious facts and health risks regarding fluoridationwhich can no longer be ignored and the practice itself is being questioned by most of the world.

A growing number of communities are choosing to stop adding fluoride to their water systems, even though the federal government and federal health officials maintain their full support for a measure they say provides a 25 percent reduction in tooth decay nationwide.

“The fact that no one really knows what dosage a given person receives from fluoridated water makes the subject of benefits and harms very difficult to quantify,” said Rainer Newberry, a professor of geochemistry at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, who sat on the committee that studied the issue prior to the June vote in Fairbanks. “And this presumably explains the number of studies with diverging conclusions.”

The conclusion among these communities is that with fluoride now so widely available in toothpaste and mouthwash, there is less need to add it to water, which already has naturally occurring fluoride. Putting it in tap water, they say, is an imprecise way of distributing fluoride; how much fluoride a person gets depends on body weight and water consumed.

Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t repair damaged cells, we get old fast.

Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage every system and function of the body.

Anti-fluoride activist Christina Welsh says the government should end all fluoridation everywhere. “It is a complete fraud to suggest that fluoride reduces dental caries when this has never been proven. The opposite is true, fluoride has been found to cause cancer, osteoporosis and DNA damage among dozens of other illnesses,” she said.

Dr. Paul Connett, PhD stated “When historians come to write about this period, they will single out fluoridation as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.”

David Kennedy, DDS President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology said that “water fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet.”

Charles Gordon Heyd, MD, president, AMA stated “I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.”

L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association
Robotry said that “no physician in his right mind would hand to his patient a bottled filled with a dangerous drug with instructions to take as much or as little of it as he wished … And yet, the Public Health Service is engaged upon a widespread propaganda program to insist that communities do exactly that … The purpose of administering fluoride is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous, toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication to the consumer, without regard to age or physical condition.”

About the Author

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.


Intention and the Dashboard Light

June 4, 2014 | By WakingTimes   
Dear Humans,

Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can rectify anger into something a little more constructive. And though it’s within our reach to resolve contentious matters in a quick and civil way, some will give in to hostility as if it were an ally. And so they will grind an axe halfway through its handle before calling any kind of truce.

Some say “forgiveness” is the ultimate remedy. The concept of forgiveness assumes someone is truly at fault. This may or may not be the case because “fault” is a curious assumption indeed. If you’re mad at someone the last thing you want them to say is “I forgive you” –and they don’t want to hear it from you either. Resolution is a different matter. Here we can rebuild the twisted scaffolding that got us hung up to begin with. We are Human and Humans are going to make mistakes and we’re going to ruffle each other’s feathers from time to time. If we can resolve not to hate one another then we can resolve to find equitable solutions through ingenuity and patience.

There’s really no greater burden than the weight anger puts upon us. It’s perhaps second only to guilt. It burrows tentacles deep into the very essence of who we are. Likewise, there’s nothing quite as liberating as shedding that nasty beast and setting it free. Anger begets anger and it has a voracious appetite for more. It’s a fire that can never burn hot enough.

I suspect you might already be aware there’s a trifle bit more to all of this— and you’re right! So saddle up your mustang and let’s take a short ride into the center of a brooding, red storm that sure looks mighty angry from here.

Red Light on the Dash

We don’t intentionally seek confrontation and disharmony although we all seem to get our fair share of it anyway. It’s essentially impossible to avoid, given the fact that it’s built into the equation of life. Sooner or later something is going to set us off and we’re going to get very angry and spend a good deal of time and energy smoldering over it. But getting angry isn’t the problem. It fact it may be quite beneficial, if not essential for our survival and growth. Anger is indicative of something sorely skewed in terms of fairness or principle, just as a high fever is indicative of something skewed within the physical body. One should take heed of either anomaly and let the fever do its job.

When two people are in the throes of conflict, dynamic tensions are generated and sparks will fly. And no matter how contentious the ordeal may become, both are sharpening their wits from the experience. Sometimes things heat up so fast that it becomes unstable. That’s when all stops get pulled. So we’re reminded of a barroom brawl where chairs are busted over heads and bottles go airborne.

Regarding the matter of who might be right or wrong really depends on how the referee calls the final play. And just who is the referee? It’s that person you look at every morning in the mirror. Back in the days of the old West, a short fuse and a quick-draw played the end game like no other. Matters were resolved in a powder flash and heartbeat. This dissociative response offered the extreme side of how some went about “killing” their anger. On a completely different scale we can liken this to smashing a toaster because it keeps burning toast. A crumpled toaster won’t solve the problem—unless you like crumpled burnt toast.

Getting angry is not so much the problem. Staying angry is a whole different ballgame. “Seeing red” is associated with being irate or enraged. I like that expression because I think of a warning light on a dashboard of a car. If the car is overheating a red light will flash and a wise person will pull over somewhere safe and let the engine “vent” for a while. The state of anger is no different. We may need to pull over and vent for a while too. The red light on the dash relays an urgent matter regarding the status of the vehicle. One must act promptly and appropriately to remedy it. The same is true for the little red light within us.

But the persistent state of anger is a most destructive and toxic state indeed. I’ve long suspected that chronic anger, stress and fear can stimulate our own immune system to go on the attack. It’s my opinion that this is the root cause behind so-called autoimmune disorders. The body senses a type of invasion that is neither viral nor bacteriological in origin. So it directs its energy against itself and the consequences can be life threatening. Over time the perpetually angry and stressed-out individual may find that they are always ill. Don’t let your little red light keep flashing without taking constructive action.

Setting the Intention

So you’re mad and the little light came on your dashboard. No problem. Immediate action needs to take place. Good! We are aware of a problem and now we must set the proper course for correction. We know that focusing on the anger will only intensify the problem. Not a good idea. Some will pull out their trusted voodoo doll and go to town on it. Sending bad intentions to another will most always backfire. -Again, not a good idea. But sending love and compassion might just work. How can one stay mad for long if they’re feeling compassion and love toward the one causing the tension? So you say the person is a “soulless jerk” and there’s no room for compassion. One can feel compassion toward any soulless jerk because being “soulless” is rather sad when you think about it.

My point is this—set your intention on repairing the problem in an efficient, logical and loving way. You may want to throw a wrench at that car that left you stranded on the highway, but what good would that do? Makes a bit more sense to get on a phone and order up a tow. And yeah, the local mechanic will probably push a few buttons in you too. But you know maybe, and I’m just saying maybe, we let the maintenance slip just a bit. We kind of already knew the old car was running a touch warm. Just sort of put it off though. You know, maybe we’re just a little, itsy, bitsy tiny bit to blame for the state we’re in.

Can we declare the person who stays angry the longest any kind of winner? That’s like the kid that can hold his breath the longest. He’s just a little bluer than the others. For one thing, staying angry is not economical. Way too much energy goes into the task. And one may feel angry while their adversary is at home sleeping and having sweet dreams. What a waste of darting eyes and grumpy growls. Such a state is a dead end, my friends. But it’s more than that. Could it be that anger has been engineered into our culture to create persistent tension and mayhem?

Why We’re Really Angry

Perpetual anger will cause the best of us to eventually break down and burn up on the side of that proverbial road called life. Who in their right mind would keep the throttle open on an overheated engine anyway? Since it defies common sense one might speculate that our propensity to embody and maintain anger might be a product of conditioning.

We see it in the movies and watch it on TV. The hero carries a grudge and a Magnum caliber pistol. We cheer the moment the “bad guy” gets peppered with serious lead. Many of us seem to have the hammer pulled back and an itchy finger already on the trigger. We’re inundated with negativity and violence pretty much on a daily basis. We’ve known on some level that what society condones as “normal” is anything but normal. The architects of this matrix have managed to create considerable tension by installing a multi-tier system of law and order under some illusion that it is fair and equal. It is neither. This imbalance favors some more than others and is felt in nearly all aspects of society through the polarizing effects of economy, political and racial divides, religious extremism and institutionalized education. None of this charade is normal— yet we’re expected to digest it just the same.

So we go to work one day and finally unleash on a co-worker who’s been getting under our skin for a long time. Suddenly the battle is on. The co-worker is also a product of the same tainted system you’ve emerged from. And since they’ve seen the same movies as you, they will build their Hollywood inspired response and orchestrate a carefully planned counterattack. -Very silly stuff. Just say you’re sorry and be done with it. You need to save your energy for what really matters.

The psychopaths that control the world like it when we fight and squabble. It takes attention away from them. So as long as we’re angry with each other we simply can’t be angry with our puppet masters. And so right on cue a bit of news comes out that divides a nation. Comments run rampant on social media and news sources on whether we should hate a traitor or love a hero. So we burn up a lot of energy and time arguing with family, friends and neighbors. What a joke. The real question should be why the construct was built this way in the first place. We should stop behaving like addled spectators.

Final Thought

We live in a world that’s conducive of fear and anger. We must be mindful and ever vigilant of this fact and be aware that there are those who will exploit our energy. Don’t let them. We must defend our energy from the mundane and ridiculous and sharpen our wits for the dangerous and insane. You must love the people you hate. Yep- that’s the key. But that doesn’t mean you have to be buddies and go bowling every Thursday. Your role is important and will likely help others in the long run. So when we see something that appears out of balance, one must take appropriate action and apply the effort necessary to tip back the scale. Sure it takes some effort. -But so does staying mad.

There’s no reason to remain angry. Set your intention on peaceful, daily cohabitation. Consider being empathic even when dealing with a terribly difficult person. You have an advantage. You can see this whole world as a stage. Any so-called adversary may not have this same reference. So you can remain above the fray of most any volatile situation and use the opportunity to impart some wisdom. No, we’re not immune to anger, but when that little red light flashes we know it’s time to pull over and cool down.

Now more than ever cool heads must prevail. There are insidious forces embarking upon the Human race. They like it when we fight each other. It takes attention away from what’s really going on. It also lowers our spiritual acuity and that is especially important to those who call the shots. Angry people might think that being loud and forceful makes them more powerful. That might work in prison. The reality is those that are perpetually angry have a little ring in their nose and can be led most anywhere. They are highly controllable and the power elite know it.

No, we’re not perfect. We are Human. And Humans are perfectly imperfect. And so that red cloud was really nothing more than a lot of hot wind and dust. It sure looked spooky from a distance. Such storms often do. It was kind of fun riding through it. Thanks for coming along.

-Until next time

About the Author

There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash. After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email:

**This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Our World Is Changing: An Explanation Of What’s Happening To Us & The Planet

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“The new age is coming, whether you like it or not, and whether you understand it or not.” –Jordan Maxwell
milky wayEverything we experience is a chance to learn and grow. When faced with uncertainty, it helps to connect to the possible purpose or lesson that is trying to express itself.
As students in this school of life, we are not only challenged with individual but also broader learning opportunities confronted by humanity as a whole. This could be a grand lesson for a particular generation for instance. I wanted to address one of these grand lessons for humanity that will be coming with the dawning of a new age.
I hope this information will help you connect to the lesson so that you can better navigate a changing landscape as time goes on.

Some Background

As you may be aware, ages are connected the axial wobble of the Earth, or the procession of the equinoxes. Procession is gradually leading us from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.
You should also know each age has its own characteristics, its own feel. The feel coincides with the Earth’s chakra or energy point that is evolving during the particular age. This gradual procession of ages moving from base to higher more spiritually advanced chakras is meant to evolve the Earth and humanity into higher and higher consciousness.
Furthermore, each age is connected with an astrological sign and each sign is associated with an element carrying with it certain characteristics.  Briefly:
Earth = physical/material
Air = Mental/Analytical
Fire = Energy/Passion/Creativity
Water = Emotions
All of these factors combine to give the age in question particular emphases, challenges and goals.
This past age, the Age of Pisces, was associated with the heart chakra, evident in the dominance of Christianity, where a big emphasis was placed on the Christian values of giving, loving thy neighbor and faithfulness. The denser side of the Piscean zeitgeist perpetuated self-denial and the notion we are all born sinners. Oh and the guilt, let’s not forget that! Pisces being a water sign is connected to emotions, and people of this time grew through believing and having faith.
The Age of Aquarius brings with it an air sign influence. Air signs in general have to do with mental strength, clarity of thought, science and analytical thinking.  Aquarius in particular integrates these qualities with innovation and individuality.
The influence of a new age is not immediate, but gradual, with crossover influence from the new as it approaches and residual from the old as it passes.  The influence of a new age has been expressing for some time, enabling achievements like the scientific method, for instance.  These influences only get stronger as time goes on.  Think about it, we have literally gone from a scientific break through emerging every decade to potentially everyday.

Aquarius & The Third Eye

Vibrations tuned to the third eye chakra are pervading the earth’s energy field. Many people incarnating on the earth today have an awakened third eye, although in many it is unbalanced. This is because there are actually two aspects of the third eye, referred to as the upper and lower petals. The lower petal is associated with powerful mental capabilities and analytical processing. Our current information age explosion with new technology being developed daily (maybe hourly) is a product of this.
Shifting from a blind faith characteristic of the former age, people now have a need to know and understand.
The upper petal is associated with intuition, spiritual connection and alignment.  It’s interesting that more and more people seem to prefer an individual spirituality over devotion to religious institutions. People seem to be striving to understand their life’s purpose and reach personal fulfillment.

A Search for Something More

The influence of the upper petal as well as nudges and tugs from our Higher Self may set us on a path searching for a different kind of fulfillment, one that is spiritually as well as intellectually fulfilling. Traditional institutions that employ us, provide spiritual leadership, guidance and educate us are falling short here. Thus, with little opportunity to grow spiritually while earning a living, getting an education and so on, we see a rise in existential turmoil and mental health issues.
It is through grappling with this division and ultimately integrating these two aspects of the third eye that individually and collectively we will benefit from a resultant higher consciousness as well as a better world to live in. We are moving towards the development of new institutions that value consciousness, spirituality and science, with the goal of working with nature so we can all benefit.
Another characteristic of this transition is that old institutions become polarized. This is the fundamentalists, the ones who talk of reestablishing the wholesome goodness of the past. What we are seeing is the old reacting to the changing winds. Feeling threatened, these institutions try to deny their stagnicity with a façade of security. They also demonize anything new in an attempt to cling to an authoritative and legitimate position. Those inclined to the mindset of a new age who find this confusing, offensive and often angering can take solace knowing this is a natural tendency when institutions are falling.

What Will The World Look Like?

This new age has a goal: the integration of science and spirit. We are obviously not there yet as a whole, polarized in the lower petal of the third eye. However, a new age is coming and you can either fight against it by becoming entrenched in old ways, deny it and lose your chance to contribute to the new age in this life, or you can stand up and help bring in the new. Working with the new age is moving in alignment with your Higher Self. If you listen to your heart, your passion and intuition you can expect more opportunities for a fulfilling and inspiring life journey. That doesn’t mean you won’t encounter difficulties, but you will gain the accomplishment of fulfilling your soul’s mission in this life.
Whether you are feeling anxious or uneasy about the approaching new age or excited and ready for new challenges, remember, this is ultimately an opportunity to learn and grow. So don’t expect to get comfortable, we may be in for a bumpy ride.
Just remember, change isn’t meant to feel stable, so everything is as it should be.
Some information about the new age and third eye informed by Indigo Adults by Kabir Jaffe:
Image Credit: Rob Dickinson

The Power In Realizing That We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

Imagine that you found the doorway that leads out of here. You woke up and bolted out of the film house and suddenly found yourself standing square-shouldered, bright-eyed and reenergized as an outside observer looking back at a simulated construct. The newsstands, the gym, the church, the school, the cafe, the university, the car, the bedroom, the stores and the highways suddenly showed themselves for what they truly are: a series of matrix overlays, force fields, illusions, lines, grids and electromagnetic pulses firing in different directions and flashing before your vision.
It donned on you that each of these spaces overlap so that the systems and institutions which govern them can attempt to control your behavior. By controlling only one individual, they thought that they could control everyone. However, they failed to do so, because the one they tried to control was the first to wake up and escape their simulated dream. Where the Tao and God exist (which is everywhere) there is no control; there is only pure freedom and liberation. The Human Spirit rises time and again to override the systems, networks, webs and matrixes of control in infinite directions of space and time throughout the epic hyper-verse. The Spirit–[Your Spirit]–cannot and will not be held down, but rather, it lives, moves, breathes and creates by perpetuating its beauty and grace in the spaces between the atoms and molecules of our shared reality.
Beyond the scare tactics and torture treatment, you arrived in those spaces where nothing could tarnish or tamper with your newfound awareness. Instead, you remembered that there is no limit to what any of us can dream, imagine, achieve, manifest, or become the moment that we recognize and embrace our infinite nature, our celestial heritage, and our true face. We are the ones that we have been waiting for, because the ones we would have otherwise waited on are too marred by the things that they try to control to ever see outside the matrix that we inevitably successfully escaped. The moment you realized that no one was coming for you was the instant that you woke up from the dream, took on the shape and nature of your personal escape route, and glided safely through the wormhole to a safe haven of your own making.
The key is to recognize that no one is coming for you, and the crucial choice each of us has to make is to wake up and bolt out of the synthetic dream in pursuit of our soul’s freedom and restoration in another realm. After that, we fight to remain awake and never fall back into ignorance again. Our level of awareness at any given moment, with each step that we take, determines the degree to which we successfully escape the matrix of control that confronts us each day. There exist infinite, eternal dimensions completely free of matrixes of control and each one of us has the chance of finding one. Every time you think a creative thought, pump out a creative endeavor, sing a song, quilt or weave, provide another soul with a warm meal, dance without a care, or agree to believe in miracles you are moving through one of those realms where anything is possible.There is life thriving there beyond the grasp of anyone or anything that is bent on control. Your life is likely already thriving there.
In attempting to control us in this dimension, [they] try to plug certain simulations into a person’s consciousness to make them enact or carry out tasks ranging from menial to momentous. There are times when I find myself walking or stretching casually, jogging slowly or climbing stairs, and I actually feel and experience myself at the gym as if I were winding down from a long workout. It is very interesting to note that in these moments when I experience the overlay of dimensions, I am 100% conscious and aware of my body, mind and spirit being in a particular space-time frame wherever I am standing. I am entirely inside my body, and yet at the same time, I experience myself in another realm side by side. This aberration in the grid seeks to influence your mental evaluation and examination of your life experience moment to moment, and its purpose is to control you mentally, physically and emotionally. However, it fails to control your spirit, and since it is your spirit that is eternal, the best tactic seems to be to fight to reclaim your soul.
You can use their overlays to your advantage. Anytime you have a similar experience of feeling that work, school, a pub, the gym, shopping, dining out, or making love all seem to be occurring at the same exact moment, you can simply shift your awareness through the paper-thin veil. You create a time tunnel or wormhole of escape that carries you safely to the realms beyond [their] reach. Stuart Wilde called it “Smiley Country”: those places in your mind and spirit where you cultivate kindness, love, laughter, and you find yourself shining with a gleaming grin beyond force fields of illusion and control.
There are wormholes, time tunnels, parallel universes and infinite possibilities for each of us to come upon and discover. It is through these tunnels that we ultimately emerge to a new freedom, again and again and again. Every time we fall and get back up, every time we rise again and triumph over unimaginable circumstances, and any time we refuse to quit but instead carry on with an ancient endurance, we dismantle another veil or brane that separates truth from fiction. We reclaim our pen, our power, and our purpose, and fashion our rewrite. This time, the story ends only so that it can begin again, and the new beginning marks the rebirth, regeneration and restoration of Gaia, the Goddess, Mother Earth, the Celestial Force, the protection and safety of our children, and the revolution of the Human Spirit that cannot and will not be held down.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Forgiveness – One of the Best Things To Do For Yourself

To have the ability to forgive great wrongs done to us is something many people struggle with. To finally accept that continuing to harbor the same negative feelings against the person or group that has done us wrong comes with great liberation and peace if we have the courage to do so. When we think of forgiveness we don’t usually think of it as being something that we do for ourselves but this is exactly  what we experience to be true and research has shown this to be the case. As one of the aphorisms in my book The Creation of a Consciousness Shift states, “The benefits of forgiveness are greatest for those who are doing the forgiving”.  To show you just how significant the personal benefits are of forgiveness for your own self, below are some statistics.
On average, people who practice forgiveness experience the following:
  • 70% decrease in feelings of hurt
  • 27% reduction in physical symptoms of stress, including backache, headache and stomach pain
  • 27% reduction in physical symptoms related to sleeplessness, listlessness and dizziness
  • 13% reduction in long-term experience of anger
  • 35% increase in the level of forgiveness for the person who caused them pain
The greatest amount of people who forgave others expressed a significant decrease in their feelings of being hurt. The reason as to why this happens can be a result of a person releasing and letting go of the anger, grief, and sorrow that had been overwhelming them. The act of forgiveness effectively takes us out of the depths of the lower levels of consciousness and allows us to move forward in our lives, enabling us to be free of any excess emotional baggage and become liberated. Serenity, tranquility, and peace are now familiar feelings to us once again.
To understand how forgiveness can be such a helpful action to us a little more, think about this works: You simply forgive by letting go of perceptions, attitudes, thoughts and behaviors that are non-loving. Forgiveness is a key ingredient to allow your heart and your love to grow.  Forgiveness is the moment to moment experience of peace and understanding that occurs when our suffering is reduced as we transform our grievance against someone else. This transformation takes place through learning to take less personal offense, attribute less blame to that offender and by greater understanding, see the personal and interpersonal harm that occurs as the natural consequence of unresolved anger and hurt.
Forgiveness involves a sense of felt unity with the person or group that has hurt us. From the point of view of development, a sense of unity can be regressive or progressive. Looking back on my own personal experiences, I can say that healthy forgiveness is transpersonal. Healthy and unhealthy forms of forgiveness can be understood by examining the prepersonal, personal, and transpersonal motivations for forgiveness. The central paradox in forgiving is defined as the other needing to be recognized as a different person before there can be a healthy sense of unity.
Make it a focus to be kind, loving and forgiving to everyone; no exceptions. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else. No one else even has to know about your decision. Recognize that your primary distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you two minutes – or ten years -ago. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt seek out new ways to get what you want. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Allow forgiveness to become second nature for you.

10 Habits to Overcome for Increased Happiness

happiness in the rain
Oftentimes, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to growing and living a life full of true happiness. We sometimes make excuses for ourselves as to why we can’t overcome something or we don’t realize just how destructive our growth-inhibiting patterns of behavior really are. There comes a time when we just have to consciously arise to the reality that such habits are stopping us from experiencing a life of accomplishment, satisfaction, and success. Make today that day when you change your life’s path and live a better life for yourself. This is your life, make it the most rewarding that it can possible be.
10 Habits to Overcome

Putting things off – We make excuses as to why we put off doing something that would drastically change our lives for the better. One I hear quite often goes along the lines of “I knowmeditation can help me with this problem I’m having right now but I haven’t been doing it lately.” If you know a life-enhancing practice like meditation can help you make a problem disappear then why put it off? You are the one who benefits by doing it so why keep putting it off for the sake of doing something else (watching Youtube videos on and on or refreshing your Facebook newsfeed continuously for example)?
Not expressing gratitude – Our minds tend to sometimes direct towards the negative. We look at all the things we don’t have and feel worse as a result. There is always something we will not have…looking at life in this way will leave us forever unsatisfied. As Barry Kaufman once said, “gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there’s always something we could be grateful for.” Indeed there is…even something so simple as seeing a bright blue sky or taking a deep breath of crisp spring air, or even the very experience of existence….something be-ing rather than no-thing.
Being completely risk-averse – Avoidance of any kind of risk is a byproduct of a fear of the unknown and will lead to a very bland and uneventful life. If risks were never taken, you can be assured that humanity would still be in the stone age, if even that. By taking a risk, we embody courage or doing something we have not done before, even if it makes us uncomfortable. Exploration, accomplishment, and determination are all things that come as a result of having courage and taking risks in life. Courage gives us the willingness to try out new things and deal with the changes and challenges of life. We can face our fears and transcend them in order to experience a more self-actualized life for ourselves.
Worrying about the what-ifs – If we constantly worried about what-if scenarios, we would never accomplish anything. Most of us allow fear to get the best of us and block us from setting out to do something. Worrying can only bring anxiety, stress, and sadness. Learning to let go of worries by realizing that sometimes the things we worry about are things we are unable to change right then and there. We just have to accept the situation as it is since it may be bigger than we can handle and approach it with level-headed reasoning to see what positive action we can take to make it easier to deal with. If you are worried about how “everything gives you cancer”, for instance, then pick out a few of the biggest culprits that have known links to cancer and work on eliminating them from your life.
Focusing on things you don’t like – If I had a nickel for every time I heard somebody exert energy to talk about something they didn’t like, I could probably have bought a private island in Fiji by now. We all have the choice to either focus on something positive or negative. All thought is creative and if we are using up our energy on thoughts that are negative, we will in return feel worse and more negative. The world is our mirror and if we focus on the things in people or society at large that we don’t like and feel aligned with, we are sabotaging our very own personal well-being! Instead of focusing on things that divide us, let us focus on the things that unite us and we will realize that many of the things we don’t like are because we have a different position of awareness than others, since we all see Reality through a subjective lens.
Playing the blame game – Putting blame on someone or something else shifts the focus away from there being anything unhelpful in what we may be doing and displaces it on external forces. If someone lost their job, they may put the blame on a boss they feel never liked them, another co-worker who they thought was a suck-up, or even the president/economy/oligarch bankers. Putting blame on someone or something doesn’t change the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in but it does stop us from being happy and having a positive state of mind. This isn’t to say that we should blame ourselves, but we should take responsibility for having some degree of responsibility for what happened (of course there are exceptions but generally we have an effect on the reality that has unfolded) and look to how we can turn the situation around and get out of a low point in our lives.
Feeling we can’t change things – Apathy is a feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness and despair. If you look around you and see that others have attained what you wish you had, then this shows you that you can create the same reality for yourself, or at least one very close to it. We have the incredible ability to change things in our lives and in the lives of others. It takes will, courage, and determination though but once we have these as the driving forces to propel us into a motivated mindset, we can change things and we will change things. Rome wasn’t built in a day and things that we want to change in our lives or in society at large won’t necessarily happen as fast as we would like them to but if we put forth the energy of change and transformation we will make a difference. Chase away the doubts and live the life you imagined. As one of the ancient Hawaiian Huna principles states, “there are no limits…energy flows where attention goes…all power comes from within.”
Being a perfectionist – If we are perfectionists we will be displeased with anything that isn’t perfect or doesn’t meet extremely high standards. Since achieving a state of perfection within any aspect of life is an impossible goal, having such a mindset can seriously impact our mental health in a negative way. Perfectionism turns us into slaves of success, so to speak, by keeping us focused on failure that results in a lifetime of doubt and depression. Some people see it as something positive and it’s often seen as the pursuit of excellence, setting high standards, and working hard to challenge ourselves. We may say that perfectionism allows us to be efficient, organized, or prepared for anything but although having high standards and goals may help us achieve things in life, these standards can get in the way of our happiness and can actually impair our performance.
Not being forgiving – Rather than something we do for someone else, forgiveness can be one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Forgiveness benefits the forgiver, not the other way around. It brings us inner peace that does away with the suffering we cause ourselves through the unresolved anger and hurt we feel. Forgiveness benefits us physical, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Sure, it’s difficult to get ourselves to forgive someone for something we feel they did that was hurtful to us, but the alternative (resentment) can bring us hatred, turmoil and suffering. Everything/everyone is currently operating at its own level of awareness and/or evolution. Everyone/everything is what it is right now because that’s what it needs to learn, or un-learn. People are what they are, and make mistakes, because they really don’t know otherwise or they don’t want to know otherwise. If they really knew otherwise, they would already be otherwise.
Looking for happiness outside of us – Happiness is an inside job yet we have a tendency to look to people and things external to us in order to raise our happiness. This search for happiness outside of ourselves is a byproduct of a void within us. It can show us that we do not have the self-love that is necessary to feel whole. We will feel lacking if we have not have a fully-realized relationship with our own selves and will look to fill that void with other people or other things. If it’s other people, we may end up having a parasitic relationship with others in that we will feed off of their positivity and then leave them drained. This causes an unbalanced relationship and will cause it to fall apart as it all-too-often happens. Cultivate happiness within yourself, through things like meditation for starters, and you will find that you had the happiness you seek all along…inside of you.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts, therefore guard accordingly; and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue, and reasonable nature. -Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Law of Vibration. It Trumps Everything!

The Law of vibration might not be as well known as the Law of Attraction. However - the Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction.
To understand this it is important to know that everything is energy. Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy.
When we go down on a sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some called this the unified field or the matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality -all being energy

Everything vibrates

This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates - everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe - hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you - people, animals, plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated - you are in fact living in an ocean of energy - we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level - a level professor John Hagelin calls the unified field.
In the video-clip below Bob Proctor from the movie The Secret talks about the law of vibration and how it works.

Setting Your vibrational tone

Back in 1986 Esther and her husband Jerry Hicks came into contact with non-physical entities called Abraham. Abraham is a group of evolved teachers from "the other side". These non-physical entities speak through Esther. In the video below Abraham is explaining how everything in the universe vibrates. The Law of Vibration is the law that serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction.

Everything has its own vibrational frequency - the table - the car - the picture frame - the rock - even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.
A table may look solid and still, but within the table are millions of millions of subatomic particles "running around" and "popping" with energy. The table is pure energy and movement. Everything in this universe has its own vibrational frequency. It is The Law of Vibration in action. However we can't see it so it appears separate and solid to us. It is actually an illusion. 

The Law of Vibration is real.Even if you can't see it it does not mean that it is not true. 

Believing is seeing

Before the invention of the microscope people would have labelled you totally crazy if you told them that small "creatures crawled around" on the skin of all human beings. 


Simply because people could not see them.
Today we all know that our skin is covered with bacteria. It appears that the skin, the largest organ in our body, is a kind of zoo.
According to a study in 2007 performed by the Department of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine researchers found evidence for 182 species of bacteria in skin samples.
If you had told this to people before the invention of the microscope they would have locked you up and thrown away the key. Today we don't even bother thinking about all these bacteria - these "creatures" - living off our skin.
Before the invention of the Electron microscope in 1931 which made it possible to view objects as small as the diameter of an atom no-one believed there could exists something so small


Simple because people could not see it.

Humans live by the old saying "seeing is believing" - but why do we not learn from history and realize that something might be true even though we do not see it. We do not have to see something to believe it.

It should be the other way around - believing will make you see. Most people only choose to look at what they know now and what they can see. They only rely on their five senses. They are not willing to keep an open mind. They are not willing to accept that everything vibrates and that The Law of Vibration is real -that we are vibrating sending-towers transmitting our thoughts and feelings into the universe all the time.

Frame of knowledge

Most people are only looking inside our frame of knowledge. In other words they only relate to what they can see, verify and test. They rely only on their 5 senses to tell them what their reality is. They are only using their sensory level to define their frame of knowledge in the time we are living. 

This frame however seems to change when science can tell us that something is true. 

Before it was a "fact" that the earth was flat.


But as we know now it wasn't - it is round.

Then the earth was the center of the universe - but it wasn't - then The Milky-Way was the only galaxy - but it wasn't. It was only one of billions of galaxies.

Our frame of knowledge is constantly changing since science is showing us "new" truths. Our frame of knowledge has been changing as long as we have lived on this planet.

It is about time we realize that something can be a reality even though we can't use our 5 senses to verify it. 

Keep an Open Mind

Let us use the dog-whistle as an example to illustrate a point about what we perceive as true or not. Today, we all know that dogs can detect sounds that is undetectable to the human ear.
When someone blows a dog-whistle we know that the sounds from that dog-whistle will be detected by the dog even though we can't hear it. Our 5 senses are not able to detect the sound, but still we accept this as fact - as true - as our reality.


Because science has shown us that dogs can detect sounds we can't. Before science could prove it we did not believe it to be true.
We need to open up to the idea that there are things in our lives going on which might be true even though we can't use our 5 senses to verify it - like the Law of Vibration.
We need to keep an open mind and we should be better at thinking out of the box. We ought to realize that what we think is impossible today might be obvious and a known fact in 10-15 years time. The Law of Vibration might be a subject in school for children to learn about just like the Law of Gravity.
Today no-one question the use of the cell phone making it possible to talk to other people on the other side of the planet without a wire to be seen - it is all wireless.
You can't see how it works, but you believe in it since science told you it works. Then you tried it out for yourselves.
We can reach out to millions of people through the internet and no-one question that either because it is technology of our time. On the other hand if someone told you 40 years ago that you would be able to surf something called the Internet and you could reach millions of people using this internet with extremely low cost you would not believe it.
Because it would not be part of your frame of knowledge at that time in history.
If someone told you 100 years ago that you could carry with you a tiny gadget with the capacity to store thousands of songs, take pictures and enable you to talk to someone on the other side of the planet wireless you would think they were totally crazy. Today iPhone and similar phones with all these features are as common as milk and bread to many people all over the globe.

Radio waves

Inventors throughout history have had a hard time being accepted and believed by their fellow man when they invented something new. 

Because the frame of knowledge at that time did not have the ability to grasp it. The inventors and pioneers throughout history have made new ground. However many people are afraid of changing what they already know. Hence these inventors and pioneers being ahead of their time have been struggling to be heard.

Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and he was able to show to the world the feasibility of radio communication. However - he had a hard time being believed that signals could be sent wireless. His colleagues and other scientists said he was ready for the "looney-house".

He sent and received his first radio signal in Italy in 1895. By 1899 he flashed the first wireless signal across the English Channel.

On June 2nd 1896, Marconi applied for a British wireless telegraphy patent. Shortly thereafter he applied for and obtained a patent in the United States. He electrified the world when he succeeded in sending a wireless signal from Newfoundland to Ireland. Believing that radio waves, like light rays, on which signals had already been sent, shot out into space when they reached the horizon, some scientists did not believe his claim to have sent a signal across the Atlantic.
Today we know better.

However, Marconi was NOT the first one to discover the radio waves even though most people think so. Most of us, think of Guglielmo Marconi as the father of radio, and we know little of Nikola Tesla's work in radio.

Marconi claimed all the first patents for radio, something originally developed by Tesla. Nikola Tesla tried to prove that he was the creator of radio but it wasn't until 1943, where Marconi's patents were deemed invalid. However, people still have no idea about Tesla's work with radio.

Will we change what we believe in?

Maybe 15 years from now the Law of Vibration is a well know fact for every single person on this planet - just as much a fact as our planet being round and part of The Milky Way. Maybe it will be part of the teaching in every school and the kids will learn how to send out positive thoughts and vibrations as part of their behavior. They will learn to understand The Law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction and other universal Laws governing our lives.
We need to believe that anything is possible. We just need to believe it. Believing is seeing.
So believe in The law of Vibration - that everything is vibrating. Absolutely everything. We are actually living in a sea of energy or to quote Bob Proctor from "The Secret":

"We live in an ocean of motion"

Our thoughts are on a certain vibrational frequency and hence is part of the vibrating universe. The Law of Attraction, which is based on The Law of Vibration, states that we attract what we are sending out. Hence positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies.

Our thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Thought is the most potent vibration - so this means you can attract to you what you want and wish for.
Learn about the Power of Thought and how they make ripples in the sea of energy we call the universe, consciousness, the formula for success, universal Laws and more by getting the Free Make A Ripple Make A Difference e-book

In 1910 Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich".

He speaks of a thinking stuff from which all things are made:
"Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed".  "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.  A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration go hand in hand

When you know that your thoughts and emotions are vibrating ( Law of Vibration) and you know that "like attracts like" (Law of Attraction) you will appreciate that you can now start to alter your life just by altering your thoughts and emotions.
Unfortunately many of us are "programmed" from childhood to have thoughts and emotions about worry, fear, scarcity and so on.  If you change these patters of thoughts and feelings you will be able to attract into your life what you truly want.

Mike Dooley is an author with the bestselling book The Art of Living Your Dream. He is also the founder of "Notes from the Universe" which are short emails with often humorous reminders of life's magic and your divinity. In one of his Notes he talks about how we should think of our dreams as they have already happened which of course is one of the key elements of the Law of Attraction in order to send out the right vibrations (The Law of Vibration).

Just once a day, imagine the life you dream of. Believe that it can be yours in this world of magic and miracles. Choose to live as if you know of its inevitable manifestation. Don't compromise. Don't worry. Don't look for results. And as surely as spirit crafts one moment after another, so too will it fuse together the life you now lead with the life of your dreams as if they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, destined to become one.

So, why have many people failed at getting what they wish for? Why doesn't the Law of Attraction work?

Magnetic ForceIt does work as long as you send out the right vibrations. The Law of Vibration never fails. Everything vibrates. Experts in the Law of Attraction. say that you must do more than just make a wish.
Your emotions and feelings must also be aligned with what you wish for. It is not enough to merely ask for it if you do not truly have emotions and feelings that are in harmony with that wish. You need to "fall in love" with what you want in order to be in the correct vibrational state.
If you ask for more money through prayer, meditation or just by wanting it - it will not help you if your emotions and feelings are programmed to think that money does not grow on trees, or that you do not deserve to be rich, or that you cannot handle being rich etc.
If you grew up in a family where your father or mother (or both) always said: "do you think I am made out of money - we can't afford that" - then most likely you are programmed to believe this to be true.

Your subconscious mind has a different belief system than what you are wishing for. Hence your inner feelings and emotions are not aligned with your wish. These beliefs are thousands of times stronger than desires and wishes. So if you desire something like a new house or getting a new job it will not happen if your beliefs are "I can't". The beliefs win every time.

We all have built a blueprint in our mind (subconscious) of what we regard as true and what we believe in. This blueprint has been sculpted for years through your childhood by your father and mother, by your brother and sisters, by your friends, by what you read in the newspapers, by what you see on TV, by what you learn in school and so on.
If suddenly new information is presented to this blueprint it will not automatically be added. You can ask for more money of financial wealth everyday for several years and nothing will ever manifest as the Law of Attraction preaches because your subconscious is not aligned with that desire. This is the reason why so many people who attempt to change their lives using the Law of Attraction fail.

In order to change your belief system you can start applying affirmations.
"Reprogram" your subconscious mind with a new belief system. Believe that anything is possible, believe that you are rich, that you deserve to be rich, that you are happy, that you are healthy and so on. Make a list of positive affirmations and read them to yourself every day. Say to yourself those things you want to be or believe in.

Subliminal messages

Many people also use subliminal messages together with quiet music that enhance connection between the right and the left hemisphere of the brain. Embedded in the music are affirmations about good health or financial wealth or happiness and so on. Subliminals have been successful for many years to help people change their life.

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5 Tips To Increase Your Energetic Vibrational Frequency

The quantum physicists have proven it: We are not just this physical body. Our presence doesn't end at our skin line. We have an energy field around us.

This energetic aura connects us to other living beings and the universe around us. We are all interconnected. Each one of us has a unique aura, and we are part of the same divine brilliance that created the infinite cosmos.

When we are in touch with this feeling of being a part of the divine, our true essence being love, then our energy vibrates at a high frequency. Our positive thoughts and feelings and healthy practices support a bright energy field.

On the other hand, if we live in a state of fear, negativity, and separation, and fill our body with unhealthy substances (low-vibrational food, alcohol, and drugs), then our energy field becomes blocked, clouded, and dark.

Our energy is a magnet. It attracts experiences in the world to match our energetic field. Because we create our energy with how we treat ourselves inside and out, we are responsible for our energy and our life experiences. Life doesn't happen to us. Rather, our outer experience reflects our inner state.

Here are some of the ways you can take responsibility for your energy:

1. Focus on your breath.

This practice takes us right into our body, calms our nervous system, and shifts our energetic presence.

2. Take time to slow down.

Most of us are so busy filling our lives with unending tasks. Put SLOW DOWN on your to-do list and trust that's its a very important task.

3. Process and consciously feel your feelings.

Many of us learned to stuff our feelings down, especially if they are negative or “un”spiritual. Actually, the spiritual practice is to feel all of our feelings. The sooner you feel and process the feeling, the sooner and easier it will release. Being human is the doorway to the divine.

4. Repeat a mantra like, “I am divine love."

Mantras help to retrain your mind away from conditioned beliefs. They help us return to our true essence, as mantras carry a vibrational frequency that permeates throughout the body.

5. Cultivate compassion

Your energy is something you put out into the world. It either uplifts or drains others. When you notice this interconnection, how we affect one another, we start to take more responsibility for the energy we radiate.

By engaging in daily practices like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and healthy eating we shift our energy. We begin to operate at a high-vibrational frequency, the frequency of love, and that's when we are a magnet for more positive relationships and experiences.

When our energetic aura shifts, our consciousness expands, our nervous system neutralizes, and we begin to fully realize and experience a spiritual awakening... the recognition of our divine essence. Things become possible that weren't before. A miraculous life unfolds in front of us.

I'm hosting a free tele-seminar on spiritual energy and unleashing your divine brilliance on Monday, March 4. Details