Sunday, October 21, 2012

Purity of Motive & Integrity in Action

The first two principles of Evolutionary Enlightenment arepurity of motive and integrity in action. These two principles are the ever-untainted expression of the authentic self.
Purity of motive is an egoless impulse, a wholesome passion to create that which is new. It emerges only to the degree that the ego has been transcended. When the individual reaches that point where he or she aspires to become enlightened for the sake of the evolution of consciousness itself, this pure motive will naturally be experienced as a heartfelt connection to that higher purpose and potential. It cannot arise from the personal self or ego. Purity of motive is the feeling sense of the authentic self, the ecstatic compulsion to create the future.
As profound an experience as it is, the mere awakening of a pure motive is not enough. Unless we act upon that egoless impulse, its presence in consciousness ends up being only another spiritual experience, a momentary glimpse of our own potential for a deeper care. Purity of motive must always be actualized so that it becomes integrity in action. That simply means that the individual consistently follows through on that pure motive. And that takes a heroic spirit. For most of us, pure motivation arises in the heart thousands of times before it becomes an act of integrity that is expressed in the world.
The only proof of authentic transformation is the consistent expression of integrity in action. Integrity in action is not just an inner experience. It has visible, tangible effects on the complex and challenging matrix of human relationships and the world in which we live. When there is a seamless connection between the arising of pure motivation and the spontaneous expression of integrity in action, that means that at the deepest level the individual has become aligned with the egoless passion of the authentic self. Then a human life becomes a clear reflection of that dynamic wholeness that created and is still creating the whole universe.

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