Thursday, November 29, 2012


By Max Emfinger

Here are some shocking facts that have not been brought up for fear of hurting Obama, Axelrod, and Holder. What is Obama and the White House still trying to hide and what is the “Real Benghazi Coverup” that can not get out to the American People?

The truth is that our United States Congress had a “Gun-Running Operation” to the Syrian Terrorists. The big question right now: was it done legally or illegally? If it was done legally, then there are eight congressmen, four Dems and fourGOP, who knew about it. If it was done, illegally, then we need to know who authorized it.

If it was done legally, then Diane Feinstein knew about it and if it was done illegally, then she needed to know about it. Either way, these United States Congressmen are politically motivated to keep it quiet, but by doing so, they are committing Treason to the highest degree.

This is one reason why Obama let Ambassador Chris Stevens and NAVY SEALS Ty Woods and Glen Doherty die, because Obama and the White House did not want either our CIA or FBI to find out that the Syrian Terrorists were using our own guns to kill our own American people.

On Wednesday, Obama had his first White House Press Day in almost eight months, and Obama was asked if he tried to do anything to help to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and NAVY SEALS Ty Woods and Glen Dotherty and he again evaded the question. “I will not answer any questions in the Press, regarding our dead Americans, but instead, I will address their families,” said Obama in a very rude answer to FoxNews Reporter Ed Henry.
Mr. Obama is so disingenuious when he is talking about my dead son,” said Charles Woods on the Sean Hannity Show on Thursday, November 15. “Mr Obama has not once contacted us and he’s lying when he says that he has contacted us.”

Charles Woods also described his brief encounter with President Obama during the ceremony for the Libya victims. “Even at the graveside funeral for Ty and GlenMr. Obama would not look at me straight in the face. The CIA Timeline shows that everyone knew that Ty was asking for help and did not get it,” Woods further stated to Hannity.
“When he finally came over to where I was, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a person who was not at peace,” Woods said.  “Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me, but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” Woods added. “He had no remorse.”
My personal opinion is that Obama is faking his outrage of the dead Americans, because he is trying to hide something and he then always changes the subject.
And now the Bribery of General David Petraeus.

On Friday, Petreaus was slated to testify before U.S. Congress and Petraeus was to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the whole truth. Do they think we are all Stupid? The CIA has already lied on Thursday to protect Obamaand the White House.
What do you think that the American people and NAVY SEALS would think if they all knew that Ty Woods and Glen Dothery were killed by American guns used by the Syrian Terrorists?

The only hope that we had to find out the real truth about the BenghaziGate Coverup would have been if David Petraeus would break the ranks and tell us exactly what the Timeline showed to be the truth; but in the U.S. Congressional Hearing, on Friday November 16, over two months later, Petraeus did not break the ranks and tell us anything new except that someone in the White House had changed the original CIA talking points.
The current information is that according to House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Peter King is that President Obama and his deputies modified an intelligence report provided by David Petraeus to obscure the jihadis’ role in the Benghazi consulate attack on September 11, 2012.

The critical question now, as usual, is “who changed these talking points and why,” King said on November 16, shortly after attending a closed-door hearing where Petraeus explained his actions in the days after the surprise attack on the consulate and CIA building in Libya. So now, we still know that Obama and the White House are still hiding a Massive Coverup and the Coverup that they are hiding is bigger than the BenghaziGate Coverup.
Then, on Tuesday November 20, we get this news from Obama and the corrupt White House.

CBS sources revealed that James Clapper of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) was apparently the person that took-out any references to “al Qaeda” or “terrorism” from the unclassified talking points given to United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice before she went on four TV Talk Shows and told lies about what really happened in the Benghazi terrorist attack.

However, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said on FoxNews to talk show host Bill O’Reilly, “I’m not buying in to it.”

Krauthammer appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on Tuesday night November 20 and said that James Clapper apparently had a sudden case of “Amnesia” after initially claiming he didn’t know anything about who edited the talking points. Those talking points were full of lies and misleading information on purpose so as to support the Obama lies about what really happened in the Benghazi attack.

“I’m not buying it, because the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says that a week ago in classified testimony that the same James Clapper had said that he had no idea who changed the talking points,” said Krauthammer.”And now a week later, he seems to discover he did? That’s kind of strange. I’ve seen amnesia in my day, in my clinical days, and that one is pretty quick, in one week.”

“All I know is that in the end of the narrative that was spun by Susan Rice and continued by Obama afterwards for days and days afterwards, on Letterman and The View, was that it was a riot out-of-control, because they didn’t want the country to know that the boasting of Obama that al-Qaeda was dead, was simply another lie.”

Now, the real truth on why Obama and the White House have got to lie and continue to bold-face lie to keep t

The real Massive BenghaziGate Coverup from getting out to the American People.
A few months ago, the New York Times reported that our CIA had been working with Lybia and Turkey to run guns to the Syrian Terrorist Rebels. There also was a ship, The Lutfallah II, that sailed from America to Turkey with 400 Tons of Weapons on the ship to give to the Muslim Brotherhood who supplied the guns to the Syrian Rebels.

When we were talking about FastAndFuriousGate, we were talking about Obama and Eric Holder giving away or selling guns to the Mexican Mafia to kill Americans and Mexicans, with the intention and goal that the Obama White House could shock the American people and then demand to ban all of our guns and this is still the plan for the Obama Second Term.

With this ship sailing to Turkey, we’re talking about a FastAndFurious situation that is 1,000 times worse than the original FastAndFurious. If the American people found out that the guns that were used in the Benghazi Terrorist Attackwere supplied by our own CIA, I believe that Obama would have a few questions that he could not answer, although he would continue to lie and lie and lie.

Also, from very reliable sources, Obama had 13 reports on his desk on the morning after the Terrorist Attack and not one single report had anything about an anti-Muhammed video that caused the Benghazi Attack. So the bottom line is thatObama and our CIA supplied all of the guns to the Syrian and Lybian Terrorists that killed our four Americans.
And the sad thing is that all of the dead people and alive people that voted for Obama and are getting Free Food and Free Phones, do not care if Obama lies or kills, as long as they continue to get their Free Food and Free Phones.

One more piece of information that has been uncovered is that Sean Smith sent numerous emails out that stated that he was in “huge danger” and if he did not make it back home, for us to check-out the “Lybian Police” that were guarding him.

Still another piece of shocking information about Obama and the White House is that Russia is now reporting that The Muslim Brotherhood has several of our Stinger Missiles. Since we are using The Muslim Brotherhood to arm theSyrian Rebels, do not be surprised if they are not used on us.

All of this sounds like an episode of NCIS or NCIS-LA, but in those stories, we always have the great NCIS Agents to foil the Terrorists and in this current story, we do not.
Our good Friend Glenn Beck sums all of this up in a great Youtube Video so Click the Link  to view this Glenn Beck YouTube Video:
FastAndFuriousGate and VoterFraudGate are certainly huge, but BenghaziGate is the most Massive, because four Americans died and with all ofd these guns on the loose, there is a possibility for many more Americans to die!
Related Article Benghazi’s Smoking Gun? Only President Can Give ‘Cross-Border Authority’
Related Article Libyan Leaks: More Secret Documents Reveal Obama’s failure in Libya
source maxemfingerrecruiting
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