Sunday, February 10, 2013

Geo-Engineering: The Most Important Topic of 2013?

February 7, 2013 | By  6 Replies
Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor
Waking Times
This video is entitled “The Most Important Topic for 2013″, and next to the continued Ascension of Gaia, I have to agree. It’s one that everyone should definitely see and inwardly process. It’s about the devastating impact on our 3D planet by human intervention. It is vitally important ‘inside’ information by a very well informed geo-engineering source. The scientific evidence agrees with what sentient people have been feeling about the immanent collapse of the Earth’s 3D eco-system and what that means for us all. It’s ultimately about the grasping at straws and timely collapse of the old fear based reality we’ve been not-living in…

Six failed decades of manipulation

The video, about the horrendous impact of six decades of failed geo-engineering manipulation, will likely be quite shocking as to the extent and decline of the world’s physical biosphere. Yet as we look through the veils past the conditioning and cosy soft truths of society, then can we not truly acknowledge the reality of the wholesale destruction that is currently happening? Although unpalatable and unpopular, I have for a good while, spoken of the sixth mass extinction on our planet already happening. Increasingly that’s being backed up by hard evidence as this video agrees.
The speed of species decline, at over 100 per day, has no historic precedent. It’s faster than anything previously experienced. And since we are all an integral part of one living, breathing eco-system, once that life-line goes, it all goes.

An emerging butterfly

I’m sharing this video and message not to spread fear. It is to invite a deep contemplation of the truth. For it is only the truth that can ultimately set you free – “what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly“. At the end of the video, it makes some suggestions as to what we can do? There’s a key one which I would add:
“We need to embrace the fact that the world is going through a wholesale change which in the coming years is going to affect everyone single one of us. You cannot continue with today as if it were yesterday, nor in the misguided belief that tomorrow will be just the same. Life is very rapidly changing. After thousands of years of mistreatment and manipulation, the Earth is reclaiming herself. The only possibility for mankind with any longevity to it, is to go fully into the heart, realign with the natural order of life, and join Gaia in the next higher paradigm“.

Please watch and circulate as widely as you can…

About the Author
Chris Bourne – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.
I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here.
During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.
This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.
My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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