Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cannabis and the Human Body

September 6, 2012 • Posted by:  in Green Wellness

There have been a number of major scientific breakthroughs regarding cannabis and it’s effect on health and well being in the last decade. Long regarded as a folk medicine with major beneficial and curative pow
ers, cannabis has been the focus of eight decades of prohibition. However, recent laws are beginning to change that. Seventeen states, along with the District of Columbia have enacted Medical Cannabis or Medicinal Marijuana laws protecting patients, their doctors, and caregivers from prosecution under archaic drug laws. There are numerous health benefits to cannabis use, but after 40 years of the marketing of the War on Drugs, very few know the health benefits or are aware of what risks are actually associated with the medicine’s use. In recent years, scientists have worked to collect empirical data through control studies. Here are a few of the more interesting breakthroughs.
Prolonged Cannabis Use And Lung Health
Those who engage the public with an anti marijuana stance will often attempt to play up the concept that smoke of any kind impairs lung function, but a major study published this past winter says quite differently. The study indicates that even with daily cannabis use, lung function does not decline, and there is even a slight but marked improvement in overall lung function associated with moderate daily use as well.
Cannabis Extract And Advanced AIDS
We have known for some time about the effects of cannabis in treating hard to treat conditions such as neuralgia, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss in AIDS patients, but as I write this, in March 2012, new information comes in regarding its effect on inhibition of the HIV virus itself. It seems to be that there is a markedly curative effect when CB-1 and CB-2 receptors on immune cells are activated in patients suffering from the virus, causing an immune response that can actually slow the progression or AIDS. This information has far reaching implications, as it will likely allow science to get a better handle on stopping the disease.
Cannabis is Found to Be Effective Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA) and Other Pathogens
In 2008, Researchers at Italy’s Universita del Piemonte Orientale and Britain’s University of London, School of Pharmacy tested cannabinoids, the naturally occurring alkaloids found present in the plant, against antibiotic resistant staph. They found that the compound had “potent antibacterial activity” and was exceptionally effective against the virulently mutant infection and other infectious strains of bacteria where antibiotics and other compounds failed. Another study published the same year indicated that non-cannbinoid compounds also derived from marijuana plants were also effective against the deadly bacteria as well as against malaria. The highly evolved form of common staph is found more and more commonly all over the world, and is a dangerous threat to human life, as MRSA is responsible for a rising number of post operative infections and sports injuries, as locker rooms and hospitals are breeding grounds for these types of bacteria. The promise of an effective weapon against the advancing disease is truly promising.
A Novel Approach to Repairing Osteoporosis
Researchers with the Bone Laboratory of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem reported in the January 2006 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that activation of CB receptors, some of the same receptors which cannabinoids bind to in the human body, reduces bone loss in subjects, and these findings were backed up by research in 2009 at University of Edinburgh in Scotland. With the massive recalls of popular osteoporosis medications, the option of stimulating a naturally occurring process in the body to increase bone health via a natural product is cause to celebrate.
Munchies May Make You Skinny
In 2011, French researchers concluded using data from two studies that marijuana smokers have a significantly lower rate of obesity than non smokers. It seems like the concept of the munchies ruining your waistline is a thing of the past.
Cannabis Acts Synergistically With Opioids
Cannabis is well known to be extremely effective against pain of all kinds, including hard to treat pains like neuralgia and pain resulting from nerve damage. It also seems to improve the effectiveness of other pain relievers when used in conjunction. Studies published last year explain that the analgesic properties of cannabis and opioids share a number of common traits, and that when cannabis is prescribed and administered concurrently with narcotic opioid compounds, that the pain relieving effect was significantly increased, without increased opioid toxicity. In plain English, that means that when the two medications are given simultaneously, less opioids are needed to reach the threshhold of pain relief, thereby reducing narcotic overdose and opioid related dependency. Cannabis even shows major promise in treating opioid addiction, facilitated in large part by the same analgesic mechanisms.
More Promising Discoveries on the Horizon
It’s fascinating what science has recently discovered about this ancient healing herb. With these promising finds and many more similar studies in the wings, it’s going to be enlightening to see what they discover next.

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