All of the sacred sites, wherever they exist in the world, are placed on vortex points called “conductivity discontinuities”. At these places the geomagnetic field of the earth interacts with the telluric currents (the magnetic flow across the face of the earth), and, when the two intersect, there is a certain concentrated electromagnetic field which influences the body’s own energy field. This is what stimulates our states of consciousness when we’re at these sacred sites.
Julian Websdale, Guest
Waking Times
Waking Times
A lot of ancient texts, including the Indian Puranas and the ancient Egyptian building texts, have the same commonalities, which talk about a time before a massive global deluge struck the earth and wiped out, what they called, “cities of knowledge”. These cities of knowledge have now been found, in part of the myths that have been written about them and by people like Graham Hancock, who has found that there are indeed enormous cities 120 feet below sea level.
Sacred temples around the world have inscriptions that talk about these places as being fundamental to transforming a person into a god or a bright star. This wasn’t so much a physiological change as it was a shift in one’s state of mind. The whole purpose was to have a shamanic experience whereby for a few minutes, or, if you were able to stand it, for a few hours, you were able to release yourself from your body – part of your soul or subconscious was able to transcend the physical world and somehow connect with an astral reference library. It would very much depend on the questions you took with you into these places, as to what answers you received, and they were very specific for each individual person. The whole purpose was to find out, from this reference library, information that would help you to live your life more purposefully in this world.
Once you had access to the knowledge, which was known as the “knowledge of the gods”, you could use it in a number of ways, here on earth, in practical ways, to bring about self-empowerment. The more knowledge you had at your disposal, the less subservient you were to others who had been trying to control you.
These experiences are about taking a certain degree of control of your own life through the process of self-realization, which allows you have more conscious control over the way you live, enabling you to live your life with more awareness. This has been the primary motivation behind most of the mystery schools, all the way to the Freemasons, for thousands of years.
These sacred sites were built to last into our time. They were built to remind us of a time when we were much more connected, on a bigger scheme, not just to the earth and nature, but the whole cosmos – these places also measure the movements of the skies.
Ley lines are geometric alignments between sacred sites. These energy lines, also referred to as “serpent lines” or the telluric currents, don’t actually have any energy by themselves, but transmit and receive the energies present around the globe. All the sacred sites on the face of the earth, without exception, are all aligned on the crossing paths of the earth’s telluric currents, the magnetic lines of energy that flow across the earth’s surface.
The reason why the ancients sourced these vortex points is because they have a direct influence physiologically on the body. The magnetism present at these sites will start moving all the iron which flows in the blood of the human body. It is also going to affect the magnetite present in every person’s skull, thus re-orientating all the magnetite and enabling an altered state of imagination. So when you go to these sacred places and you experience visions or start dreaming, you should pay attention because an interaction between the invisible (metaphysical) universe and your body may be taking place. These places were set up for us to have such experiences.
The purpose of sacred sites was to improve one’s ability to get out of the left-brain and into the right-brain – the more intuitive side. The ancients recognised that you’re on a journey of experience, and the lighter your body becomes during this experience, the better you are at managing self-control. The more psychic or intuitive you become, the more aware you are of the life around you. You can become precognisant of future events and prepare ahead of time for certain events which may not be beneficial to you. You have a degree of control over your life, and that’s the reason these sacred sites were built – so you don’t have to rely on other people to tell you what to do. You are in total control.
About the Author
Julian Websdale continues as an independent researcher in the fields of esoterica, metaphysics, and mysticism. His interest in these subjects began in 1988, at the age of seven. Julian was born in England and received his education as an engineer from the University of Bolton. Julian has served in a Vaishnava monastery, and has travelled to over 14 countries since 2012. His work creates enthusiastic responses from inquiring minds across the world.
Blog: http://julianwebsdale.tumblr. com/
Facebook: pages/Julian-Websdale/ 413610718715260
Twitter: JulianWebsdale
Source: (2013) ‘Electronic sources: Sacred Sites & Energy Fields. Online.’ Available: [February 2013]
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