Waking Times
Bill Gates has been listed by Forbes as one of the world’s richest men, so when he makes plans to do something, people take note. Bill’s Microsoft money allowed him to build the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a huge $34.6 billion endowment and the ability to spend more than $1.5 billion annually on ‘charitable’ expenditures. This is partially what allows them to maintain a tax-free, charitable organization status. Warren Buffet has gifted him shares of Berkshire Hathaway to the tune of $30 billion. The Gates have more money than entire nations. Their budget is bigger than the entire yearly budget for the World Health Organization overseen by the United Nations.
Some of that ‘hard earned’ money is going into a new project, and it isn’t to build schools in Africa, to reduce poverty in urban cities in the US, or to build new infrastructure like solar powered city lights. Bill Gates is spending $30 million in a remote place called Svalbard, a barren rock near the Barents Sea about 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole to build a seed bank.
Along with him, pals from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Monsanto corporation, the Government of Norway, the Syngenta Foundation, and others are building a ‘doomsday seed bank’ officially named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.
This explanation of their modus operandi comes from their website directly:
Ensuring that the genetic diversity of the world’s food crops is preserved for future generations is an important contribution toward the reduction of hunger and poverty in developing countries. This is where the greatest plant diversity originates and where the need for food security and the further development of agriculture is most urgent.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which is established in the permafrost in the mountains of Svalbard, is designed to store duplicates of seeds from seed collections around the globe. Many of these collections are in developing countries. If seeds are lost, e.g. as a result of natural disasters, war or simply a lack of resources, the seed collections may be reestablished using seeds from Svalbard.
The loss of biological diversity is currently one of the greatest challenges facing the environment and sustainable development. The diversity of food crops is under constant pressure. The consequence could be an irreversible loss of the opportunity to grow crops adapted to climate change, new plant diseases and the needs of an expanding population.
The question is, what global catastrophic occurrence do the investors in this seed vault anticipate? If you follow the money trail it isn’t hard to figure out. Guess who is participating in this ‘noble’ project aside from the Norwegians:
· The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
· US Agirbusiness giant, Dupont/Pioneer (owner of GMO seed patents)
· The Syngenta Foundation – Swiss maker of GMO seed and pesticides.
· The Rockefeller Foundation – created the ‘gene revolution with over $100 million invested in GM science since the 1970’s
· CGIAR, a global network of Rockefeller Foundation supporters
If you think the recent scandals of the Wall Street Banks, Libel, and the Federal Reserve were outlandish, imagine global bio-warfare on the world population. That is what this is leading to. It will make the Russian bread lines flanked by the KGB of times past look like a play date.
City governments may try to fine you $500 a day for planting your own food, like they did in Orlando, but if enough of us do it, and home owner’s associations begin to understand the larger concern, the power-hungry loonies are less likely to be able to interfere with a sweeping grass-roots efforts to take the power back – namely through growing our own non GMO food.
About the Author
Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.Additional Resources:
- http://www.regjeringen.no/en/
- F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Montreal, (Global Research, 2007).
- http://www.globalresearch.ca/
- John H. Davis, Harvard Business Review, 1956, cited in Geoffrey Lawrence, Agribusiness, Capitalism and the Countryside, Pluto Press, Sydney, 1987. See also Harvard Business School, The Evolution of an Industry and a Seminar: Agribusiness Seminar,http://www.exed.hbs.edu/
- Myriam Mayet, The New Green Revolution in Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs?, May, 2007, African Centre for Biosafety,www.biosafetyafrica.net.
- ETC Group, Green Revolution 2.0 for Africa?, Communique Issue #94, March/April 2007.
- Global Crop Diversity Trust website, in http://www.croptrust.org/main/
- Engdahl, op. cit., pp.227-236.
- Anders Legarth Smith, Denmark Bans Glyphosates, the Active Ingredient in Roundup, Politiken, September 15, 2003, in organic.com.au/news/2003.09.15.
- Tanya L. Green, The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger’s Genocide Project for Black American’s, in www.blackgenocide.org/negro.
- Engdahl, op. cit., pp. 273-275; J.A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?, HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995, Volume 13, Number 8.
- Sherwood Ross, Bush Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons for Offensive Use,’ December 20, 2006, in www.truthout.org.
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