Monday, August 19, 2013

Ron Paul: Obamacare is a brainchild of Big Pharma

Monday, August 19, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: Ron Paul, Obamacare, Big Pharma

(NaturalNews) Natural News, as you know, is no fan of either Obamacare or Big Pharma. Neither, it seems, is former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. Paul, a physician himself, connected the two seemingly unrelated concepts during an appearance on CNN recently, claiming that one is actually the master creation of the other.

Here's the genesis of how the Affordable Care Act became the coveted creation of major pharmaceutical companies - and how said creation is expected to affect you.

As usual, the fix was in

You may remember investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald; he's the one who broke Edward Snowden's story that the NSA was spying on Americans' electronic communications en masse. In December, he wrote in The Guardian that retiring U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., and his aide, Elizabeth Fowler, were the chief architects of Obamacare (Baucus has since described the very law he reportedly wrote as a "train wreck").

The law, notes Kurt Nimmo at, is a "government-enforced boondoggle minus a public option salivated over by blindsided socialists far and wide."

"As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Fowler, his chief health policy counsel," writes Greenwald. "Indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it."

In 2009, when the forces of progressivism began coalescing around what would become Obamacare in the nation's capital, veteran journalist Bill Moyers said this about Fowler:

"She used to work for WellPoint, the largest health insurer in the country. She was Vice President of Public Policy. And now she's working for the very committee with the most power to give her old company and the entire industry exactly what they want: higher profits, and no competition from alternative non-profit coverage that could lower costs and premiums."

Moyers went on to note that Baucus was "one of the biggest recipients in Congress of campaign cash from the health care industry." After Obamacare passed, he "boasted that the architect of the legislation was none other than Liz Fowler," Moyers said.

"I want to single out one person," Baucus crowed. "... Liz Fowler is my chief health counsel. Liz Fowler has put my health care team together... She put together the White Paper last November 2008, [the] 87-page document which became the basis, the foundation, the blueprint from which almost all health care measures in all bills on both sides of the aisle came."

Paul knows the game

Paul, long a critic of government-centric solutions and corporate welfare schemes, was all over it in his interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer:

Under this administration as well, the drug companies, the insurance companies, organized medicine...they're the ones who write these laws, and it's corporations that are making out on this deal.

Nimmo adds that the ultimate goal of the progressives was not to dismantle "corporate insurance" or even create a single-payer system, one in which individuals pay taxes or fees into a government-created agency - mostly because a government-run insurance agency wouldn't be able to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes - er, campaign contributions:

The so-called public option, the idea that the government will create its own health insurance agency to compete with corporate leviathans, was never a serious consideration and was indeed anathema. It was a ploy crafted to trick persistently gullible Democrats into supporting yet another corporate swindle, this time enforced by the most violent and ruthless player on the block, the federal government.

Recently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada "let slip" that the ultimate goal of government social engineers is the creation of a single-payer system, which is present in Canada and Great Britain. But the law of the political jungle - pay for play - says otherwise.


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