Welcome to Chuuch Today Babies – the sermon is all about“Acceptance of History and Black Presidents“
We repeat this history lesson, because there is so much negative discussion on the color of the newly elected president – Barack Obama. He is a Black Man. Our Friend Bria of youbettarecognize blog sited the amount of animosity she’s encountered since the election; specifically in relation to who was the first Black Prez. so this one is for Bria Bria and all those inquiring minds. we also hope you’ll click our poll. it’s purely unscientific but meant to illustrate the lack of honesty in our own US History. I won’t say racism is the reason for the tension; but something needs to give. Thank God and the Historians for This Change. lets ALL make it happen.
There were other Black Presidents before President Obama. some of us believe this; some of us question it. so take it with which ever side you want to claim. we stand convinced that the historians are correct and fyi, we love J.A. Rogers.
Take a look at the facts about who was Black In the White House Before Obama
To help get you in the mood we give you NAS – Black President; feat Tupac
This is from “The Voice Online”
Why Obama won’t be the first black president
DARK TRUTH: Dwight Eisenhower’s parents on their wedding day in 1888TRENDY YOUNG Nichelle Carr is one of the high-flying African American attorneys backing Obama from these shores.She works for the top law firm Linklaters, which advises the world’s leading companies, financial institutions and governments, and represents a new class of black middle class here in Britain.She had dinner at my home the other evening, and I couldn’t help wondering whether she should be as excited as she is about the prospect of America’s first black president. After all, Obama will not be the first.If African-Americans knew the real story of their history, I wonder how many of them would be jumping up and down as if Obama was the second coming. He’s not even the third coming, or the fourth. In fact, if he kicks John McCain into touch come November, Barack will be the SEVENTH black president of the United. Yes, seventh.Remember, it’s racist America we’re talking about, where the one drop rule applies (one drop of African blood). In which caseDwight D. Eisenhower, the wartime general who became president in the fifties, is a bruvva. As one historian has recently pointed out, Eisenhower’s mum, Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower, was black.
Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president, had an Indian mother and a mulatto father.
Andrew Jackson, the nation’s seventh’s president, was the son of a black man and an Irish womanAbraham Lincoln, the 16th US president, was the illegitimate son of an African man.Warren Harding’s own brother and sisters were raised and treated like ‘coloured’ people. According to one historian, Harding used makeup to lighten his complexion.
Calvin Coolidge, America’s 30th president, admitted that his mother, Victoria Josephine Moor Coolidge, was dark.Black historians have written extensively that Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower had black ancestors. These historians include Joel A. Rodgers, Dr. Leroy Vaughn, and Dr. Auset Bakhufu.Black historians, however, were not the first to write about the five presidents’ racially mixed families. White historians and political opponents also wrote about their black ancestors, but the books were either destroyed, went out of print or are hard to find.The difference between Obama and these presidents is that they all passed for white (which he obviously can’t do) and shunned their dark-skinned relatives to hide their racial backgrounds.In Thomas Jefferson’s case, there is even evidence that his daughter remained a slave during his presidency (check out the book The President’s Daughter by William Wells Brown).Jefferson, America’s third president, had an Indian mother and a mulatto father. Jefferson destroyed all of the papers, portraits and personal effects of his mother, Jane Randolph Jefferson, when she died on March 31, 1776. He even wrote to everyone who had received letters from his mother to ask that they return them.Andrew Jackson, the nation’s seventh’s president, was the son of a black man and an Irish woman. His brother, according to articles and books, was sold into slavery.But the blackest of the presidents was Warren G. Harding, the 29th president, who served in office from 1921 to 1923. White historians claim Harding was of English and Dutch ancestry, but in truth both his parents were black.Harding’s black ancestors escaped from the South to the North via the Underground Railroad. He even attended a college for fugitive slaves at a time when it would have been unthinkable for any white person to attend such an institution.Iberia College, in Ohio, was founded to educate fugitive slaves – it’s now called Ohio Central College. When Republicans asked Harding to deny that he was a ‘negro’, Harding said, “How should I know whether or not one of my ancestors might have jumped the fence?”Harding’s own brother and sisters were raised and treated like ‘coloured’ people. According to one historian, Harding used makeup to lighten his complexion.Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US president, was the illegitimate son of an African man. Lincoln’s mother, Nancy, described her son as having very dark skin and coarse hair.Historians maintain that Thomas Lincoln was Abraham Lincoln’s father, but William H. Herndon, Lincoln’s law partner, disputes that assumption.After Lincoln’s assassination in 1865, Herndon contacted everyone who knew Lincoln and documented his life. According to the book, The Hidden Lincoln, From The Letters And Papers Of William H. Herndon, Herndon argued that Thomas Lincoln could not have been Abraham Lincoln’s father because he was sterile as a result of childhood mumps.Calvin Coolidge, America’s 30th president, admitted that his mother, Victoria Josephine Moor Coolidge, was darkbecause she was of mixed Indian ancestry. By then of course (1800) New England Indians were not pure because so many of them married black folk.You see why Garvey said it was important to know your history before we start showing the world how ignorant of our past we are? That’s the Yanks taken care of. I haven’t even started on our black queen Elizabeth II and the other bruvvas and sistas in the royal family.From the BookThanks to Dr Leroy Vaughn for this wonderful reference list :REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL READINGFIVE BLACK PRESIDENTSMorrow, E. (1963) Black Man in the White House. New York: Coward-McCann Inc.Whitney, T. (1975) The Descendants of the Presidents. Charlotte, NC: Delmar Printing Co.The 5 Black US Presidents
Jim Blair
If you think – as popular ethnology thoughout the ages, not to mention the US census, has assumed – that anyone who has any ‘black blood’ counts as black, you should find the following exchange from usenet, compiled by Big Issue Ground author Jim Blair, interesting. You can explore the topic in further detail by buying a popular $4 pamplet on the subjectfromAmazon.com
I recently was informed that there were black presidents before George Washington and the book “Five Black Presidents” was a good source of information. However, I can’t find it anywhere. So, I just wanted to know if there where black presidents before G.W. Thanks, EDThe book was published in 1965 by the noted historian J.A. Rogers. Actually only four Presidents of Afrikan ancestry are identified in the book. They are: 1) Thomas Jefferson 2) Andrew Jackson 3) Abraham Lincoln 4) Warren G. HardingThe 5th was not named in the book at that time. Even though the evidence was strong, at the time of the writing of the book, it was not conclusive that Eisenhower is/was the fifth one.It is also asserted that Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin, was known to have “black blood” in him. In addition, Alexander Hamilton is said to be the son of a woman, Rachel Fawcett, who had “mixed Blood”.ORIGINALMANI picked this book up a few years ago and found it quite interesting. It was written by a contemporary black woman with a Ph.D. in black history or something and partly based on J.A. Rogers booklet which was published under a similar title much earlier. J.A. Rogers, of course, is the great self-taught black historian/sociologist. The later book is a small press one that probably did have a substantial first printing. I saw it once in a black book store and never again anywhere else.I found all but two of the arguments weak, speculative, mainly. Then, of course, there was Warren Harding, the worst President ever who particularly admitted he had a black ancestor: “I honestly can’t say who my grand-daddy went to the woodpile with”. And then the stunner – Dwight Eisenhower. The argument presented for him knocked me off my feet. I’ve been convinced he’s black ever since.The Eisenhower argument was presented straightforward enough. In the Virginia town he was born there were two “Links” families, a white one, and a black one. The question is, which one did his maternal grandfather come from? Eisenhower’s maternal grandmother isn’t suspect. Her lineage is lily-white as far back as you can go. But this guy who married, Eisenhower’s mother had a child with her, then disappeared, is the one. Two other items about this case. Interviews made during the 50s uncovered some very old people who long remembered referring to Eisenhower’s mother as “that black Links gal.” These people asserted there was never any question about what she was. And finally, the most stunning piece of evidence: a picture of Eisenhower’s mother on her wedding day. This picture is included in Eisenhower’s auto-biography, “At Ease!” I dropped the book when I saw it. This woman would not have been able to eat in restaurants anywhere in the South before the end of segregation.Cinque
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