Thursday, September 5, 2013

GMO vs. Organic Food War

gluten blood

Get the inside stories on what you thought was food being sold in America.
Get the Natural News on restaurants and schools that serve up toxic meat and don’t think twice about it.
Cancer attacks every other man in U.S., and every third woman. There is a 50% survival rate. You need a plan! You can’t sit around playing a guessing game with what you eat, drink, and put on your skin. You need to know what chemicals the FDA is allowing in your food, what the latest names for them are, and how they can affect your immune system and your vitality. Make informed decisions. There is a cumulative effect from consuming “just a little bit” of toxins every day. There are over 70,000 chemical agents allowed in our food supply which cause your cells to mutate, divide and multiply. You don’t have to be a victim! Get the inside scoop now.
The body is the temple of the soul. So why then don’t we have guards at the gates? Only knowledge and self-discipline can preserve your temple, and keep out the greatest killer of all time. Everybody talks about, “eating healthy”, and that’s good, but the focus of this book is on not eating chemicals. We eat them every day; it’s true … even nutritionists will gain some insight from this site. Join the evolution of healthy souls!
Here is a revolutionary idea: How about instead of surgically cutting out where the “disease” is attacking and then dousing it with chemotherapy, we prevent and kill the disease by cutting off its fuel. Let’s cure this problem on the front end. It’s time that you cut off the enemy supply lines by eliminating your intake of chemicals! Just as a General in the army would do to weaken the front lines of the enemy, we give our body the ultimate fighting advantage.
Will you be “okay” with a premature death? I doubt it. So then why do most of us act like we’re okay with it? There is a cumulative effect from eating poisons, even if it’s just a “little bit” each day. There are enough chemicals in common products to easily end your life in the next 10 to 20 years.
Just as you have to be a defensive driver to avoid accidents, you have to be a defensive consumer to avoid all of the chemicals that you can ingest on a daily basis.
So … how badly do you want to live?! The Natural News Tracker identifies a pattern of chemicals most of us consume that bring lethal consequences; consequences the same as those suffered by the victims of serial killers – they’re all dead. It just takes cancer a little longer to zero in on you.
If you were getting sick from moldy bread, would you look for a cure from a vaccine, or medicine, or consider surgery, while you kept on eating more moldy bread every day? No. So why then do we spend so much time and money on finding a cure for a CHEMICALLY DRIVEN KILLER, all while we keep pouring in the poison that breeds it?! Change the way you look at the cure for cancer … view it as a disciplined, active prevention plan, and the cure will follow. Even if you already have cancer, if you stop pouring in the poisons, your own good cells will have a much better chance of fighting and surviving the bad ones. It’s common sense.
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