Thursday, October 24, 2013

4 Conditions for WORLD PEACE. Would you accept these conditions?

Do you want WORLD PEACE?  What does World Peace Mean?  Think carefully before you answer.  Go past your gut reaction.

What would you do for World Peace with NO WAR, PLENTY OF FOOD, where everyone gets everything they need and there is no blatant murdering of warring countries.  Were we know of nothing done to the public that is not perceived as beneficial?  All public information is good, positive?

Would you give up anything, even the smallest thing for the promise of World Peace?

What if you got what you wanted?

But there were conditions?

What are the conditions? (Hypothetically Speaking of Course)

*1st Condition; As a United States Citizen you would have to accept that the United States is no longer the Super Power (we), United States Citizens, think we are.

*2nd Condition;  You would have to accept that our currency (US Dollar) is not the singular currency that everyone uses as currency to trade for goods or services around the world. (It's now the ____?)

*3rd Condition;  Pretend for a moment that there is only one or two countries that are sovereign and they will make all the decisions for all the so called countries.  Would you give control of all internal decision making to another country.

*4th Condition;  The United States would be ruled and owned by (The Property of),  Another country, for Example (hypothetically), China.

Would you accept all of these conditions for WORLD PEACE?

Compromising ones values not beliefs is giving into the Devil.  Values are ingrained in and make up who you are.  Values are a product of your upbringing.  Your parents, your peers, your family values.  (Never yield to your values!)  Your values are not meant to be compromised.  Beliefs however can change or be discussed and compromised. I used to believe in Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Ferry.  I loved them and they were a wonderful parts of my childhood.  But I don't believe in them any longer.  That does not change or take away the memories of my childhood or the joy they brought my children.  Those feelings and memories will never disappear.  But nevertheless the characters that formed those wonderful memories are not part of my belief system as an adult.  They are not part of my value system.  One could argue that they are part of tradition.  That is another discussion.

I am a United States Citizen.
I am a Citizen of the North America
I am a Citizen of Earth.
I am a Citizen of the Universe.
I am a Citizen of My World!

I can choose to live outside my world if I desire but in the end there's just me and my God, Gods, Source, Whatever you want to call it,  in my world.

So do you want world peace and equal opportunity for everyone if this is what it cost?

*Of course this is just hypothetical fodder for discussion purposes. Or is it?

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