Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm


Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm

(NaturalNews) As of the time of this writing, if you search on Google for the URL of the United Way Sandy Hook fundraising page (see instructions, below), you will get a Google search result saying the page was created on December 11, 2012.

What's so odd about that? The Sandy Hook shooting took place three days later, on December 14, 2012.

If your head is suddenly ringing with shouts of "conspiracy theory!" you're not alone. This kind of news immediately sets off red flags with most people, including myself. "Is this for REAL?" I found myself asking when I first saw this.

So I grabbed a screen shot from Google search results, and you can see that below. Yep, it shows December 11, 2012, clear as day. In fact, it has consistently shown this for the past four days.

Click here to see these search results yourself. (If you get results showing any date other than December 11, then Google has changed them.)

The parameter on the end of the search URL, by the way, is "as_qdr=y15" which tells Google to display the date the page was created.

Here's the screen shot of the results I have been consistently getting over the past several days:

As you can see, it clearly shows "December 11, 2012" as the date the page was created. The page reads:

United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown / Sandy Hook...

For a full screen shot of the United Way page, click the following link:

It's clear that this page was created to raise funds for Sandy Hook victims. Yet the Sandy Hook massacre did not occur until three days AFTER this page was created, according to Google.

I did some checking around and found that one Google engineer says the date is a "glitch." That seems odd, since Google's date property seems to be accurate for everything else I can find.

For example, I wrote a story about the mysterious death of John Noveske yesterday. If you run a Google search for it, using the date parameter, it correctly lists the exact HOUR of my publication of that page.

Click here to see the search results yourself.

So I'm not sure why Google search results would be correct about seemingly all the others pages it indexes, but somehow wrong by three days on the United Way Sandy Hook fundraising page.

The "glitch" explanation seems suspect to me. It sounds like a quick answer to try to downplay something that could be the biggest story of the year. Because if the United Way knew about the Sandy Hook massacre three days before it actually happened, then the entire thing had to have been scripted.

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