Belsebuub, Guest Writer
Waking Times
You should be active in your spiritual life.
You’re never going to discover why you exist, and what the purpose of your life is, if you don’t do something about it. Do you want to live your life superficially, or do you want to have a genuinely spiritual life?
Reading, discussing, watching videos and belonging to groups might be helpful to begin with, but ultimately it’s not going to get you there. If you want to have a rewarding spiritual life you’re going to have to EXPERIENCE.
It doesn’t matter what you think about consciousness, higher truths or different dimensions, it’s what you experience and what you are that counts.
Planes of existence beyond this world exist, there are higher beings, heavens and demons, and hell is real; I’ve been there. I’ve seen realities that can’t even be imagined or dreamed about.
Wake up and see for yourself what’s really going on. Be more conscious in your life and learn from the dimensions beyond this. But watch out, because you’re ingrained in a passivity that will stop you, and you don’t even realize it. That passivity is ingrained into the subconscious in all of us by society, and by the feelings and emotions that are part of nature’s program, which we were born with.
This will drag your inner state down when you try to elevate it to spiritual states, it will make you search for pleasure and satisfy animal drives, it will keep your life stuck in this plane of existence, locked on a mechanical track with few choices, and you won’t even know it’s there.
Esoteric Knowledge is Used by the Few and Denied to the Many
Dancer at a pop concert with the all-seeing eye within a triangle symbol on the back of their shirt and a hand sign symbolizing three sixes.
People have less inclination towards serious issues and are more willing for others to do things for them. Other people and institutions then make many of their decisions for them. With the result that a huge number of people are only able to understand simple slogans, and are thus able to be manipulated by those in power. And, in terms of spirituality, the tendency is to follow the herd and accept what they have been brought up with or what others do without any deep questioning. But spirituality is far too important a subject to leave up to someone else, or to have as a blind belief. Its an individuals fate beyond this life that’s at stake and that’s a very high stake not to take a serious interest in.
If you look for knowledge far enough you’ll discover a maze of ideas, but are likely to come across some information on out-of-body experiences and symbols. The two are related since the language of the astral plane is in symbols. By learning to have out-of-body experiences, you’ll be able to learn much more of what life and the universe is about. But you’ll also start noticing that symbols from the astral plane are everywhere in society.
They are in movies, in the logo’s of corporations, in ancient art, in music videos, public buildings, religions, they’re all over the place. So why isn’t everyone familiar with them? Why is it that mostly people and institutions at the elevated end of society seem to use these symbols?
Suppressing Higher Knowledge
The all-seeing eye within a triangle as used in the emblem for an intelligence agency.
The result is that esoteric knowledge basically has been wiped out of societies repeatedly, and yet there are groups at the higher levels of society who obviously have some kind of knowledge of esoteric symbols and ritual and a wider esoteric knowledge too. But you’ll often find this knowledge is inverted, it’s of darkness and is being used as a vehicle for power and evil.
Dark symbols, landscapes and themes used in the music industry.
Higher spiritual knowledge is demonized in many ways in society and has been for a very long time. And yet its darker aspects are so common in the music industry and Hollywood, most people take it as fiction, but not all of it is, and I believe there are agendas behind its use in the entertainment industry, some working to affect people at a subliminal level. And being used to direct peoples ideas and attitudes in ways the media, and influences behind the media want them to go. This gives an extraordinary level of control over people and that’s not healthy.
Not All Secret Societies are ‘Bad’
There have been many types of secret esoteric societies, some were created for sinister purposes, some out of religions to further their agenda. Some were created with good intentions, and some today have well meaning people in them doing good.Not everything esoteric or occult is from the dark side, fundamentalist Christians often label everything esoteric as Satanic, but it’s not, some of it is actually a remnant of white ancient knowledge. Some societies began as fully fledged esoteric orders, but became watered down with time, lacking people with sufficient inner awakening to participate in them.
Many of these became infiltrated by dark forces as people motivated by greed and power took control of them. Their original good intentions hijacked to fulfill sinister purposes.
It is necessary to have levels of secrecy in many areas of life, in some areas of government for example (assuming the government is working for the benefit of its citizens). Esoteric societies used secrecy out of necessity for their own protection. Have a look at a video of Gurdjieffs ‘Meetings with Remarkable Men’, look at the levels of secrecy in it, towards the end there’s a secret esoteric school. They needed that secrecy to protect themselves from people who would have destroyed their school. Not everything secret is bad, esoteric knowledge has been protected by hermetic silence.
You can’t have something like this today, people would ruin it. Pearls are not given to swine, as Jesus said, or they will trample them underfoot.
The Use of the Word Cult to Stop People Forming Groups for Higher Spiritual Knowledge
The cult word today is being used as an instrument of suppression and it restricts your freedom. If you take an interest in something spiritual, say astral projection, and you get together with a group of interested people, and they elect you to be the head in some way, you’ll immediately be classified as a cult leader and your group as a cult. And if someone attends and they don’t like you they can lie about you in public and be supported by a huge number of institutions, religions, groups of abusive anti-cult witch hunters, atheists, the media and society in general, and if you look for justice you’ll find it’s priced beyond the reach of ordinary people. How are you going to withstand that? Your life will be ruined.
A poster for the EU containing upside down pentagrams and an image that bears a striking resemblance to the tower of Babel (mentioned in the Bible) in construction.
They don’t want you to become empowered by consciousness and wisdom. Behind the scenes they manipulate the media to make you believe these things are wrong, but they are not. You have a right to gather with others to stand together and face this ignorance, to fight for truth and to know the secrets of esoteric knowledge. You should empower yourself with truth and become active for the good of society. Statistically the most persecuted religious minority in the western world today are not Jews or Muslims, they are modern Pagans. Society is not free.
Spirituality has been Commercialized
Upside down pentagram used in the emblem of a police force. A pentagram the right way up is a symbol of light (signifying a person ascending to heaven). Forces of darkness use this symbol by inverting it and thus attracting the powers of darkness.
The figures of commercial spirituality are not spiritual teachers they are celebrities, their messages are simplified and watered down to the extent they are misleading. They often fish other peoples ideas and present that work as their own, they are talented writers and speakers, but they are businessmen and women, supported by a highly sophisticated industry. If you have a spiritual message to share, but you’re not up to making money for these corporations, you’ll be ignored.
The Source of the Suppression of Knowledge in Society
Religion, lots of different interests, corporations, individuals and groups combine and organize to create the world as they want it and work behind the scenes. I’ve been attacked by some of them. It’s been going on for a long time in society.
This spreads like the roots of a tree from secret mystical societies through the upper scales of power and influence in society, until it’s influence permeates the lives of the unsuspecting majority.
Darkness has its hierarchical structure, which goes through society, to a small number of initiates of darkness, then through the hierarchy of evil out-of-the body to demons and the forces of darkness. A hierarchy of light also exists, but THE HIERARCHY OF LIGHT IS BROKEN, it has been smashed and does not reach society.
One of the results of this is that the different ventures of truth and good in the world have little or no understanding of the esoteric principles of life, lacking that common understanding they are split, weakened, dissipated and often become infiltrated by dark forces. Darkness has virtually won the war for the human race.
A Global Awakening is Not Happening in Consciousness
A pop star mimics a character from the old film Metropolis in which a woman was created to destroy men through sexual desire using entertainment. Notice the upside down pentagram – used to summon the forces of evil. The pop star then proceeds to strip out of the robot suit and dance scantily clothed before millions of people.
And don’t be fooled by those studying non-physical phenomena such as consciousness and the astral plane, who use scientific methods to draw theories about what they’ve never experienced. Or who say that non-physical phenomena are constructed by the mind alone. The result of this will be to keep you from searching for higher knowledge while out-of-the body, while in life being immersed in inaccurate theories.
It’s great that people search for truth in society, each human being has a responsibility to work for the forces of light in the struggle against darkness, but becoming initiates is even better. A small number of initiates of light in the world could create a powerful force for good.
You Need the Astral Plane to Understand Secret Symbols and Ancient Knowledge
Pop star covered in upside down crucifixes and doing a symbolic gesture in covering their eye – creating the all-seeing eye.
Esoteric symbols are the language of the astral plane, and that is their origin, just as it is the location of ghosts, demons, angels, divine beings and much of the paranormal. Ancient peoples used the astral plane for knowledge and brought back it’s symbolism for use in their teachings and temples.
Evil people become initiates of darkness and thereby get access to knowledge of evil. Initiates of light get access to knowledge of light. Ordinary people get ordinary knowledge = dull.
There are ascending serpents (light) and descending ones (darkness), get knowledge and don’t fall into the trap of drawing conclusions from ideas that have no esoteric experience behind them. It’s easy to do that, but you’ll just stay blind to higher truth, even if you fight for truth on a physical level. Fight for truth on all levels and empower yourself with white esoteric knowledge.
The Sleeping Majority Whose Destiny is Out of Their Hands
The consumer society with its indulgence in the lifestyle of greed has its price, in the suffering and destruction that follows to people, animals and the environment. But it has a higher more subtle cost in enslavement to the many corrupt structures and people that exist in society. And an even greater enslavement which is of the dumbed down sheep like existence of a person whose consciousness is asleep, who drifts through life in a semi-comatose state, oblivious to the wider universe around them, with a Santa Claus like view of cosmic reality, which they call religion.
The average person is a person who doesn’t know why they exist, nor what the purpose of their life is, it’s a person who dies and whose destiny is out of their hands. Who moves on a circuit of lives from one to another until the last life is over, then submerges into the abyss (look up hellish near-death experiences if you want to get some idea about this). The majority of people don’t want to wake up and don’t want others to wake up.
Ignoring esoteric knowledge has a cost, a very high one. It’s much more difficult to discover and even talk about higher universal truths than it is to explore the truth behind events that happen in society. But it’s necessary to find them if you want true knowledge.
Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free (Jesus)
If you don’t do enough to discover higher truths, you won’t get them, the best you can do is to get glimpses here and there, and try to be content with that. Why not be one of the few that wants to discover more about what’s going on, and be completely free in mind and consciousness?The problem is in making the sacrifices to do it, facing opposition from the many forms of the forces of darkness, and enduring the hardships of the way. The hardships are the testing ground of life; we’re all in creation’s testing ground, and that’s why we’re here. Darkness enables us to see form, and opposition is necessary for awakening. And yet the difficulties of life are a major reason there are very few people actually trying to self-realize.
Study yourself, get knowledge from outside the physical world, become an initiate of light and go through an esoteric process of change. Be aware of what traps you, be strong and set yourself free.
The world destroyed a man, but the man became a serpent and lay hidden in the womb of the cosmic mother. But darkness beware, because the serpent rises to one day reach the light and be devoured by the eagle. And then the feathered serpent can fly.
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