Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chippie, Crossing the RFID Rubicon

Monday, October 28th, 2013. Filed under: Just Zen Mind Control Orwellian World surveillance society

by Zen Gardner
Things are moving so fast it’s almost a blur. The draconian programs being implemented on every facet of society are coming at us like a swarm of locusts, devouring the vitality of our very existence. Never mind the deliberate toxification of our minds, society and planetary geosphere and similarly propagated dumbing-down of our species, genetic alterations and transhuman mergings with embedded nano technology are screaming into commonplace acceptance.
As we say in the alternative research community, by the time some “advancement” comes out in the mainstream, it’s usually already been in existence and use for decades. We know this to be true with bar codes, swiping strips, chipping and techno-tracking devices. Besides massive military and surveillance use, supermarkets, manufacturers and retailers have used these types of technologies a long time for tracking inventory and marketing purposes.
We can be sure we’ve been not just monitored by, but ingesting nano tech for some time. From tainted food and water to chemtrails, this technology has been let on the loose in varying stages for quite a while. The final stage will be to get each entity they want to control embedded with the ultimate two-way transmitter. Not only will these seemingly innocuous little grains of happy techno-chippies make your health easy to “monitor”, but you’ll be rigged for a new level of control we’ve only so far seen in books and movies. Again, all part of the conditioning.
Speaking of conditioning, this takes the cake and is as blatant a move as we’ll ever see to sell slavery as empowerment to the unsuspecting.
Warning: if you submit to this, crossing over into this stage could be a one way trip.

RFID Mascot Begins Nationwide Tour To Help Alleviate Children’s Fears Of Implantation

In an effort to separate myth from truth regarding the federally mandated Obamacare RFID chip implantation program, a public awareness campaign has been launched to tour in a number of public schools across our nation.
The operation features a jovial animated mascot, a cartoon RFID chip named “Chippie”. They use the character to demonstrate to their young audience the benefits of having the RFID implanted under your skin.
After a whimsical 30 minute cartoon following Chippie during one of his many adventures, there is a puppet show where children are encouraged to ask Chippie any questions they may have relating to the RFID chip or the implantation process. Each child leaves the exhibition with a “Chippie” stuffed doll, coloring book and several informative pamphlets for their parents to read that may assuage any lingering fears to their children receiving the device.
Many of them were eager to get implanted with the chip on the spot. “It felt like a pinch”, explained Doug Walker who attended a recent Chippie seminar a Carbon County, Wyoming school.  Holding up his slightly swollen left hand bearing the tiny hole where the needle had been inserted he said. “Now I can get free candy every time me and mommy go to the bank or the grocery store!”, he beamed proudly. “Chippie is my new best friend who lives inside of me!”
Walt Eisner, the creator of the “Chippie” character was summoned to speak to parents during the maiden flight of the brand new campaign. “We would like to assure parents that there is nothing to fear with the implementation of this new program. It is something that will inevitably benefit everyone in the long run and there are virtually no downsides. This will create elevated ease, convenience and security in all everyday transactions. With the technology available these days, the program is long overdue.” Source

Sold!…Or Is It?

There you have it, plain as day. Apparently the kids are clamoring for it. Or so they would like it to appear. Remember first and foremost, this is a world of propaganda when it comes to pushing anything official, so you can generally read the reverse of just about anything they say. And since when are the PTBs out to alleviate our fears? Only when it’s fear of them. And people have every right to be.
And “Walt Eisner” is the creator of this Orwellian character? You think that’s his real name? What comes into your mind when you see that name? Right – Walt Disney and Michael Eisner, Disney himself, the brand, and the former Disney CEO kingpin merged into one name. “Parents, don’t worry, it’s as American as Mickey Rat!” Don’t kid yourself, these subliminal messages are extremely powerful.
It’s quite easy to make anything a fad in this social milieu. Practically all you have to say in this blind leading the blind environment  is “everyone’s doing it!” and into the tank they go. And guess what? Those who refuse the chip will not only be unfavored and frowned upon and considered suspicious, but they’ll be unserviceable. When buying ability is attached to your chip identity and information and you’re not happily going along with the program, its gonna be:
“Off with his chip!”

Where’s Your Line in the Sand?

If you drew yours a long time ago like many of us have, these successive decisions are simple. However, for those who’ve been ignoring or compromising their convictions for whatever reasons, it’s going to be a lot tougher. When people won’t even consider the idea that something with such serious repercussions and consequences as 9/11 didn’t happen the way they told us, we have a serious problem as a society.
Even Christians who’ve shouted about this chip as the Mark of the Beast for ages are changing their tune, instead being steered by Zionists and NWO advocates alike to believe their real enemy is not a centralized hyper controlling world state, but Islam. How convenient is that?
On the battle goes, but the hubris of this uptick of Orwellian controls, surveillance and militarization is remarkable. Like the old adage how if you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough it becomes the truth. Such is our current world.
Don’t take the chip and tell others the same. And beware of their doing it while you are getting “treated” for something or under anesthesia. Have someone with you at all times. They also administer vaccines during those times without your knowledge, or embed smaller chip versions in vaccines, even while claiming it’s a shot for something else. Find alternative healing techniques; that fascist medical system is nasty to the bone.
By the way, I’ve seen some interesting chip disabling techniques on line that seem to have potential if you find you’ve been chipped, or were coerced into it. Search them out and store the information.
Be well. Practice living outside the matrix. There are muscles to be developed but it’s not overwhelming. Live there, speak from there, interact with others from there. Don’t operate from their shifting sands of vague, easily manipulated relativism. Decisions are much clearer and easier standing on a firm foundation of truth.
That’s what keeps the fires of Truth and conscious awareness spreading.
Love, Zen
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/crossing-rfid-rubicon/#sthash.o6xeX1F8.dpuf

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