Thursday, October 10, 2013

Here are several precautions that can help shield individuals from a radioactive food supply:

Protect and detoxify

Here are several precautions that can help shield individuals from a radioactive food supply:

- View all fish and crustaceans from the Pacific Ocean as tainted.

- Always use filtered water for cooking and drinking.

- Pay attention to the origin of dairy.

- Wash any produce thoroughly with natural soap and rinse with purified water.

- Avoid meat from contaminated regions (including wild game).

Another level of defense is explained in the article, Remove radiation from your produce with Calcium Bentonite Clay:

"You can add Calcium Bentonite Clay to your milk and drinking water if you're concerned about the possibility of contamination there as well. Add approximately 1 ounce of liquid Calcium Bentonite Clay to a gallon of organic raw milk or water. Some people prefer to let the clay settle to the bottom of the liquid and discard that portion, while others prefer to shake it up and drink them together. Either is fine."

All in all, it truly is a sad state of affairs when the idea of donning a hazmat suit simply to handle our food is not as outrageous as it once had been.

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