Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Do I need a Heavy Metal Detox™?

Yes, we probably all need it. Research tells us that toxins are found in just about everyone, even newborns. All life on planet earth, human beings and animals alike are daily exposed to toxins.

How are people exposed to toxic or heavy metals?

In the world in which we live exposure to toxic metals comes from many sources. Following are a few common examples:

  • Fish – can contain mercury, in addition to other toxic metals
  • Chicken – arsenic is often given to chickens as a growth stimulator
  • Vegetables – grown near major roads are exposed to vehicle pollution and can contain lead and other petrochemicals; not to mention pesticide sprays.
  • Vaccinations – Thimerosol is a mercury preservative contained in some vaccinations given to young babies.
  • Dental Fillings – The amalgam mercury based filling is over 150 years old and is the greatest source of toxic mercury build up in the body and mercury pollution in the environment.
  • Deodorants – Many traditional deodorants in the USA contain aluminium chlorohydrates and other ingredients. Aluminium, a common skin irritant, is a poisonous neurotoxin. The World Health Organization has found a link between exposure to aluminium and Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the other ingredients are believed to have a link to breast cancer.
Cleanse your body from toxic metals

How do heavy metals affect my body? What damage can they cause?

Mercury, lead, tin, and cadmium are heavy metals that have an impact on both the brain and the Central Nervous System (CNS) - affecting the chemical synaptic transmission in the brain, CNS, and the Peripherals. Heavy metals disrupt brain and cellular calcium levels, interrupt development, impair communications within the CNS, and are related to mood alterations and disease. The significant affects to many body functions include:

  • The Brain - calcium levels in the brain affect cognitive development
  • The Central Nervous System – neurotransmitters are chemicals released by neurons for communication within the CNS. Impaired release of calcium-dependent neurotransmitters result in depressed levels of hormones norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. The release of neurotransmitters is related to: mood, sexuality, emotion, motivation, digestion, and muscle control. There is a correlation between calcium levels and degenerative CNS diseases.
  • The Skeletal System – Skeletal Osteodystery due to disruption of calcium levels in bones.
  • The Cellular System – Impaired cellular nutrition and energy production as related to the disruption of cellular calcium-sodium ATP pump processes.
  • The Endocrine System – The thyroid, hypothalamus, and the pituary glands are organs that can be negatively impacted by mercury and other heavy metals. Developmental delays, behavioural and learning disabilities, decreased IQ and attention span, mental retardation, and autism can be the results.
  • Other neurological effects, linked to heavy metals and mercury, include connections to delinquency and violence, which can result in serious potential consequences for society.
Heavy metal poisoning caused by factory pollution
Toxic and Heavy Metals affect cellular transfer, as well as, the levels of important minerals and nutrients. Deficiencies occurring in essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, iron, zinc, lithium, and Vitamins B-6 & B-12 can have significant neurological and health effects, such as an increase in toxic metal neurological damage. In addition, heavy metals also deplete proteins and inhibit the production of anti-oxidants, which has been discovered to be a major factor in neurological and immune damage, damage to Mitochondria and DNA, Chronic Autoimmune Conditions, and other diseases. Heavy metals can cause Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System Disorders; can induce a wide variety of neuropathologies; as well as, disturbances of macromolecular synthesis and metabolism. More simply put, toxic and heavy metals cause disturbances in our body’s systems, affecting the integrity of our blood, and inducing degeneration in our organs and bones.

Mercury – has found to be a factor in children with neurological conditions. There has been a significant increase in children in the USA with neurological conditions, such as autism. An increase of 600% of which a 200% increase alone has occurred in the past decade. In the majority of those children tested mercury has found to be a factor.

Nickel – A significant relationship has been discovered between exposure to nickel and the mortality rates in animal studies. A correlation has also been found between large numbers of individuals with high levels of nickel in their bodies, and serious auto immune disorders and/or allergic conditions, such as: lupus, eczema, and psoriasis vulgaris.

Lead - High levels of lead will affect the blood-brain-barrier (bbb) in the Central Nervous System and has been linked to impulsivity, inability to inhibit inappropriate responding, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Aluminium – Encephalopathies and dementia are related to high aluminium levels.

What is considered a normal level of mercury in the blood? How long does mercury stay in your body?
There is no safe level of mercury in the body. It is one of the most neurotoxic agents known to mankind, causing a wide range of health problems, especially affecting the brain and the heart. Mercury, locked in the body’s organs and tissues for years, can only be released with the help of a chelator. Using HMD™ combined with Chlorella (500 mg) – a dose of two caps, three times daily, over a period of three to six months will gradually mobilize and eliminate mercury from your body. HMD™ is an effective heavy metal detox product.

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