Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fukushima: Beyond Urgent' and the radiation warnings you won’t get from mainstream media [VIDEO]

'Fukushima: Beyond Urgent' and the radiation warnings you won’t get from mainstream media [VIDEO]

'Fukushima: Beyond Urgent' and the radiation warnings you won’t get from mainstream media [VIDEO]

Barbara PavoneWeb stuff
November 19, 2013 - 10:10 AM

Following up on our '28 facts that prove Fukushima's nuclear disaster has put the West Coast in danger' post from earlier this month, we share with you this educational - and outright frightening - video entitled 'Fukushima: Beyond Urgent'.

As you watch this 10-minute montage of news clips and footage from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, you will hear bleak visions of the future offered by a variety of international experts, as they discuss the impact the disaster has had on our food chain and will have on our health in the years to come.

Let's just say, it's really not a pretty picture they paint...(make sure you get to the 5:00 mark)

'The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda Machine', a powerful essay posted by Daisy Luther and Nina O, provides even more insight on the matter. We present you with some of the most thought-provoking passages below:

"Radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster in Japan is now actively in the ecosystem all along the North American west coast… even the sea weed is now radiated.  The Vancouver Sun reported one year ago that the seaweed tested from waters off the coast of British Columbia were 4 times the amount considered safe.  No further test results were released after the initial report.

The governments of the United States and Canada are not conducting tests for radioactivity – at least not to the knowledge of the public.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to continue purchasing seafood from Japan, despite the fact that the food is not being tested for radioactive contamination.  Last November, independent testing in Japan showed 65 per cent of the catches tested positive for cesium (a radioactive material).  Instead of refusing to purchase the poisoned fish, food safety agencies in both the United States and Canada have simply raised the “acceptable level of radiation.”  We can’t go offending the Japanese after promising to buy their tainted goods, now can we?"

"How can we protect ourselves? First, be aware of what items are likely to be highly tainted.

1.)  SEAFOOD:  Question the origin of ALL seafood.  Fish and crustaceans from the Pacific Ocean should all be considered to be poisoned with radiation.

2.)  WATER: The rainfall and snowfall are all radiated.  Do not drink any water that has not been filtered. The tap water that flows from your faucet has NOT been treated to rid it of radioactive particles. A recent report from the NY Times stated, “A rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours …

3.) DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk and milk products from the West Coast states currently have the highest levels of radiation in North America.

4.) PRODUCE: Leafy Vegetables, Wines, Tomatoes, Strawberries...all produce from California or any other West Coast State are also likely to be tainted.

5.)  MEAT:  If a animal eats any leafy vegetable all along the West Coast, that animal has consumed radiation, and is poisoned.  This is any animal from cows, pigs, goats, sheep to wild deer and other game.

If you eat the above foods from areas with high radiation levels, you are eating radiation and feeding it to your children. Slowly the radiation levels within your body will build up.  This is PERMANENT."

Talk about serious food for thought. (To read the essay in full, head here.)

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    Your article is so full of errors that I wouldn't know where to begin commenting. Why don't you spend some time finding the facts instead of just attempting to alarm people? For instance, the governments of both the US and Canada are in fact making measurements of environmental radioactivity and radiation. They were doing so before Fukushima and are still doing it. Why don't you Google EPA radnet. You may actually learn something.

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        Think again!
        The only thing full of holes is your comment!
        Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean
        The toxic substances are Tritium, Cesium and Strontium
        On a test made on 15 dead tuna, all 15 were found to be contaminated with radiation. Of the fish being sold to Canada, in 2012, the Vancouver Sun recorded the number of specimens testing positive for Cesium-137, namely: 100
        per cent of monkfish, carp, seaweed and shark; 94% of cod and anchovies; 93% of tuna and eels; 92% of sardines; 91% of halibut; 73% of mackerel.
      • Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of…

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        "Testing positive" doesn't mean anything without magnitude and units. Cs-137 is detectable everywhere on earth as a result of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, but the amounts are minuscule. If you knew what you were talking about (not just repeating someone else's scaremongering) you'd know these things.

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          so what the fuck is someone on the West Coast supposed to consume? fucking nothing?

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              This article is very unscientific with no specifics or sources cited. I am concerned about radiation in our food but this helps not.

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                From The Oragon Live newspaper
                Andy Norris keeps putting it off. But he plans to stop eating his
                twice-a-week tuna sandwich. He’s worried about the traces of radioactive
                particles from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster detected in
                local albacore.
              • Fukushima radiation fears for fish along Oregon coast…

                  • Avatar

                    Goodness sake, why all these lefty medias so love to inflame ignorant and innocent peoples' fears!
                    Fukushima Fact and Fiction
                    Fukushima disaster has not raised cancer risks, says UN
                    Radiation and Reason Why radiation at modest dose rates is quite harmless and current radiation safety regulations are flawed
                    A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto
                  • Radiation and Reason Why radiation at modest dose rates is…

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