Thursday, November 21, 2013

Would you take a free house in Fukushima to raise your children, but you have to stay there for 5 years. Why not?

Clearly the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is just that, a Disaster of Worldwide proportions.  This is not Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl or even 3 Mile Island!  

If nuclear fallout lasts thousands of years, how did Hiroshima and Nagasaki recover so quickly?.  See why.

They were miniscule in comparison.  Even Chernobyl does not compare to the destructive and disastrous effect that Fukushima will have on the world.  Call me an alarmist, if you would like.  Stop reading if you don't think there is some truth in what I'm saying here.  But think about this before you stop reading, What if there is some truth to this?  What would that mean for you?  I'm just asking for you to find out.  We can get through this but not without a plan.

"This is no time to bury your head in the Sand and think that Government will take care of this.  THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW!"

Do we have any business playing with something that we don't know how to handle?  Because we know how something works that does not mean should employee it in everyday use with unknown or acceptable consequences   I know a little about Fission and Fusion but I am certainly not going to build a reactor.  

Do we have any business working with something we no relatively little about?  That is exactly what we have been doing for 40 years +.  I can find all kinds of statistics about nuclear waste, nuclear power, nuclear everything.  But we know in our hearts of hearts if we are true to ourselves, that nuclear power is not the answer for cheap energy.  If its so cheap why are our energy cost going up?

Clearly the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is just that, a Disaster of Worldwide proportions.   Problems are clear and obvious if you look into it.  What can we do now to ensure that it has little affect on the rest of the world.  You may be able to take care of yourself and your family, but what about the food you will eat or are eating right now.  Is it free of radioactive isotopes or Cesium?  You won't know until its too late.  Fukushima will be a dead environment for many, many years or decades if not centuries to come.  It is no Hiroshima or Nagasaki.  Chernobyl is not even close.

If you don't believe that,  What if I gave  you a house in Fukushima for you to live in, if they let you live there, would you take it?  There would be some conditions. You have to raise children there and you cannot leave that area for 5 years.  Would you take the free house?

NOW WHAT DO WE DO about it?

The answer is whatever it takes.  If you can not answer what ever it takes?  Then we have a problem.  We have a massive world wide problem.  What now!!

You don't hear much about the Nuclear power plants in the media, but that doesn't mean they are going  away.  In fact I believe that means it is far worse than they say it is.  Call me paranoid.  I am unconcerned about any names you may have for me.  What I am concerned about is BEGGING you to prepare for what this event has created and what to do about it for all our health. If you do not feel that way then by all means please quit reading and put your head back in the sand.  Go play a video game or watch the Simpsons or play on Facebook.  

Now for those of you that believe that this is a WORLD DISASTER, what is next?  What we can do is talk about it and demand that it be handled to the best of the World's governments abilities.  I mean DEMAND it.  This is not something that can be swept under the rug.  At least not for a few 10's of thousands of years!

I understand it is a scary proposition, but you had no decision in the matter but you have a decision to make now.  Wait for the government to tell you what to do, wait for it to affect you or fight for you and your families' lives.  Prepare yourselves. 

How much do you know about nuclear energy,power plants
Should we use it?

What do we do with spent fuel rods
This is life or death....Oh sure not death right away.  Gradual death from cancer,  thats much more acceptable.

Looking at how the Pacific Ocean currents flow it accurate to say that Japan's environment has an effect on the West Coast of The Unites States of America.  We need to take a hard look at this.  I am not a scientist but I can read current flow and I know Geography.

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