Monday, November 11, 2013

Fukushima Update, The Pacific Ocean is dying


All these fuckin corporations polluting the shit out of the planet. First BP, now these dipshits at tepco.. We should hold a world lynching and hang all the executive fucks that run these companies. ASSHOLES!!
I just dont undderstand why they left the situation in hands of corporation. Its a world problem and UN should be in the case of solving it. Refusal to let others countries helps or anything like that should be a declaration of war agains the whole world.

Adam Sweet via Google+

2 weeks ago
#fukushima   #dead   #ocean  
View all 8 replies
What is happening?
Thanks Qronos for helping to get the word out about Fukushima. And what do you know, nothing on MSNBC FOX or CNN, but good ole RT news is reporting. Also thank you for posting the link to the petition, I hope that everyone viewing will sign and congrats on 50k views.

Steph Russell via Google+

6 days ago
Check out this video on YouTube: This is very SERIOUS but we don't see much on the major News Stations.........WHY?
Same thing on GMO's, shhhhhhhhh, hush up, big daddy's wallet is full with pay offs as usual !
Yes but this woman will never be silenced and they don't care about me but I don't plan to stop EVER! I said I believe in TRUTH and I will bring that to the forefront as best that I can. I have lost one child, gave one to people I thought would make better parents when I was 20 and have a daughter and three grandchildren. The son I let go of when I was 20 came back into my life over 20 years ago so he came to know some of his blood brother and sister. I will always be truthful and I will continue to search for the truth in our world.
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I'd start with the global bankers first. They are the ones who fund this insanity. No money, no project.
The energy we have used to harm and threaten others has turned against us
 This is our collective Karma

Joe Smoe via Google+

2 days ago
Hate to share this bad new so close to chistmas  but it needs attention !
Are world is at stake!  
I remember President Obama looking in to the camera and saying" Fukushima was not a danger and Americans should not be concerned"..........come to think of it was the same time the President said "if you like health care you can keep your health care period"......Oh shit...
shared... something needs to be done about this urgently...
ATTENTION ALL RED ALERT A breaking new video has just been released titled FUKUSHIMA RADIATION PACIFIC OCEAN NWO ILLUMINATI 2013 EXPOSED As we speak the Pacific Ocean is dying from the radiation that has been spreading from the Fukushima explosion..Yet mainstream is not informing people of the danger. For this holds plenty of danger to mankind. To learn more about the effects and what you can do watch the video, LEARN THE TRUTH! To view this video visit my channel for its my FEATURED VIDEO
Two and a half years later and not ONE SINGLE DEATH.  Hype. 
why do you think its a payback on America.
they shouldn't hurt those dolphins the way they did. and this wouldn't of happened. the world media brought it the heart of people that give a dame. and Dammed Right smack bang on Japan.
WOW! First up: Nice Guns! Slang 4 arms aka... Arm/Biceps! Secondly: U don't understand sarcasm... I am totally AWARE of the Horrendous nature of this disaster... And the cost to ALL THE WORLD, NOT JUST HUMANS of which the greatest effect shall be Upon the Japanese! As WITHOUT you "explaining" it to me they are the MOST affected! Thirdly: Hence I'm not Blind or Ignorant! Fourth: ALL our ancestors ARE IMMIGRANTS regardless of where your from! Except...Turkey! Fifth: PEACE... & hav a nice day!
We have,but not on this moronic,avoidable,careless,reckless scale.
Yes polar bears on the Alaska Coastal areas.
I already grow my own food,and Latino sheep called the cops lying saying I was growing marijuana.Cops now know that I'm not and I even gave the cops some plants,it's all good.P.S. They don't care if I did grow cannabis,as long as I'm not selling it or growing more than one plant.Which I am now considering.
Certain people don;t deserve nukes.Even if it is true,I partly support it....partly only.Anyone who creates weapons of mass destruction and pollution of nature deserves to be destroyed themselves.Sure you can say the same about America,but we are a very different country of all people's of the earth.We do not bow to the government like the people of China,Japan and Korea.We have more freedom here also compared to them and Iran,even more freedom than Britain.
That's not paying back America,that affects the entire world.They have destroyed the ocean and many peoples food source,including their own.Also this radiation will surely have a greater affect on Japan's own people.You blind ignorant immigrant.
I'd gladly volunteer as executioner.
"Trolling" is a vogue word that may or may not apply to my statement. If by trolling you mean some dishonesty or insincerity, I take exception to that and reject the insult. If my proclivity to irony and satire is your accusation, I accept it. I certainly don't care how many agree or vote down the truth. No one who judges wisdom or best practices by consensus or votes has a chance in Hell of reaching the correct result. Popularity is for politicians and entertainers, not for philosophers.
Maybe Japan's paying back America for Hiroshima & Nagasaki! With the rest of the world be written off as, as Americans would say when they ACCIDENTALLY kill and you family...... "Collateral Damage"
That would be Sweet Sweet JUSTICE! Its too bad they've got 2 BILLION rounds of hollow point, and all we have is hope & mindless distraction through T.V. :(
What you'll find if you look is that it these Elitist scum are getting ready LYNCH most of us(Mass depopulation) so that they may inherit the world. This is all foretold in the Bible, Man has had 6000 years to show IF he can manage his affairs! From the very beginning using selfishness and secret societies a few servants of lucifer have Subjugated the rest of mankind. Read Morals & Dogma it exposes their plan. However the Bible exposed their plans 2000+ years ago, its approx 30% prophecy!
Yeah there is enough hemp rope, or well...there could be if it was legal to grow. It grows fast. How ironic would it be to have people hung with the one plant that could liberate us from big oil, big pharma, and the bogus "war on drugs".
High thyroid cancer rates detected in Fukushima children November 5, 2013 ABC News Since the disaster the Fukushima local government has carried out a large-scale screening program and with about 200,000 children tested, there have been 18 confirmed cases of thyroid cancer and 25 more suspected cases – an unexpectedly high rate. And it's not just the thyroid data that has been kept secret, so too were the initial meetings of the Fukushima panel charged with screening the region's children.
wikipedia./wiki/Stuxnet‎ Stuxnet is a computer worm discovered in June 2010 that is believed to have been created by the United States and Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Youtube ; " Jim Stone Fukushima " to see how a Israeli security co. working under cover installed " stuxnet " a computer virus that caused the Japan nukes to melt down. A must see.
It's truly disgusting and I am thankful we live in a world where the common man has such a powerful voice. Fortunately now any one person can share their ideas with the world, and while it gets a bit convoluted at times I wouldn't have it any other way. People are starting to wake up and understand that network news is now a function of profitability, and it is poison for the mind.
The state of journalistic ethics in the United States (and I wouldn't be surprised to hear all first world countries are like this) makes me sick. There was a time when journalists were the voice of the people and the ultimate branch of our governments "checks and balances" was the media. Now if the important stories aren't buried beneath Miley Cyrus photo ops, they simply "update" the same story, peppering in various like-minded commentators to tell us how we should feel about said story....
Keep in mind that there WAS another earthquake at the site on Oct 23 or 25 2013. Is Tokyo being evacuated ?
Howw come that NPPs are still regarded as a "private business" of a Nation? Does Japan exist on its own planet? Ho many NPPs must fail until People realize that they are useless and dangerous crap?
Allowing TEPCO to deal with this is like asking the burglar who devastated your house to repair it.
Evolution is so sucessful that it has now eveolved a creature that shamelessly taps the roots of the created order, and poisons the very basis of its own existence: The calamity called 'humanity', and both the avarcious industrialists building the nucelar plants as well as the gimmick-starstruck consumers of endless amounts of energy for their own entertainment are to blame, they are in the same boat, and it is sinking.
unfortunately there isn't enough hemp (rope) in the universe to hang all of these bastards. BUT there might be enough bullets!!!!
Seawater fence not fixed yet / Tokyo Electric “It doesn’t work to stop contamination anyway”
November 6th, 2013 Fukushima Diary
The screwed seawater fence hasn’t been fixed yet, according to Tokyo Electric. Tokyo Electric explained it is difficult to investigate because it’s under water.
They added the fence doesn’t have the function to stop contaminated water or decontaminate the water.
Tokyo Electric hasn’t announced how the radioactive density was affected in seawater due to the lack of one of the fences.
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xxxxxxxxxxx LOVE & PEACE xxxxxxxxxxx
Hosea 4:1-3, Ezekiel 38:20, Zephaniah 1:2-3 just examples of God's hand at work, through Man and the Earth, to wake people up. Regardless if people think some of these Prophecies were already fulfilled, History always repeats itself. This could be Ezekiel 38:20, because it hasn't happened yet imo. Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
The real question about reactor 4 should be, how did it develop hydrogen gas and blew up, if all fuel rods were in the open cooling pool?! The water would have to be under extreme pressure and heat in order to split off hydrogen which can only happen in a closed reactor, In an open pool the water would have boiled and evaporated long before being able to develop hydrogen gas... reactor 4 blowing up is as likely as WTC building 7 collapsing from a few office fires. This whole story stinks.
Looking at these comments with the exception of the top comment, maybe its best if the human race does just vanish up its own arse forever and make way for a more worthy spicies to take our place ! ! Obviously stupidity and insanity rule for humans on this planet ! ! !
HOLY + BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Israel's GOD is real LOOK into WORLD history and you will SEE. don't be so EARTHY its OPEN at DEATH. PEACE BE WITH YOU ! P.S. THINK :)
For thousands exposed to radiation in Fukushima, it`s the youngest generation that is most at risk. 03/11/2013 ABC News Tests commissioned by the local authorities have discerned an alarming spike in the incidence of thyroid cancer in Fukushima children and while specialists and experts are reluctant to draw a definitive link between the tumours and the nuclear radiation that erupted from the stricken power station, citizens are nonetheless deeply concerned.
 I am saddened and ANGRY over this.  The world's Nuke experts should be helping the inept Japanese.
we accept all and we discriminate against all, we are hoors
Hoor have you ever been to a Hoorhouse?
You know that's for sure. Actually Ive been dealing with it since I was a kid in the 70s.
You get voted up Kristy cause you are yummy.
Seems like no one here agrees with your trolling statement. Got voted down completely. ROTFL!
I have a question.
How do you repair or work on this... and like live? Wouldn't you die from some type of radiation?
Is everyone who works on this at a physical level going to die from radiation?
Oh and after looking at your 3 videos, who are you to tell someone they need to change anything about there videos? Q has over 4 million views! 45,000! Hmm who am I going to listen 2? Not you!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL since this video has over 80,000 views and most all his videos has over 20,000 views that makes your comment pointless. This video has 1,063 links and 14 dislikes. You wanna what nice colored pictures go type in cartoons. You'll find a whole bunch bro! Shut up!!
Fuck all this hashtag and google shit! I just want to reply 
#fukushima   #dead   #ocean  
this video is beyond bullshit. i don't know what to call it.. and the bgm.. and the people taking this.. just wow.
With ALL the scientist on the planet you would THINK they would be jumping all over this. What is going on..... end times
I'm afraid you're right. Too much poisoning of the food supply going on for them to all be coincidences. I think it's a spiritual battle ramping up, myself.
Mike, you're a bit of an asshole. Did you know that?
the same reason it started will be the reason it will finish.
It wasn't there fault. and I can't say it's bad luck. there fixable. and Obama has the choice of concern. If he act's the world will support him. like there drug f..ked.
yea, your country is responsible for most of the damage to the world.
yea like the americans did in california
It's not the isralies it's the american industrial complex that's screwed this world.
Your're right in part "by the greed of the united states"
That's why the americans build them in California. Give your head a shake!!
You sure have i'm glad you can come clean on that
the neuclear power plant was designed in part by gereral electric boise. So for those in the united states your hands are not clean.
There goes that saying "that the money is the root of all evil"
The Assholes didn't take something under consideration when they helped to plan these things to be built. Leuren sais it's a planned depopulation for the world and she said "there's no question in my mind that's what this is". It's just too convenient that these things have such problems, and they have top security underground bases to go to that general population hasn't access to use.
that's why they build them in california
"I tried to classify your species & I realizd that u'r not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but u humans do not. U move to an area & u multiply & multiply until every natural resource is consumd & the only way u can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do u know wat it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet"
UN and all other countries around the world especially the US and the European government doesn't want to get involve because they do not profit from it financially, they do not want to spend money on this because they would rather spend their money on chaos, war and destruction... Oly ordinary people like us are oncerned about fukushima but all political leaders are not because if they do they would have to spend money to help out japan on this problem, same goes with UN and NATO.
What they are not telling you is, this is a planet killer.  There is no way to fix this.  Even if they do get everything cleaned up at Fukushima, how are they gonna collect the 300+ tons of radioactive water that has been dumped into the ocean everyday for the last 2 years? 
The Pacific Ocean is sick and dying.  Anyone that goes to the beach, or eats sea food will get sick and die. 
The US is directly down wind from this disaster.  Anyone want to guess where our rain water comes from? The PACIFIC OCEAN.  Just the fall out from the rain will kill plants, animals.  If will get into our fresh water streams and lakes.
We are at the time of Wormwood.
Did you know the Pacific Oceans covers about 35% of the Earth and Revelation 8:9 says "a third of the living creatures in the sea died" and Revelation 8:10 -11 says "It will cause a third part of all fresh water on earth to turn bitter and many people will die from drinking it."
Ison is on its way toward the Sun.  Something will impact the earth, probably into the Pacific Ocean and spread all that contamination around the world quicker than you can blink.
This is it, for all you none believers, PLEASE WAKE UP.  The tribulation has started!
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Japan lawmaker reprimanded after emperor letter hits nerve
TOKYO Fri Nov 8, 2013
(Reuters) –
On Friday, Parliament's upper house barred Yamamoto from attending events with the imperial family and issued a stern warning, an official said.
Yamamoto, an actor and anti-nuclear activist elected to the upper house in July, said he had wanted to tell the emperor about the "endangered future" of Japanese children due to health problems from Fukushima.
A vast swathe of land remains off-limits, while traces of radioactive contamination have been found in rice and far out in the Pacific Ocean.
The issue of nuclear reactors is a minus for the government, and that's one probable reason the reaction is so strong.
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