Monday, December 2, 2013

Practice Your Affirmation Statements with Timing & Mirror Work, EFT Part 5

Practice Your Affirmation Statements with Timing & Mirror Work

More On Your Affirmations

Doing affirmations is one of the best ways to be kind to your mind, every thought you have, every sentence you speak is an affirmation of a sort. It is either positive or negative. However, you can also do specific intentional affirmations. And the beautiful thing about doing affirmations is that you can radically improve the effectiveness with EFT.
You can do this by first creating a definite positive statement that builds you up instead of beats you up. We're talking about definite positive statements to make or do, something in our lives or to create a specific goal.
You can start this process with positive self-statements. Even if it doesn't feel true to begin with, you will want to do these statements or affirmations many times a day.

Timing of Your Affirmations

When you wake up, when you go to bed, every time you go to the bathroom you should say them.
It is especially important to tap and say the affirmations before you go to sleep. This is probably the single most important time to do it. I can't encourage you enough to do the EFT affirmations every night. It is one of the most important principles I can give you. When you tap before you go to bed you will give your subconscious from 6-8 hours to work on your affirmations and help create them for you.
If you find prayer a helpful resource like I do, you will want to integrate your prayer into the EFT sequences as I believe that will help dramatically increase the effectiveness of your affirmations.
It took me a nearly a year after learning EFT before I got in the habit of tapping before going to bed, but I want you to avoid my mistake and not wait awhile before you start doing this valuable technique. Start tapping each and every night before you go to bed.

Mirror Work

This is actually quite simple and inexpensive; all you need is a mirror and some time. You can certainly tap alone or in the dark, but I find it is far more effective to tap while staring at your own eyes, in the mirror. This seems to provide a far deeper connection with your subconscious. It's almost as if the mirror is reflecting back your energy into you rather than going out into space somewhere.
If you haven't tried this yet you really need to consider doing this profoundly simple yet powerful technique.
You can begin by looking in the mirror and doing your EFT affirmations and you can tap that in on all the EFT points. Pay careful attention and listen to what you hear, especially focusing on any negative messages that can be blocking your progress.
May not get any messages initially because you are so used to beating yourself up and you are not used to a kind loving thought, but listen and follow through and learn to trust yourself.
We frequently have a tendency to beat ourselves up for every little thing no matter how small. All of us can use forgiveness on a daily basis and you can use the mirror to help you here also.
You can start by looking into your own eyes and say, "Even though I wasn't successful or I was angry or impatient or mean or cruel" or whatever problem you need to forgive yourself for then say, "I forgive you, I was only doing the best I could"
I forgive you for holding onto those patterns for to long, I forgive you for not loving yourself."
And when you say "you" you are looking directly into your own eyes.
You have to try this as it is quite powerful. Remember to always acknowledge the negative thought if it is there, but don't give it a lot of importance.
Then you will want to use EFT on the negative thought that comes up and create a positive opposite.

The Real Reason Why You Can't Achieve Your Goal Or Lose Weight

A very common occurrence that will present itself is when you start to tap for a food craving you will have a memory of an image, person, place or event that the craving reminds you of. When you are doing the tapping sequences, you will want to pay special attention to these usually negative thoughts or images that come up. Carefully listen for any statements that your subconscious is telling you are not right or true for you.
This is writing on your wall and causing an psychoenergetic block and unless you address that reversal is not going to allow you to progress forward. This is usually the major challenge for you and one of the primary reasons as to why you have been able to successfully implement your goal in the past. Unless you directly address this issue by some means, it invariably will self-sabotage your efforts to achieve your weight loss goal.
Fortunately the solution is quite straightforward with EFT, you simply acknowledge whatever self-critical thoughts, images or feelings come up and then chose to simply love and accept yourself while taping on your acupuncture meridians.
Do this persistently and eventually your system will improve with time. Remember to say your statements with great enthusiasm and all the emotions you can muster. Your subconscious mind will not convert your affirmations into reality unless you can tie the statements in with emotional energy.
Let me provide a few examples to more fully illustrate my point. When I once gave an EFT demonstration in front of 400 clinical nutritionists and I had a volunteer come up who had a food craving. It turns out the physician who volunteered had a craving for Rice Krispy treats that were in the exhibit area. Her craving was a strong 10. As soon as we did one round of tapping, her eyes started to water and she was on the verge of tears. When I explored the issue further with her, she said that she was reminded of the time when her mother would give her M & M treats to get her out of her hair.
So the real issue had nothing to do with her craving for the treats but it was the love and attention that her mother did not give her and the clearly inferior candy substitute that her mother offered her. We tapped on that issue and her cravings for the sweets disappeared instantly.
Another example would be a woman I saw who was 64 years old and was having trouble losing weight. When we started the EFT affirmation sequence, she had a memory of how the last time she was her normal goal weight she was pregnant. Even though consciously she very well knew that short of a miracle, she was not going to become pregnant at 64, she was blocked from going forward with her weight loss. Her subconscious was convinced that if she achieved her goal weight she would instantly and immediately become pregnant.
Fortunately, we were able to use EFT to bridge the gap to the subconscious and connect it back to reality. Once we completed tapping that issue through, she was able to successfully lose the 22 pounds of weight she had been unable to do for over 20 years.
This is a very powerful illustration that the subconscious is absolutely neutral. Remember your subconscious is your faithful servant and it will provide you with exactly what you tell it. It could care less whatever demand you place on it. In many ways it is like your computer. It will perform whatever instructions you tell it. So you must be very careful of the instructions you provide.
The above story illustrates a negative example of the power of the subconscious, but you could just as easily implant positive affirmations and your subconscious will just as reliably provide you with that result in your life. I offer some practical suggestions on how to take advantage of this principle below.

Be Persistent With Your Affirmations

When you first say an affirmation, it may not seem to be true. Please remember that affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It helps if you think of our mind like a garden in which your thoughts are seeds that you are planting. When you do these affirmations, it is like putting a new seed into the ground.
Remember when you plant a seed in the ground, you only have a little tiny seed, you don't have a full-grown plant. That little seed needs to germinate. Then it breaks open its little shell and it starts to get nourishment from the earth. Then first the roots come out and then and only then does that first little shoot come out through the ground.
Just like it takes some time to go from seed to a full-grown plant, it takes some time from your first affirmation to the realization of your goal. It doesn't matter whether you see the results or you don't see them. You have to trust that it just takes time.

What Can You Do When Your Inevitable Fear Thoughts Come Up

When a fear thought comes up, simply say thanks for sharing, thank you for protecting me. Do not give it power. Don't run from it. Whatever comes up, it is very important to acknowledge it, when you hear them you can even write them down.
Once you have written the fear though down, you can turn it around to a positive affirmation and tap it in with EFT. You can say, "even though I have this fear (name the fear), I deeply love and accept myself and I fully appreciate that it is only trying to help me."
Then do an affirmation for what you really want, which is typically the positive present tense opposite of the fear, or whatever positive outcome you would desire instead of the fear.
Avoid denying the fear. You always want to acknowledge the fear. That is the real beauty of EFT, it always acknowledges the truth and helps you get out of the denial trap that so many of us fall into.
EFT helps you understand that your fear thought is there to protect you. That is what fear really is for, to protect us.
It is important to recognize that no matter where you are in life, no matter what you contributed to creating, no matter what is happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that you have until you can find a better way to handle the situation.

Be Patient With Your Affirmations

A critical truth that is helpful to remember when doing this work is that your persistent and consistent thoughts will eventually become your reality so be careful to only focus on positive thoughts.
So many people do EFT affirmations for a few days, they say it doesn't work and they stop. Remember, everything happens in a perfect time space sequence. You want to trust that and we want to know that.
Fortunately, EFT seems to rapidly accelerate not only the time at which your goal is realized, but the likelihood for your success. From my experience it is one of the most profoundly effective ways to maximize the success of your affirmations.

Be Present With Your Affirmations

Be sure to always remember to say your positive statements in the present tense. Your subconscious mind is very literal and if you ask it to do something in the future, you may fail to achieve your for many long years.
So many of us commonly default to this by force of habit. It takes quite a bit of conscious effort to avoid this non-intentional self-defeating trap. So always avoid saying I will have or I am going to have, which is in the future tense.
Always say your affirmation in the present tense, otherwise you run the serious risk delay your obtaining what you want and you may never get it.

Importance of Using Self-Affirmation Principle

When I first started doing the EFT work, I immediately modified the affirmation response and tried substituting phrases like I chose to remain calm and relaxed, and a variety of other ones that I thought might be better.
However, the more I studied this issue, the more I realized that self-love is at the core of the problem with most of our issues.

Everyone Knows What the Golden Rule is

To do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
It is very hard to love your neighbor if you don't love yourself.
Now when I talk about loving yourself I'm not talking about vanity or arrogance but talking about really respecting and cherishing the incredible miracle that you really are.
You cannot harm yourself, or you cannot harm another person if you love yourself. Unconditional acceptance is one of the major goals that we are here for and that begins with self-acceptance and self-love.
The number one thing we can do to help us love ourselves, especially if we are going to lose weight is stop ALL criticism. We need to stop criticizing ourselves now and forever, never again if we are going to make forward progress. We need to vow to ourselves to never criticize ourselves ever again.
Most of us have been criticizing ourselves and beating ourselves up for years. We are not going to make much forward progress if we persist in this pattern.
When we criticize ourselves we contribute to negative changes and when we approve of ourselves we facilitate positive changes. Our thoughts create and contribute to all of our experiences in life, especially related to health issues.
You have complete control over our thoughts, not of your emotions. Choose the thoughts that are nurturous and supportive for you. Criticizing yourself never changes a thing. So please refuse to criticize yourself.
You need to accept ourselves exactly the way you are. If you don't love yourself when you are ten, twenty, fifty or over 100 pounds overweight, it will be highly unlikely that you will love yourself at your "ideal" weight. Self-acceptance is the critical key here.
You can use the EFT affirmations to help you address the central core that seems to be at the key to most people's health problems, which is loving yourself and a peaceful transformation of your self-criticism.
Everyone has made negative choices in the past, we all have. The good news is that we all have a choice. You can always choose to let go of the old pattern. You can choose different and more supportive and nourishing thoughts. Letting go of your old negative pattern with love, allows you to move into the new pattern with ease.
Please always avoid punishing yourself and beating yourself up.


This is one of the key to being successful with EFT and forgiving others is every bit as important as forgiving ourselves. Not forgiving them does not harm them in the slightest bit, but it plays havoc with us. Because the issues are not theirs, they are ours.
People who have problems loving themselves always seem to have problems learning to forgive others. Non-forgiveness shuts that door. But when you forgive and when you let go, not only does a huge weight drop off from you and the doorway to your own self-love opens up.
When you won't forgive, when you won't let go what you are really doing is binding yourself to the past and when you are stuck in the past you cannot live in present time. And if you cannot live in present time, how are you going to create a healthy and exciting future?
And that is the absolutely wonderful and powerful feature of EFT is that it allows you to effectively forgive someone. I have EFT for hundreds of people to help them forgive at the deep subconscious level.
Not just in your head, but in your heart, where it really counts.

Your Language

I certainly have noticed this with many people I have worked with. It all starts with our self-talk. Our self-talk or the way we talk to ourselves becomes important because it becomes the basis of our spoken word.
It sets up the mental atmosphere that we operate in. This will attract to us experiences. You see your subconscious is really an electromagnetic transmitter and receiver. It broadcasts emotions in space and whatever we broadcast we tend to receive from our environment.
You see much of your power is in your words. The thoughts you think and the words you say are constantly creating your future. Your beliefs shape your life. The things you say are extension of your thoughts. This is why it is so important to never, ever berate yourself.
Always tell yourself you are doing the best you can.
If all you do is tell yourself you are fat and ugly and you hate yourself this way, then you stay stuck. You need loving support and then you can make changes. You need to constantly forgive yourself for not being perfect.
Too many of us think we have to be bad or wrong before we can be changed but we really don't have to do that. When you come from love and acceptance the changes can become much easier. You make a change because you want to improve the quality of our life, not because you are a bad person that wants to become better.
And when you know more you will do things differently, so never, ever berate yourself for where you were.
Just tap in "I'm doing the best I can, I'm doing the best I can."
Remember, you need to constantly forgive yourself for not being perfect.

Do EFT About Ten Times Per Day

This will allow you to obtain maximum benefit from the technique.
It will also be enormously helpful if you can do this in front of a mirror paying careful attention to looking into your eyes. Your energy will be reflected off the mirror and add a profound synergism to the EFT tapping.
When in public, you only need to use one hand and can lightly touch each point and hold it there for five seconds while "tuning into the problem" and repeating the affirmation. This way no one will realize what you are doing.

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