Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Freedom from the EGO

Independence Means Freedom From the EGO

We all speak of abundance.  We want money, prosperity, love, expansion and all the good things in life.  Unfortunately too often we allow our ego mind to make the choices that create our reality.  When the ego drives our decisions we exclude the very good we say we want from our life.   The ego is good for managing details of the human experience.  Everything that has a beginning, middle and end.   Doing your taxes.  Grocery Shopping.  Organizing your closet.    Expansion and abundance require you use higher consciousness to guide and feed you.  You must aspire to and tap into the vibrations of the unlimited world of higher consciousness.  You can never create an expanded situation using a limited consciousness.  It's a mathematical impossibility.  The ego will always tell us there is not enough.  It will tell us why we don't measure up, and that someone else always gets something wonderful that should have been ours.   In truth, there is not a limited supply of any vibration to go around.  It is the ego's perspective that tells us there are limitations and that we are limited.   When we learn how to deepen our relationship with higher consciousness, we begin to experience synchronicity in events and experiences.  Life begins to unfold in a manner that feels effortless and consistent.  We don't have to focus on what we want or need to make us happy.  It just arrives.  
 This 4th of July let it begin your freedom from the tyranny of your ego based thoughts.  Give yourself to a perspective of unlimited possibility.  As if you were higher consciousness.   In truth you are higher consciousness.  Its in your DNA.   When you begin to acknowledge the most powerful part of your nature, you will see abundance and expansion in your life everywhere. 

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