Thursday, November 22, 2012


The first level is the Beige level of existence. The Beige level of consciousness
is concerned with instinctual drives of survival of the species and immediate
gratification of the very basic needs of food, water, safety, and sex. This level is
sensory-driven and has no concept of individuated self, no temporal concept
beyond immediate needs, nor spatial concept beyond the occupied space.
Individuals can decreasingly still be found existing primarily at this level in
remote areas, living off the land in loose, small bands with no leadership. It is
also expressed as the primary level of operation in newborn infants, late stage
Alzheimer’s patients, and after extreme trauma and shock (Graves, 2002; Graves,
2005; Beck, 2006). Managing survival is completely integrated into the genetic
code and social operations for most individuals today. Survival is rarely an issue
and if so, then usually for only brief amounts of time. However, when survival
is again an issue, this level rises to the forefront as during extreme events like
the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Since the
Beige level is inherent and fully integrated in 99.9 percent of all humans, it is not
separately evaluated in the Values Test (Ooten, Unpublished).
As additional energy becomes available to humans, observation of cause
and effect emerges, and when competition and threats endanger satisfactory
survival, the Beige level shifts to the next level. At this point, new neurological
connections create an awareness of a distinct self as well as awareness that group
efforts are needed to ensure continued existence (Beck, 2006).

The Purple level is magical and animistic, and the core motivations are about
keeping the spirits happy, the tribe safe, and ensuring continued gratification
of basic needs. In this stage, the core belief is that the world is mysterious and
frightening, and in order to survive, the tribe must band together to placate or
appease the gods, spirits, deities, and authorities. The needs of the individual are
subsumed in the group. In an animistic worldview, everything has meaning and
is living, including the rocks, trees, and earth (Graves, 2005; Beck, 2006). This
level is highly motivated by assurance of safety and survival, which is achieved
through traditionalism and adherence to the tribal order (Graves, 1974).
If and when the rituals, taboos, and tribal order become too constrictive or do
not assure survival, some individuals will evolve to the next level, which focuses
on expression of self for self-gratification (Ooten, Unpublished).
The Red level of consciousness is impulsive and egocentric. The core
motivation is about doing what you want and being who you are, regardless
of the consequences (Ooten, Unpublished). Neurotransmitters related to guilt
are not physiologically present in individuals at this level, thus guilt is not
expressed (Graves, 2005). The world is seen as rough and harsh; the mentality
is about fighting to survive. At this level of consciousness, the needs of the
individual outweigh the needs of the group. The individual expresses himself
in an egocentric, exploitive, impulsive, control-driven manner. There are two
categories of individuals at this level: the victim and the perpetrator, or a few
“haves” and many “have nots” (Beck, 2006). Hedonism, immediate sensory
gratification, power impulses and displays, and spontaneous guilt-free actions
drive the individual. Individuals at this level are most motivated by survival
fears, using any means of exploitation to attain power (Graves, 1974). When
individuals begin to question why they must die and impulsive living takes its
toll, some people will shift into the next wave of development (Graves, 1974).
From the chaotic and usually short-lived lifestyle of the Red level, arises the Blue
level of consciousness, wherein the individual becomes concerned with the world
being divine, controlled and purposeful. There is obedience to authority and, for
the first time in the developmental stages of humanity, the sense of guilt becomes
present, thereby creating a desire at this level to do right, to do good, and to
sacrifice now in order to obtain rewards in the afterlife (Ooten, Unpublished).
At this level of consciousness, individuals are likely to find purpose in causes
and to dedicate themselves to crusades or jihad. Fundamentalism predominates
(Graves, 2002; Beck, 2006). “At this level man accepts his position in life.
Inequality is a fact of life. He believes that the task of living is to strive for
perfection in his assigned role—absolute perfection, regardless of how high or
low his assigned station” (Graves, 2005, p. 254). Individuals operating at this
level seek security of salvation through sacrifice. Tired of sacrificing for future
gains, the Orange level arises, seeking immediate rewards (Graves, 1974).

The ego becomes fully individuated at the Orange level of consciousness in a
world view where independence, logic, competition, success, optimism and
progress are highly valued (Ooten, Unpublished). Orange level thinking
rationalizes the means to reach the ends. The scientific method is highly valued,
yet learning is often through self-experimentation and observing what has 
worked for select others. Authority, however, is not highly respected. At this level,
individuals are capable of seeing many ways to solve a problem; yet, they also
believe there is always one best way. They are highly self-motivated and often
shrewdly, subtly and strategically manipulate others to reach their goals (Graves,
2002). Paradoxically, individuals at the Orange level see themselves as highly
objective, yet the ego is most subjective at this stage (Ooten, Unpublished).
This level of consciousness is instrumental in raising quality of life through
technological advances for the entire world and is also responsible for heavy
depletion of natural resources (Graves, 2005; Beck, 2006). From the Orange
level, people are motivated by independence and use scientism to achieve
materialism (Graves, 1974).
From recognizing the intense pain that arises from ego individuation,
independence and competition in the Orange level of thinking, the individual
may realize that he or she has separated from fellow humans (Ooten,
Unpublished). A need to connect and join in community with others develops
in the transition into the Green level of consciousness where the valued group,
inner peace and unity are valued over materialism. Thinking at the Green level is
more expanded and open to more solutions than previous levels. Individuals at
this level turn their attention to their fellow man and creating equality of rights,
opportunities and resources (Graves, 2005). Yet paradoxically, this level becomes
lost in self-contemplation and uses massive resources with little production.
Acceptance and harmony within the valued group are key to the individual
at this stage. Feelings and spirituality become more important than rational
thought and materialism (Graves, 2005). This level of consciousness is highly
idealistic and believes that all humans are equal and, as such, equal opportunity
will allow all individuals to flourish. There is discrepancy when both freedom
of expression and adherence to the group are equally valued. Consensus rules
while change and action occur slowly in an attempt to maintain group harmony,
consider all options, and maintain the status quo. This level also naively believes
that all humans are loving, good, and can learn to appreciate one another
(Graves, 2005; Beck, 2006). Individuals are motivated by affiliation and use
sociocentricity to achieve a sense of community (Graves, 1974).
The transition from the First Tier of Consciousness to the Yellow level of the 
Second Tier is a “momentous leap” according to Clare Graves (1974, 2005), when 
the individual realizes that equally distributing resources among all people and 
expecting that all humans are equally good and loving creates more problems 
than it solves. This leap may occur when life conditions change to seriously 
threaten survival, and the individual/species has to relearn survival (Graves,2002).
There are currently a small number of individuals who operate from the
Second Tier of existence, but the species as a whole has not yet evolved to this
level (Ooten, 2010).
Adherence to the favored group in the Green level is transformed into acceptance
of all people for who they are, where they are in the Second Tier. This acceptance
allows individuals at the Yellow level of consciousness to speak to the listening
of others, regardless of their level. Chaos is seen as part of the natural order
and imperative for change (Graves, 2005). These individuals are highly flexible
in their thinking and are able to see from a perspective that is larger than all
the levels of the First Tier combined (Graves, 2005). The reality of existence is
emphasized and interconnected with spirituality. The individual transcends
self-centered, instinctual and emotional drives to a way of being that expresses
self to the benefit of self and others (Ooten, Unpublished). Individuals at this
level live from the knowing of the interconnectivity of all of humanity, and that
what affects the individual, affects the whole. The focus becomes the continued
existence of all of life (not just humanity), using whatever means are appropriate
given place and time (Beck, 2006). Methods and thinking are fluid, adapting
to conditions. If democracy is appropriate, democracy is used. If consensus
is appropriate, consensus is used. Technology is highly utilized for self and all
of humanity to rapidly network and interconnect with others at all levels of
development, as well as to quickly produce solutions and resources for existential
problems. People at this level can also express a level of arrogance about their
broader perspectives and understandings (Graves, 2005; Beck, 2006). Individuals
at the Yellow level of consciousness are motivated by the continuation of
existence and use acceptance to ensure the continuation of life (Graves, 1974).

The Turquoise level arises when the interconnecting technology of the Yellow
level creates chaos and new global problems. In the Turquoise level, a sense of
order is understood within the chaos of the universe, and spirituality and physics
are combined for a deeper understanding of how the universe and multiverses
operate (Graves, 2005). The idea of the holon is embodied (that the microcosm
reflects the macrocosm and the macrocosm reflects the microcosm; or as above,
below and as below, above). The individual is seen as a part of the larger cosmos,
a conscious collective, which serves the whole and the one as the same, because
they are not separate (Ooten, Unpublished). In the understanding of that
Oneness, individuals at the Turquoise level are aware that all actions and nonactions
impact all beings, all planetary bodies, the entire cosmos (Graves, 2005;
Graves, 2002; Beck, 2006). Individuals at this level see the earth and all living
beings that inhabit the earth as one organism and understand that sacrifices
are necessary by all for life to continue. These individuals learn intuitively and
experientially, are deeply grounded in the metaphysical, and live minimalistically
to create more for all (Graves, 2005). With such a broad awareness, there may
be difficulty with creating direct and focused action. Paradox is embraced and
known as essential (Graves, 2005; Beck, 2006). Individuals who operate from
the Turquoise level value experience and through experiencing, they create
communion with all that is (Graves, 1974).
Enneagram Archetypes within Levels of Consciousness
Spiral Dynamics is a model that describes phylogenetics, the evolution of the
species. The Enneagram of Personality is a tool that details the fixated aspects
of the individual and describes ontogentics, the development of the individual
of the species. Pairing these two systems provides a map for the evolution of
individuals through levels of consciousness. Through properly comprehending
and applying these two systems, we can develop deep compassion and
understanding for our fellow human beings and can be more effective in all
endeavors (Ooten, Unpublished).

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