Thursday, November 22, 2012

When you see the news of the day and start to feel anxious

When you see the news of the day and start to feel anxious or afraid about the mortar bursts and whining bullets, let those bullets be a trigger to remember these 6 steps:
  1. Turn off the news.
  2. Remember that “bad news” has been spread since the dawn of human communication; yet we’re still here– still caring, still loving, still innovating, still believing we can be better. Bad news hurts in the moment and in its aftermath, but it does not stop us– the Earth and its people are strong, resilient, and forward moving.
  3. Remember that power is greater than force2Power is positive, boundless, and forward moving. Force is negative, fueled by fear, and loses it’s strength after a short burst.
  4. Recall the hope and faith of power-full people like MLK Jr.
  5. Connect with people– the warmth of human connection disarms hate and strengthens compassion.
  6. Turn off the news– if you missed step #1– because contrary to popular myth, watching the nightly news does not make for a well-rounded or accurately informed public.
Examples of power = the sun, Gandhi, the Olympics, tree roots breaking through a concrete sidewalk, the magnificent forest regrowth after a wildfire.

Examples of force = gun shots, terrorist activity, human attempts to concrete, corral, and scorch the Earth.

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